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Name : Nurbaiti

NIM : F1021171016

Class : B+ / Reg A

Subject : Research on ELT

1. What is developmental reserach ?

Answer :

Developmental research, as opposed to simple instructional development, has been defined as

the systematic study of designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs,
processes, and products that must meet criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness.
Developmental research is particularly important in the field of instructional technology. The
most common types of developmental research involve situations in which the product-
development process is analyzed and described, and the final product is evaluated. A second
type of developmental research focuses more on the impact of the product on the learner or
the organization. A third type of study is oriented toward a general analysis of design
development or evaluation processes as a whole or as components. A fundamental distinction
should be made between reports of actual developmental research (practice) and descriptions
of design and development procedural models (theory). Although it has frequently been
misunderstood, developmental research has contributed much to the growth of the field as a
whole, often serving as a basis for model construction and theorizing. One figure illustrates
the discussion. (Contains 24 references.) (SLD)

2. What kind of design in developmental research ?

There are 3 kind of design in deelopmental resarch :

1.Cross-sectional study involves looking at people who differ one key characteristic at one
spcific point in time.the data is collected at the same time from people who are similar in
other characteristic but different in key factor on interest such as age, incom levels, or
georaphic location. Participants are usually seperated into groups known as cohorts. For
example, researchers might create cohorts of participants who are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
This type of uses different groups of people who differ in the variable of interest but who
share other characteristic such as socioeconomic status, educational background, and

2. Longitidunal study is corelatin research study that involves repeated observation of the
same items over long periods of time. Usually use in psychology, an medicine. The
diadvantages are the length of time it takes to complete the study, the lack of control,
randomization, and standarization, less power to detect causal relationship than do
experiments. The advantages are more power than cross-setional studies by virtue of
excluding time-invariant unobserved individual ifferences, obsarving the temporal order of
events. It allows researchers can look at how certain may change at different points in life and
explore some of the reasons why these developmental shifts take place.

3. Cross sequential study combine both longitidunal and cross sectional methods. In an
attempt to both shorten the length of the research and minimize developmental assumptions
each covering a different period of time. For this method, group of different age children
(three, six, and nine for example) may be studied for a period of three years to both assess
developmental changes and assure that the typical three year old is similar to the typical six
years old after three years of development.

3. How to use developmental reserarch ?

Answer :

1. Premilinary examination (preliminary investigation)

Systematic and intensive priliminary examinition of problems include literature

review, consulting experts, analysis of the availability of examples for related purposes, and
case studies from general practice to specify needs.

2. Theoritical embeding

A more systematic efforts is made to apply the knowledge base in expressing the
theoritical rationale for design choice.

3. Empirical testing

Clear empirical evidence shows the practically and effectiveness of intervensions.

4. Process and results documentation, analysis and reflection (documentation, analysis, and
reflection on process and outcome).

Implementation and results to play a role in the specification and expansion of

research design and development methodologies.

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