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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

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Investigation of the failure mode of shale rocks in biaxial and triaxial

compression tests
Shrey Arora, Brijes Mishra n
Department of Mining Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: High horizontal in-situ stress and weak sedimentary laminated roof rock can severely affect underground
Received 15 March 2015 coal mine roof stability. These sedimentary rocks possess planes of weakness along the horizontal di-
Received in revised form rection in a mine roof and delaminate easily when acted upon by high lateral stresses. Empirical studies
6 August 2015
have shown that the magnitude of these stresses can be as much as two to three times the local over-
Accepted 11 August 2015
burden stress. The resulting ground control problems (buckling, cutters, etc.) in such conditions are quite
challenging for mining engineers. This paper describes the failure observed in coal mine shale rocks
Keywords: under biaxial and triaxial stress conditions. To carry out the investigation, special platens were fabricated
Coal mines that are capable of applying biaxial compressive stress on a cubic rock specimen when the entire ar-
Cutter roof failure
rangement is used inside a uniaxial compressive loading device. This experimental set-up was further
Laminated shale
modified to apply a pseudo-triaxial compressive stress. Laminated shale specimens tested under biaxial
Biaxial platens
Biaxial tests stress condition showed tensile failure along the laminations at macrolevel. Black shale specimens
Triaxial tests showed extreme brittle failure. Limestone specimens tested under similar conditions failed violently and
it was concluded that failure observed in each rock type tested was unique and not an artifact of the
experimental design. The pseudo-triaxial conditions reduced the influence of laminations on the failure
mode. Laminated shale specimens were found to fail along multiple shear planes.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The mechanism underlying typical failures in laminated roof rock

has not been researched extensively, and the investigation pre-
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sented in this paper is an attempt to move in this direction.
(CDC)3 there are 568 active underground coal mines in the United An example of failure in laminated roof rock in underground coal
States. A majority of these mines are located in the eastern part of mines is the “cutter roof”. Hill et al.7 describe the failure as: “a failure
the country (Fig. 1(a)). Mines in these regions (like Northern Ap- process that initially begins as a fracture plane in the roof rock parallel
palachia, Southern Appalachia and the Illinois Basin) are known to to, and located at, the roof-rib intersection. The fracture propagates at
have been affected by severe ground control problem (Fig. 1(b)). It an angle usually steeper than 60° from the horizontal.” A cutter type
is important to note that apart from the high topographic stress roof failure could eventually have disastrous consequences, resulting
(especially in the Appalachian region), other factors like relatively in the collapse of the entire roof of an entry or cross-cut13. The entire
roof collapse, starting from the initial occurrence of the cutter failure,
high lateral stress and weak roof have been known to immensely
happens in a step-wise manner (Fig. 2), and can occur over a time
affect the overall stability of underground coal mine openings. A
period of a few days to a month; and sometimes the intial fracture
recent study published by Bajpayee et al.2 analyzed the con-
remains dormant for the rest of the mine panel life.14 The coal mines
tributory geologic factors behind roof falls based on well-docu-
in the Appalachian region in the Unites States have been known to be
mented narratives of mine operators involved with 1825 non-in- severely affected by this ground control problem,1,6,14–16 etc. This
jury roof falls between the years 1999 and 2008. The two major problem is aggravated in the presence of existing high horizontal in-
factors—namely, the presence of discontinuities in the roof rock situ stresses (the maximum horizontal stress in these regions can be
and laminated rock surfaces—were determined to be the two two to three times the overburden stress).4
prominent contributors in about 60–65% of the roof falls reported. The use of numerical modeling has been successful in re-
plicating some of the key aspects of cutter roof failure like step-
Correspondence to: Department of Mining Engineering 359E Mineral Resources
wise failure, location of failure at the roof rib intersection, and
Building West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV-26506, USA. random spatial distribution of cutters within a mine panel. Con-
E-mail address: (B. Mishra). tinuum mechanics-based numerical modeling software has been
1365-1609/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
110 S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

Fig. 1. (a) Roof fall rate in U.S. coalfields from 2005–2006.11Note: Percentage in bars indicate the percent of production due to longwall mining method, and (b) location of
active underground coal mining operations, 2012.10

widely used for this purpose,1,9,14,16 etc., with strain softening type in underground coal mines in the eastern United States could be as
of rock constitute behavior incorporated into some of the recent high as two to three times the overburden stress, and this fact has
modeling attempts.6,16 However, in this project, discontinuum been identified as a key factor responsible for failure in laminated
mechanics-based numerical modeling was deliberately avoided rock. An analysis of in-situ stress measurements of this region by
due to the fact that reliable input parameters (pertaining to dis- Mark10 indicates the presence of a predominant E-NE horizontal
continuity properties) were not readily available.6 The authors are stress orientation, which is also biaxial in nature. In an attempt to
skeptical about this approach of excluding discontinuum modeling simulate these in-situ stress conditions at laboratory scale, special
as a pertinent question related to the influence of mechanical platens were designed and fabricated, and these are capable of
properties of laminations (cohesion, friction angle, etc.) on the applying equal biaxial stress on a two inch cubic specimen. Ad-
results of numerical model is raised. Esterhuizen and Bajpayee5 ditionally, a pseudo-triaxial stress condition was also simulated
point out, in this regard, that delamination is common in lami- using biaxial platens and industrial c-clamp arrangement. Ideally,
nated rock, where the rock separates into thin, weak beams which a true-triaxial equipment would have simulated the in-situ con-
are then more susceptible to buckling under high lateral stress. ditions in a more realistic fashion by allowing control over in-
Hence, to develop and analyze numerical models simulating fail- dependent triaxial stresses acting on the specimen. However, such
ure in laminated rock, it is imperative that we fully understand the equipment was beyond the financial scope of this research project.
failure mechanism in these rocks under varying stress conditions.
The research presented in this article is based on this rationale and
explores the response of laminated shale specimens from im- 3. Experimental design
mediate roof rock (rock samples collected from the immediate
stratum in the roof of a mine opening) under biaxial and triaxial 3.1. Specimen preparation
stress conditions in a laboratory set-up.
Samples of irregular shape and size were collected from un-
derground coal mines in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. These
2. Approach samples, consisting of black and laminated shale rocks, were re-
trieved from mines affected with weak laminated roof (Fig. 3
As discussed earlier, the magnitude of in-situ horizontal stress (a) and (b)). Laminated roof rocks had laminae less than 1 in. The

Fig. 2. Stages of “cutter-roof” failure development (a) initial stage of a cutter, (b) small cutter type roof fall at a corner, and (c) roof profile after a massive fall initiated by
cutters. Photo credits: Murali Gadde and SS Peng.6
S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123 111

Fig. 3. Rock chunks (a, b) and cylindrical specimens (c) from which two-inch cubic specimens (d) were prepared.15

black shale were massive shale with presence of laminations. the 6th specimen from No. 2 Gas seam. Specimens P1–P4 (black
Three-inch cylindrical specimens (laminated shale and limestone) shale), I1–I4 (laminated shale), G1–G7 (laminated shale), and I5–I8
provided by a mine in Illinois basin were also used (Fig. 3(c)). (limestone) were tested under biaxial stress condition. And, spe-
These rocks were then cut into two-inch cubic specimens (Fig. 3 cimens P5–P8 (laminated shale) were tested under pseudo-triaxial
(d)) using a machine-operated rock saw with a circular cutting stress condition. (Note: Only 23 specimens could be prepared for
blade, and the surfaces were ground using a combination of a this experimental work. This was largely due to the restrictions
handheld grinding machine and sandpaper. Water was not used in imposed by the mines, logistical issues, and difficulty in preparing
any of the specimen preparation steps described above for shale laminated shale specimens. It was recognized that such a low
rock, in an attempt to prevent flaking and weakening of the spe- number of specimens per specific test condition might hinder the
cimen. Limestone specimens were also used in order to investigate final analysis leading up to making a generalization of failure
whether the experimental results obtained for other rock types mode of each rock type. Hence, each test was carefully monitored
were not just an artifact of the experimental design. These speci- and every minute detail was documented.)
mens were prepared from the rocks cored at the Illinois mining
site and represent massive type with no laminations. The average 3.2. Test platen design and dimensions
uniaxial compressive strength was approximately 15,000 psi.16
Each specimen was referenced with a letter of the English al- The design of biaxial platens is based on a direct shear device
phabet based on the coal mine seam from which it came (“P” for (Fig. 4(b)) developed by I 1975.8 This device splits a vertical load
Pittsburgh seam, “I” for Illinois no. 6 seam, and “G” for specimens (P) into two components: (N) and (T), acting normal and tangential
from No. 2 Gas seam) and a number. As for example, (G6) meant to a particular plane in a cubic specimen as shown in Fig. 4(a). The

Fig. 4. (a) Free body diagram of the device indicating the forces acting on the specimen (b) the shear device with a rock specimen.8
112 S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

mutually perpendicular stresses N acting normal to the lamina-

tions. The vertical stresses P and R are applied by the bottom
moving and top fixed platens of the uniaxial compression strength
(UCS) testing machine (Fig. 5(a)). The overburden stress “V” is
replicated by confining the exposed surface of the specimen (Fig. 5
(a)) using industrial clamps and this set-up will be described in the
subsequent section.

3.3. Test procedure

The compression-testing machine used for the experimental

procedure described in this section can be programmed to control
the movement of the lower movable platen in two ways, namely,
force and displacement rate control. This allows a user-defined
value to be set for force or displacement rate to be applied by the
machine to the specimen being tested. For the current tests, dis-
placement control mode with a lower strain rate was used
(0.0001 in./s). This assists in minimizing sudden failure of a spe-
cimen and in observing its complete behavior including post-
failure characteristics. These tests were run until a rock specimen
entered its post-failure region and to prevent any contact between
the two biaxial platens.

3.3.1. Post-test state

Post-test analysis of the specimen consisted of visual observa-
tion through photographic images (to get a general idea of failure
Fig. 5. (a) Fiberboard material was used for uniform distribution of the load on an
mode and mechanism) and analysis of vertical load vs. vertical
imperfect specimen and (b) CAD drawing of the biaxial platen showing the exact displacement relationship through the graphs generated by the
dimensions of the platens.15 load cell sensors and LVDT's of the compression test rig. For fur-
ther investigation into a typical lamination failure under biaxial
combination of ball bearing support on which the bottom platen stress condition (discussed in Section 4), two faces of seven la-
sits (allows it move in a horizontal direction during loading) along minated shale specimens had special markings (Fig. 7(c)) on them
with the shortened arm on of its side, allows shearing of the cubic to assist in determining the failure mode (shear or tensile). One
specimen. face had two concentric squares (sides with 1.0 and 1.5 in. in
These platens were modified to apply a biaxial compressive length, respectively) and common diagonals drawn on it using a
stress on a 2-in. specimen by elongating the small arm (Fig. 5(a)) white permanent marker (Fig. 7(a)). Any distortion in shape of
and making the bottom platen fixed. Made out of mild hardened these squares, post-test, should be suggestive of shear failure
steel, the base of the platens is 4.95 in. in length and 2.2 in. in mode at a macrolevel. In addition, one-half of another face of the
thickness (Fig. 5(b)). Two of the arms of the platens (“g” and “h”) same specimen was sprayed with white enamel paint (Fig. 7(b)) to
are 2 in. in length and completely cover two faces of the specimen. highlight the newly developed fracture after the test and thereby
The remaining arms, “e” and “f”, are slightly shorter in length indicating tensile splitting.
(1.8 in.) and prevent contact between the two platens during
loading. The inner surfaces of the platen were ground smooth to 3.3.2. Visual recording of the test
Three biaxial compressive tests on laminated shale specimens
prevent any stress concentrations arising from undulations. In
with markings were recorded on a digital camera that closely
addition, corrugated fiberboard material was used to ensure uni-
monitored the lamination failure process. The camera was or-
form loading of an imperfect specimen.
iented to capture the failure occurring within the lamination and
To analyze how these platens simulate in-situ biaxial stress
at the exposed surface of the specimen (Fig. 14). Analysis of spe-
conditions, consider the underground coal mine entry condition
cific frames of these videos, which recorded significant movement
with laminated roof as shown in Fig. 6(a). The roof of the entry is
and failure of laminations, is presented in Section 4.
acted upon by principal horizontal stresses sh1 and sh2 and over-
burden stress V. The platens replicate the case when sh1 ¼ sh2 by
3.3.3. Triaxial test
distributing the applied vertical stresses P and R in two equal and As discussed earlier the biaxial compression test set-up was
modified to apply a pseudo-triaxial stress condition. The exposed
surfaces of the cubic specimen inside the platens were confined by
pressing square metallic plates (2.00 in.  2.00 in.  0.25 in.) on
them with the help of c-clamps (Fig. 8(b)). The c-clamps are made
out of ultra-force steel and has a maximum load capacity of 12,500

3.3.4. Data analysis

As part of the postprocessing of the force vs. displacement data
retrieved from the data logger of the compression test rig (details
of the device can be found in Ref. 15), approximate stress acting on
Fig. 6. (a) Stress acting on the roof of an entry (b) stress distribution on specimen a face of the specimen in contact with the biaxial platen at peak
inside UCS testing machine.15 load was also calculated. This was done to have a quantitative
S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123 113

Fig. 7. Markings on specimen to determine (a) shearing of lamination, (b) tensile fracturing under biaxial loading conditions,15 and (c) position of failure mode indicators on
the specimen with respect to the biaxial platens.15

assessment of the strength of the different rock types tested under tightened to exert confinement, which ensured proper contact
biaxial and triaxial stress conditions. If P is the force applied by the between the specimen and the metal plates for the triaxial test.
lower movable platen of the compression test rig, N is the force However, the value of this confining stress could not be recorded
component acting normal to the face of the specimen (Fig. 6(b)), during the test.
and A is the approximate area of the face of the cubic specimen in
contact with the biaxial platens (assumed to be 4 in.2 for the ease
of calculation. Actual area depends on the area of contact between 4. Results and discussion
specimen and platens), then:
N = P cos 45° (1) 4.1. Effect of biaxial stress on non-laminated shale

Four non-laminated shale specimens (or black shale with no

Approximate peak stress = N /A (2)
distinct laminations visually observed) were tested first under
biaxial stress condition. The two tests (Fig. 9(e) and (f)) were
3.4. Test limitations manually terminated before the specimen could reach its peak
load to avoid the biaxial platens meeting each other. The common
This section lists the limitations of the biaxial and triaxial observation was failure of one or both exposed surfaces with a
compressive tests performed for this research, along with some of large chunk of material failing along this zone. The load bearing
the assumptions made. (1) The specimens were not instrumented ability of the specimen did not diminish with the failure of the
to obtain strain measurements. (2) Friction between biaxial pla- exposed surfaces. Specimen P3 (Fig. 9(c)) showed sets of localized
tens and platens of the compression test rig, and between biaxial failure close to and moving inward from the unconfined zone. The
platens and specimens, was ignored. (c) The c-clamps were rest of the specimens showed superficial cracks but no major
114 S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

(c)), while at the unconfined ends large separations were ob-

served. The third specimen failed at a higher load (Fig. 10(f)) as
compared to other specimens with the failure occurring along
thicker layers of laminations (Fig. 10(e)). The fourth specimen
again showed multiple lamination failure with the maximum load
of 9000 lbs.
When the post-test state of laminated shale specimens and the
observations at a cutter location in a mine entry (Fig. 2) are jux-
taposed, it can be easily pointed out that the lamination separation
is the common denominator in both the cases. The condition of
laminated roof rock as shown in the encircled zone in Fig. 2, de-
teriorates further and caves into the entry if left unsupported. This
creates a cavity in the roof known as a cutter.
Seven more laminated shale specimens were further tested
under similar loading condition to determine the failure mode.
The failure mode indicators (as described in Section 3.3.1) strongly
suggested that specimens underwent splitting parallel to bedding
under biaxial compressive loading (Fig. 11) similar to what is
normally observed in Brazilian tests. This was highlighted by the
fresh cracks developed on the sides sprayed with white enamel
paint. A possible explanation is that the laminated layers are
poorly connected with each other and therefore form the weakest
link. When the load is applied parallel to the lamination, the
specimen will expand, which will create tensile stresses between
the laminated layers, resulting in the splitting of the specimen of
the specimen into thin slabs parallel to the bedding. Also, there
was almost negligible (Fig. 12) distortion of shapes of concentric
squares, indicating the absence of shearing of the laminated layers.
However, it is possible that at the micromechanical level, shear
failure might develop in the specimen, which was not observed in
the post-failed state.
Fig. 8. (a) Schematic view of experimental set-up with confinement, and (b) test For understanding the movement of the unconfined zone, three
set-up with biaxial platens and the c-clamp inside the test frame (inset shows the specimens from this group of tests were video recorded using a
specification of c-clamp).15
digital camera (Section 3.3.2). From frames 1 to 12 in Fig. 13, the
boxed regions indicate the area in which the crack developed and
fracture developed within the specimen. movement of the outer layers. From frames 9 to 12, crack closure
The load vs. displacement graph of all the specimens showed a on the edge of the specimen and bending of the outer layer was
non-uniform region from 0 to 0.03 in. axial displacement. This was observed. Before failure occurred, the outer rock layer showed
caused by the squeezing of the fiberboard material between the significant deformation. Similar behavior was recorded in addi-
specimen and also adjustment of the platen. Specimen P3 reached tional tests, verifying that the lamination movement and bending
a peak load of 55,000 lbs., beyond which it started exhibiting re- occurs at the same. From these tests, we also observed that when
sidual strength (Fig. 9(g)). Specimen P4 attained a peak load of the load is transferred from the outer edge to the inner zone of the
35,000 lbs. with the graph (Fig. 9(h)) indicating a strain softening- specimen, the laminated layers also fail and small microlamina-
type behavior in the post-peak load region. tions are developed in the specimen. These inner layers then fall
It was concluded that some of the specimens were extremely off when the outer layer is completely removed.
brittle in nature as indicated by the crushing and ejection of pieced
of rock from the exposed surface. It was also observed that failure 4.3. Effect of biaxial stress on limestone
was progressive in nature as the load transferred from the un-
confined to the confined zone. It is, however, difficult to generalize The following tests on limestone specimens were performed to
this failure mechanism in black shale cubic specimens based on verify whether the distinct failure patterns observed in laminated
these observations, as the number of specimens tested was small. shale specimens loaded under biaxial stress conditions were not
just an artifact of the experimental design. The tests were per-
4.2. Effect of biaxial stress on laminated shale formed on specimens prepared from the three-inch cylindrical
cores. The mode of failure was different from the shale specimens.
Eleven laminated shale specimens from mines in Illinois and These specimens failed violently, ejecting the rock chunks (Fig. 14
West Virginia were tested. The first set of four specimens from the (a)–(d)). In all the specimens, the core appeared to remain intact
Illinois no. 6 seam failed in a peculiar way as compared to the with no visible signs of fractures or splitting. Although the speci-
black shale specimens. The laminated layers in the first specimen mens failed initially near the unconfined zone due to lateral ex-
failed in a domino effect, with the unconfined zones failing first pansion, the core of the specimens remained intact and failed
(Fig. 10(a)) followed by the apparent separation along the lami- when their strength was exceeded. This behavior was evident
nations. This effect was also observed in the load vs. displacement from the plots of axial force against displacement, which showed
graph (Fig. 10(b)), where multiple peaks were observed near the strain softening in the post-failed stage. Consistent strain softening
maximum load. It was indicative of lamination failure and se- behavior (Fig. 14(e)–(g)) was observed for all specimens except for
paration. The entire sequence of failure is discussed in later the last, where the loading had to be stopped to prevent the two
paragraphs of this section (Fig. 13). The second specimen had more platens of the biaxial device from contacting each other and
pronounced tensile cracks at the center of the specimen (Fig. 10 causing damage to them.
S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123 115

Fig. 9. Post-test pictures and force vs. displacement diagram of specimen P1 (a, e), P2 (b, f), P3 (c, g) and P4 (d, h).15
116 S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

Fig. 10. Post-test pictures and force vs. displacement diagram of specimen P1 (a, b), P2 (c, d), P3 (e, f) and P4 (g, h).15
S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123 117

Fig. 11. Post-test condition of tensile splitting indicator (cracks in the white marked area represents the splitting or tensile failure developed during the test).15
118 S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

Fig. 12. Post-test condition of shear movement indicator.15

S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123 119

(Fig. 8).” The plates were placed on the platens instead of the
specimen, which allowed unrestricted movement of the platen in
the axial direction. All the specimens were tested under stroke-
control mode, which allows for controlled failure of the specimen.
In Fig. 15(e), at 0.09-in. displacement there is a drop in the
force–displacement curve, indicating failure of a section in the
specimen. That is followed by rise in the curve, and the maximum
load attained was 53,000 lbs. The second specimen (Fig. 15(f))
showed a non-linear force–displacement curve, which then
dropped sharply at 46,000 lbs., indicating failure of the specimen.
Because of the confinement, the specimen was able to sustain
further load. The third specimen (Fig. 15(g)) showed a non-linear
force–displacement curve that plateaued at 47,000 lbs., followed
by a further rise in the force–displacement curve. When the la-
minated rock is confined, the response of the rock is similar to the
non-laminated intact rock. In the case of the fourth specimen, the
axial force–displacement relationship was non-linear and pla-
teaued at 54,000 lbs., beyond which the test was terminated.
From the tests mentioned above, it was verified that confine-
ment reduces the influence of the lamination and the specimen
shows behavior similar to an intact rock. This restrained the
movement of exposed surfaces and development of localized
failure near them. However, confinement induced a change in the
mode of failure and the presence of lamination did not seem to
have any effect on it. Confinement suppressed splitting, forcing the
rock to fail in shear. The sheared zones are easily identified in two
specimens that failed along conjugate shear planes (Fig. 15(b)–(d)).
This type of failure was earlier reported by Ref. 12, where under
certain confining pressure the rock was found to be at the cusp of
brittle–ductile transitions. It was also observed that the movement
of the lamination—bending and failure of the specimen—was un-
ique to the material and not an artifact of the load system.

5. Conclusions

This research focused on understanding the behavior of coal

mine shale rocks under biaxial and triaxial stresses. Laminated
shale rocks have been found to be more susceptible to delamina-
tion under high biaxial horizontal in-situ stresses, leading to a
variety of ground control issues in underground coal mines, in-
cluding cutter-related roof problems. Case studies on this problem
have shown the failure pattern in which the laminated layer fails
and how the failure progresses into the upper layers of the im-
mediate roof. Our understanding of the mechanism behind this
unique failure mechanism has been limited to numerical models,
which have treated the layer as a “continuum.” Additionally,
strain-softening behavior is typically used without fully under-
standing the mechanistic behavior and the mode of failure of these
rock types. Therefore, it is imperative that the failure mechanism
of these rock types be investigated under different stress condi-
tions to better understand the underlying mechanism behind such
failure. This research project attempted to shed light in this area by
testing shale rocks in biaxial and triaxial stress conditions.
A biaxial device was fabricated that applied equal stresses on
four faces of the specimen. In the triaxial tests, the third dimen-
sions of the specimens were confined using a fixed c-clamp.
Samples were collected from mines located in the Pittsburgh, Il-
Fig. 13. Separation of the laminated layer and crack development in the laminated
specimen (frames 1–12).15
linois no. 6, and No. 2 Gas seams. The samples constituted three
rock types: (1) black shale, (2) laminated shale, and (3) limestone.
From these samples, cubic specimens were prepared that were
4.4. Effect of triaxial stress on the laminated rock tested in biaxial platens.
The outcomes of tests on 23 specimens are summarized in
As discussed in Section 3.3.3, “pseudo-triaxial loading condi- Table 1. The black shale specimen showed extreme brittle type
tions were confining the exposed surfaces of the specimen with failure. The failure mode in the four specimens of the black shale
the help of metal plates pressed against the specimen by c-clamps was characterized by the ejection of rock chunks and the
120 S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

Fig. 14. Post-test pictures and force vs. displacement diagram of specimen I5 (a, e), I6 (b, f), I7 (c, g) and I8 (d, h).15
S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123 121

Fig. 15. Post-test pictures and force vs. displacement diagram of specimen P5 (a, e), P6 (b, f), P7 (c, g) and P8 (d, h).15
122 S. Arora, B. Mishra / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 79 (2015) 109–123

Table 1
Summary of biaxial and triaxial test results.15

Specimen name Rock type Peak load Approximate peak stress Failure type
(lbs.) (psi)a

Biaxial test
1 (P1) Black shale 4009 708 Extremely brittle. Localized failure close to the unconfined surface of
2 (P2) Black shale 44,778 7915
3 (P3) Black shale 54,759 9680
4 (P4) Black shale 36,118 6384
1 (I1) Laminated shale 5978 1056 Separation of the lamination observed, possibly caused by tensile failure. No
shearing observed at the macrolevel.
2 (I2) Laminated shale 11,403 2015
3 (I3) Laminated shale 45,573 8056
4 (I4) Laminated shale 9385 1659
1 (I5) Limestone 37,902 6700 Core of the specimen intact, severity of the failure close to the exposed
2 (I6) Limestone 116,882 20,662
3 (I7) Limestone 96,858 17,122
4 (I8) Limestone 27,506 4862
Triaxial test
1 (I5) Laminated shale 53,514 9460 Along multiple shear planes.
2 (I6) Laminated shale 56,865 10,052 Along conjugate shear planes.
3 (I7) Laminated shale 64,936 11,479
4 (I8) Laminated shale 54,145 9571 Along multiple shear planes.

Calculated using Eq. (2).

progressive failure of the specimen from the unconfined surface to increased size, will more accurately represent the mine roof. The
the center of the specimen. For the four laminated shale speci- biaxial platen applies equal stresses to the four sides of the cubic
mens, the failure was marked by the bending and separation of the specimen, which may not always accurately represent in-situ
outer layers and the subsequent closure of the inner layers. It was stress conditions. Therefore, these tests should be performed in
also found that there was no shearing between the laminated true triaxial load frames that are capable of applying independent
layers at the macrolevel. The four limestone specimens tested in stresses on 3-sides of the specimen. Different loading paths and
the biaxial device showed violent failure. It was concluded that the independent stress application might produce more realistic be-
failure mode of the laminated shale was not an artifact of the havior of the specimen, which is not captured by the biaxial
biaxial platen but an inherent property of the rock type and stress device.
field. Finally, four laminated shale specimens were tested under
triaxial stress and showed conjugate shear failure, validating the
fact that each rock type has a different mode of failure for given Acknowledgments
stress conditions.
The main conclusions and contributions of this research are We thank the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -
National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (No. 200-
 Biaxial stress fields on non-laminated shale specimens show 2011-40676) for funding this project. In addition, special thanks to
brittle failure mode. all the mine operators who helped us immensely with sample
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failure accompanied by movement of the laminated layers to-
wards the unconfined ends.
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