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5th Intermediate: Gold Experience B1

NAME:……………………………………………. Grammar and vocabulary:



1. Complete the verb forms.

past past participle

1 see                      
2 win                      
3 cut                      
4 have                      
5 swim                      

2. Complete the conversation with the present perfect form of the words in the box.
get hurt play (x2) win

A: You’re really good at football. (6)                      you ever                       in a

B: Yes, I (7)                      in lots of teams. I play for one team now, but we
(8)                      never                       a match!
A: Really? Why not?
B: We’re a new team and our best player (9)                      his arm! He can’t play.
A: Oh no!
B: It’s not all bad. We (10)                      just                       a new player and she’s
really good. I hope we can win some of our next matches!

3. Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

11 When I was a child, I                       (play) basketball in the school team.

12 My dad                       (start) skiing lessons earlier this year.
13 We                       (win) the swimming competition on Saturday.
14 I                       (see) lots of films recently.
15 Jose                       (not trained) enough for tomorrow’s race. I don’t think he’ll do well!
16 I                       (see) the match last week.
17 My brother                       (score) the winning goal in the match yesterday.
18 I love swimming. I                       (compete) in over 20 competitions.
19 Our team                       (collect) around 16 prizes and we hope to win more in the future.
20 I                       (not / win) a competition in my life!

4. Complete the text with verbs in the correct form. The first letter of each word is given.

Our last football match was so exciting! We were doing badly until the last five minutes of the game. In fact,
I thought we might (31) l           . Then, Freddie (32) k           the ball towards the goal. The ball
(33) h           the side of the goal and then went in! It was great! A minute after that, we
(34) s           another goal. So, we (35) w           3–2!
5. Complete the sentences with these words.
changing rooms coach compete court locker match prize race track train

21 The            was angry because we lost the last match.

22 There are men’s and women’s            you can use to get ready for swimming.
23 Shall we try the new indoor tennis            next week?
24 I put my bag in a            , but I can’t remember which one it is!
25 I try to run around the            in the park every day.
26 I need to            very hard, because we have an important game next week.
27 I don’t like sports where I have to            against another team or player.
28 I won first            in the swimming competition.
29 A marathon is a type of            that lasts for 42 km.
30 Who do you think will win the football            tonight?

6. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

36 I practise swimming every day so that / except I can take part in national competitions.
37 I want to become a professional runner because / as soon as I leave school.
38 In my family, we all love to go skiing except / although for my little sister, who hates the cold.
39 I’d love to be a professional footballer as soon as / although it’s very difficult to be one.
40 I will either / because play football or tennis on the weekend.


1. Five young people all want to do something fun in their free time. Read the article and decide which activity
would be the most suitable for each person. Match the descriptions of activities (A–H) with the people (9–13).
There are three descriptions of activities which you do not need to use.

9 Aaron wants to learn something new and go to a class once a week. He enjoys activities where he can get fit and
wants to learn how to protect himself.

10 Petra has never been to exercise classes. Only the ones in school! She doesn’t really like sports, and hates being
outdoors, but she wants to spend time with her friends.

11 Gary likes activities which are sometimes dangerous. He wants to have an instructor and doesn’t want to be

12 Sarah likes the water, but doesn’t like water sports much. She prefers just spending time relaxing.

13 Carmen has spent lots of holidays with her parents by the sea and enjoys being on the water. She would like to do
an activity early in the day.

2. Read the article again. Decide which activity (A–H) mentions the following.

14 an age you have to be.           

15 a very old sport.           
16 a sport with an animal.           
17 an activity for people who don’t like sports, and don’t want to move.           
18 something that feels like somewhere else.           
New sports camp for all!
A new sports camp is open in the summer holidays for all children and teenagers in the area.

A. Have you ever wanted to try climbing? This is your E. Are you interested in learning how to defend
chance! There is a wall over twenty metres tall that yourself and get fit? The ancient sport of karate may
you can try in our sports hall. You need to be over be for you! Have classes every Friday evening!
twelve years old, but there are teachers to keep you
F. We don’t only do sports! Why not come to the
reading club? This is every evening from 7 p.m. Just
B. Do you want to be by the sea? Well, come to our bring a book and you can choose to sit on your own or
huge swimming pool. It has waves, so you can feel like tell others about it.
you’re at the beach. Yes, there is sand too! You can
G. If you like spending time alone outdoors, come to
play or join the swimming classes.
the cycling club. We meet on Saturdays and go to a
C. Do you like dancing? There are classes every day different area in the town and explore it! Come with
with different styles of music. Some of our most your friends or make friends at the club.
popular classes are hip hop, pop and heavy metal. You
H. We have boats that you can take out to the lake. Be
can dance with your friends and get fit in a different
careful! You need to be strong! Rowing is hard work.
There are also sail boats, and there are classes every
D. We have three horses and you can have lessons to Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
ride them. The lessons are for beginners and they are
every day from 3 p.m.

Write an article about sports you have tried and enjoyed. Write about 100 words.

Remember to use phrases like: although as soon as because either … or except so that













1. You are going to listen to an interview with tennis player Pete Murphy. For questions 1–6, choose the
answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear.

1 What got him interested in sports?

A He enjoyed his teacher’s lessons.
B His parents were interested in sports.
C He wanted to compete with his best friend.

2 How good was Pete when he first started playing tennis?

A better than the others in his school
B quite good but not brilliant
C really poor compared to his classmates

3 When did Pete start playing in national competitions?

A after practising for a year
B in his final school year
C when he moved towns

4 How well did Pete do in his first national competition?

A He came last.
B He won two games.
C He came third.

5 How has becoming professional changed him?

A He spends more time with friends.
B He is more relaxed.
C He has more time for fitness.

6 What does he say about the competition in Miami?

A He is very nervous.
B He will play at the highest level.
C He thinks he can win it.

2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 Pete thought he did well in his first national competition.           

8 Pete is careful about what he eats.           

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