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An Economical and Reliable Option
Howard Levine CSI, CDT

ot dip galvanizing has
(Above) been protecting steel from
Manchester, NH
airport parking garage corrosion for centuries.
(Engineer: Galvanizers understand
Hybrid Parking
Solutions) the problems and have
developed creative solutions. The problems of
the parking industry are severe, but solutions
achieved in other industries have enabled galva-
nizers to meet the challenge.

April 2001 / Modern Steel Construction

and steel. By forming a metallurgi-
cal bond between the coating and
the underlying steel, hot dip
galvanizing provides cathodic
protection as well as barrier
Furthermore, since the hot dip
galvanizing process calls for the
steel to be immersed into a bath of
molten zinc and other earthly met-
als, it is being protected on 100% of
its surface. This protection is criti-
cal and unavailable in other types
of corrosion protection. By design,
the steel in most parking structures
will be exposed, and in many cases,
directly exposed to the weather. It
really serves no useful purpose to
have a wonderful design, fabri-
cated perfectly, with “rust bleed”
staining the steel or adjacent mate-
rial. This discoloration or “rust
stain” will lead to a perception of
inferior workmanship and lack of
maintenance on the part of the
public. As much attention must be
paid to this particular issue as to
The corrosion problems facing from coming into contact with the the proper fabrication techniques.
the architectural and engineering contaminant. How well it does its Since many garage components are
community in the parking struc- job totally depends upon the three tubular, it is important to specify a
ture industry are monumental. “legs” of the coating triangle: sur- corrosion protection system that
With the cutbacks in client operat- face preparation, application and will not only protect the steel on
ing expenses and the tightening of material. If the steel has not been the outside but on the inside as
maintenance budgets, it is essential prepared properly or if the applica- well.
to take whatever actions necessary tion is done in less than ideal
to control the escalating spiral of conditions, the coating will fail and AESTHETIC CONSIDERATIONS
maintenance. All involved would corrosion will result. Paint is one In addition to providing corro-
like to reduce and keep under con- example of the barrier method. sion protection, hot dip
trol this massive cost. According to Cathodic protection is a process galvanizing’s pleasing gray color
Alan Simon of Hybrid Parking whereby the metal is protected meets many visual requirements as
Solutions of Watertown, MA “Hot from corrosion by changing an ele- well. Typically, galvanized steel
dip galvanizing is an option often ment of the corrosion circuit, will oxidize to a uniform patina.
preferred where no maintenance is introducing a new corrosion ele- However, when the need for color
desired. The longevity and self- ment and ensuring that the base is required for safety reasons or the
healing aspect of galvanizing is metal becomes the cathodic ele- design calls for a particular color
attractive.” ment of the circuit. A form of scheme, galvanized steel can be
cathodic protection is called the successfully painted. By following
THE GALVANIZING PROCESS sacrificial anode method. In this an established formula of prepar-
There is an inherent difference system, a metal anodic to the metal ing the galvanized steel, applying
between hot dip galvanizing and to be protected is introduced into the primer within the appropriate
other protective coating systems. the corrosion circuit and becomes conditions and time frame and
Basically, steel is protected from the anode. The protected metal other proven techniques, galvaniz-
corrosion through either barrier or then becomes the cathode and will ers can add the beauty and
cathodic methods. Barrier protec- not corrode. In virtually all elec- additional longevity of a high per-
tion occurs when the protective trolytic reactions encountered in formance paint system over
mechanism acts to prevent the steel everyday use, zinc is anodic to iron galvanizing.

Modern Steel Construction / April 2001

E.D.I.C. parking garage.
(Engineer: Engineers
Design Group)

COST CONSIDERATIONS blasted to a Society for Protective future costs of repainting as part of
Many Public Agencies and pri- Coatings (SSPC) Specification of at the total corrosion protection costs.
vate developers are now least SP 10. According to a bi- Maintenance painting consumes
mandating that the selection of annual coating economics survey a significant and escalating portion
material be reviewed not only for published by the National of operating and maintenance
initial cost but on a life-cycle basis Association of Corrosion Engineers budgets. As more focus is placed
as well. Tom Arthur, President of (NACE -1996), the estimated cost on controlling maintenance costs, a
Engineers Design Group, for shop application of this paint reliable, low-maintenance corro-
Cambridge, MA, says “Many of system ranges from $443 -$559 per sion protection system can be
our clients, particularly in the pub- ton. estimated by using commonly
lic sector, have been able to raise Based on a moderate exposure accepted economic formulas.
funds for new construction but to corrosive elements in the atmos-
have no budget for maintenance phere, the galvanized system will Howard Levine CSI, CDT, is Senior
and repair. Hot dip galvanizing have a projected life (to 5% surface Vice-President for Marketing at
allows us to provide a good look- rust) in excess of 40 years. The Duncan Galvanizing in Everett, MA.
ing structure which will require paint system, based on the same
virtually no upkeep over its NACE report, will require repaint-
extended life”. ing in approximately 11 years.
Looking at the two primary cor- Therefore, when designing a struc-
rosion protection systems, ture with an anticipated life of 40
galvanizing and paint, it i been years, it is necessary to include

April 2001 / Modern Steel Construction

East Cambridge garage
(Engineer: Hybrid Park-
ing Solutions)

Some of the advantages of hot dip galvanizing in parking structures are:

• Life expectancy. The life tem. Since no recoat will be system available that protects the
expectancy of hot dip galvanized required, the problem of “mixed steel on the inside as well as the
coatings is a proven, measurable systems” for maintenance doesn’t outside. This is especially impor-
factor. As zinc protects steel by occur. Maintenance of records for tant in the case of tubular
sacrificing itself, the life of the prior coatings is simple—it was materials, which cannot be main-
coating can be accurately pre- galvanized. tained on the interior. Left
dicted by dividing the existing untreated, the corrosion can rap-
• Assurance of adherence &
coating thickness by the average idly spread from the interior of
quality. The coating adherence
coating loss per year. The the tube to the outside ultimately
and quality are simple to inspect
longevity calculations are based resulting in a structural failure of
and verify. If the base steel isn’t
on empirical data, not theoretical. the component. By coming in
properly cleaned and prepared, it
The result is the life to first rust contact with moisture, the
will not coat. Hot dip galvanizing
(not failure). In most cases, the untreated steel will “bleed” onto
is the only corrosion protection
calculated life of most areas the ground, concrete or other
system that guarantees that the
exceeds 40 years. appurtenance. However, occur-
steel is perfectly clean before
ring long before a loss of
• Widely used. Hot dip galva- application of the coating. There
structural integrity will be an aes-
nizing has been extensively used cannot be a metallurgical bond
thetic failure. On schedule.
in the industry. Sign supports, between the steel and zinc unless
Galvanizing is a factory process
landscape components, highway the steel is 100% contaminant
not dependent on weather or
architecture, noise barriers and free. Once coated, it will adhere.
other external conditions. This
many other items are currently Simple magnetic gauges that are
allows fabricators and contractors
specified to be galvanized. readily available measure thick-
the ability to accurately schedule
• Easy maintenance. When gal- site deliveries and erection times
vanized, the galvanizer has sole • Inside & outside protection. in addition to eliminating delays.
responsibility for the coating sys- Hot dip galvanizing is the only

Modern Steel Construction / April 2001

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