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Expert System in Artificial Intelligence

Muhammad Umer
What is the Expert System in Artificial Intelligence?

• We can say, the Expert System in AI are

computer applications. Also, with the
help of this development, we can solve
complex problems. It has level of
human intelligence and expertise.

• A piece of software which uses

database expert knowledge to offer
advice or make decisions in such area
as medical diagnosis, account, coding,
games, etc.
Characteristics of Expert System in AI

• High performance
• Reliable
• Highly responsive
• Understandable
Capabilities of Expert System in AI

• Advising
• Instructing and assisting a human in
decision making
• Demonstrating
• Deriving a solution
• Diagnosing
• Explaining
• Interpreting input
• Predicting results
• Justifying the conclusion
Components of Expert System in Artificial Intelligence

The components of AI expert system include −

• User Interface
• Inference Engine
• Knowledge Base
Knowledge-Based in Expert System

• Generally, it contains domain-specific

and high-quality knowledge. Also, as
to ex h i b i t i nte l l i g e n c e re q u i re d
Knowledge. Although, a collection of
highly accurate and precise
knowledge is the reason for the
success of Expert System in Artificial
Knowledge-Based in Expert System

a. What is Knowledge? b. Components of Knowledge

Basically, there are two components
• Basically, data is a collection of facts. present:
Also, have to organize the information • Factual Knowledge — Generally,
as data and facts about the task knowledge Engineers and Scholar
domain. Further, we can define used this in the task domain.
knowledge as the combinations of
• Heuristic Knowledge — Generally, we
Data, information, and past can say it’s all about practice, accurate
experience. j u d g m e n t a n d o n e ’s a b i l i t y o f
Knowledge-Based in Expert System

c. Knowledge Representation: d. Knowledge Acquisition:

Basically, quality and accuracy are the

Basically, it’s types of method. We use key reasons for the success of an expert
this to organize and formalize system in AI.
knowledge in a knowledge base.
Also, knowledge engineer acquires
exact information. Although, as they
collect this information from a subject
Inference Engine
• To arrive a particular solution, Inference Engine acquires and manipulates the
• In case of rule-based Expert System in Artificial Intelligence −
• We have to apply rules to the facts. That is obtained from earlier rule application.
• Also, we have to add new knowledge if it’s required.
• Basically, it can resolve rules conflict. Whenever multiple rules are applicable to a
particular case.
Inference Engine

a. Forward Chaining b. Backward Chaining

• Generally, it follows the chain of • B a s i c a l l y, a s w h a t h a s a l r e a d y
conditions and derivations. Also, happened matter a lot. Thus, it tries
reduces the outcome. Although, it to find out which conditions could
needs to consider all the facts and have happened in the past for this
rules. Further, have to sort them result. Hence, this strategy is followed
before concluding to a solution. by finding out cause or reason.
Moreover, this is followed by working
on a result.
User Interface
Generally, Expert System in AI users and ES itself uses User interface as a medium
of interaction between users. Also, the user of the Expert Systems need not be
necessarily an expert in Artificial Intelligence.
Although, at a particular recommendation, it explains how the Expert Systm has
arrived. Hence, the explanation may appear in the following forms −
• Basically, the natural language displayed on a screen.
• Also, verbal narrations in natural language.
Further, listing of rule numbers displayed on the screen. The user interface makes it
easy to trace the credibility of the deductions.
Disadvantages of Expert Systems in AI

Basically, we have noticed that no technology can offer an easy and complete
solution. Also, large systems are too costly. Although, they require significant
development time and computer resources.
Also, AI Expert Systems have their limitations which include −
• Limitations of the technology
• Difficult knowledge acquisition
• Expert Systems are difficult to maintain
• High development costs
Expert System Technology
Technologies used in Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence includes:

a. Expert Systems Development Environment:

Basically, hardware and tools are included in it. They are −

• Minicomputers, workstations, mainframes.

• LISt Programming (LISP) and PROgrammation en LOGique (PROLOG).
• Large databases.
Expert System Technology
b. Tools:

Generally, tools are used to reduce the effort and cost.

• Powerful editors and debugging tools with multi-windows.
• They provide rapid prototyping.
• Have Inbuilt definitions of a model, knowledge representation, and inference
• As a result, we have studied Expert Systems in artificial intelligence. Also, learned
characteristics, components, types, and benefits along with expert systems
applications of AI. As we have images that will help you in better understanding.
Furthermore, if you feel any query, feel free to ask in a comment section.

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