Analytical Considerations Related To Asphaltenes and Waxes in The Same Crudes

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336 Energy & Fuels 1999, 13, 336-339

Analytical Considerations Related to Asphaltenes and

Waxes in the Same Crudes
B. J. Fuhr* and L. R. Holloway

Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6N 1E4

A. Hammami

D.B. Robinson Research Limited, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6N 1E5

Received September 30, 1998. Revised Manuscript Received January 11, 1999

Increasingly waxy crudes containing significant quantities of asphaltenes require characteriza-

tion, and established methods for separation of the waxes and asphaltenes are often not applicable.
An analytical scheme is described employing only one solvent, methylethyl ketone, to separate
asphaltenes and waxes, rather than an n-alkane and a ketone. The method consists of an
asphaltenes fractionation by filtration at 50 °C, followed by wax recovery by cooling to a specified
temperature (dependent upon the user’s needs) and filtration. The carbon number distribution
of the wax fraction may be determined by high-temperature gas chromatography, and the soluble
oil (minus asphaltenes and wax) can be further characterized by liquid chromatography and mass

Introduction In the course of understanding the pour-point depres-

sion mechanism of crudes, Irani et al.4 and Schuster and
Asphaltene and wax deposition can cause problems
Irani5 developed a method for isolating waxes. This
in crude oil production, transportation, and processing.
procedure was a modification of ASTM D-721,6 whereby
To develop remedial action to these problems and to
the samples were diluted with methylethyl ketone
formulate predictive tools for simulating the deposition,
(MEK), heated to 65 °C and filtered to remove insolubles
analytical protocols are required to supply the data.
(asphaltenes), then cooled to -18 °C and filtered to
Analytical methods for separating asphaltenes from
recover the wax. Analyses of the insolubles, waxes, and
heavy crudes1 and waxes from waxy crudes2 have been
oils by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
available for some time. When asphaltenes and waxes
were also carried out during the course of this study,
coexist in and/or coprecipitate from the same crude in
which determined that asphaltenes could play a role in
relatively large amounts, analytical separation problems
the depression of the pour point.
can result. This often leads to waxy asphaltenes or black
The objective of the current work was to tailor the
analytical separation of asphaltenes, wax, and soluble
The waxy asphaltenes problem was noted by Alex et
oil fractions from crude residue cuts, such that the
al.3 in attempting a detailed characterization of wax
required characterizations of the waxes and soluble oils
deposits. The solution in that work was to employ a
could be easily carried out. Wax analysis usually
modification of the UOP method to first remove the
required a n-paraffin carbon distribution to the highest
asphaltenes and polars as a group and then to separate
attainable carbon numbers.
the wax from the remaining oil by precipitation from
acetone at -17 °C. The carbon number distribution of Experimental Section
the wax was determined using supercritical fluid chro- The asphaltene/wax separation employed was a modification
matography, and the remaining oil was analyzed by of that described by Irani et al.4 and shown in Figure 1. It
column chromatography and gas chromatography/mass consists of adding MEK to the sample, in a 10:1 (w/v) ratio,
spectrometry (GC/MS). Even though the asphaltenes heating to 50 °C and filtering to remove the hot MEK
and polars could not be separately quantitated by this insolubles (or asphaltenes), cooling to an appropriate temper-
technique, the remaining data from this protocol was ature, and filtering isothermally to recover the wax.
successfully employed in a wax deposition model for Analysis of the wax was carried out by high-temperature
North Sea waxy crudes. gas chromatography (HTGC). A Hewlett-Packard 5890 equipped
with flame ionization detector was employed. The column was
(1) Syncrude Analytical Methods for Oil Sand and Bitumen Process-
ing; Bulmer, J. T.; Starr, J., Eds.; Syncrude Canada Ltd.: 1979; pp (4) Irani, C. A.; Schuster, D. S. Prepr. Pap.sAm. Chem. Soc., Div.
121-124. Fuel Chem. 1985, 30 (1), 158-168.
(2) Paraffin Wax Content of Petroleum Oils and Asphalts; UOP (5) Schuster, D. S.; Irani, C. A. Prepr. Pap.sAm. Chem. Soc., Div.
Method 46-64; Universal Oil Products Co.: Des Plaines, IL, 1964. Fuel Chem. 1985, 30 (1), 169-177.
(3) Alex, R. F.; Fuhr, B. J.; Rawluk, M.; Kalra, H. Prepr. Am. Chem. (6) Oil Content of Petroleum Waxes; ASTM D721; American Society
Soc., Div. Pet. Chem. 1991, 237-246. for Testing and Materials: Philadelphia, PA, 1996.

10.1021/ef980205h CCC: $18.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 02/18/1999
Asphaltenes and Waxes Energy & Fuels, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1999 337

produce the hot solvent insolubles, was omitted. In this

case, a >350 °C residue cut from such a crude dissolved
completely at 50 °C, which was deemed a suitable
temperature to begin the separation. Lowering the
temperature of this very waxy crude to 25 °C resulted
in significant wax precipitation. HTGC analyses are
shown in Figure 2 for the original residue as well as for
the wax. The whole residue begins to elute at about C21,
which is expected for a >350 °C cut, and contains a very
broad hump, presumably consisting of branched and
cyclic paraffins as well as aromatics. Superimposed on
this hump is the pattern of n-paraffins, making it
difficult to obtain a quantifiable carbon number distri-
bution. The 25 °C wax, on the other hand, as seen from
Figure 2, produced a noticeably different chromatogram.
Figure 1. Separation scheme for asphaltenes and wax from This trace is almost devoid of the hump, making it
crude residue. relatively easy to quantify the corresponding n-paraffins
up to C70. Of course, because of the relatively high wax
a 15 m × 530 µm DB-1 of 0.1 µm film thickness. On-column
precipitation temperature, the paraffins between C21
injection was used with a helium flow rate of 10 mL/min and
a temperature program of 35-450 °C at 10°/min. and C30 are missing.
A component-type analysis (saturates, aromatics, polars, or The same separation scheme was applied to the >340
SAP) of the soluble oil was carried out using alumina column °C residue cut from another crude which also contained
chromatography. This method is a modification of that de- no asphaltenes. This time waxes were obtained at sever-
scribed in Alex et al.3 The column was 65 cm × 0.9 cm i.d. al different temperatures from 20 to -15 °C; the amount
packed with alumina activated at 400 °C for 20 h. The of wax obtained in each case is indicated in Table 1,
respective eluents consisted of 100 mL of n-pentane for
along with the maximum carbon number and the distri-
saturates, 150 mL of toluene/pentane (70/30 v/v ratio) for
aromatics, and 100 mL of methylene chloride/methanol (50/ bution widths. The latter quantities are also shown for
50 v/v ratio) for polars. reference for the whole >340 °C residue. Not surpris-
ingly, the amount of wax increases substantially and
Results and Discussion the distribution shifts to lower carbon numbers as the
Waxy Crudes without Asphaltenes. Waxy crudes temperature decreases; this was also indicated by Schu-
without asphaltenes were first investigated in order to ster and Irani.5 The HTGC chromatograms of the high-
simplify method development. The MEK wax separation est and lowest temperature waxes are shown in Figure
method from Figure 1 was modified for application to 3. Several features are worth noting. First of all, the 20
residue cuts from crudes containing no asphaltenes. °C wax, even though it produces the least amount be-
Basically, the filtering step after heating to 50 °C, to cause it does not contain the C21-C30 peaks, is the clean-

Figure 2. HTGC chromatograms of >350 °C crude residue and its 25 °C wax fraction.
338 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1999 Fuhr et al.

Figure 3. HTGC chromatograms of 20 and -15 °C wax fractions of >340 °C crude residue.

Table 1. Amount of Wax Precipitated as a Function of Table 2. Comparison of SAP Analysis (as wt % of soluble
Temperature oil) after Different Asphaltene/Wax Separation Schemes
carbon no. carbon no. omission of hot MEK
temp (°C) wt % wax max range insolubles step as in Figure 1
whole >340 °C residue 23 20-55 saturates 61 60
20 3.4 31 23-70 aromatics 27 26
10 12.4 26 21-64 polars 12 14
0 14.6 25 21-58
-15 36.3 24 21-46 tated along with the n-paraffins and could be quanti-
tated by HTGC as well.
est chromatogram with virtually no hump and showing Waxy Crudes with Asphaltenes. As stated previ-
quantifiable carbon numbers up to C70. Some resolution ously, the scheme used for separation of asphaltenes and
of i-paraffin peaks is also seen in the C35 area. Second, wax is shown in Figure 1. Dissolution of the wax is
the -15 °C wax has a relatively larger hump and shows usually ensured at 50 °C, yet allows the hot MEK
much less detail in the high carbon number region, even insolubles (or asphaltenes) to be filtered. Two experi-
though it does contain the C21-C30 paraffins. ments were carried out with a >270 °C residue cut from
In summary, this portion of the study demonstrated a waxy crude containing asphaltenes. The first was as
that cooling of MEK mixtures of waxy crude residues already outlined in Figure 1; the second omitted the
from 50 °C will produce a filterable and recoverable wax. filtration and determination of the hot solvent insol-
It is assumed that this temperature will be sufficient ubles. In both cases, the wax or wax/asphaltene copre-
to dissolve all the wax; if it is not, it should be increased. cipitate was obtained at -10 °C. The purpose was to
The temperature to which the mixture is cooled should demonstrate that the omission of that step would actu-
be determined by what kind of wax characterization is ally result in coprecipitation of asphaltenes and waxes.
required by the user of the data. In other words cooling In the first case, the separately determined asphaltenes
to a low temperature, -18 °C, will produce a wax value and wax values were 11% and 41%, respectively, for a
which will correspond to the UOP standard wax value combined total of 52% (of the original residue). In the
and contain significant i-paraffins, naphthenes, and second instance, the coprecipitate amount was 48%,
aromatics, as well as the C21-C30 n-paraffins. If, how- close to the separately determined values.
ever, characterization of the highest carbon number Table 2 provides data on the component-type (or SAP)
carbons in the wax is desired, the precipitation temper- analysis of the soluble oils of the >270 °C residue
ature should be much higher, ambient temperature or obtained by the two experiments described previously.
slightly less. In this way, a much smaller amount of wax The results show that the soluble oils are basically the
is recovered but naphthenes, aromatics, and the lower same, indicating that the asphaltenes which are filtered
n-paraffins (C21-C30) are excluded, which allows a out in the normal separation will end up in the waxy
detailed characterization of the n-paraffins to the high- fraction if not removed first. Although not shown here,
est values, that portion of the wax often considered the detailed characterization of the saturates and aromatics
more troublesome. Some i-paraffins are usually precipi- fractions of the soluble oil by GC/MS may be carried
Asphaltenes and Waxes Energy & Fuels, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1999 339

Figure 4. HTGC chromatograms of -10 °C wax and hot solvent‚insoluble fractions of >270 °C crude residue.

Table 3. Comparison of Solvent Insolubles

out in order to provide data on asphaltene and wax
stability and deposition potential. solvent temp (°C) wt %
The HTGC chromatogram of the -10 °C wax dis- n-pentane ambient 20.9
cussed previously is shown in Figure 4. A reasonably n-hexane 50 14.4
MEK 50 13.4
clean chromatogram with a small hump and some indi-
cation of i-paraffins around C30 is seen; a good n-paraffin tion, its wax solubilization potential is too high for wax
distribution may easily be determined from such a determination.
chromatogram. The corresponding chromatogram of the It is not the authors’ intention to suggest here that
hot solvent insolubles or asphaltenes shown in Figure correlations should be made between asphaltene defini-
4 suggests a small amount of wax coprecipitated with tions. It should be stressed, however, that anytime an
the asphaltenes, even after heating to 50 °C. This trace asphaltene value is given, its operational definition
wax was estimated based on the GC area counts to be should be stated.
5% of the asphaltenes fraction. This behavior is similar Conclusions
to that found by Schuster and Irani,5 who stated that
A method has been adapted for the analytical separa-
saturates and asphaltenes associate with one another
tion of asphaltenes and waxes when they coexist in the
and do not totally separate during bulk deasphaltening.
same crudes. The method employs one solvent, MEK,
Comparison of Deasphaltening Solvents. The
rather than an n-alkane for asphaltenes and a ketone
definition of asphaltenes is an operational one, and as
for wax. The MEK, when added to the crude and heated
such it depends on the conditions (solvent and temper-
to 50 °C, solubilizes the wax but not the asphaltenes
ature) employed in their precipitation.7 In the current
(or hot MEK insolubles). The amount of these asphalt-
work, the definition is MEK solvent and 50 °C; in Irani
enes, as determined by filtration at 50 °C, is similar to
et al.4 it was MEK and 65.5 °C. A more common
that obtained using hot n-hexane. By merely lowering
definition of asphaltenes is n-pentane and ambient
the temperature of the same mixture to an appropriate
temperature;1 hot n-hexane has also been employed,
value, precipitated wax may be recovered by filtration
particularly for determining small amounts of asphalt-
and subjected to HTGC analysis for n-paraffin distribu-
enes in waxy crudes. Therefore, a comparison was made
tion. The wax precipitation temperature will depend on
among solvents and conditions using a residue sample
the type of data required. For example, a temperature
originating from a heavy oil, which contains no waxy
of 25 °C will provide good information about the highest
components; the results are shown in Table 3. It can be
carbon number range; conversely, -18 °C will provide
seen that the hot MEK definition gives a significantly
a %wax value closer to the UOP value but yield low
lower value than the n-pentane insolubles; however, it
resolution at the high carbon number end. The soluble
comes close to the hot n-hexane definition. While the
oil is available for analysis of component types (SAP),
latter solvent is also useful for asphaltenes determina-
with subsequent detailed characterization by GC/MS if
(7) Speight, J. G. The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum;
Marcel Dekker: New York, 1980; pp 118-127. EF980205H

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