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New Distribution Capability (NDC)

New Distribution Capability (NDC) is a program launched by IATA with

widespread travel industry support aimed at the development and
implementation of a new standard for transmitting XML data, thus
improving communications capacity amongst airlines, travel agencies, and
other bodies.

The NDC standard is open for use by third parties such as intermediaries, IT system providers and other organizations.
Both Iberia and Iberia Express have received IATA certification that both airlines have developed a direct New
Distribution Capability (NDC) connection interface meeting its standards.

Travel Agencies have the following support number at their disposal for reservations made exclusively through NDC:
Travel Agencies: (+34) 91-5065337

Please dont hesitate to contact your Iberia account manager or visit if you have further

What can be done with NDC?...

How can I access your NDC content?...
How do I retain control of the PNR if
Iberia is issuing the ticket?...
How will servicing work?...
Are travel agencies going to be charged
for using NDC?...
Which distribution channels can currently
be used to book IB using NDC
standards? In other words, what are the
current NDC enabled systems?...
Which APIs have you implemented?...

What can be done with NDC?

NDC will facilitate searches for flights, air ticket sales, and payment for seats and luggage. Iberia and Iberia Express
will gradually expand the range of products and services offered via the NDC.

How can I access your NDC content?

Our NDC content is available for all channels. As an agent you can access the content through one of the following
Direct Connection with the Iberia Shop and Order APIs- linking your selling system directly with the IB API, or connect
with the Iberia Shop and Order APIs via an NDC Aggregator/Service Provider. Please go to
for more information and to register.

How do I retain control of the PNR if Iberia is issuing the ticket?

Today, Iberia tickets issued by travel agents are issued in the GDS. Travel agents have access to service these tickets.
The customer can also self-service through Manage My Booking.
With an NDC booking, we will issue the ticket but the levels of access will remain unchanged. Travel agents will still be
able to access their bookings. Your level of access wont change but the method of access might

How will servicing work?

We want to make sure you have the ability to cancel, refund and change bookings in an efficient way. Thats why we
are releasing as much servicing capability as possible through our API and this will improve over time to cover all of
your business needs.
We have interim process to handle servicing through and through a dedicated specialist call center team
whilst we get this ready for you in the APIs.
We know we arent quite there yet, but we plan to make NDC servicing as seamless as possible in the future.

Are travel agencies going to be charged for using NDC?

No, this is a service that we are offering to all our customers free of charge.

Which distribution channels can currently be used to book IB using NDC standards? In other
words, what are the current NDC enabled systems?

IBs NDC Services are available directly via API and through NDC Service Providers, of which the first is Travelfusion.
Major GDSs, other NDC Service Providers and other new technology partners may test IBs NDC APIs. Any agents
who are interested can talk to their existing IB account manager or visit

Which APIs have you implemented?

The Iberia Shop and Order APIs currently include:

1. AirShopping - allows users to search for flight options, prices and product attributes.
2. FlightPrice -validates fare rules and allowance along with upsell and payment options.
3. SeatAvailability - returns a priced seat map with available seats and characteristics.
4. BaggageList-displays baggage ancillary services available for purchase
5. OrderCreate - creates the booking, processes payments, books any requested ancillaries and issues
e-tickets & EMDs (if applicable).
6. AirDocissue-to pay for and issue documents for a previously created Order.
7. OrderRetrieve - allows users to retrieve and view details of existing bookings.
8. OrderChange - allows users to modify Orders.
9. ItinReshop calculates the amount due or refundable to change or cancel an Order.
10. OrderCancel allows users to cancel the Order, and refund any applicable amounts.

The Shop and Order APIs have been designed to support the end-to-end booking process, with current capability and
upcoming developments ongoing.
We are aiming to develop further API capability which will enable users to retrieve and view a booking, make and
communicate changes to customers and purchase further flight ancillaries.



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