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Class XII (ISC)

BIOLOGY Paper-1 (Theory)

Time: Three hours Maximum marks: 70

* Answers to this paper must be written on the answer script provided separately.
* All subsections of each question must be answered in the correct order.
* You are not allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in
reading the question paper.
* The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
* Please do not write anything on your question paper except your name and roll number.
* The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]
* This paper comprises TWO PARTS – Part I and Part II.
* Part I contains twenty questions of one mark each.
* Part II consists of Section A, B and C. Section A contains seven questions of two marks
each, Section B contains seven questions of three marks each and Section C contains
three questions of five marks each.
* Internal choices have been provided in two questions in Section A, two questions in
Section B and in all the three questions of Section C.

Part I [20 marks]

Answer all questions.
Question 1
(a) Answer the following questions briefly and to the point : [81]
(i) Mention the most significant function of luteinising hormone in human
(ii) Name the causative agent of gonorrhoea.
(iii) If a double stranded DNA has 20% of cytosine, calculate the percent of
adenine in the DNA.
(iv) What are VNTR’s ?
(v) Name the type of antibody present in colostrum.
(vi) Define gene pool.
(vii) What are introns?
(viii) Define cryopreservation.
(b) Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given below: [41]
(i) The historic Convention on Biological Diversity held at Rio de Janeiro
in 1992 is known as :
(1) Earth Summit (2) World Summit
(3) CITES Convention (4) COP.

O–2 This paper consists of five printed pages. Turn over

(ii) One strand of DNA has nitrogenous base TAGTC, what will be the
complementary RNA sequence?
(3) UAGAC (4) ATCAG.
(iii) In order to produce many copies of a protein fast, the cell uses :
(1) DNA replication
(2) Single unit ribosomes for high speed translation
(3) Codon-anticodon reciprocal duplication
(4) Many RNA polymerase molecules to produce mRNA transcripts at the
same time.

(iv) Among the following which one is not endangered mammal:

(1) Maned Sloth or Red Sloth (2) Musk Deer
(3) Blue cow (4) Indian lion.
(c) Give one significant contribution of each of the following: [41]
(i) E. O. Wilson
(ii) F. Griffith
(iii) Temin and Baltimore
(iv) H. Boyer.
(d) Give reasons: [21]
(i) Retrovirus is considered to be an exception to the central dogma.
(ii) In humans, the testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity.
(e) Define: [21]
(i) Hot Spots
(ii) Capacitation.

Part II
SECTION A [14 marks]
Answer all questions.
Question 2 [2]
(a) Write a brief note on the causes of infertility in males.
(b) Explain any two natural methods of contraception.

O–2 (2)
Question 3 [2]
Give four differences between menstrual cycle and oestrus cycle.

Question 4 [2]
What does each accessory sex glands contribute to semen?

Question 5 [2]
a) Define :
(i) Amniocentesis
(ii) Parturition.
b) Briefly describe:
(i) Tissue Culture
(ii) Red Data Book.

Question 6 [2]
Draw a neat and labelled diagram of human ovum.

Question 7 [2]
Write a short note on gel electrophoresis.

Question 8 [2]
What are artificial chromosomes? How are they useful?

SECTION B [21 marks]

Answer all questions.
Question 9 [3]
(a) Write the applications of the following assisted reproductive techniques :
(i) IUT
(ii) IVF
(iii) IUI.
(b) Differentiate between:
(i) Morula and Blastula
(ii) Endemic and Exotic species
(iii) snRNA and hnRNA.

O–2 (3) Turn over

Question 10 [3]
Explain the Rivet popper hypothesis.

Question 11 [3]
Explain lac operon model of gene expression.

Question 12 [3]
Explain the process of spermatogenesis in humans.

Question 13 [3]
Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a bioreactor.

Question 14 [3]
Give three factors for explaining why tropics show greatest levels of species richness.

Question 15 [3]
(a) What is a cloning vector? State any four characteristics of a good cloning vector.
(b) Briefly describe the technique employed in DNA fingerprinting.

SECTION C [15 marks]

Answer all questions.

Question 16 [5]
(a) Describe the events that take place from time of entry of human sperm into
the ovum till fertilization is complete.


(b) Explain Hershey and Chase’s experiment .What is the significance of this

O–2 (4)
Question 17 [5]
(a) The following graph shows the species-area relationship. Study the graph
and answer the questions that follow :

(i) Name the naturalist who studied the kind of relationship shown in the graph.
Write the observations made by him.
(ii) Write the situations as discovered by the ecologists when the value of ‘Z’ lies
between :
(1) 0.1 and 0.2 (2) 0.6 and 1.2
(iii) What does ‘Z’ stands for?

(b) What does PCR stand for? Describe the different steps of PCR. What is the
application of this process?

Question 18 [5]
(a) Explain Meselson and Stahl’s experiment .What is the significance of this
(b) What is HGP ? Give any two salient features of HGP. Briefly describe the
methodologies involved in exploring the HGP.

O–2 (5)

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