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Copy __of__Copies
Camp Ceferino Genovia,
Bahay, Sibonga, Cebu
11-14- 2011/ 0800H
Ref Nr: PRO7-11-11-01



a. Information transmittal from c, ROPD7 dated November 12, 2011;

b. Map of Negros Oriental; Scale: 1:50, 000
d. PNP LOI 02-09 “MAPAGPALAYA” dated 05 June 2009;
e. AFP Internal Peace and Security Plan “Bayanihan” 2010; and

Time Zone Used Throughout The Plan: (HOTEL)

TASK ORGANIZATION: Annex A (Task Organization)


a. Enemy forces. (Annex B)

Information received states that OOA 120800H November 2011, a group of More Or
Less twenty one (MOL 21) fully armed CNN believed to be members of the LG1 (SPP-C)
Guerrilla Front under KA MELY (TNU) were monitored between vicinity Dame Peak and Sharp
Peak (GC 51P VL 96528 16945). It is believed that the group is establishing a training camp
at the area. Said CNN are armed with assorted high powered firearms two (2) M60 Machine
gun, three (3) M203 grenade launchers) and has the capabilities of making IEDs.

Intel operatives confirmed and validated the information as AI and identified the group
under the Komiteng Rehiyunal – Negros (KR-N) headed by Sec: FRANSCISCO FRANK FERNADEZ.

b. Friendly forces.

2. 302nd Infantry Brigade, PA
3. 11th Infantry Battalion, PA
4. 1st Scout Ranger Battalion
5. Sta Catalina MPS and its LGUs
6. Siaton MPS and its LGUs
7. Bayawan CPS and its LGUs

c. Attachments and detachments.

1. One (1) section PA;

2. Two (2) platoons NegOr PPSC

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The Regional Public Safety Battalion 7 is tasked to conduct Combat Operations against
CNN encampment in GC 51P VL 96528 16945 which is utilized as CNN Training Ground.

The RPSB7 together with its allies and friendly forces shall overran and destroy the
CNN training encampment and enforce the law against the enemy of the state and the threats
to peace and order of Negros Oriental.


It is the intent of the commander to destroy the CNN encampment and neutralize CNN
leadership and members occupying the same with respect to the existing laws and adherence
to the National and International Humanitarian Laws.

a. Concept of Operation: (Annex C)

This operation shall be done in three phases:

Phase 1 – Intelligence Build-up and Troop Preparations

Phase 2 – Actual Operation
Phase 3 – Exfiltration of all deployed and engaged personnel

1) Maneuver: Main Efforts to overran and destroy the enemy encampment.

Neutralize and/or effect arrest to the identified wanted CNN armed
components including those who are occupying and protecting said
encampments and its immediate surroundings. Support Efforts to prevent
CNN regulars and their militias to merge to the neighbouring community
and/or deter their sympathizers from the neighbouring communities from
providing supplies and essential informations that may compromise the
entire operations. Reserve Forces to protect the Command Post from
possible enemy counter-attack and whenever called for, to deploy as
support effort to the main efforts.

2) Fires: It is the commander’s intent to complete this operation with a

minimal use of firearms and whenever possible, to minimize casualties
from both sides (Gov’t Securty Forces and CNN) while trying to inflict
collateral damages to either private or government properties covered by
the area of operation.

3) Reconnaissance and Surveillance: (Annex L)

4) Intelligence: Essential Elements of Information (EEIs) from the Philippine

Army Units and Local Police Units are the priorities for collection and
validation. Electronic information from open sources are also to be
considered for other planning purposes.

5) Engineer: (Not Applicable)

6) Air Defense:(Not Available)

7) Information Operations: (Refer to appropriate annexes)

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b. Task to Maneuver Units.

b.1) General:

i. To overrun and destroy the CNN Encampment and neutralize armed

components of the CNN occupying or protecting said area.

ii. To inflict minimal casualties or damages to private or public properties

surrounding the target area, if there are any.

b.2) Command Group and Staff:

i. Deputy Battalion Commander will act as the ground commander to man

the Command Post to be established at “Hill 300” with GC 93982
ii. Forward and rear securities are to be established within the premises of
the Command Post. Route Security shall also be deployed at
established withdrawal/ pull back routes.

iii. Battalion S2 to accompany the Deputy Battalion Commander and act as

adviser on Intel matters.

iv. Ground Commander to establish medical outpost at the CP for medical

responses and services. Designated CP Medical Officer shall maintain
contact with the nearest hospitals in neighbouring municipalities should
the need for rapid medical evacuation arise.

v. Battalion S4 to accompany the Ground Commander and shall bring with

him sufficient number of ammunitions for firepower sustainability of the
maneuver forces for continued and prolonged firefight. He shall
designate transport marshal to control/ authorize usages of vehicles.

vi. Battalion Commo Officer to establish signal efficiency test to the

maneuver forces and shall control the airways for fast and controlled
commo relays and receipts.

b.3) Main Efforts:

i. Company Commander, 1st RPSB Coy:

a. To organize two (2) Platoons to act as the Main Effort 1, with both
platoons to be led by a PCO.

b. To review his personnel on IED and Bomb Detection.

c. Rehearse the troops on counter-sniping drills.

d. Ensure to retain sufficient number of personnel to depend the

Company HQs in the event of enemy attack.

ii. Company Commander, 2nd RPSB Coy:

a. To organize two (2) Platoons to act as the Main Effort 2, with both
platoons to be led by a PCO.

b. To review his personnel on IED and Bomb Detection.

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c. Rehearse the troops on counter-sniping drills.

d. Ensure to retain sufficient number of personnel to depend the

Company HQs in the event of enemy attack.

b.4) Support Efforts:

i. Company Commander, 3rd RPSB Coy:

a. To organize one (1) Platoon to act as SUPPORT EFFORT to the

Main Effort 2, to be led by a PCO.

b. To review his personnel on IED and Bomb Detection.

c. Rehearse the troops on counter-sniping drills.

d. Ensure to retain sufficient number of personnel to depend the

Company HQs in the event of enemy attack.

ii. Company Commander, 4th RPSB Coy

e. To organize one (1) Platoon to act as SUPPORT EFFORT to the

Main Effort 1, to be led by a PCO.

f. To review his personnel on IED and Bomb Detection.

g. Rehearse the troops on counter-sniping drills.

h. Ensure to retain sufficient number of personnel to depend the

Company HQs in the event of enemy attack

iii. Company Commander, Negros Oriental PPSC

a. To organize two (2) Platoons to act as blocking forces to the Main

Effort 1 and 2, with both platoons to be led by PCOs.

b. To review his personnel on IED and Bomb Detection.

c. Rehearse the troops on counter-sniping drills.

d. Ensure to retain sufficient number of personnel to depend the

Company HQs in the event of enemy attack.

b.5) Battalion Combat Support Company:

i. Organize one (1) platoon to render securities and support

services to the Command Post.

ii. Be ready to fill in as reserve personnel to the support effort forces.

c. Task to Combat Support Units.

1. Intelligence (Annex B)

a. Conduct timely dissemination of intelligence information to the

operating units.
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b. Continue coordination with the intelligence community on the

enemy location, disposition and COA’s in support of the

c. Perform other task as directed.

2. Engineer ( Not Applicable)

3. Fire Support (Not required)

4. Air Defense (Not required)

5. Signal (Annex H)

6. NBC (Not required)

7. Provost Marshal (Not applicable)

8. Psychological Operations (Not required)

9. Police-Community Relations (Not required)

d. Coordinating Instructions.

(1) Timeline:

PHASE 1 – November 11 to November 24, 2011

PHASE 2 – November 25, 2011
PHASE 3 – November 28, 2011

(2) Commander’s critical information requirements (CCIR).

(a) Priority intelligence requirements (PIR) :

- CNNs are capable of laying out Improvised Explosive Devices along or

at the natural and man-made paths to neutralize or kill aggressors.

- Their firepower capabilities can inflict multiple casualties to the

aggressors. It can also provide suppressing fire to delay the advance of
the aggressors and buy time withdraw their top personalities and other
valued assets.

- Snipers are also deployed at strategic places surrounding their

encampment to inflict casualties from a distance and can cause
demoralization to the aggressing troops.

- Yunit militias are under disguise and merged at the neighboring

communities. They can warn the CNNs main body at the encampment
area. They can also be utilized as decoy CNN forces to divert attentions
of the aggressing forces. They can also utilize the civilians to deliver
needed food and medical supplies and essential information about the
government forces.

(b) Essential elements of friendly information (EEFI)

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- Negros Oriental Provincial Public Safety Company personnel are well

equipped and trained for counter-insurgency operations.

- Negros Oriental Provincial Police Office thru the Police Stations of Sta
Catalina, Bayawan City and Siaton Municipal Police Stations can
extricate casualties from the pre-arranged med evac area. Each station
contributes eight (8) PNP personnel and three (3) Toyota Hilux vehicles
for evacuation purposes only. They can reach the CP in one (1) hour.

(c) Friendly force information requirements (FFIR)

- 11th Infantry Battalion Headquarters is located about 21 kms, 35 degrees

southeast of the Command Post location. They can provide additional
two (2) platoons in about 3 hrs to the Command Post.

- 302nd Infantry Brigade Headquarters is located about 62 kms, North of

the Command Post. They have contact with the Philippine Air Force
located in Lapu-lapu City, Cebu Province that can fly in two (2) Huey
Helicopters for medical evacuation in about two (2) hours.

(3) Risk reduction control measures.

- The use of celphones during the duration is strictly prohibited.

- Radio operators are to use headsets to avoid enemy detection.

- Smoking is forbidden during the duration of the operation.

(4) Rules of engagement (ROE)

- Adherence and observance of the Rules of Engagement are expected

from all participating elements.

(5) Environmental considerations:

- Cutting of trees to pave way for helipad is only a final option.

(6) Any additional instructions not covered in SOPs.

- On the spot bloodletting or blood donation to injured comrades is

expected from anybody who is able to deliver.

- All recovered and confiscated documents are to be turned over to

Battalion S2 before the exfiltration.

- All found, recovered and/or confiscated equipment, firearms, materials

and any other items that are considered evidences and of high intel values
are to be accounted for and turned over to the Ground Commander after
the exfiltration.

- All participating elements are to observed the linear ranking for incidental
or accidental succession of command.

(7) Abort Criteria:

- Only orders from the Chief, PNP can abort this operation.

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(8) Success Criteria

- Taking over “Dame Peak” is a gained ground to pursue the operation to

its full completion and success.


a. Support Concept: Personnel involved (Attached)

b. Material and Services: Logistics (Attached)
c. Medical Evacuation and Hospitalization: Provisions (Attached)
d. Personnel Support


a. Command.

(1) Command Post and Ground Commander are at 51P VL 94153 17012.

(2) Unless Battalion Commander says otherwise, next in command will be the
Battalion S2.

b. Signal.

(1) Priority is the Motorola V63 HH Radio, secondary is Celphone.

(2) CEOI in effect.

(3) Required reports and formats.

(4) Retransmissions sites.



Authentication RPSB7 Commander



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Annex A Task Organization
Annex B Intelligence
Appendix 1 Initial IPB
Tab A MCOO (Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay)
Tab B Enemy Situation Template
Tab C Analysis of AO
Annex C Operations Overlay
Appendix 1 Infiltration (Includes Route Overlay, LZ, DZ, Beach
Landing Site (BLS) Sketches, Primary and Alternate,
Load Plan)
Appendix 2 Linkup Plan (Internal or with conventional forces, with
  Exfiltration (Includes Route Overlay, LZ, DZ, Beach
Landing Site (BLS) Sketches, Primary and Alternate,
Load Plan)
Appendix 3 Evasion Plan of Action (EPA) (with Overlay)
Appendix 4 Demobilization Plan
Annex D Logistics Plan (with resupply and cache plan, DZ and cache site
Annex E Training Plan
Annex F Fire Support
Appendix 1 Air Support
Appendix 2 Field Artillery Support
Annex G Rules of Engagement
Annex H Signal
Annex I Service Support
Appendix 1 Service Support Overlay
Appendix 2 Traffic Circulation and Control
Tab A Traffic Circulation
Tab B Road Movement Table
Tab C Highway Regulations
Appendix 3 Personnel
Appendix 4 Legal
Appendix 5 Religious Support
Annex J NBC Operations
Annex K Provost Marshall
Annex L Recon and Surveillance Ops
Annex M Deep Operations
Annex N Rear Operations
Annex O Air CMD and Control
Annex P C2 warfare(C2W)
Annex S Deception
Annex T Electronic Warfare (EW)
Annex U Civil-Military Ops
Annex V Public Affairs

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Note: Not every annex or appendix will apply to every mission

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