Adhd Autism The Two Conditions Can Occur Together

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Trouble paying attention to people.

Being constantly on the move.

Invading personal space, not
reading social cues well and
having meltdowns. These can all
be signs of
both ADHD and autism . And the
two conditions can occur
together .

The signs of autism, also

called autism spectrum disorder or
ASD, can range in severity. While
ADHD (also known as ADD) isn’t a
spectrum disorder, like autism it
can produce a range of
symptoms . And each symptom
can cause a range of difficulty from
one child to the next. So what’s the
difference between ADHD and

This table breaks down some of

the key differences between them.

  ADHD Autism
What is it? A neurodevelopmental A range of neurodevelopmental
condition  that makes it hard for conditions that causes challenges with
kids to concentrate, pay attention, social skills , communication , and
sit still, and curb impulsivity . thinking. Repetitive behaviors are also
part of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Signs you  Seems forgetful, easily  Avoids eye contact and/or
may notice, distracted or daydreamy physical contact
depending  Appears not to listen and  Has delayed speech (or no
on your has trouble following speech) or repeats phrases over
child directions and over
  ADHD Autism
 Is prone to tantrums and  Is prone to meltdowns due
meltdowns  due to frustration to sensory processing issues,
or lack of impulse control anxiety, frustration, or
 Struggles with organization communication difficulties
and completing tasks  Gets upset by changes in routine
 Has trouble staying on task  Struggles with social skills
unless an activity is very  Uses excessive body movements
enjoyable to self-soothe (e.g., rocking,
 Struggles with social skills flapping hands)
 Struggles to sit still during  Has obsessive interests and
quiet activities, such as experiences perseveration
mealtimes or during  Is constantly “on the go” or
independent work time at moving; fidgets and needs to pick
school up and fiddle with everything
 Has trouble waiting his turn  Is very advanced verbally, but
and being patient struggles with nonverbal cues
 Is constantly “on the go” or  Has trouble showing
moving; fidgets and needs to understanding of other people’s
pick up and fiddle with feelings and his own
everything  Reacts strongly to the way things
 Interrupts people , blurts sound, smell, taste, look, or feel
things out inappropriately, (sensory processing issues)
and may struggle  Has trouble with safety and
with nonverbal cues danger awareness
 Acts without thinking and
may not understand the
consequences of his actions
 May overreact to sensory
input, like the way things
sound, smell, taste, look, or
  ADHD Autism
 Plays roughly and takes
physical risks

Possible Trouble following social rules can The main struggles of ASD involve
emotional make it hard to make and keep social understanding, communication
and social friends. Frequent negative feedback and repetitive routines or behaviors.
impact for acting out or not paying Many kids with ASD — even those
attention can impact self-esteem without significant cognitive challenges
and motivation, making a child feel — have trouble making friends,
he’s “bad” or “no good.” (Read understanding how to relate to other
more about ADHD and emotions .) people and making sense of social cues.
Professiona  Pediatricians,  Pediatricians, neurologists,
ls who can neurologists, developmenta developmental-behavior
help l-behavioral pediatricians , pediatricians, child
nurse practitioners, child psychiatrists, psychologists: Ide
psychiatrists: Diagnose ntify possible signs of autism and
ADHD and may diagnose. May also refer
prescribe medication . Can for early intervention services .
also look for other issues  Clinical child psychologists,
like anxiety . social workers: Provide therapy
 Clinical child or social skills training  to help
psychologists: Provide beha kids improve social interactions.
vior therapy  to teach kids to Provide cognitive behavioral
manage their actions and therapy to help with emotional
interactions. issues related to autism. Diagnose
Provide cognitive behavioral other issues that may co-occur
therapy  to help with with autism, including ADHD.
emotional issues related to May also evaluate for learning
their ADHD. Diagnose differences.
ADHD and mental health  Pediatric
issues that may co-occur, neuropsychologists: Diagnose
like anxiety. May also autism and common issues that
  ADHD Autism
evaluate for learning may co-occur, such as anxiety
differences. and ADHD. May also prescribe
 Pediatric medication as needed.
neuropsychologists : Diagno  Occupational therapists : Help
se ADHD and common kids learn coping skills for
mental health issues that challenging situations.
may co-occur. May also Provide sensory integration
evaluate for learning therapy  or a sensory diet  to help
differences. kids respond to sensory input in
 Educational more appropriate ways.
therapists , organizational  Speech therapists : Work on
coaches : Work on speech-language and pragmatic
organization and time language skills to help kids
management skills. communicate and understand
others more easily.

What the A child might be eligible for A child might be eligible for an IEP
school may an IEP under the category of “other under the category of “autism.” Special
provide health education may be provided along
impairment.” Accommodations  can with accommodations. They are very
also be provided under a 504 plan. specific to each child, but examples can
Examples might include: include:

 A seat close to the teacher  A seat closer to the teacher and to

and away from distractions classroom materials
 A quieter work space to get  A work space with limited
work completed without auditory and visual distractions
distraction  Visual prompts and color
 A signal, nonverbal cue, or coding  to highlight and teach new
picture card to get the information
child’s attention  A sensory diet and
 Help breaking long activities  throughout the day
  ADHD Autism
assignments into smaller  Social stories to present new
chunks ideas and situations
 Written or picture schedules  Being provided with choices to
for daily activities ease anxiety
 Movement breaks  Being provided with “wait time ”

What you  Set clear rules and  Set clear expectations and create
can do at expectations for your child. daily routines.
home  Create daily routines to  Break directions into smaller
provide structure. chunks and use picture prompts.
 Break directions and tasks  Have a plan to manage
into smaller chunks. meltdowns .
 Teach your child to use  Use a visual timer or signal to
visual prompts like make it easier to transition from
checklists, picture schedules one thing to the next.
and sticky notes to help him  Role-play and teach scripts for
focus, stay organized and social situations.
get things done.
 Allow for flexibility during These are some common examples. But
homework time for brain because ASD looks so different in each

and movement breaks. child, the support provided at home

 Create an organized varies a lot from child to child. Parents

homework and study area . will often work with a psychologist or

 Give advance warning about other clinicians to create a support plan.

changes in the schedule and
explain what to expect in
new situations.
Symptoms of ADHD and autism
In the earliest stages, it’s not unusual for ADHD and ASD to be mistaken for the
other. Children with either condition may experience trouble communicating and
focusing. Although they have some similarities, they’re still two distinct conditions.

Here’s a comparison of the two conditions and their symptoms:

ADHD Autism
symptoms symptoms

being easily distracted ✓

frequently jumping from one task to another or quickly

growing bored with tasks

unresponsive to common stimuli ✓

difficulty focusing, or concentrating and narrowing

attention to one task

intense focus and concentration on a singular item ✓

talking nonstop or blurting things out ✓

hyperactivity ✓

trouble sitting still ✓

interrupting conversations or activities ✓

lack of concern or inability to react to other people’s

✓ ✓
emotions or feelings

repetitive movement, such as rocking or twisting ✓

avoiding eye contact ✓

withdrawn behaviors ✓

impaired social interaction ✓

delayed developmental milestones ✓

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