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1. Analyse the diagram of the human vocal organs and points of articulation.

the sounds produced by each point of articulation.

Symbol Phonetic value Example

low central (or front)
a French la
unrounded vowel
central vowel ranging
ä Ethiopic
between [ɛ] and [ə]
low back unrounded
ɑ spa
vowel; often written [a]
ɒ low back rounded vowel British hot
æ low front unrounded vowel cat, laugh, plaid
b voiced bilabial stop bib
spirantized [b]; historically
ḇ Hebrew
[β], modern [v]
β voiced bilabial fricative Spanish haber
voiceless alveolar Italian zucchero, German zu,
affricate; IPA [ʦ] or [ts] Yiddish tsimmes
voiceless palatoalveolar
č church, watch
affricate; IPA [ʧ] or [tʃ]
lax mid back rounded
ɔ dog (for many speakers)
voiceless alveolopalatal
ɕ Mandarin xi
ç voiceless palatal fricative German ich
d voiced alveolar stop dad
palatalized [dʸ]; can be
ḏ Egyptian
pronounced [ǰ]
or spirantized [d], same as
  Ancient Hebrew
voiced retroflex stop; IPA
ḍ Indic
or emphatic, i.e.
pharyngealized [dˁ]
ð voiced dental fricative this, either
tense mid front unrounded
e bait, made
lax mid central vowel
ə (unstressed in English); about, sofa
ɚ rhotacized schwa, butter, actor
1. Analyse the diagram of the human vocal organs and points of articulation. Provide
the sounds produced by each point of articulation.

essentially [ər]
lax mid front unrounded
ɛ bet, head
stressed [ɚ] in English;
ɝ often transcribed the same bird, learn
voiceless labiodental
f fife, laugh
g voiced velar stop gag
ḡ spirantized [g]; same as [ɣ] Ancient Hebrew
h voiceless glottal fricative hit
aspiration of preceding
ʰ top vs. stop
voiceless pharyngeal
ḥ Arabic hummus
fricative; IPA [ħ]
voiceless uvular fricative;
ḫ Egyptian, Semitic
same as [χ]
voiceless fricative;
ẖ Egyptian
probably palatal [ç]
tense high front unrounded
i see, diva
lax high front unrounded
ɪ hit
special transcriptional
ỉ Egyptian
symbol; also [j]
high central unrounded
ɨ roses
voiced palatal glide; same
j standard IPA; Mycenaean Greek
as [y] in other systems
or alternate transliteration
for [ỉ]
palatalization of preceding
ʲ roughly canyon vs. cannon
sound; also [ʸ]
voiced palatoalveolar
ǰ judge
affricate; IPA [ʤ] or [dʒ]
k voiceless velar stop kick, cake
voiceless uvular stop;
ḳ Egyptian
same as [q]
1. Analyse the diagram of the human vocal organs and points of articulation. Provide
the sounds produced by each point of articulation.

ḵ spirantized [k]; same as [x] Ancient Hebrew

voiced alveolar lateral
l lip
voiced retroflex lateral
ḷ Indic
liquid; IPA [ɭ]
voiceless alveolar lateral
ɬ Semitic; Welsh "ll"
velarized voiced alveolar
ɫ hull
lateral liquid
m voiced bilabial nasal mom
n voiced alveolar nasal none
voiced velar nasal; don't
ŋ confuse with sequence singer
voiced retroflex nasal; IPA
ṇ Indic
ɲ voiced palatal nasal Spanish ñ, Italian gn
ɴ voiced uvular nasal Japanese word-final "n"
tense mid back rounded
o go, hope, boat
mid central unrounded
ŏ Korean "eo"
vowel, similar to [ə]
ɸ voiceless bilabial fricative (like blowing out a match)
θ voiceless dental fricative thing, myth
p voiceless bilabial stop pep
spirantized [p]; historically
p̅ Hebrew
[ɸ], modern [f]
runic letter equivalent to
þ Icelandic
or runic letter that can be
  Old English, some Scandinavian
read as either [θ] or [ð]
q voiceless uvular stop Arabic Qatar
voiced alveolar trill (often
r Spanish perro
used for other types of "r")
voiced (post)alveolar
ɹ liquid, the English "r"; often run, sorry
just written [r]
ɾ voiced alveolar tap; Am Engl city; Spanish pero
1. Analyse the diagram of the human vocal organs and points of articulation. Provide
the sounds produced by each point of articulation.

sometimes written [ᴅ]

ʀ voiced uvular trill some French dialects, etc.
ʁ voiced uvular fricative French, German, Modern Hebrew "r"
voiced retroflex flap; IPA
ṛ Indic
s voiceless alveolar fricative sit, hiss, rice, cent
voiceless postalveolar
š ship, push, delicious
fricative; IPA [ʃ]
voiceless alveolopalatal
ś Indic
fricative; IPA [ɕ]
or voiceless alveolar
  fricative; historically Egyptian (often just "s")
distinct from [z]
or voiceless fricative;
  Hebrew, other Semitic
historically distinct from [s]
voiceless retroflex
ṣ Indic, Mandarin ("sh")
fricative; IPA [ʂ]
or emphatic, i.e.
pharyngealized [sˁ]
voiceless postalveolar
ʃ ship, push, delicious
fricative; same as [š]
t voiceless alveolar stop stop
voiceless retroflex stop;
ṭ Indic
IPA [ʈ]
or emphatic, i.e.
pharyngealized [tˁ]
palatalized [tʸ]; can be
ṯ Egyptian
pronounced [č]
or spirantized [t], same as
  Ancient Hebrew
voiceless alveolopalatal
ʨ Mandarin ji (cf. aspirated qi)
tʂ voiceless retroflex affricate Mandarin zhi (cf. aspirated chi)
tense high back rounded
u ooze, prune
lax high back rounded
ʊ put, book
ŭ high central unrounded Korean "eu"
1. Analyse the diagram of the human vocal organs and points of articulation. Provide
the sounds produced by each point of articulation.

vowel, similar to [ɨ]

tense high front rounded
ü French, German, Mandarin
v voiced labiodental fricative verve
mid central unrounded
ʌ cut, love
vowel; stressed in English
ɣ voiced velar fricative Spanish haga
w voiced labial-velar glide witch
voiceless labial-velar
ʍ which for some speakers
x voiceless velar fricative chutzpah, German ach
χ voiceless uvular fricative Semitic, Egyptian
voiced palatal glide (in
y many transcription yes
systems); IPA [j]
ʎ voiced palatal lateral Italian gli, Castilian ll
z voiced alveolar fricative fizz, his, rose
voiced retroflex fricative;
ẓ Indic, Mandarin ("r")
IPA [ʐ]
or emphatic, i.e.
pharyngealized [zˁ] or [ðˁ]
voiced palatoalveolar
ž rouge, vision
fricative; IPA [ʒ]
voiced palatoalveolar
ʒ rouge, vision
fricative; same as [ž]

2. Study the phonemic chart and transcribe your name using the phonemic symbols.

məˈhɑːmmɑːd lʊkmɑːn ˈhɑːkɪm bɪn rɑːmlɪ

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