Worksheet For Week 9: Sketching Curves

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Worksheet Math 124 Week 9

Worksheet for Week 9: Sketching Curves

You might have wondered, why bother learning how to sketch curves using calculus if I
can just plug the equation into a computer and see the graph? But it could happen that you
don’t actually have a neat formula for the function you’re trying to graph. In this worksheet,
you’ll reconstruct a graph of a function given some data about it. There is no neat formula
for the function, but calculus will help you figure out what it looks like anyway!

At the end of the worksheet, there is a problem about maximizing a function on a closed
interval, for extra practice.

1. A scientist is watching a bug walk back and forth along a line. Suppose the line has a
coordinate x, and let p(t) be the continuous function giving the bug’s position on the
line at time t (in seconds).

The scientist observes the bug’s motions and records what she sees:

• At t = 0, the bug was located at x = −0.25.

• At t = 5, the bug passed through the point x = 0 for the first and only time.
• As t → ∞, the bug approaches x = 0. In other words, limt→∞ p(t) = 0.
• The derivative funtion p0 (t) — the velocity of the bug — is continuous. For a few
seconds at the beginning p0 (t) was negative, but then it crossed 0 to become positive
at t = 3.3. It crossed 0 to become negative again at t = 6.7, and remained negative
• Also, p0 (t) had its maximum value at t = 5, and its most negative value at t = 2.2
and t = 7.8.
• The bug always stayed within 5 units of x = 0.

In this problem, you’ll figure out how to sketch a graph of the bug’s movements on
the interval [0, ∞), even though you don’t know the formula for p(t)! For now, use the
information above to answer the following questions. (After you answer them all, you’ll
get to make the sketch.)
(a) Where will the graph of p(t) intersect the t and x axes?

Solution: Since p(t) is a function, it only intercepts the vertical x-axis once,
at (t, x) = (0, −0.25). The graph crosses the horizontal t-axis when p(t) = 0,
which only happens once, at (t, x) = (5, 0).
Worksheet Math 124 Week 9

(b) Does the graph of p(t) have any asymptotes? If so, where are they?

Solution: There are no vertical asymptotes. There is a horizontal asymptote

at the t-axis: p(t) approaches 0 from above as t → ∞.

(c) Where is p(t) increasing and where is it decreasing?

Solution: The function p(t) is increasing when p0 (t) > 0, and is decreasing
when p0 (t) < 0. Using the given information above, we conclude that p(t) is
increasing on the interval (3.3, 6.7) and is decreasing on the intervals (0, 3.3)
and (6.7, ∞).

(d) What are the t-coordiates of the local minima and maxima?

Solution: Local mins and maxes can occur when p0 (t) = 0, which we know
happens at t = 3.3 and t = 6.7. At t = 3.3 the derivative p0 switches from
being negative to being positive, so we have a min there; at t = 6.7 the opposite
switch happens, so we have a max there.

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Worksheet Math 124 Week 9

(e) Using all the information above, and your answers to the questions, sketch a graph
of p(t) on the plane below.

(0, 0)

Your graph should look pretty similar to the one above, but it might be more
compressed. That is OK. The graph also needn’t be as symmetric as the one above,
as long as the bug always stays within [−5, 5].

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Worksheet Math 124 Week 9

2. Brooke is located 5 miles out at sea from a straight shoreline in her kayak. She wants to
make it to the taco truck on the beach for lunch, which is 6 miles from point A on shore
(see picture). Brooke can paddle 2 miles/hour and walk 4 miles/hour. If she paddles
along a straight line to shore, find an equation for the total time it will take Brooke
to get to lunch. Your equation will depend on where Brooke beaches the boat. Where
should she land the boat to eat as soon as possible?


5 miles ocean
Brooke’s path

6 miles beach

Solution: If x is the distance from point A to where Brooke beaches her boat, then
Brooke will kayak (x2 + 25)1/2 miles and walk 6 − x miles.
Then the formula for total time is
(x2 + 25)1/2 miles (6 − x) miles
T (x) = +
2 miles/hour 4 miles/hour
Here is a simplified version:
1 3 x
T (x) = (x2 + 25)1/2 + − hours.
2 2 4
To minimize this expression, differentiate it:
x 1
T 0 (x) = 2 1/2
− .
2(x + 25) 4
Now look for where T 0 (x) = 0. Simplifying
√ the expression and using that x ≥ 0,
we have that T (x) = 0 only at x = 5/ 3. Now check that x-value and also the
endpoints of the interval [0, 6]:
T (0) = 4

T (5/ 3) ≈ 3.665
T (6) ≈ 3.905

So if Brooke wants to eat as soon as possible, she should beach the boat 5/ 3 miles
from point A.

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