Source Rocks From Seismic Part1

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Source Rocks from Seismic (SRfS) Part I -

L. Wensaas* (Statoil ASA), M. Gading (Statoil ASA) & H. Løseth (Statoil

Our ability to identify a source rock in the subsurface and quantify its parameters has a significant impact
on prospect risking and petroleum play analyses. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate why
conventional seismic data can be used to risk source rock presence in petroleum system analyses.
We use rock physics relationships from well logs, which are constrained by core data measurements.
Established relationships between organic content and acoustic properties are used to model the expected
seismic responses at the top and base of source rock intervals. Rock property analyses and forward seismic
modeling of organic-rich shales demonstrate that they have characteristic acoustic properties that allow for
robust seismic interpretation. Our models suggest that source rock shale intervals can be identified and
characterized on conventionally processed seismic data if their total organic carbon (TOC) content is
larger than 3-4 wt.% and their thickness is more than 15-20 m.
This paper is the first of two companion papers on Source Rock from Seismic (SRfS). Here, we discuss
the fundamentals of SRfS; in the companion paper (Gading et al., 2012) we present applications of our
SRfS methodology.

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012

Our ability to identify a source rock in the subsurface and quantify its parameters has a significant
impact on prospect risking and petroleum play analyses. Traditionally, the risking is based on
geochemical analyses of hydrocarbons or source rock samples. The purpose of this paper is to
demonstrate why conventional seismic data can be used to risk source rock presence in petroleum
system analyses. We present results from a multi-disciplinary research group with backgrounds in
geology, petrology, geophysics, geochemistry and petrophysics that has studied relationships between
organic content, rock properties and seismic responses in shales and mudstones.

To understand the geophysical responses of source rock shales, we use rock physics relationships
from well logs, which are constrained by core data measurements. Established relationships between
organic content and acoustic properties; P-wave impedance (AI), which is the product of
compressional velocity (Vp) and bulk density (Rhob), and Poisson’s Ratio (PR), are used to model the
expected seismic responses at the top and base of source rock intervals (Wensaas et al., 2011). The
seismic responses at the top and base of source rock intervals will also depend upon factors such as
layer thickness, velocity anisotropy and vertical variations in organic content (organic profiles). Rock
property analyses and forward seismic modeling of organic-rich shales demonstrate that they have
characteristic acoustic properties that allow for robust seismic interpretation. Our models suggest that
source rock shale intervals can be identified on conventionally processed seismic data if their total
organic carbon (TOC) content is larger than 3-4 wt.% and their thickness is more than 15-20 m.

A Source Rock from Seismic (SRfS) methodology (Løseth et. al., 2011) has been established, which
represents a new way of identifying, characterizing and mapping source rocks based on seismic data.
Presence, thickness and spatial distribution of source rock candidates can be mapped in frontier basins
with only limited seismic data. In mature exploration areas, with better seismic coverage and
comprehensive well calibrations, the quality of the source rock can also be evaluated. Source rock
properties derived from seismic data can be applied directly in basin modelling and hydrocarbon
generation modelling (Gading et al., 2011). The SRfS methodology has been used worldwide with
great success over a number of years. This paper is the first of two companion papers on SRfS. Here,
we discuss the fundamentals of SRfS; in the companion paper (Gading et al., 2012) we present
applications of our SRfS methodology.

Influence of organic matter on rock properties

It is well known from laboratory measurements of shales and mudstones that bulk density (Rhob) and
ultrasonic compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) velocities decrease with increasing organic contents
(e.g., Sondergeld et al., 2000). Differences between velocities measured perpendicular and parallel to
bedding (velocity anisotropy) also increase with organic richness (Vernik and Liu, 1997). Wireline
logs combined with sample measurements are regularly used to assess the presence of organic-rich
intervals from well data. Few studies however, have verified to what extent the relationships between
organic content and acoustic-elastic rock properties determined in an exploration well can be observed
on seismic data.

In our study the relationship between organic content and rock properties of shale source rocks has
been studied in fully cored scientific boreholes and in numerous exploration wells. The borehole
datasets include a fully cored section of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation in Dorset,
UK (Figure 1) with conventional wire line logs and a very extensive analytical programme on core
samples. Such datasets are very suitable for establishing relationships between total organic carbon
(TOC) content and acoustic properties.

The results show that bulk density (Rhob) is linearly reduced, while the compression velocity (Vp) is
non-linearly reduced with increasing organic content (Figure 1). As a consequence, acoustic
impedance (AI) is reduced non-linearly with increasing richness (Figure 2). Acoustic impedance is

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012
very sensitive to even small increases in organic richness and is clearly lower than the surrounding
leaner shales at all depths (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Cross plot of wireline logs from Kimmeridge Clay Formation in the onshore Metherhills
Borehole (Dorset, UK). Bulk density (Rhob) versus measured total organic carbon (TOC) content (left
display) and compressional velocity (Vp) versus TOC-content (right display). Colour code is Gamma
Ray (GR). Data from the Rapid Global Geological Events Project (

= Hekkingen Formation
= Kimmeridge Clay Formation

Figure 2 Acoustic impedance (AI) versus measured TOC-content of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation
(Metherhill Borehole) and Hekkingen Formation (7 wells at depths between 1.7 and 2.5 km) (left
display). Impedance versus depth for 9 wells offshore Mid-Norway (right display). Colour code is
TOC-content. Spekk Formation source rocks have the lower impedance values.

Modelling of expected seismic response

Forward modelling of reflectivity (isotropic conditions) and amplitude versus offset (AVO) behaviour
suggests that top of source rock intervals on zero-phase data with normal polarity, is characterized by
a drop in impedance that produces a negative reflection coefficient or a ‘soft’ response. This negative
normal incident reflection decreases from near to far offset, i.e., is a class 4 AVO response (Figure 3)
which has proven to be a very robust criteria for source rock identification on seismic data. The base
of the source rock interval is characterized by an increase in impedance and dimming of positive
amplitude with offset.

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012
Impedance decreases (non-linearly) with organic richness. Hence, the top source rock amplitude
increases with organic richness. Organic-rich shales have strong intrinsic velocity anisotropy on all
scales. Hence, velocity anisotropy also increases with organic richness. Modeling with anisotropy
suggests increasing amplitude and stronger dimming with offset for increasing organic content
(Figure 3).

Isotropic PP AVO Response AVO X-PLOT Anisotropic PP AVO Response

0,1 0.05
Well A
Well A 0.15 TOC=0
Well B
PP Reflection Coefficient

PP Reflection Coefficient
0,05 Well B 0
Well C TOC=4
Well C 0.1

AVO B parameter
Well D TOC=8
Well D
0 0.05
Well E -0.05 TOC=12
Well E
Well F
Well F TOC=16
-0,05 0 -0.1

-0,1 -0.15
-0,15 -0.2

-0,2 -0.2 -0.25

0 10 20 30 40 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Incidence Angle (degrees) AVO A Parameter Incidence Angle (degrees)

Figure 3 Modelled top Spekk Formation source rock response from 6 wells offshore Mid-Norway.
Calculated isotropic PP reflection coefficient versus incident angle (left display). Cross plot of AVO
parameters A (intercept) and B (gradient) (middle display). Calculated anisotropic PP reflection
coefficient versus incident angle for varying organic richness and corresponding increasing
anisotropy (right display).

Seismic expressions of source rock shales

Seismic responses at the top and base of source rock intervals also depend upon factors such as layer
thickness (Figure 4) and vertical variations in richness (organic profiles – Figure 5).

5m 17 m 27 m 38 m 66.5 m

Top Source Rock -

Base Source Rock

Figure 4 Dimming of top and base source rock amplitudes for thickness less than 15-20m (modified
from Løseth et al., 2011).

TOC-content Impedance TOC-content Impedance

0 10 20 5000 7000 9000 11000 0 10 20 5000 7000 9000 11000
2500 2500 2200 2200

2525 2525
2225 2225

2550 2550
2250 2250
2575 2575

2275 2275
2600 2600

2625 2625 2300 2300

2650 2650
2325 2325

2675 2675
2350 2350
2700 2700

2375 2375
2725 2725

2750 2750 2400 2400

Figure 5 Variations in top and base source rock amplitude strength caused by differences in organic
profile (modified from Løseth et al., 2011).

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012

Acoustic impedance of source rock shales is very sensitive to small changes in organic content and
decreases non-linearly with increasing organic richness. The intrinsic anisotropy increases with
increasing organic richness.

Top of source rock intervals is characterized by a drop in impedance and a strong negative seismic
amplitude that dims with offset (AVO class 4 behaviour), which is a very robust criteria for source
rock identification and mapping.


We thank Knut Georg Røssland, former chief geologist in Statoil ASA, who initiated the research
project aimed to study organic-rich mudrocks on seismic data. We also thank Statoil ASA for
allowing us to publish the results of this internal research activity.


Gading, M., Løseth, H. and Wensaas, L. [2011] Integrating Well Data and
Seismic Data for Improved Quantification of Source Rock Parameters. 73rd
EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Extended Abstracts, E026.

Gading et al. [2012] Source Rock from Seismic (SRfS) Part II: Applications.
Companion paper 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.

Løseth, H., Wensaas, L., Gading, G., Duffaut, K. and Springer, M. [2011] Can
hydrocarbon source rocks be identified on seismic data? Geology, 39(12), 1167-

Sondergeld, C.H., Rai, C.S., Margesson, R.W and Widden, K. [2000] Ultrasonic
measurements and anisotropy in the Kimmeridge shale. SEG Expanded Abstracts
19, 1858-1861.

Vernik, L. and Liu, X. [1997] Velocity anisotropy in shales: A petrophysical

study. Geophysics, 62(2), 521-532.

Wensaas, L., Gading, M., Løseth, H and Springer, M. [2011] Source rock
prediction from seismic. Part I: Links between rock properties and seismic
attributes. AAPG 2011 Annual Convention & Exhibition, Abstract 978209.

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012

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