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English Daily Test 1 Name :_________________

Genre : Hortatory exposition Class :_________________

Grade XI

I. Complete the missing words with the words provided in the box!
One of my friends in my class likes (1) . . . . . He never does that at school though. He seems to enjoy
that. He sometimes offers his friend some (2) . . . . . Once he told me that there was nothing wrong for
students to smoke.
I was very surprised with his statement then. Until now I am still curious to know why he could say that.
As we know smoking means (3) . . . . . more money. The question is: Can we make money? Of course the
answer will be not because as students we still (4) . . . . . our parents on many things. Besides, our main job
is studying.
Smoking means inviting (5) . . . . . There have been many reports and researches informing that
smoking can cause many diseases, (6) . . . . . .and(7) . . . . . . may be some of the dangers. They are very
serious and (8) . . . . . diseases. I think no body will say yes when we ask them whether they want to suffer
from those diseases.
I believe you will share my opinion that smoking gives nothing but (9) . . . . . . So as students we must
stay away from smoking and I think that is the best (10) . . . . . for us.

choice lung cancer depend heart attack smoking

cigarettes dangerous diseases lethal spending

I. Answer the questions based on the text below!

The government should be more serious

Sometimes when I pass some certain places in Jakarta, I often see piles of trash by the side of the
street or even by the river. This view is annoying. It makes our city look ugly and very dirty. If we walk near
the pile of trash, we could smell stinky odors coming from it.
Piles of trash bring the bacteria with them. Isn’t that very dangerous to our health if flies land on
our food?
However, many people live around this mountain-like heap of trash. Many children play nearby.
Also, a lot of women wash clothes and fruits and vegetables in the river which is contaminated by trash.
This is terrible. I think they don’t realize the danger, because they don’t have knowledge about healthy
In my opinion, the government must take a regulation that prohibits people to build houses near
the trash disposal (dump site). Also, here should be special officers, like police officers, who watch and
catch people who throw trash on the ground or into the rivers. Moreover, if a big fine doesn’t make
people stop dropping litter carelessly, the government should put them in jail as a punishment.
Finally, I think the efforts to keep our environment clean and tidy need hard work from both the
citizens and the government.

1. What is the writer’s intention about?

2. Where does the writer probably live?
3. What makes the city look ugly and dirty?
4. What is terrible according to the text?
5. What are the writer’s recommendations?

II. Find the generic structure of the text above!

Write the content of every paragraph briefly!
English Daily Test 1 Name :_________________
Genre : Hortatory exposition Class :_________________
Grade XI

I. Complete the missing words with the words provided in the box!
I am writing to (1) . . . . . . . . about ads on TV. There are so many ads, especially during our
favorite programs. I think they should be (2) . . . . . . . . . for a number of reasons.
First, (3) . . . . . . are a nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes
there seems to be more ads than (4) . . . . . . . .
Second, ads are a bad influence on people. They try to (5) . . . . . . . people to buy unhealthy food
like beer, soft drink, candy, and chips. And they make people wants things they do not really need and
cannot (6) . . . . . . . . .
Finally, ads play role in what programs people watch. That is because there are lots of ads in
(7) . . . . . . . . programs that a lot of people watch. Some programs which are not so popular get stopped
because they do not (8) . . . . . . . enough ads, even though those programs may be someone’s favorite.
For those (9) . . . . . . . , I think TV station should stop showing ads. They interrupt programs. They
are a (10) . . . . . . . influence on people, and sometimes put a stop to people’s favorite shows. I am sick of
ads, and now I mostly watch movie in cinema.

encourage popular programs afford stopped

ads complain reasons bad attract

II. Answer the questions based on the text below!

Damaged Roads
The number of damaged roads linking Jakarta with West Java has certainly provoked complaints
from locals and road users. Take for an example, the roads in Bekasi and Tangerang, which have been the
focus of the media.
The poor condition of these roads not only jeopardizes road safety, but also gives a squalid
impression. Moreover, the condition will get worse when it rains. The roads are transformed into water
pools or puddles, which can easily cause accidents if motorists are not careful.
No wonder if some people question why they are so many damaged roads and why repairs do not
seem to last long. The government should pay special attention to these problems.
In my opinion, the road should be repaired using the right sort of asphalt, stones and sand. Repairs
should be done carefully so that the roads can be prevented from constant damage. Otherwise, the
repairs would be useless.

1. What is the writer’s intention about?

2. What are the impacts of the poor road condition?
3. What happens to the road when it rains?
4. What are the materials needed to repair the damaged road?
5. What is the last writer’s recommendation?

III. Find the generic structure of the text above!

Write the content of every paragraph briefly!
English Daily Test 1 Name :_________________
Genre : Narrative Class :_________________
Grade XII

Text 1
The Shepherd’s Boy
There was once a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest.
It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought up a plan by which he could get a little company and some
excitements. He rushed down toward the village calling out, “Wolf! Wolf!”. Afterward the villagers came out to meet him
and some of them stayed with him for a considerable time.
This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterward he tried the same trick and the villagers came again to help.
But shortly after, a wolf actually did come out from the forest and began to worry the sheep. The boy cried out, “Wolf!
Wolf!” so much louder than before. But this time the villagers, who had been fooled twice before, thought the boy was
again deceiving them. Consequently, nobody came to help him.
So the wolf made a good meal of the boy’s flock and when the boy complained, the wise man of the village said: ”A
liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.”

1. Who was the Shepherd Boy?
2. Why did the Shepherd Boy become a liar?
3. What happened when the Shepherd Boy called out ”Wolf, Wolf,” but he was lying?
4. What did the Shepherd Boy feel when the wolf come out from the forest?
5. What did the villagers do when they heard the real of the Shepherd Boy’ crying out? Why?

Text 2
The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk
A mouse who always lived on the land, by anlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a frog, who lived,
for the most part in the water.
One day, the frog was intent on mischief. He tied the foot of the mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the
frog led his friend the mouse to the meadow where they usually searched for food. After this, he gradually led him toward
the pond in which he lived, until reaching the banks of the water, he suddenly jumped in, dragging the mouse with him.
The frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed. The unhappy mouse
was soon sputtered and drowned in the water, and his poor dead body floating about on the surface.
A hawk observed the floating mouse from the sky, and dove down and grabbed it with his talons, carrying it back to
his nest. The frog, being still fastened to the leg of the mouse, was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the hawk.

1. Where did the mouse and the frog live?
2. What did the frog do to the mouse?
3. How was the frog?
4. How did the mouse die?
5. How was the end of the frog’s life?

Text 3
Why do the Moon and the Sun never appear together?
Long, long ago, the Sun and the Moon lived happily together in the sky. They always appeared together during the
day and night.
One day, the Sun shone brightly so that it almost burned the Moon. The sunlight hurt the Moon’s eyes very much.
This made the Moon blind.
The Moon left the Sun although the Sun had apologized to the Moon.
The Sun loved the Moon very much, so he chased her. He chased and chased through the years and centuries but has
never caught the Moon.
That’s why the Sun shines during the day and at night the Moon appears. They will never reunite again.

From the text above, fill the following outline!

Tittle : Why do the Moon and the Sun never appear together?
Orientation : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(who/what/when/where) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Complication : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(what problem did the characters have)
Resolution :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(how was the problem solved)
Complication : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Resolution :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
English Daily Test 1 Name :_________________
Genre : Review Class :_________________
Grade XII

Text 1
“Ost. Of Brownies”
Bisa Saja was choosen as the first single of the album and theme song of Brownies, since the lyrics reflect the
story in the movie.
Budjana of GIGI, demonstrates his skills in playing acoustic guitar in Cinta Terakhir. Three other brand new
songs, Dilema, Jangan Bilang Pacarku, dan Semua Orang Berhak Mendapat Rasa Bahagia, give supporting nuances to
the flow of the movie. GIGI composed them by imagining how the scenes would look like based on the screenplay.
When Hanung Bramantyo (the director) and Dewa Budjana of GIGI chatted, Budjana expressed his interest in
making a soundtrack album. Then, he recommended a few GIGI songs, which the producer accepted because of the
chemistry they created with the movie.
Since GIGI could provide a variety of colors to add all kinds of musical nuances to enrich the movie, the
producer deemed it unnecessary to find other musicians to complete the Ost. of Brownies.
Armand Maulana (vocal), I Gede Dewa Budjana (guitar), Thomas Ramadhan (bass), and Gusti Erhandy (drums-
stand-in player for Budhy Haryono) put a lot of effort into this album. As a result, they’ve created a perfect blend of a
movie and songs that makes Brownies tastier.
It’s always fun to have a piece of brownies in your mouth. But having it on your stereo is more entertaining. No
movie is perfect without a musical score and Ost. of Brownies has proved it excellently.

1. Why is the song “Bisa Saja” chosen as the theme song?
2. Who is the director of “Brownies”?
3. What is the purpose of giving a soundtrack to the movie?
4. Why do the producer unnecessary to find other musicians to complete ost of Brownies?

Text 2
Bridge to Terabithia is a powerful novel by American author, Katherine Peterson. It was first published in 1977 and
has remained popular ever since. The novel is a real life fiction that explores friendship, love and grief telling the story of
Jess Aarons and his new neighbor, Leslie Burke.
The plot is this. Jess Aarons lives on farm with his large family. At school, he wants to be the fastest runner but is
beaten by Leslie Burke, a girl! Jess and Leslie become friends and play in a make-believe land on an island in a dry creek
bed that they call Terabithia. In Terabithia, Jess is a strong and courageous king. One day, however, a tragedy occurs and
Jess must overcome his grief and horror. Told in third person, Bridge to Terabithia is a well-placed story told in a
straightforward yet thought-provoking way.
Bridge to Terabithia is a very moving novel with believable characters and plot that keeps the readers’ interest. You
feel sympathy for Jess and can understand what he has to go through emotionally. Its message of the power of friendship
and the need to care about others and nature makes this a highly suitable book for teenage readers.

1. What is the recommendation of the text above?

From the text 1, fill the following outline!

Tittle : Original Soundtrack of Brownies
Interpretative : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Recount …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Evaluative :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Summation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
English Daily Test 1 Name :_________________
Short functional text Class :_________________
Grade XII

Text 1
To : Jennifer
From : Andrew
Subject : Mr. Pascal’s birthday
Date : April 8, 2014

As we know yesterday, tomorrow is our boss’ birthday. Please go tell all our colleagues to gather at his office before lunch
tomorrow to give him a little surprise. Linda would love to sing his favorite song. I’ll order all the food and drinks.

1. What is the memo about?

2. Who will arrange for the cake?
3. When did Mr. Pascal’s birthday?

Text 2
Subscribe to GadgetMagz
Read on any device
Free bonus gift
Only USD2 per 2 months
(just click the picture)

1. What is the text about?

2. How do we register?
3. Where would this advertisement likely be found?
4. How much should be paid if you want to subscribe one year?

Make your own (letter/ brochure/message/notice). Choose only one topic.

English Daily Test 3 Name :_________________
Genre : Spoof Class :_________________
Grade XI

I. Fill the blank with the right words provided in the box!

Text 1
Green, Pink, and Yellow
One day, an English teacher (1) ________ about colors to his students.
After he had (2) __________explaining, he asked his students. “Who can make a sentence
using the words (3) ______, ________, and _______ ?”
James the (4) _______ student in the class, quickly (5) ________his hand and answered,
“When the yellow morning Sun comes, I see a beautiful girl wearing a pink (6) _______walking
through the green grass”.
(7) “ ___________! James, you are a very good student.” (8) _______ the teacher.
“Me, me, Sir” Johny, the (9) _________ student in the class said while raising his hand. And
then he said, “I heard the telephone (10) ______, green….green, then I pink up the receiver and I
said, “Yellow, who’s speaking there?”

asked smartest rose green naughty

Green, pink and yellow finished dress Great said

II. Answer the questions based on the text below!

A Clever Cat

It was two o’clock in the morning and it was very dark. Mr. Thompson woke up his wife. “Irene,”
he called softly, “the baby’s crying.” Mr. Thompson sat up in bed and listened. “That’s not the baby,
Jim.” She said. “It’s a cat!”. “It can’t be,” her husband said. “I’ll go and look.” Mr. Thompson got up and
went to the window. “You’re right, Irene,” he said. “There’s a cat in the garden. Listen to it!”. “You must
stop it, Jim,” Mrs. Thompson said. “That cat will wake up the baby.” “What can I do?” Mr. Thompson
asked. “It’s very cold. I’m not going into the garden”. “Throw a shoe at it,” his wife suggested. “I can’t do
that,” Mr. Thompson answered. “Why not?” his wife asked. “Can’t you see it?”. “I can see it very well,”
Mr. Thompson said. But I can’t throw a shoe at it. It’s sitting on my green house!”

1.  Where had David been waiting for his mother?

2.  How long did David wait for his mother?
3. Did anybody answer the door when he knocked it?
4.  What did David do in John‟s house?
5. Why didn‟t David‟s mother fetch him that day?

III. Find the generic structure of the text above!

Text 1
Fill the blank with the right words provided in the box!

The Golden Eggs

Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly with farmers and
One day, a poor farmer lost his entire (1) . . . . to flood. He (2) . . . . , hard to God for help or his
family would die of (3) . . . .
Few days later an old man, with long grew beard, passed by his house took a pity on him. He
gave him a goose and said “I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will
help you to ease your (4) . . . .”
A week later to his utmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was no (5) . . . egg.
It was a (6) . . . . egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, the livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship.
He became lazy, (7) . . . . , and spendthrift.
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his (8) . .
. . and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
Though he very much (9) . . . . for his (10) . . . . , it’s already too late.

hardship ordinary foolishness patient regretted

prayed starvation livestock arrogant golden

a. Kunci Jawaban
1. livestock 6. golden
2. prayed 7. arrogant
3. starvation 8. patient
4. hardship 9. regretted
5. ordinary 10. foolishness

b. Skor Penilaian
1. Skor 10 6. Skor 10
2. Skor 10 7. Skor 10
3. Skor 10 8. Skor 10
4. Skor 10 9. Skor 10
5. Skor 10 10. Skor 10

1. Indikator 5.2.4
Mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks yang dibaca

Answer the questions based on the text 1!

1. Where was this story happened?
2. What happened to the farmer’s livestock?
3. What made him lazy, arrogant and spendthrift?
4. What made him lost his patient?

a. Kunci Jawaban
1. The story happened in a remote village, in Central China.
2. He lost his entire livestock to flood.
3. Because his livelihood had rapidly improved but he had forgotten his earlier hardship.
1. Because the goose only laid one golden egg every six months.

b. Skor Penilaian
1. Skor 25 2. Skor 25 3. Skor 25 4. Skor 25

2. Indikator 5.2.7
Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks
Soal :
The Golden Eggs
Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly with farmers and
One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed, hard to God for help or his
family would die of starvation.
Few days later an old man, with long grew beard, passed by his house took a pity on him. He
gave him a goose and said “I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will
help you to ease your hardship.”
A week later to his utmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was no ordinary
egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, the livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier
hardship. He became lazy, arrogant, and spendthrift.
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his
patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.

Find the generic structure of the text above!

a. Kunci Jawaban
The Golden Eggs
Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly with
farmers and hunters. ( orientation )
One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed, hard to God
for help or his family would die of starvation. ( complication )
Few days later an old man, with long grew beard, passed by his house took a pity
on him. He gave him a goose and said “I don’t have any expensive thing to give you
and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.” ( resolution )
A week later to his utmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was
no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
( complication )
Thereafter, the livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his
earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant, and spendthrift. (resolution)
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy
farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden
eggs inside its stomach. ( complication )
Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.
(resolution )

b. Skor Penilaian
Paragraph 1 : orientation (10)
Paragraph 2 : complication (15)
Paragraph 3 : resolution (15)
Paragraph 4 : complication (15)
Paragraph 5 : resolution (15)
Paragraph 6 : complication (15)
Paragraph 7 : resolution (15)
English Daily Test 1 Name :_________________
Genre : Narrative Class :_________________
Grade XII

I. Change the verbs in bracket into Simple Past Tense!

Text 1
One day a mouse was playing in a forest and a lion (1.catch) . . . it and (2.say) . . . , “I shall
eat you up”.
“Don’t eat me up”, said the mouse. “Some day I will help you”. “Oh no!” laughed the lion.
”How can you help me? I am a large lion and you are a small mouse”. But the lion ( . . . . not
hungry so he did not eat the mouse.
The next day a hunter (4.come) . . . ., and (5.put) . . . . a large net in the forest to catch the
lion. That night the lion (6.walk) . . . . in the forest and was caught in the net. “I will save you,”
he bit the net a hundred time and the lion (7.get) . . . . away.
The lion (8.say) . . . , ”Thank you mouse. I am large lion and you are small brown mouse,
but you have helped me”.
You (9.not) . . . . eat me yesterday, and I have safe you from the hunter today? “said the
mouse. They laughed and (10.go) . . . . together in the forest.

II. Answer the questions based on the text below!

Text 2
Treasure Seekers
Peter, john and Rose brought with them some tools to explore a cave. As they slowly walked deeper into the cave,
it was getting darker and cooler inside. Rose was getting uneasy and asked Peter, “Why don’t you switch on your
torch.” “Oh yeah,” replied Peter.
When he switched on the torchlight they found a huge gray object appeared right in front of them. They were
astonished and frightened. John went up and carefully examined the object he said, “It’s a stone casket,” Rose replied.
“Why don’t we see what’s inside.” Everyone agreed.
Peter and John used crowbars to force open the stone cover while Rose, using all her might to push the cover to the
side and suddenly it slipped and fall on the floor with a loud “BANG!”
All of them got a rude shock and took a few steps backward. Peter who was holding the torch shone it against the
internal of the casket. All of them nearly fell on the ground because a preserved corpse was found inside the casket.
They saw plenty of jewelers and even exotic paintings buried with the corpse.
While they were examining the contents, Rose felt a jolt on the ground and realized something was not right. She
shouted, “SCRAM!”. She was the first one to rush to the exit followed by Peter. John was the last one and before he
reached the exit it was completely sealed off by falling rocks and was trapped.
What suddenly occurred was too much for John to handle and he said to himself that he was going to die there. He
knelt down and solemnly prayed to the deceased that if he ever got out of the cave alive, he would keep this place a
secret, never returned to disturb it and promised to offer thank giving to the spirit.
After a while he saw a glow worm flew out from the coffin towards the opposite direction of the blocked exit. John
followed the glow worm step by step. About some distance away he saw some dim light coming from the end of the
cave. He immediately removed some rocks and to his surprise it was another exit. The dim light was the moonlight
outside the cave.

1. How many treasure seekers were there?

2. Why did they bring along the tools?
3. What happened when Peter switched on the torchlight?
4. Who was trapped in the cave? And why?

III. Find the generic structure of the text above!

English Daily Test 2 Name :_________________
Genre : Explanation Class :_________________
Grade XII

I. Fill the blank with the right words provided in the box!

Text 1
Making Paper from Woodchips
Do you have any paper in your bag? It may seem a (1) . . . . question but do you (2) . . . .
how to make paper? What is paper made of? Right, and how about “Wood Chipping “? Have you
ever (3) . . . . about it? Well wood chipping is a (4) . . . . used to obtain pulp and paper product
from forest trees.
Next the top and (5) . . . of the trees are cut out and then the logs are (6) . . . to the mill.
At the (7) . . . . the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts
them into a (8) . . . . pieces called woodchips. The wood chips are then screened to (9) . . . dirt
and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into the pulp is
then bleached and the water content is removed.
Finally the pulp is rolled out to make (10) . .. . . Considering the complexity of making
paper, let’s appreciate any paper on our hands. Use it more effectively.

process small taken paper braches

heard silly know remove mill

II. Answer the questions based on the text below!

Text 2
There are three possible reasons why desert remain dry. There are high mountain barriers,
cold ocean current and high pressure systems.
When warm air passes over the ocean it picks up moisture in the form of water vapor. As
this moist air travels over the land, it rises to pass over mountain ranges. When it begins to rise,
the air cools and this causes the water vapor to condense into droplets which fall as rain. When
the air reaches the other side of the mountain barrier, it has lost all its moisture and so the other of
the mountain remains dry.
Air passing over cold ocean currents is cooled and therefore is unable to pick up and hold
much moisture. When this cold air mass reaches the warm desert, any moisture in the air is
evaporated and so does not fall as rain and so the desert remain dry.
In a high pressure system, the air is dry and is moving downwards. As this system moves
over the land it draws in moisture does not fall as rain and so the desert remains dry.

1. What are three possible reasons why desert remain dry?

2. According to “high mountain barriers” reasons, when does the rain fall?
3. Why has the moisture of air lost after reaching the other side of mountain?
4. According to “cold ocean current” reason, when is the air moisture evaporated?

III. Find the generic structure of the text above!

English Daily Test 3 Name :_________________
Genre : Discussion Class :_________________
Grade XII

I. Fill the blank with the right words provided in the box!

Text 1
Television has certainly changed our lives. Today, most people (1) . . . . . . . TV to going to
the cinema. Without it, nobody would have paid much (2) . . . . . to national or international-
historical, political, sports, sport, etc.-events. Even, (3) . . . . . proved that pictures of suffering can
move a nation to pity. Besides, many things can be learnt from TV.
Are there any (4) . . . . . . . of TV? Many (5) . . . . . admitted that they (6) . . . . difficulties to
stop their children’s bad habit, for example, they spend their leisure time for watching TV more
than (7) . . . . . Children become very lazy and irresponsible for their main tasks. This is of course
denied by TV producers of people whose work is related to TV. They are very sure that there are
a lot of benefits of TV for viewers, especially children or students.
On the other hand, they honestly admit that some TV programs can (8) . . . . .children’s
mental. They (9) . . . . . because parents sometimes don’t have much time to watch TV together
with their children. They suggest parents to have more (10) . . . . . . .with their children on any
programs they have seen.

disadvantages endanger parents regret watching

found attention television reading discussion

II. Answer the questions based on the text below!

Text 2
There are many reasons for both sides of the question, “Should we have printed
Many people have strong views and feel that ads are nothing more than useless junk mail,
while other people feel they are an important source of information.
Here are some reasons why we should have advertisement in newspapers and magazines.
One reason is ads give us information about what is new in the market. This is an easy way of
shopping. Another reason is that advertisements promote business. When shop owners compete
against each other the buyer saves money, more people come to their shops and they sell more
On the other hand, some people argue ads should not be put in newspapers and magazines
for these various reasons. Firstly, ads cost the shopkeepers a lot of money to print onto paper.
Also some people don’t like finding junk mail in their letter boxes. People may also find the ads
not very interesting. Ads also influence people to buy items they don’t need and can’t really
afford. Ads use up a lot of space and a lot of effort has to be made to make the ads eye-catching.
Ads also take up a lot of room in the papers and I don’t think I find some of them interesting.
In summary, although ads provide people with information, they cost a lot of money to
print. Therefore I think we should not have printed advertisement.

1. What do people think about ads?

2. What is the function of ads for a product company?
3. What are the benefits of ads?
4. How many reasons of why we should not have printed advertisement?

III. Find the generic structure of the text above!

Ada tiga kemungkinan alasan mengapa gurun tetap kering. Ada hambatan gunung yang tinggi, laut dingin saat
ini dan sistem tekanan tinggi.
Ketika udara hangat melewati lautan itu mengambil air dalam bentuk uap air. Seperti udara lembab ini
perjalanan atas tanah, ia terbit untuk melewati pegunungan. Ketika mulai meningkat, udara dingin dan ini
menyebabkan uap air mengembun menjadi tetesan yang jatuh sebagai hujan. Ketika udara mencapai sisi lain
dari penghalang gunung, telah kehilangan semua kelembaban dan jadi lain dari gunung tetap kering.
Lewat udara di atas arus laut dingin didinginkan dan karena itu tidak dapat mengambil dan memegang banyak
kelembaban. Ketika massa udara dingin ini mencapai gurun hangat, kelembaban di udara menguap sehingga
tidak jatuh sebagai hujan dan sebagainya gurun tetap kering.
Dalam sistem tekanan tinggi, udara kering dan bergerak ke bawah. Sebagai sistem ini bergerak atas tanah itu
menarik kelembaban tidak jatuh sebagai hujan dan sebagainya gurun tetap kering.

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