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The effects of Covid-19 pandemic were really evident especially in the education system

of our country. This brought new challenges to the teaching profession and education
sector. But despite the threat of infection and overwhelming changes, teachers
nationwide still perform their duties and made sacrifices for the love of teaching.

During this pandemic, it is really difficult to move forward. For teachers, you know
what to teach, but you do not know how to teach it. Aside from that, there are still
existing problems in adjusting from face-to-face classes to modular mode of
learning or online classes. There are issues in academic integrity, angry parents,
lack of equipment, job loss for some, and most especially, how quality of learning is
affected during this time. Despite the chaos, teachers are working hard to fill the
learning gaps and to address the social-emotional needs of their students. For this
reason, teachers undergo emotional stress and discomfort because of the too much
workload and responsibilities given to them. But as a teacher, I need to be strong
for my students. At the end of the day, I want to become a teacher that my
students still look up to. I want to inspire them and give them hope that despite
this adversity, there still a great future ahead of us.

That is why our government officials should look at all the evidence. I think it is the
time to listen to educators since they are the one who know more about what is
going on in the current mode of learning. We need to take a hard look of our
current education system situation and change how we invest in our children,
especially those who are in the underserved communities.

In times like this, it is really hard for everyone. But we need to encourage each
other and to look on the positive side. I just hope and pray that after this
pandemic, all the learnings will be turn into great solutions in order to rebuild a
stronger, more equitable public education system in our country.

What factors influenced my decision to become a teacher? For some it was an innate calling at
a young age. For others it was a deeply personal experience. But no matter the path, these
educators have profound reasons for choosing the teaching profession.

Education may not be my first career choice of, but I know that God has bigger plans for me. I already
endured a lot to reach where I am today. And I am grateful to those who helped me to reach this far.
God placed me here for a reason. And I want to give back to society, one child at a time.

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