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Clause is a group of words that contain at least a subject and a

Various types form a clause through the use of subject(S), verb(V),
object(O), complement(C), and adverbial(A)




Example: Kante builds a sandcastle(O)

Analysis: "A sandcastle" is the object here as it

receives direct action from the verb "builds"

Example: Mr. Zaki is my English teacher(C)
Analysis: "my English teacher" is the complement as it
refers back to Mr. Zaki stating what he is.
(Remember! Complement always refers to nouns)

Example: Kota Bharu is on the east coast(A)
Analysis: Adverbial describes the when, where, or
how of subject. "On the east coast" describes
where Kota Bharu is

Example: The warden found the student(O)
MEANWHILE... unconscious(C)
Analysis: "the student" is the object of the verb
"found" and "unconscious" is the complement
refers to "the student" which is a noun

Example: The Director gave all his employees(InD) a
Analysis: Direct object refers directly to the verb. It
answers the question "Give what?". Indirect object is
usually located in between the verb and direct object

Example: Jana is baking cakes(O) in the kitchen(A)
Analysis: Cakes is the object as it answer the question
"bakes what?". "in the kitchen" is a prepositional phrase
which function as adverbial exceeding the object that
tells us where the action happens
Simple Sentences
•A simple sentence contains a subject and a
verb, and it may also have an object and

•However, it contains only one independent


Common Example: They studied APA rules for many hours.

Subject: They
Verb: studied
Object: APA rules
Prepositional phrases: for many hours.

Some Simple Sentence Features:

Example 1: Jack and Jill like walking.
A simple sentence is not always a short, a simple sentence
could have a compound subject
The example given is a simple sentence with a compound
subject made up of two simple subjects "Jack" and "Jill".

Example 2: Jack and Jill like walking and fishing but hate
running and hunting.
There is also a simple sentence with a compound subject, a
compound predicate, and direct objects with more than one
The example here is still a simple sentence. There are no
dependent clauses.

Example 3: Jack likes fishing but hates hunting.

Example 4: Jack likes walking and fishing but hates running and
A simple sentence could also have a compound predicate (when
two or more verbs share the same subject).
In Example 3, The simple sentence contains a compound
predicate. The subject "Jack" is the subject of two verbs; "likes"
and "hates"
In Example 4, the sentence still have with a compound predicate.
The subject "Jack" is still the subject of two verbs ;"likes" and

Source: Grammar Monster



A compound sentence contains

two independent clauses A .

coordinating conjunction for and ( , ,
, , ,
nor but or yet so often links the , )
two independent clauses and is

preceded by a comma .


To combine similar ideas

=Recycling is an effective way of helping the environment, and everyone should recycle at home.

To compare or contrast ideas

=Van Gogh was a talented and successful artist, but he had intense personal issues

To convey cause and effect or chain of events

=The researchers did not come to the correct conclusion, so they restructured their hypothesis.

To elaborate on a claim or extend reasoning

=Cell phones should not be permitted in class, for they distract students and teachers .

Coordinators you EXAMPLE

can use to join

independent clauses . 1) I think you'd enjoy the

party, but I don't mind if

you stay home.


2) She wanted to go on
Nor vacation so she saved up ,
But her money .

3) I like apples but my ,
sister loves bananas .

4) Tim loves to read, and he

FANBOYS also loves to hike.

Differentiation between simple, compound or complex sentence

A simple sentence contains one independent clause .

However a compound sentence contains two independent clauses and there are

coordinating conjunction that links between the two clauses and is preceded by a

comma .

While a complex sentence contains one independent clause and one dependent

clause This sentence also will include at least one subordinating conjunction

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A sentence
that contains INDEPENDANT CLAUSE (IC) : Can stand alone and is a
complete sentence
clause and
DEPENDANT CLAUSE (DC) : Cannot stand alone and
one or more depends on the independent clause to give it
dependent meanong >>> INDEPENDANT CLAUSE (IC)

# In a complex sentence of two

related ideas, one idea is
generally more important than
the other.
# The more important idea is
placed in the independent clause. 1. She cannot concentrate on her work when she is hungry.
# The less important idea is 2. He could not come to work because he broke his leg.
placed in the dependent clause.
3. Laila may drop by before she leaves her
# When the dependent clause
start the sentence, it is generally
followed by a comma.

Types of
clause Usually used with dependent clause that come in between
markers independent clauses.
that join It can also be used as clause markers to introduce dependent
IC and DC clauses.

Example 1:
My cousin, who is an accountant, helps me to fill in my income tax return
forms every year.
SUBORDINATING IC: My cousin helps me to fill in my income tax return forms every year ... is the
CONJUNCTION more important idea.
DC: who is an accountant ... is less important or is subordinate to the
independent clause.
Example 2:
The politician whose house was broken into estimated his loss to be about thirty thousand ringgit in
cash and jewelry.
IC: The politician estimated his loss to be about thirty thousand ringgit in cash and jewelry, can stand
alone as a complete sentence.
DC: whose house was broken ... is not a complete on it owns and depends on independent clause for
it to be meaningful.
Example 3:
The cheetah is an animal which can probably run up to 100 kilometres an hour.
IC: The cheetah is an animal, is complete by itself.
DC: which can probably run up to 100 kilometres an hour ... is incomplete without the independent
The clause marker which is used to refer to an animal or thing.
Example 4:
Paul introduced me to a woman whom he was engaged to last week.
The clause marker whom is a clause marker introducing a dependent clause and refers to a person
- the woman.
(Whom is used to replace a noun or a pronoun used in the object position, that is it replaces
her/him ans not she/he).
Example 5:
The diamond necklace that was worn by Sorn, the bride, used to belong to her grandmother.
The clause marker that introduces the dependent clause and refers to an object.
In this case, it refers to the diamond necklace.

Subordinating Conjunction are used to introduce a
dependent clause in complex sentences

clause markers
who Where You will find a service station where the road forks.

Unless Carry on exercising, unless i told you to stop.

whoever If Wendy doubts Ali's love for her, she should not go
as long as If
ahead with the wedding.

because As long as
You should not be afraid of the traffic police, as
that long as you follow the traffic rules.
since She saw a doctor immediately because she had stepped on a
rusty nail.

after whom Since He was penalized since he handed in his paper late.
After Johan had finished his work, he went to
when After
the gym for a workout.

while whose When The baby cries loudly when she is hungry.
Alistair's car had a puncture while he
how While
was driving along the desrted island.

although which
How Rohani had no clue how her husband got kinapped.

Although Although she had not planned to buy the handbag, she
bought it anyway.

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