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Project Proposal APPXONE

Scope Of Work
with Specifications
SOW 1.0

Car Ride App

Car / Taxi Ride Booking Mobile App

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Basic Objective

- Basic objective of app is to facilitate the users to find affordable cars for traveling
and the drivers a way to find customers easily

Technical Requirements

1. Domain and Hosting:

Required after completion of 1st Milestone (30% Development).

2. Google PlayStore Account:

Required after completion of 1st Milestone of Android App.

3. Apple iOSDeveloper Account :

Required after completion of 1st Milestone of iPhone App.

4. Apple iOS Testing Device Info & UDID:

Required after completion of 1st Milestone of iPhone App.

Flow/Functionalities of Application

For Consumer App

 Splash Screen
 Login Screen
 Signup Screen
 Phone Verification Screen
 Intro Screen
 Drawer Screen
 Home Screen
 PickupScreen
 Destination Screen
 Car Types Screen
 Ride Time Screen
 Approx. Estimate Screen

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

 Confirmation Screen
 Driver Detail Screen
 Ride Map Screen
 Billing Screen
 Payment Screens
 Rating Screen
 My Rides Screen
 Place Searched Screen
 Packages Screen
 Profile Screen
 Settings Screen
 Feedback Screen

For Driver App

 Splash Screen
 Login Screen
 Signup Screen
 Phone Verification Screen
 Drawer Screen
 Ride Notifications Screens
 Profile Screen
 Settings Screen
 Feedback Screen

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Features of the App & API’s to be used:

 Payments Handling Inside App (Charging User’s credit card & Collecting on Other
End)(Android & iOS)(Also for app based wallet amount showing Stipe Account will
be used for user(details to saved on server after taken from user))

 Authentication API’s
o Facebook

 Push Notifications
o Android :

o iOS :

 Google Maps , Directions Interval Based Live update on map API (Android & iOS)

 Twilio API for mobile number verification

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

 The followings screens are for Consumer app.

Splash Screen

- Name & Logo of Application.

- Splash screen stays for some seconds and brings user to the login screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Login Screen

- This screen appears after splash screen.

- User enters Email and Password in the given spaces.
- Forget Password option below it.
- Tap on login button will make the user login to the app.
- If the user is new to the app then they can tap on ‘Sign Up’ button which will take the
user to the sign up screen.If not then user will come to home screen.
- User can connect to the app by Facebook by tapping on its button as shown at the
bottom of the screen.
- The 2nd screen appears when the user taps on ‘Forget Password?’ tab in login screen.
- In this screen, User can reset his/her password by entering the code sent to the
user's email address.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Signup Screen

- This screen appears when the user taps on the ‘Sign Up’ button from the previous
- In this screen, user enters First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone no., upload of Profile
picture, Password and Confirm Password in their respective spaces.
- Tap on ‘Sign Up’ button will make the new account of the user in the app.
- User can also sign up through ‘Facebook’ by tapping on its button at the bottom of
the screen.
- After sign up, user comes on Phone Verification screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Phone Verification Screen

- In this screen, user enters the ‘verification’ code sent by the app via sms/email to
the user, in the given space.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ button will take the user to next screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Intro Screen

- In this screen, user swipes left/right to see some intro screens about app.
- User can tap on Skip button to skip this screen to come on home screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Drawer Screen

- This is the Drawer Screen. It appears when the user taps on the drawer icon on the
top left of the home screen.
- In this screen, some options are given such as Home, New Ride, My Rides,
Bookmarked, Place Search, Packages, Profile, Settings and etc.
- Tap on any option will take the user to its respective screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Home Screen

- This is the Home Screen and it can be accessed from the drawer. It also appears
after login/signup.
- At the top right is the icon for ‘drawer’.
- The main screen consists of ‘Google’ integrated map which shows the current
location of the user.
- It also shows ‘Car’ icons which show that these available drivers are near the user.
- Tap on ‘New Ride’ button below it will take the user to the Pickup screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Pickup Screen

- In this screen, User will set his/her pickup location (if the user wants to sit from
other place) by the use of Google tagging.
- User can also search the pickup location in the ‘Search’ bar at the top of the screen.
- Tap on ‘Select Destination’ will take the user to the next screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Destination Screen

- This screen appears when the user taps on ‘Select Destination’ button from the
previous screen.
- In this screen, User will set his/her destination by the use of Google tagging.
- User can also search the location in the ‘Search’ bar at the top of the screen.
- The map shows the distance between Current/Pickup location and Destination
represented by the red line.
- ‘Car’ icons show that these available drivers are near the user.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ button will the user to Car Types screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Car Types Screen

- In this screen, user selects the type of car needed for conveyance from the given
options such as Budget Car, Economy Car, Luxury Car and Business Plus Car.
- User selects the car and taps on ‘Continue’ button to come on next screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Ride Time Screen

- In this screen there are two types of ride times

- The first one is ‘Ride later’, in which the user ‘date’ and ‘time’ from the drop down, if
the user wants to book a ride for some time later.
- The second is ‘Ride Now’ in which the user takes the ride immediately.
- Tap on its button will take the user to the Estimate Screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Approx. Estimate Screen

- In this screen, user can see the breakdown of the approximate fare charges.
- User can see the distance and approx. time at the top.
- Fare charges below it.
- The total approximate fare inclusive of all charges is shown below it.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ button at the bottom will take the user Confirmation screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Confirmation Screen

- In this screen the app shows the user about the previous information fields chosen
by the user such as Pickup Location, Destination, Time, Approx. time and Estimate
- User taps on ‘Confirm’ button to give the confirmation of the ride.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Driver Detail Screen

- This screen appears after Confirmation screen.

- In this screen, user can see the profile picture of the driver along with its name and
average ratings, represented by stars, by other users.
- Tap on ‘Continue will take the user the Ride Map screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Ride Map Screen

- In this screen, user can see the real time tracking of the ride when the ride starts.
- If the user taps on ‘End Ride’ button, the ride will finished at that spot in case of
emergency or any need.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Billing Screen

- This screen appears after the end of the ride.

- It shows the billing of the ride according to distance covered and time taken to reach
the destination along with the total amount of the ride.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ will take the user to the Payment screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Payment Screens

- In the 1stscreen user selects the method of payment from the drop down such as
Cash or Credit Card.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

- User selects the required and taps on ‘Continue’ to come on its respective screen.
- The 2nd screen shows a notification of amount received after the user paid the cash
to the driver.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ will take the user to Ratings screen.
- The 3rd screen appears when the user selects Credit Card.
- In this screen, user fills the required fields and tap on ‘Pay’ to come on next screen.
- The 4th screen appears as a notification of ‘amount received’ after the user has paid
the fare via credit card.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ will take the user to Ratings screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Rating Screen

- In this screen user rates the driver by tapping on the stars after the ride.
- Tap on ‘Home’ button will bring back the user to home screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

My Rides Screen

- User can access My Rides from the drawer.

- The 1st screen shows the list of rides taken by the user.
- Tap on any will open its respective screen.
- The 2nd screen shows the details of the ride takesn.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Place Search Screen

- User can access this screen from the drawer.

- In this screen, user searches the desired place in the Search box at the top of the
- A list of matching places will be shown below it with a ‘Bookmark this’ button
beside each.
- User can tap on ‘Bookmark this’ to bookmark the place.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Packages Screen

- User can access the Packages screen from the drawer.

- In the 1st screen, list of Packages are shown.
- Tap on any will open its detail screen.
- The 2nd appears when the user taps on any package from the list.
- It shows the details about it.
- User taps on ‘Get this Package’ to subscribe it.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Profile Screen

- User can access Profile screen from the drawer.

- Profile picture of the user is displayed at the top along with name below it.
- Details of the user are also shown.
- User taps on ‘Save Changes’ to save the edited changes.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Settings Screen

- User can access Settings screen from the drawer.

- A checkbox to enable/disable the notification is given at the top.
- Select Language and Select Radius dropdowns are given below it.
- User taps on ‘Save’ to save the changes.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Feedback Screen

- User can access Feedback screen from the drawer.

- User enters their Name and write the Message in their respective given spaces
- Tap on ‘Send’ will send the feedback to the admin of the app.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

 The followings screens are for Driver app.

Splash Screen

- Name & Logo of Application.

- Splash screen stays for some seconds and brings user to the login screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Login Screen

- This screen appears after splash screen.

- User enters Email and Password in the given spaces.
- Forget Password option below it.
- Tap on login button will make the user login to the app.
- If the user is new to the app then they can tap on ‘Sign Up’ button which will take the
user to the sign up screen. If not then user will come to home screen.
- User can connect to the app by Facebook by tapping on its button as shown at the
bottom of the screen.
- The 2nd screen appears when the user taps on ‘Forget Password?’ tab in login screen.
- In this screen, User can reset his/her password by entering the code sent to the
user's email address.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Sign Up Screen

- This screen appears when the user taps on the ‘Sign Up’ button from the previous
- In this screen, user enters First Name, Last Name, Email, Address, License no., Car
Type (drop down), Phone no., upload of Profile picture, Password and Confirm
Password in their respective spaces.
- Tap on ‘Sign Up’ button will make the new account of the user in the app.
- User can also sign up through ‘Facebook’ by tapping on its button at the bottom of
the screen.
- After sign up, user comes on Phone Verification screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Phone Verification Screen

- In this screen, user enters the ‘verification’ code sent by the app via sms/email to
the user, in the given space.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ button will take the user to next screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Drawer Screen

- This is the Drawer Screen. It appears when the user taps on the drawer icon on the
top left of the home screen.
- In this screen, some options are given such as Ride Notifications, Profile, Settings,
Feedback and Logout.
- Tap on any option will take the user to its respective screen except Logout.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Ride Notification Screens

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

- User can access the 1st screen from the drawer.

- It shows the list of rides as notification, requested by consumers for the ride.
- Tap on any will open its details as shown in the 2nd screen.
- It shows the pickup location, destination, time and approx. fare estimate.
- If the driver wants to take the ride so he taps on ‘Take this Ride’.
- The 3rd screen shows the Real time location tracking.
- The 4th screen shows the complete billing information after the ride has finished
such as pickup location, destination, time and total fare estimate.
- Tap on ‘Continue’ to come on Payment screen.
- The 5th screen shows if user select to pay by cash then this screen will be shown.
- By selecting the ‘Amount Received’ button, user(driver) can confirm that the
amount has been received.
- Tap ‘Continue’ will take the user to Rating screen.
- In the 6th screen, Driver rates the passenger by tapping on the desired stars.
- Tap on ‘Back to Notifications’ will take the user to its screen.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Profile Screen

- Driver can access Profile screen from the drawer.

- Profile picture of the driver is displayed at the top along with name below it.
- Details of the driver are also shown.
- User taps on ‘Save Changes’ to save the edited changes.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Settings Screen

- Driver can access Settings screen from the drawer.

- A checkbox to enable/disable the notification is given at the top.
- Select Language and Select Radius dropdowns are given below it.
- User taps on ‘Save’ to save the changes.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Feedback Screen

- Driver can access Feedback screen from the drawer.

- User enters their Name and write the Message in their respective given spaces
- Tap on ‘Send’ will send the feedback to the admin of the app.

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Project Timeline(Working Days)

The project timeline section of this document describes milestones that will be
completed throughout the project.

Milestone1 : 5 days
 Detailed Scoping
 Wire-framing
 Complete Screen Designs

Milestone1 : 1 Week
 Initial Structure Of Application
 Initial Server Side Development
 Testing

Milestone2 : 3.5 Weeks

 Major Features & Screens
 Complete Server Side Development
 Testing

Milestone 3: 4.5 Weeks

 Complete Application
 Issues and Bug Resolving
 Final Testing
 App submission on Apple App Store & Google Play Store

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |
Project Proposal APPXONE

Android :
Versions: 4.4 to 7.0

Devices: All devices using original Android Operating System I.e. Samsung, HTC, Google, etc

iPhone :
1. iOS11
2. iOS 10

iPhone (5S) , iPhone (6,6 Plus),iPhone (6S,6S Plus),iPhone(7,7Plus)

Appxone (Pvt.) Ltd. B-97, Block-B, Kazimabad, Model Colony, Malir, Karachi
+92-21-34660538 | +92-331-5211521 | |

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