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Unit 1
1) The industrial relation will be treated here as the study of

A) The employee-manager relationship

B) The Employee – employer relationship

C) Workers- employee relationship

D) All the above

Answer: B

2) According to kapoor the industrial relationship defined as_________

A) developing and dynamic concept and such as the complex relations between the unions and

B) Industrial relations is the multidisciplinary academic field that studies the employment relationship

C) The Industrial Relations or IR encompasses the relationship between the management and workmen

D) Industrial relations is that aspect of management which deals with the manpower of the
establishment whether operators

Answer: A

3) which is the main objectives of the industrial relation system,__________

A) To avoid industrial conflict or strife and develop harmonious relations

B) To raise productivity to a higher level in an era of full employment by

C) To establish and promote the growth of an industrial democracy

D) All of this

Answer: D

4) the world Indian trade union act was established in____________

A) 1926

B) 1958
C) 1992

D) 1988

Answer: A

5) what is the meaning code of conduct,____________

A) To ensures that the employers and employees recognize each other‘s rights and obligations.

B) All Central unions shall combat the formation or continuance of company unions.

C) Iit’s a set of rules outlining the social norms and rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for,
an individual, party or organization.

D) None of this

Answer: C

Unit 2
1)Which is the Impacts of industrial relations conflict for a business

A) Reduced productivity

B) Loss of profits

C) Damage to public image

D) All of this

Answer: D

2)The industrial dispute Act was established in the year of,_______


B) 1947



Answer: B
3) During 2002, Which percentage of the disputes were because of leave





Answer: B

4) Sympathetic strikes refers to,_____________

A) Cessation of work in the support of the demand workmen belonging to their employer.

B) In this type the members of trade union stop work to enforce their economic demands.

C) Some workers may resort to fast on or near the place of work or residence of the employer.

D) It is an unofficial strike ie., a strike not sanctioned by the union.

Answer: A

5) What is the power of conciliation officer

A) The Conciliation Officer is given the powers of a civil court, whereby he is authorised to call the

B)A supervisor will usually have the authority to make purchases within specified limits

C) have several tools available to facilitate and manage the performance of others.

D) The conciliation officer  as an power to Influence .

Answer: A

Unit 3
1) According to labour welfare committee labour welfare means,
A) Labour welfare relates to taking care of the well-being of workers by employers, trade unions

B) Effort expended on a particular task; toil, work.. That which requires hard work for its
accomplishment; that which demands effort.

C) It means Such as services, facilities, and amenities as adequate canteens, rest, etc.,

D)All of these

Answer: c

2) In Indian labaour welfare started during the year of,_________

A) 1914-1918

B) 1920-1924

C) 1911-1914

D) 1916-1918

Answer: A

3) Choose the scope of labour welfare from the following

A) Proper ventilation, lighting, temperature, cleanliness, seating arrangements etc

B) Pure drinking water should be provided.

C) Workplace sanitation and cleanliness is very important for making workplace favourable to workers

D)All the above

Answer: D

4) what you mean by policy theory__________

A) refers to a range of government programs that provide financial or other aid to individuals or groups

B) This theory is basically meant for making the employees and the workers availed with the basic
facilities needed.

C) The good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc., of a person, group, or organization; well-being

D) The main purpose of an economic welfare system is to assist citizens who are not able to support 
Answer: B

5) Under voluntary welfare activities which one denotes various assistance programs are arranged like
external counseling service.

A) Personal Health Care

B) Employee Assistance Programs

C) Flexi-time

D) Harassment Policy

Answer: B

1) Which accidents refers to plants often house combustible chemicals that are either the byproducts of
manufacturing, or the basis for creating new chemicals.

A) Industrial plant accident

B)Construction accidents

C) chemical plant accidents

D)mining accidents

Answer: C

2) In factories ACT 1948, section 25 represents,____________

A) Fencing of machinery Section

B) Work on or near machinery in motion Section

C) Employment of young persons on dangerous machines

D) Casing of new machinery

Answer: D

3) Which occupational hazards mainly focuses on Industrial/job stress caused by various stressors such as
task and role demands, ganisational leadership
A) Environmental hazards

B) Psychological hazards

C) Biological hazards

D) Chemical hazards

Answer: B

4) The statutory safety provisions as applicable to factories in India are found in sections of

A) 30 through 42 of the Factories Act, 1948.

B) 11 through 20 of the Factories Act, 1948.

C) 21 through 40 of the Factories Act, 1948.

D) 12 through 20 of the Factories Act, 1948.

Answer: C

5) Which are all the important factors for protecting against the health hazards.

A) By substituting less toxic substances for the hazardous chemical by providing protecting clothing
&safety education.

B) In radiation industries insists their employees wear badges.

C) By controlling noise in factories by segregating noisy equipment.

D) All the above

Answer: D

Unit 5
1) The children labour act was established in the year of_________

A) Employment of Children Act (1938)

B) Employment of Children Act (19340)

C) Employment of Children Act (1948)

D) Employment of Children Act (1942)

Answer: A

2) In child labour act 1986 No children allowed to work between,____________

A) between 6 P.M and 8 P.M

B) between 8 P.M and 7 P.M

C) between 7 P.M and 8 P.M

D) between 7 P.M and 10 P.M

Answer : C

3) The contract labour ACT came into force from,_____________

A) 11th February 1971

B) 14th February 1971

C) 16th February 1971

D) 10th February 1971

Answer: D

4) Choose the statutory provisions for women welfare

A) Maternity Provision 1919

B) Night Work 1919

C) Underground work 1935

D) All the above

Answer: D

5) What is the meaning of social assistance

A) m the consolidated fund of the state rather than from individual contributions, with statutory scales
of benefit adjusted according to a person‘s means.

B) Prohibition of employment of children in certain occupations and processes:

C) )Hours and period of work

D)None of these
Answer: A

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