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Characteristics of E- learning

Improtance of E- learning

Type of E- learning

Advantages of E- learning

Use of E- learning

Rational of study

Operational deffination

Statement of the problem

Objectives of the study

Research questions

Delimitation of the study



Need of review of literature

Literature reviewed





Sampling tool

Tools used

Procedure of data collection

Data analysis



Facility of E- learning
Uses of E- learning

Attitudes of students towards E- learning



Statement of the problem

Objectives of the study

Research question

Delimitation of the study




Sampling techniques

Tools used

Procedure of data collection

Data analysis

Findings of the study

Recommendations for further study



E-Learning is a essentially imparting education through computer & network
enabled digital technology. Which in Could among other things, internet,
intranet, computer, satellite TV,ROM, audio & video resources. The term E-
learning was 1st used in the professional environment in the year 1999 at CBT
seminar at IOS angels. Therefore in learning could be broadly defined as use of
information & communication technology (ICT) to enhance and support learning.
This is could range from teachers and students using E-md communication to
entirely online course. This is a term is used simultaneously with virtual learning,
online learning, Computer based learning, used base learning and network based
learning. The letter ‘’E’’ in E learning stands for the word ‘’electronic’’, E
learning would in co-operate all educational activates that are carried out by
individual or group working online or offline via networked or stands alone
computer end other electronic device.
According to ROSENVRG (2001)
“E-Learning refers to the use of internet technology to deliver a broad of
solution that enhance knowledge and performance”.
BRADERS HALL defines E-learning as “in delivered. domically in part or
wholly via web browser, through the internet, or through multimedia platform
such as CD-ROM or DVD”.
ALLISON ROSSELT AT (2001) defines E-learning as “web- based training
(WBT), also known as E-learning & Online learning, is training that reside on a
server or host computer that is connected to WWW”.
KOOHANG & HARMAN (2005) “E-learning is the delivery of education (All
activities relevant to in structing, teaching & learning) through various electronic
Thus E-learning is the use of technology to enable people to learn any time & any
where. E-learning can include training, the delivery of just in time information &
guidance from experts. E-learning could also be considered distance education in
an evolved from, which has taken advantages of all the emerging technologies for
entrancing learning experiences of ever learner in that since E-learning could
considered as a new generation of distance education.
The learner centric e-learning model make an array of resources available to the
learner, who is free to choose within where & how to learn.
With increasing access to technologies and its ever increasing sophistication this
approach to learning facilitates life long learning among various & take holders.
E-learning has historically been linked with distance education &flexible
learning. In distance education, various technologies can because to link learners
instructors & resources that are removed in time or space. The hallmark flexible
learning, as its name suggests, is it adaptability to learners needs and
E-LEARNING IS SOCIAL :- E-learning seeks to foster collaboration & peers
interaction various e-learning technologies facilitate various types of
collaboration among learner & teachers.
reusable learning objects. This RLO permits one to create e-learning course with
E-LEAENING IS PERSONALIZED :- Usually , e-learning system permits its
users to personalize the learning by tailoring its offerings to their learning style ,
job requirements, carrier, current knowledge & personal preferences.
The effectiveness of e-learning also depends on establishing two-way
communication between teachers & learning & among learners themselves.
There are many stand alone tools as well as learner management system in target
tools to foster interactive & collaborative engagement.
When its comes to online learning in education ; the model has been pretty
straight forward-up until the early education was in a classroom of students with
a teacher who lead the process .physical present was a no brainer& any other type
of learning was questionable at based , then the internet happened & the rest is
history.e-learning is a rapidly growing industry, the effects of which will can
trace back to the 1980 & ever well before that (in the from of distance learning as
& to televised coursed )
Now that affordable e-learning solution exist for both computer & internet,
it only taken a good e-learning tool for education to be facilitated from virtually
any where . Technology has advanced so much that the geographical map is
bridged with the use of tool that make you feel as if you are inside classroom e-
learning offers the ability to share materials in all kind of format such as videos
,slide show, word document & pdf & conducting webinars(live online class) &
communication will professors via chat & massage from is also an option
available to user .
There is a plethora of different e-learning (otherwise know as learning
management system or LMS ) &method ,which allows for course to be delivered.
With the night tool various process can be automated such as a courses with set
materials & automatically marked texts. E-learning is each on affordable &often
Here are the most prevalent type of e-learning option available for your child :
1- LESSON BASED LEARNING :- One of the most difficult things combat
to in the transition from the classroom to online learning is the lost of
structure meaning while the web open on entirely new world with more
avenues that your child will ever have time explore there is certainly grade
off the term of guiding your child time & ensuring that learning exactly so,
if you are find opportunities that are presented with structure give them ash
or. Brain pop is one good example of a lesson based learning option & those
offering live instruction & self paced progression as explained through out
this process.
2- ONE-ON-ONE LEARNING:- One huge benefits of learning is that it
allows users jump in & learn when most convenient for them one drawback
to , is that most experiences don’t offer the to way communication , between
an instructor & student , with teaching taking place in the from of a recorded
video or written word.
3- GROUP LEARNING:-To play devils advocate, one potential negative of
e-learning. Especially compare to classroom learning is the social accept if
kids are by themselves in front of computer for hour on end, how are they
also going to learn vital social skill,
Its fair point & to counter I’d say it’s all about balance ,with parents
needing to figure out which levers to pull in order for their children to
continue to grow as well rounded as possible.
4- COURSE BASED LEARNING:-One big advantages of course based e-
learning is the built in progression which inherently adds structure to your
child’s learning experiences as they complete, say intro course A & they
move on to a more advanced course B & show on.
5- VIDEO BASED LEARNING:- Remember every kid can learn but is just
might learn a bit differently, hence the beauty of alternative learning
experiences right ? those kids who simply don’t absorber book content don’t
text well now have the change to learn through something like video &
might find these contents “speak to them” at volumes no other teaching
source has ever spoken before.
6- ARTICLE BASED LEARNING :-All of that paid may be your child dose
in fact thrive off the written word with their brain functioning as high
performance scanner just taking in loads of written content off
communicating it to money.
7- SELF-PEACED LEARNING:- Obviously between the different
experiences above & below , there is going to be some overlap with many
opportunities offering the suite the experiences the like self-pacing courses,
video & more.
8- APP BASEED LEARNING:- lets face it kid love their devices & while
screen time should definitely be regulated for balance , a potential
compromise is presenting a learning opportunity in the from up mobile app.
9- GAME & ACTIVITY BEST LEARNING:-One way to really grab &
keep hold of a child attention should to link online learning to something
there are already interested in thus you might find that engaging with portals
provided by network like BTS & nick a successful endeavor ,given their
presentation learning opportunity through the similar animated character.
10- “A LESSON A DAY” LEARNING:- Depending on your child level off
autonomy they may need a little nudge to get them going which is exactly
what these” One lesson per day ”format accomplished .
Not to mention that so much opportunity in front of you to “ Learn all off
the thing ”It could a little overwhelming .so instead if a child is able to
really focus on learning one key piece per day then engaging curriculum
that might seem light it has on end , it could really pay off .

One of the most obvious advantages of e-learning is that we can save time &
money. You can manage your schedule& take online classes at your most
convenient time, whether early in the morning let afternoon or evening you save
money too because you did not have to pay for transportation or worry about
eating on the go.
BETTER A RETENTION :- E-learning make use of different platform like
pedagogy which provide interactive content. Also we can share your through &
opinion with others.
PERSONALIZED LEARNING :-You can choose your learning path & study
at your own pace. You became more motivated & invented in the course.
COST EFFECTIVE :- Student are not only ones that can pay money in e-
learning many educational instruction save money through this setup because
there’s no need to use a physical classroom which translates to reduced monetary
ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY :- E-learning is also more environmentally
friendly because it doesn’t contribute to the population brought about by paper

only method of the learning is best suited for everyone. Is digital revolution
has led to remarkable changes in how the content is accessed consumed
discussed & shared. Online educational courses can be taken up by office &
housewife too , at the time of that to if suits them. Depending on there
availability & comfort many people choose to learn at weekend or every
classroom teaching with online learning student can accesses the content &
unlimited no. of times. This is especially required at the time of revision
when preparing for an exam.
3. OFFERS ACCESS TO UPDATE CONTENT :- A prime benefit of
learning online is that it makes sure that you are in synchronization with
modern learner. This enable the learner to access updated content whenever
they want it.
4. QUICK DELIVERY OF LESSON :-E-learning way to provides with
delivery of lesson. As compare to traditional classroom teaching method , this
mode has relatively quick delivery circle.

Now a day with the increase of science& technology each & every file of our
society need the help of these technology. Among all the fields education is one
of the most important sector. E-learning is very vital part in education system.
With the help of e-learning students can learn their lesson from different parts of
the world. Mainly in the pandemic situation e-learning is playing is very
important role in the presenting society.
Due to demand of e-learning in the present time, the investigator feel to know
about the attitude of the students towards e-learning.

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM :-In this study the investigator studded the

concept of e-learning . The study threw light on the important of e-learning
among students. Hence the study is entitled as “attitude of student towards e-

ATTITUDE :- “ It refers to a filling or option about something or someone or a
way of behaving”.
E-LERARNING:- “A learning is the system based on formalized teaching
brought with the help of electronic resources is known as e-learning.”
1- To study the mind setup of the student towards using smartphone for
learning ?
2- To study the attitude of parents towards using technology for learning ?
3- To study the financial problem of student for e-learning ?
1-Which kind of technology used by the student ?
2- Is there energy facility for e-learning for student ?
3-Do all the student afford e-learning ?
4-What is view point of parents regarding e-learning ?
5-Can e-learning replace traditional classroom teaching ?
The present study s delimited to-
1-Udayanatha autonomous college, Adaspur, Cuttack.
2-50student of this college as key informants.
3-regarding the attitude of the student toward e-learning.

Review of related literature is an important aspect of every study. It

serves multiple purposes and essential for well-research study. It helps the
investigator to acquaint him with current knowledge in the area in which he is
going to conduct the research. It is valuable guide in defining the problem,
recognizing its scope and significance, suggesting relevant hypothesis gathering
devices, making appropriate study design and sources of date.

A review of related literature is the process of collecting selecting

and reading book journals reports abstracts and other reference materials. The
following information may be collected.

A ground information about the problem and related concepts.

Theories that explain the existence of the problem and the possible connection
between certain factors and the problem.

Data that confirms the existence and seriousness f the problem.

General and specific findings of studies related to the problem. Recommendations
for further study given in related studies.
Review of literature is an important as any other component of research
Process. A literature review is a written summary of journals, articles, books and
describe the past and current information on the topic of your research Study. It is
a survey of scholar sources on a specific topic. Provides useful for hypothesis and
helpful suggestions for investigation. Review of literature is the combination of
two words - ‘Review’ and ‘Literature’. The word ‘Review’ means to organize the
knowledge of specific area of Research, knowledge to show an addition to his
field. The ‘Literature’ Refers to the knowledge of a particular area of research of
any problem Subject

Literature review is a synthesis of available resources and materials with a Strong

relation to the topic in question, critical evaluation, and comparative Analysis of
each work.


According to Mugenda: “Literature is a systematic Identification. Location and

analysis of documents containing information related to the research being
According to Merriam (1988): “Literature review as an interpretation and
synthesis of published work.”
A review of related literature is necessary in research. The following are
some of the obvious reason-
❖ It helps the researcher identity and define a research.
❖ It helps justify the need for studying a problem.
❖ It can be source of a theoritical basis for the study.
❖ It helps formulate and refine research instruments.
❖ It provides lessons for data analysis and interpretation.


Identify need for additional research It is helps build your knowledge in your
field. It provides indication of direction where the researcher takes keep interest
To enter into his problem easily. It is to demonstrate that your research question
is meaningful. It is to gain an understanding of the existing research and debates
relevant To a particular topic or area of study. The review of literature indicates
the clear picture of the problem to be solved.


RUTTERBUR (2000): Important to investigate the factors affecting e-learning

development, as suggested through authors from countries who are more
experienced in the adoption of e-learning. The aim of his review is to become
knowledgeable with the guidelines to explore e-learning development. This
review makes it possible to develop a framework for investigating the factors that
could enable a more effective e-learning implementation.

CARAYANNIS (2015): E-learning in comparison with traditional learning.

significantly reduces the time needed to locate information. it also offers access
to online resources, data bases, Journals, and other material. students finding tips
on the matter couldn’t be easier than having immediate access to supplementary
unlimited and mostly free material available in the online. E-learning offers a
while range of opportunities that need exploring.

VRANA (2005): The study reports the skills in e-learning and students for e-
learning and Students for e-learning and educational technologies. Use of e-
learning and educational Technologies on the need to be supported by the
institution in their effort, the relatively good Level of their aptitude in e-learning,
the fact the students appear more stable towards e-learning.
MIKLIAN (2018): E-learning establishes the fact that the researchers on e-
learning are the focus from effectiveness of the e-learning to the methods of

CAKULA (2015): Learning support system could develop the efficiency and
quality of further Knowledge and co-operation between educational institutions
further, in the learning process Needs to be real and simple to help adults find
how to solve their problems. maintains a trouble off between cost and the degree
of quality of e-learning services.

SHARME & HARDIA (2013): Carried out research on-measuring level of uses
of e-learning among students pursuing higher education. The objective of the
study was to identity the factors affecting the level of usage of e-learning among
students to higher learning and to study the effect of Demographics. On the
factors affecting the level of usage of e-learning amongst students of higher

SOOD AND SINGH (2014): Studied on “e-learning: gender analysis in higher

education in north India”.’ The study was aimed to analyse the genders interest
in e-learning in higher education in the northern part of India.

SAISWAL (2013): Conducted a study on “status of e-learning in India higher

education: A case study of U.P.’’ the study was conducted to find out of the
status of e-learning in Higher education.

LAKSHMI (2012): Carried out a research titled “A study on e-learning in

GUJURAT’’. The Objectives were to study the e-learning forms in adopted in
higher education. Institution in GUJURAT and to study the opinions of students,
facilities and administrators regarding e-learning practice being adopted in higher
education institution of GUJURAT regarding e-learning. Use of e-learning tools
and future scope of e-learning.

NACHIMUTHU (2010): Conducted a study tiled “identifying the usability of e-

learning resource in Teacher education of India”.
This chapter deals with the population, samples, tools & techniques used in
the study. Methodology refers to the methods and procedure used for the study,
procedure and analysis data. The investigation has to adopting the techniques for
collecting the data for the study.

The investigation took the Udayanath Autonomous college of Sc. And
technology of Adaspur, Cuttack district as the population for the study.

The investigation took the Udayanath Autonomous college of Sc. And
technology and 50 of these college as the sample.

The following tools were used in this study for the collection of data from
the key information.

The Questionnaire has an introductory section providing information on
the topic being researched and instructions for respondents filling the
questionnaire was also includes. It must be data clear that as there are varied
different types and forms of e- learning available, by the use of the term e –
learning in the questionnaire it does not refer to any particular type on form of e-
learning . The term e-learning is used interchangeably to refer to any of the types
and forms of e-learning discussed.


Questionnaires were used for the data collection because it was felt that
this was the best way to ensure that the researcher was able to gather the opinions
of as many students as possible in the time available .The Questionnaires were
hand delivered to students who were allocated to the various parts of the campus
including lecture halls and canteen, So as to make room for any students who was
available on campus at the time to participate in the study. Furthermore, the
Questionnaires were also taken to randomly selected students resipenpies, in
order to enable the opinions of these students who were not available on campus
at the time of questionnaires was administered also to be included. After all the
questionnaires were entered there was a random selection of questionnaires and
were cross checked with it corresponding data entered, errors found were
corrected. After the data entry had been completed descriptive statics were
generated, presented and discussed. After analysis of each question on the
questionnaires, there was a further exploration of these questions to addition the
various research questions.


Analysis and interpretation are considered as the most important part of

the research work. It is related with the analysis of the facts from the collected
data after the analytical study. Analysis of the data refers to studying the
organized material in ordered to know the real fact. These data are studied from
the various angles as per the objectives of the study. With the help of proper
analysis, the researcher can get appropriate finding of the research work. Now,
let's analysis the data here below.

To know about the interest and attitude of students towards the implementation of
e-learning, first of all we have to know about the facility and availability of
materials for e-learning. As our study is limited in the Udayanath autonomous
college of science and technology, Adaspur and focus only on the attitude of the
students of arts stream, the researcher collected data from 50 students of Arts
stream of different departments.

The first objective of the study is to know about the facility of e-learning in this
institution. So, the investigator prepared an questionnaire to collect data from the

As per the collected data, it is clear that the institution has a smart classroom with
all the equipment like projector, smart board, microphone, computer etc. Also, all
the materials maintained properly. But the Wi-Fi system or internet connection in
the institutions is very poor. By which students can't access the internet to search
their needed information.


As we all know, till now e-learning can't be implemented in all the schools and
colleges successfully. But in this college, there are sufficient facility of all the
materials needed for e-learning According to the collected data from the students
by the questionnaire, it is very much clear that the use of e-learning materials in
the institutions is not that much satisfactory. Also, all the students don't have
smart phones or the android mobile phones to attend the online classes. They also
can't afford internet packs to attended these classes. That is why the use of e-
learning cannot possible in this institutions. There is also one more reason which
is this college in situated in a remote area by which the internet connection is
very much poor in this area.

As the college is situated in the remote area, most of the students studied here are
from the villages nearby. The parents of the students are not that much educated
and also aware of e-burning or use of technology in the field of education.
Therefore when they are requested to provide smart phones or internet
connections to their children, they feel reactant. They are used to the traditional
method of classrooms teaching. They think teaching can be successful only by
classroom teaching with face-to-face interaction. They can't accept teaching
through online or using internet They think, the use of mobile phones and internet
tends their children in a negative way. So, it is clear that most of the parents can
not accept the process of e-learning wholeheartedly

Most of the students in this college are from rural area. The parents of them are
farmers or shopkeepers. They are not that rich or financially strong to provide all
the materials needed for e-learning to their children. As per the data collected
from the students of the institute clearly states that most of the parents don’t
support e- learning as the method of teaching.

In this study, the researcher can clearly know about the attitude of students
towards e- learning.

E- learning is essentially imparting education through computer &
network enable digital technologies which include among other things ,internet,
computer, satellite, TV, audio, video resources . The term e-learning was first
used in the professional environment in the year 1999 at CBT seminar at loss
angel . Therefore e-learning could be broadly defined as use of (ICT) . Which
defined as information and communication technology to enhance and support
learning . The letter “E” in e-learning stands for the word “electronic” . E-
learning would in co-operate all educational activities that are carried out by the
individuals or groups working online or offline via networked or stand alone
computer and another electronic devices .
Rationale of the study :
Now a days with the increase of the since and technology each and every field of
our society need help of these technologies . Among all the felid education is one
of the most important sector. E –learning is a very vital part of the educational
system . E-learning is playing very important role in the present day society .

Statement of the problem :

In this study the investigator studied the concept of the e-learning . The study
threw lights on the importants of e-learning among students .

Operational definition :
1. Attitude – It refers to a filling or opinion about something or someone or a
way of behaving .
2. E-learning – A learning system based on formalised teaching but with the
help of electronic resources is known as e-learning .

Objective of the study :

1- To study the mindset of the students towards using smart phone for the
learning .
2- To study the attitude of parents towards using technology for the learning .
3- To study the financial problems of the students for e-learning .

Research question :
1- Which kinds of technologies used by the students ?
2- Is there a enough facility for e-learning for students ?
3- Do all the students afford e-learning ?
4- What is the view point of parents regarding e-learning ?
5- Can e-learning replace traditional classrooms teaching ?
6- Delimitation of the study :

The present study is delimited to –

2- 50 students of this collage as key informants .
3- Regarding the attitude of students towards e-learning .


The Population :

The investigator took the udayanath autonomus college science &

technology of adaspur, cuttack, district as the population of the study.
The sample :

The investigator took U.N college of science and technology and 50 of there
collage as the sample.
Tools used:

The following tools were used in this study for the collection of data from
the key information.
Procedure of data collection :

The investigator visited the research site with proper channel. The
investigator maintained good report with the key information in order to elicit the
required and appropriate data needed of study .
Data analysis :

Questionnaires were used for the data collection because it was failed
this was the best way to ensure that researcher was able to gather the opinions of
as many students as possible in the time available.


From the above study, the researcher got the following findings-

1- As this college is situated in a rural area most of the students of the college
are from economically backward family.
2- The parents of the students can’t afford needed gadgets for e- learning.
3- Although most of the students have their own smart phones, still they are
financially not that strong to afford internet packs.
4- Due to rural area the internet facility is not that much strong.
5- The attitude of parents of the students is not that much positive towards e-


After conducting in the present study the researcher recommended these


1- A comparative study between traditional class learning and e- learning.

2- A comparative study of facility of e- learning.

Conclusion :
E-Learning is not just a change of technology. it is part of a redefinition of how
we as a species transmit knowledge, skills & values to younger generation of
workers & students. I will end this book by daring to make a few predictions of
how E-Learning & the functions it serves will continue to develop. Online
education has brought a positive impact in the lives of students and working
professionals. it has given an opportunity to take up additional courses along
with there studies or job as per their convenience.
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5- Illarani (2016): enhancing the quality in education by implementing ICT in

school act-2009 .

6- Krishnaveni : R.(Dr) Meena kumari-J(2010) – Usage of ICT for information

administration in higher education institution .

7- Staff of international tele communication union of the world of the bank

.(2015). The little data book on information journal of technology ,
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8- U.N servey (2012) gender equality and empowerment of women through ICT
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9- Sarkar. S (2012) : The role of information & communication technology in

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10- Thomas . P(2009) : bhoomi gyana ganga E-governance & the right to
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11- Clement checkum khan Md s.h & hasan M (2012). Introduction of ICT
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12- Hattagandi, a. & prof , ghosh. A .2006: enhancing quality & accessibility
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15- Singh.j(DR) 2015 : Role of ICT education – international journal of

advance research in education .

Personal information :
Name of the student –
Class –
Age –
Gender –
Name of the educational institution –


1- From which area are you belong from ?

(Rural / Urban )
2- Do you have a smart phone ?
3- Do you have a desktop or laptop in your home ?
(Yes / No)
4- Do you Recharge your mobile phone with netpack regularly
(Yes / No)
5- Do you use your mobile phone for self study ?
(Yes / No)
6- Do you regularly attend your online class ?
(Yes / No)
7- Do you have any Network issue in your area while using
internet ?
(Yes / No)
8- How far do you satisfied with online studies ?
(Good / Avarage / Bad )
9- Do you prefer to choose online study than classroom study ?
(Yes / No )
10- Can E- Learning replace traditional learning ?
(Yes / No )
11- Can you afford internet everytime for E-Learning ?
(Yes / No)
12- Do your parents happy with E- Learning ?
(Yes / No)
13- Can internet give you enough support in your regular
classroom studies ?
(Yes / No)
14- Do you find extra study materials from Internet for extra
notes ?
(Yes / No)
15- Do you ever attend any online study application ? (Yes / No

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