Bright Ideas Unit 8 Test

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Bright Ideas 3 Unit 8

KIDS 4th

NAME: __Lucia Demaria__________________

5. Read and choose.

Grandpa: Look jon! Here's an old photo of our town.

Jon: Wow! That's interesting, Grandpa! There is / was a farm in the past.
Grandpa: Yes! Today there's a shopping centre here. There weren’t / wasn’t a shopping centre
when I was young.
Jon: There was / were some / any fields, too!
Grandpa: That's right. There's a motorway here now. There aren’t / weren’t any / some
motorways when I was a boy!
Jon: Let's talk about it again on Sunday, See you soon, Grandpa!

6. Complete the sentences. Use was, wasn't, were, weren't.

a. There_______________ a path. (✓)

b. There_______________ any streets. (X)
c. There _______________a motorway. (X)
d. There_______________ some farms. (✓)
e. There _______________a gate here. (X)
f. There_______________some flats. (✓)

7. Complete with the correct form of the verb.

a. (X raise) They __didn't raise__ a family.

b. (live) We__________________in a house.
c. (marry) She_____________________.
d. (X walk) They___________________to school.
e. ( travel) I___________________by bus.
f. (X work) She___________________.

8. Write a short post.

How can we explore the past? What is your favorite?
Bright Ideas 3 Unit 8
KIDS 4th

NAME: __Thiago Stropa__________________

3. Read and match

In the town In the country In the town and country

Farm path street wood flats motorway field gate shopping centre

4. Read and match.

Now In the past

I walked to school. I don't play the guitar. I didn't listen to music. I studied geography.

I don't live in a flat. I work in a shop. I didn't work in a shop. I listen to music.

5. Read and choose.

Grandpa: Look jon! Here's an old photo of our town.

Jon: Wow! That's interesting, Grandpa! There is / was a farm in the past.
Grandpa: Yes! Today there's a shopping centre here. There weren’t / wasn’t a shopping centre
when I was young.
Jon: There was / were some / any fields, too!
Grandpa: That's right. There's a motorway here now. There aren’t / weren’t any / some
motorways when I was a boy!
Jon: Let's talk about it again on Sunday, See you soon, Grandpa!

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