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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018)

A Literature Review on the Influence of Sales Promotion, Shopping

Lifestyle, Store Atmosphere, and Hedonic Shopping Motivation toward
Unplanned Purchase

Cetya Prima Nasrul1, Yasri2

Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia,  cetya_prima@yahoo.com
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia,  yasri33@fe.unp.ac.id

This research was motivated by one of the goals of the development of the retail
sector in Indonesia. This study aims to collect and analyze published articles about
sales promotion, shopping lifestyle, store atmosphere, hedonic shopping
motivation and unplanned purchases. Research design is a literature review.
Articles published in the last 10 years that appear in management and business
journals that are academically recognized have been reviewed in this study.
Keywords: sales promotion, shopping lifestyle, store atmosphere, hedonic
shopping motivation, and unplanned purchase.

In globalization era, competition in retail sector plays important role. (Sopiah, 2008) reveal
that globalization is the main factor in creating demand and increasing demand for goods
and retail services. Business is an activity or activities undertaken by a company to seek
benefits. Government policy has results business opportunities for foreign business people.
Government policy conducted by government itself is to encourage retail development led to
the growth of modern retail rapidly, such as minimarket, supermarkets, department stores,
shopping centers, malls, and Hypermarket. The rise of modern retail business in number is
facing intense competition so it requires retail business to have deep understanding of
customers in order to win the competition.
According to (Bhakat & Muruganantham, 2013), unplanned purchase is purchase
experiencing sudden impulse, powerful, and irresistible to buy a product without pre-
shopping intention formed before entering the store. (Beatty & Ferrell, 1998); (George, B. P.,
Yaoyuneyong, 2010);(Banerjee, S. and Saha, 2012) state unplanned purchase is defined as
something that is out of plan, a place where purchase decision made as triggered by a
stimulus. The stimulus given through sensory marketing or touching product, based on clear
and visible information about special offers. This will help consumers to remember what they
need. Impulsive purchase usually occurs within a short time because the purchasing
decisions that are usually not balanced with considerations as well as information and
alternatives selection (Tendai, Mariri dan Crispen, 2009). According to (Mowen & Minor, 2010)
states that unplanned purchases is the act of buying anything without any trouble feeling
before or intention to make purchase decision before entering the store.
There are several factors that influence unplanned purchases. According to ( keller Kotler,
2009) that factors influencing unplanned purchases are sales promotion. A research
discovered by (Fakthul & Surhayon, 2016) show that there are five factors making up
unplanned purchase such as store atmosphere, shopping lifestyle, reference group, brand
trust and motivation shopping hedonist. Behind of many factors, this study just focuses on
four dominant factors of unplanned purchases as sales promotion, lifestyle shopping, store
atmosphere, and hedonic shopping motivation.
The first factor affecting unplanned purchases is sales promotion. Sales promotion is the
main ingredient in marketing campaign, consisting of a collection of incentive tools, mostly
short-term designed to stimulate larger and faster purchase rather than particular product or

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 389
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

service by consumers through trade (Kotler, Philip., Keller, 2013), Meanwhile, according to
(Ayimey K, Vitor, & Gayibor, 2013) sales promotion is achieved through informing and
persuading consumers about an existing or new product. (Phillip Kotler & Amstrong, 2009)
say that sales promotion consists of short-term incentives to encourage purchase or sales of
products or service. This definition explains that sales promotion relating to short-term
incentives to encourage purchase or sale of a product or service. These incentives associated
with reward, whether it relates to refund in the form of discounts, collateral or may include
product samples and the others.
Sales promotion is a collection of tools that have variety of incentives, mostly short-term,
designed to encourage purchase of a particular product or service quickly and greatly by
consumers. It can be clearly seen that modern retailers is now more and more promotional
sales are made through discounts, point of purchase (POP), advertisements and posters on
the shelf in store. According to (Philip Kotler & Keller, 2009) promotional activity in-store
sales can lead to a desire, arousal, or thrill to buy even if consumers do not have intention to
buy product before, thus encouraging purchases are not planned in advance (impulse).
(Grewal & Levy, 2008) give a sense of sales promotion as a special incentive or interesting
programs that encourage consumers to make purchases of products and certain services.
Sales promotion is a persuasive action directly offering incentives or more value for product
of sales force, distributors or consumers with primary objective of generating sales
immediately. It concludes that promotional activities will help and to persuade prospective
consumers to purchase products or services that we offer. Sales promotion describes
incentives and prizes to make customers buy goods company directly. As a result, this is to
require response quickly compared what be seen on advertisement.
The second factor affecting corporate value is shopping lifestyle. Shopping has become a
tradition at the same lifestyle trends in the globalization era, consumers are not only can
make purchase decision at mall or shops, but also make purchase online (Amiri, Jasour,
Shirpour, & Alizadeh, 2012). (Zablocki & Kanter, 1976) state that lifestyle shopping show a
way chosen by someone to allocate revenue, both in terms of funds allocation for variety of
products and services, as well as certain alternatives.(Cobb & Hoyer, 1986) defines shopping
lifestyle behavior as indicated by buyer in connection with a series of comments and
personal opinions about purchase of lifestyle products from time to time and it has become
most popular for customers. As a result people are willing to sacrifice anything in order to
follow lifestyle and tend to lead on impulse buying. The development of lifestyle continues
shopping activity as medium to satisfy customers’ need. One of reasons is shopping lifestyle,
when consumers go to the mall and see good stuffs, although unplanned purchase,
consumers will definitely buy goods which is usually called impulse buying. Consumers
will be willing to sacrifice something in order to meet the lifestyle and it will tend to lead to
impulse buying behavior (Japariyanto & Sugiyono Sugiharto, 2011).
The third factor affecting unplanned purchases is store atmosphere. (Kotler, P., Wong, V.,
Saunders, J. and Armstrong, 2005) define store atmosphere effects sore designed that has the
ability to influence consumers’ behavior. Meanwhile, according to (Utami, 2010), atmosphere
store is a combination of physical characteristics such store architecture, layout, lighting,
display color, temperature, music, scents thoroughly that will create image in minds of
consumers. According to ( keller Kotler, 2009) atmosphere of the store is planned atmosphere
in accordance with the target market and to attract consumers to buy .Store atmosphere can
cause or influence purchase. The emotional state will create two dominant feelings that evoke
feelings of pleasure and desire. (Yoo, Park, & MacInnis, 1998) said that list of design; lighting,
decoration and music have a strong influence on the ability of consumers to buy impulsively.
(Donovan, Robert J.; Rossiter, John R.; Marcoolyn, Gilian dan Nesdale, 1994) suppose that
various ways of store atmosphere can affect consumer behavior, including the amount of
money spent, time spent and interest of consumers to visit again.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

Store atmosphere also became one of external factors that can affect impulse buying
behavior of consumers. Varying tempo of music affect time spent in the store, for example,
only music that later will lead to higher sales (Kotler, Phillip, & Keller, 2016). Atmosphere
store affects emotional state buyers that cause or influence making purchase. The emotional
state will create two dominant feelings that evoke feelings of pleasure and desire. According
(Buedincho, 2003) that atmosphere of store is one of external factors that can affect a person's
impulse buying behavior.
The fourth factor affecting unplanned purchases is hedonic shopping motivation.
According (Utami, 2010) that defines motivation hedonic shopping is that shopping to get
pleasure of senses, contentment, an excitement and feeling so that Shopping is something
interesting. Shopping Motivation can be defined as driver behaviors that bring consumer to
internal market in order to satisfy their needs (Jin & Kim, 2003). While, (Nita Paden, 2010)
defines the hedonic shopping is because they feel happy when you make purchase with friend
or family. According (Kosyu, Hidayat, & Abdillah, 2014) hedonic motives will be created by
store while touring choose products based on taste. When shopping, someone will have
positive emotion to buy the product without prior planning. Motivation is hedonic shopping
where consumers who have high emotional arousal usually feeling frequent experience of
hedonic shopping (Gültekin & Hacettepe, 2012). Consumers behavior will not be compelled
strong hedonic motivation as stated by (Solomon, Marshall, & E.W, 2008) that consisting of
social experience, sharing of common interest, interpersonal attraction, and instant status.
That’s why it is called hedonism motivation as notes shopping list.

Classification of the Literature

1. Sales Promotion influence to unplanned purchase
Research conducted by (Weerathunga & Pathmini, 2016) find that sales promotion
effect to unplanned purchases. While, (Amanah, Dita dan Pelawi, 2015) mention some
proofs of great significant of sales promotion to unplanned purchase.
2. Shopping Lifestyle influence to unplanned purchase
Other study conducted by (Deviana & I Gst Ayu Kt.Giantari, 2016) find that shopping
lifestyle significantly influence unplanned purchase. (Chusniasari & Prijati, 2015)
mention that lifestyle shopping give significant influence and positive impact on
unplanned purchase. Further research conducted by (Cahyono, Khuzaini, & Hermono
Widiarto, 2012) find that shopping lifestyle has a direct influence on unplanned
3. Store Atmosphere influence to unplanned purchase
(Tryastiti & Astiti, 2016) find significant effect on unplanned purchase of store
atmosphere. Further research (Ukpabi, 2015) find positive correlation between
unplanned purchase and four components of the atmosphere stores.
4. Hedonic Shopping Motivation influence to unplanned purchase
Research conducted by (Lumintang & Fenny Felicia, 2012) finds that hedonic shopping
motivations significant effect on impulsive purchases, where the higher motivation of
consumers who buy at shop with hedonic impulsive behavior happening. This is
because when someone make shopping hedonist, then consumers would not consider
a benefit of product so to increase likelihood of impulse purchases. In line with this, in
a study conducted by (Paramita, 2015)also shows that the higher motivation hedonic
owned by the customer in the shop in order to get pleasure, then the behavior of
impulse purchases will occur so that consumers are more likely to engage in
unplanned purchases when motivated by encouragement hedonic such as pleasure.
(Chusniasari & Prijati, 2015)finds that hedonic shopping motivations give significant
impact on unplanned purchase. Research (Asnawati & Sri, 2018) also find hedonic
shopping motivations significant impact on unplanned purchase

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

Results and discussions

This article is analyzed by the year of publication, journal, topic and country. This analysis
will provide to guidence for research on the influence of Unplanned Purchase. . The details
are as follows:

Distribution by years of Publication

Where the published articles selected in 2009-2018 are shown in the figure. Research in the
field of purchase decision on average has increased. Meanwhile since 2010 researchers
published a total of 20 papers (95,2 percent of the total).

Figure 1 Articles distribution by year

Distribution of articles by Journal

There are a total of 21 different journals from various scientific disciplines (sales
promotions, shopping lifestyle and others). Articles published about our topic. Table 1 shows
a list of published Retail journals, scientific journals and business journals. Where the most
articles according to business research are 3 pieces or 14.2 percent of the total.

Table 1 Distribution of articles by Journal

Journal Number Of Articles
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 1
Journal Faculty of Economics and Business 1
British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade 1
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review 1
International Journal of Marketing Studies 1
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan 1
Jurnal Ilmu Dan Riset Manajemen, 1
E-Jurnal Manajemen Unud 1
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis 3
Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies 1
Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran 1
Jurnal Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya 1
Jurnal ASBBS Annual Conference 1
Jurnal International Research Symposium 1
Jurnal International Academic Conference for Sub-Sahara 1
African Transformation & Development
Jurnal Psikologi Unud 1
African Journal of Marketing Management 1
Jurnal Of Retailing 1
International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics 1

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

Distribution of articles by country names

The distribution of articles with country names is shown in Figure 2. It can be seen that
Indonesia ranks first with a total of 12 articles or 57.1 percent of the total of 21 articles used.
So the Indonesian people research the most unplanned purchases, because Indonesian
consumers who like to make purchases without planning it.

Figure 2 Distribution of articles by country names

Table 2 Classification of the reviewed articles

1. Sales Promotion
(Ayimey K, Vitor, & Gayibor, 2013), (Weerathunga & Pathmini, 2016), (Amanah,
Dita dan Pelawi, 2015)
2. Shopping Lifestyle
(Amiri, Jasour, Shirpour, & Alizadeh, 2012), (Japariyanto & Sugiyono Sugiharto,
2.1 2011), (Deviana & I Gst Ayu Kt.Giantari, 2016), (Chusniasari & Prijati, 2015),
(Cahyono, Khuzaini, & Hermono Widiarto, 2012).
3. Store Atmosphere
3.1 (Utami, 2010), (Tryastiti & Astiti, 2016), (Ukpabi, 2015)
4. Hedonic Shopping Motivation
(Utami, 2010), (Nita Paden, 2010), (Kosyu, Hidayat, & Abdillah, 2014),
4.1 (Lumintang & Fenny Felicia, 2012), (Paramita, 2015), (Chusniasari & Prijati, 2015),
(Asnawati & Sri, 2018), (Gültekin & Hacettepe, 2012).

Based on the results of the literature review that sales promotion, shopping lifestyle, store
atmosphere and hedonic shopping motivation have a significant influence on unplanned
purchases made by customers. The purchase is not a problem before buying a formed before
entering the store. Impulsive behavior of someone is influenced by the encouragement of
themselves to meet their needs at this time as well. There is an encouragement from someone
when looking at products offered by retailers allowing someone to impulse buying. The
existence of unplanned purchases now will increase economic growth.
The results of this review are just a conceptual starting point for starting an integrated
discipline. It is realized that this literature study has several weaknesses, including the
minimum number of publication provider websites used as data sources. In addition to the
three websites used as data sources in this literature review, there are actually more websites
that provide scientific publications. However, the website cannot be included because of the
limited access that the author has. Thus further studies need to be improved on a broader

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

literature source to gain an understanding of the implementation of concepts in more diverse

case studies.

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