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Assignment ON

SQL Injection

Course Code : CSE311

Course Tittle: Database Management System

Submitted To:
Faisal Ahmad
Department of CSE
Daffodill International University

Submitted By:

Daffiodill International University

Submission Date: 17-08-2021
SQL Injection is a code injection technique that
can destroy your database.

SQL Injection is the input / submission of bad

(malicious) code in the database through
Here, SQL Injection is one of the web site hacking

Use of SQL on web pages:

In previous chapters we have learned how to
update and restore database information using

Users of web pages are often allowed to use their

own search values that they can use to display
information on web pages.

Since SQL statements are text only, the user can

easily change the SQL code dynamically:
SQL Injection occurs only when you allow the user
to input information from the webpage. For
example, you ask the user to input his name / ID,
but instead of the name / ID he inputs the
following SQL command as input and which you
run into your database without your knowledge.

solidUserId = getRequestString ("User_Id");

solidSQL = "SELECT * FROM Total_Users
WHERE User_Id = "+ solidUserId;

In the example above, by adding the solidUserId

variable to the select string, a SELECT statement is
created which takes the data input from the user
and brings the relevant information from the

SQL Injection:
SQL Injection is a technique that can inject SQL
commands into web pages with bad code input.

Injected SQL commands may replace previous SQL

commands that compromise the security of web

Always true based on SQL Injection 1 = 1

Notice once again in the example above, the main
purpose of that code was to create a SQL
statement to select a user using the user ID.

If the user is not prevented from providing

incorrect input, the user will enter some smart
input as follows:
SELECT * FROM Total_Users WHERE User_Id = 103
or 1 = 1

The above code is a valid SQL statement. Since

WHERE 1 = 1 is always true, so it will return all the
information from the user table.
Does the example above seem dangerous to you?
Imagine for a second you were transposed into
the karmic driven world of Earl.

The following SQL statement is very similar to the

above statement:

SELECT User_Id, User_Name, User_Pass

FROM Total_Users WHERE User_Id = 103 or 1 = 1

In this case, a smart hacker can easily access all

the information of the user from the database by
inputting 103 or 1 = 1 in the input field.
SQL Injection is always true based on "" = ""
The following is a simple HTML form to verify user

User_Name = getRequestString ("User_Name");

User_Pass = getRequestString ("User_Pass");
sql = "SELECT * FROM Total_Users WHERE
User_Name = '" + User_Name + "'
AND User_Pass = '"+ User_Pass +"' "

In this case, a smart hacker can easily access all

the information of the user from the database by
inputting the "OR" = "" in the input field.

The server code will generate a valid SQL

statement as follows:
SELECT * FROM Total_Users WHERE User_Name =
"" or "" = ""
AND User_Pass = "" or "" = ""
The above statement is a valid SQL statement.
This will return all user information from the table
where WHERE "" = "" is always true.

SQL Injection based on Batched SQL statement

Most databases support batch SQL statements. A
batch SQL statement is a combination of two or
more SQL statements. Semicolons are used to
separate one statement from another.

SELECT * FROM Total_Users;
DROP TABLE Users_Student;
The SQL statement above will return all the
information in the "Total_Users" table and delete
the "Users_Student" table.

Suppose we have the following server code:

Server code:
solidUserId = getRequestString ("User_Id");
solidSQL = "SELECT * FROM Total_Users WHERE
User_Id =" + solidUserId;

Then a valid SQL statement will be created on the

server as follows:


SELECT * FROM Total_Users WHERE UserId = 103;

DROP TABLE Users_Student;

Use parameters for protection

Some web developers "blacklist" certain words or
characters. Hackers should not use these words or
characters as SARS parameters in the input field
to cause SQL injection.
This is not a very effective method. Some words,
such as delete or drop, and some characters, such
as semicolons (;) or quotes (""), are used in all SQL
languages. So these words or characters should
agree to the input.

The most effective and accurate way to prevent

SQL injection attacks is to use SQL parameters.

The SQL parameter is the value that is added

when performing SQL queries. It acts as a
controller for SQL.

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