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Running head: Aspects of Global Warming 1

Aspects of Global Warming

M. Shehroz Hiraj
Aspects of Global Warming 2

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2

Aspects of Global Warming............................................................................................................2

Aspects of Global Warming 3

Aspects of Global Warming

Incessant and relentless exploitation of resources, especially the burning of hydrocarbons,

continues to fuel the greenhouse effect in the planet’s atmosphere leading to an increase in the

earth’s temperature. Global warming paints a bleak picture of a sustainable future owing to its

devastating aspects as it poses fundamental threats to the weather, human life and various other

species that dwell on earth.

Global warming has been meddling, at an ever increasing rate, with weather patterns. As

the earth becomes consistently warmer, it’s ice cover i.e. polar ice, glaciers and surface ice on

other water bodies continues to melt alarmingly and thus, raise the sea level (Macmillan, 2016).

This results in exposure of darker ocean waters to the sun which leads to a higher heat

absorption. The oceans thus get hotter, expand and become more acidic. Consequent to these is

the extreme weather leading to frequent heatwaves, storms, floods and hurricanes; droughts and

wildfires in more arid parts of the globe are also being witnessed (Macmillan, 2016). Therefore,

an increasingly uncertain climate pattern is attributed to global warming.

These altering weather patterns, in turn, have adversely affected the human life.

Agriculture is intertwined with the climate patterns and any changes with the latter tend to

endanger food security. Keeping up with shifting weather patterns and inconsitent water supplies

has been challenging for the farmers globally. Coupled with higher threat of weed or pest attack,

food insecurity is becoming increasingly evident and difficult to counter (MacMillan, 2016). In

addition, warmer and polluted atmosphere is leading to increased risk of respiratory diseases

(Introcaso, 2018). Frequent heatwaves tend to claim human life and a damage to the

infrastructure in the wake of increased flooding exacerbate the risks posed by global warming.
Aspects of Global Warming 4

In addition, global warming tilts the intricate balance of various ecosystems of many

other species on the planet. Foremost in the list are the animals in the Arctic such as the walruses

and polar bears who struggle for suvival as the polar ice melts (Mann, 2009); penguins are also

being affected. Aquatic life is not an exception as warmer oceans endanger coral and shellfish as

these species are highly sensitive to changes in ocean temperatures. Higher temperatures bleach

the corals of their vibrant colors as the algae that nourishes the corals doesn’t survive higher

temperature (Mann, 2009). Coral reefs serve as home to many other species i.e. fishes and their

collapse disrupts the entire ecosystem. Furthermore, forests are also prone to global warming.

Frequent wildfires due to harsh summers wipe out habitats of numerous species and overthrow

ecosystems (Introcaso, 2018). Forest also tend to experience pest infestations as insects thrive

during longer summers (Macmillan, 2016). Prolonged droughts weaken the defense mechanisms

of plants.

In conclusion, global warming is a devastating phenomenon which poses existential

threat to every form of life on earth. The humanity especially the global leaders need to realize

the need of the hour i.e. sustainable future and adopt a conscious approach to minimize the

factors contributing to the global warming.

Aspects of Global Warming 5


Introcaso, D. (2018, December 19). Climate Change Is The Greatest Threat To Human Health In

History. Retrieved from

Macmillan, A. A. (2016, March 11). Global Warming 101. Retrieved from



Retrieved from

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