Gateway Records

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National Agreement Notice

Broadcast Music Inc ®

** Building No. 5364 **

Broadcast Music Inc ®

[ License and Publishing ]

Publishers - Notional Publishers Notice .

August 18 2012 Gateway Records River Plaza Dr 150 Sacramento , Ca 95833

Dear , Gateway Enterprises

This confirmation shall constitute between Us for time period and such of after for the period of every four
years continued for a term of lifetime as follows under corporate laws of business and also presidency laws

(A ) We , Us , Myself Broadcast Music Inc ® -

Accept the stipulation of publishing upon your notice with Microsoft Windows since the year 1988 We , I , have
knowledge and consent and accept the terms set forth and accept between BMI © and Gateway Enterprises in
which of Google Inc and also License and Non Exclusive Licensee and distributors alike in such of one of
consent request of ownership of the "works" the meaning of the word works (B) shall mean materials and
license media of Broadcast Music Inc ® in such of Robhy Dupree Armstrong in such of affiliation meaning in
so, the name of Broadcast Music Inc ® in which of likeness, imagery, media name stage of so of the name in no
stipulation of name and publishing of the works registration advance in data audio and also media alike in so ;
you will be notified when a payment becomes due and deliquesce for service referred for works of trademark

Publishing Identification Affiliation Share

2147954407 Gateway 100%

Office Identification Order No.

16.0.13127.20566 00325-82102-27301-OEMTA

Building No. #5364

Office Phone :
(813) 347-0773
Customer Service
1 888 689-5264

Notional Publishing Corporate Form 49

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