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Mohammad Salman Giri (2213/17)

Rutvi (2215/17)
Manpreet Singh (2216/17)
Mohini Bharti (2221/17)
Saddam Hussain (2223/17)
Kramet Ali (2224/17)
 Cement is widely noted to be most expensive constituents
of concrete.
 The entire construction industry is in search of a suitable
and effective waste product that would considerably
minimize the use of cements and ultimately reduces the
construction cost.
 Rice Husk Ash (RHA) is one of these waste materials which
are produced after rice milling process.
 The world rice harvest is estimated at 588 million tons per
year and India is second largest producer of rice in the
world with annual production of 132million tons per year.
 Concrete is the most widely used man-made construction material in
the world, and is second only to water as the most utilized substance on
the planet.
 It is obtained by mixing cementing materials, water and aggregates, and
sometimes admixtures in required proportions.
 Unfortunately, production of cement involves emission of large amounts
of carbon-dioxide gas into the atmosphere, a major contributor for
green house effect and the global warming.
 Over 5% of global CO2 emissions can be attributed to cement
 To reduce the limitations of cement, it can be partially replaced with
cementing materials which have pozzolanic characteristics.
 Fly ash, Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag, Rice husk ash, Silica
fume are some of the pozzolanic materials which can be used in
concrete as partial replacement of cement.
 Here the focus is on replacement of cement partially with Rice Husk Ash

 To study compressive strength properties of concrete

containing different percentage of rice husk ash.

 To study the strength development of Rice husk ash (RHA)

concrete in comparison to Control concrete, compressive
strength tests were conducted at the ages of 3, 7, 28 and 56
What is Rice Husk Ash (RHA)
 Rice husk ash is an agricultural waste which is produced in millions of
tons. Rice husks are the hard protective coverings of rice grains which
are separated from the grains during milling process

 Rice husk ash (RHA) is produced by burning rice husk between 600°C
to 700 °C temperature for 2 hours.

 It consists of non-crystalline silicon dioxide with high specific surface

area and high pozzolanic reactivity.

 This RHA in turn contains around 85%-90% amorphous silica. So for

every 1000 kg of paddy milled, about 220 kg (22%) of husk is
produced, and when this husk is burnt in the boilers, about 55 kg (25%)
of RHA is generated.
Why RHA ?

 Rice husk ash provides good compressive strength to the


 It helps in cutting down the environmental pollution.

 The high silica content makes it a good supplementary

cementing material or pozzolanic admixture.

 Rice husk concrete has good shrinkage property and

increases the durability of concrete.
Physical Properties of RHA
Chemical Properties (%) of RHA
Material Used


Fine Coarse
Cement RHS Water
Aggregate Aggregate
Rice Husk Ash Cement

Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate


The specimen
were taken from Specimen of Cubes were tested for
All the Compressive Strength to study
the mould after
specimen were
cast with M20
24 hours and compressive strength properties
submerged in of concrete containing different
water for percentage of rice husk ash
stipulated time
Mix Design for M20 grade concrete

Table of final mix proportion (Wt in Kg/m³)

Cement Fine Coarse Water
Aggregate Aggregate
1 1.55 3.54 0.50
191.61 / m3 383 kg 594 kg 1356 kg
Preparation, Casting and Curing of Concrete Cubes
 Place the prepared concrete mix in the steel cube mould for

 Once it sets, After 24 hours remove the concrete cube from

the mould.

 Then we put the cubes in water tank for curing.

 And one by one we take away the cubes from the tank and
do compression test.
Compressive Strength Test (As per IS: 516-1959)
 The test is carried out using 150mm concrete cubes on a
Universal testing machine or compressive testing machine.

 Ensure that concrete specimen must be well dried before

placing it on the UTM.

 Weight of samples is noted in order to proceed with testing and

it must not be less than 8.1Kg.

 The loading must be applied axially on specimen without any

shock and increased at the rate of 140kg/sq cm/min. till the
specimen collapse.

 Due to the constant application of load, the specimen starts

cracking at a point & final breakdown of the specimen must be
 Compressive strength of the test
specimen shall be calculated by
dividing the maximum load applied to
the specimen during the test by the
cross sectional area, calculated from
the mean dimensions of the section
and shall be expressed to the nearest
kg per sq cm.
Compressive strength (kg/cm2) = Wf/
Wf = Max. Applied load just before
Ap = Plan area of cube.

Compressive Strength of Control Concrete

Table 1 : Compressive Strength of Control concrete in N/mm²

Grade of concrete 3 Days 7 Days 28 Days 56 Days

M20 14.51 20.58 30.3 36.6

Figure 1 : Strength of control Figure 2 : Compressive strength of M20
concrete at different ages grade control concrete at different ages
Compressive Strength of Rice Husk Ash (RHA)

Table 2 : Compressive Strength obtained at different ages

Age in Days 0% 5% RHA 7.5% RHA 10% RHA 12.5% RHA 15% RHA

3 14.51 12.96 13.32 12.7 10.7 8.88

7 20.58 19.3 19.7 18.96 18.58 16.22
28 30.3 31.5 31 30 30.14 21
56 36.36 35.84 37.62 36.15 32.88 25.88
Figure 3 : Effect of age on compressive strength of concrete
w.r.t different % replacement of rice husk ash
Figure 4 : Effect of % replacement of rice husk ash on compressive strength w.r.t
water binder ratio for M20 grade concrete
 With the increase in percentage replacement of RHA ; there is a gradual
increase in compressive strength from 3 days to 7 days. However, there
is a significant increase in compressive strength from 7 days to 28 days
followed by a gradual increase from 28 days to 56 days.

 So by conducting compressive test on control concrete and rice husk

ash concrete, it is clear that the compressive strength of Rice husk ash
(RHA) concrete in comparison to Control concrete is better.

 Moreover with the use of rice husk ash (RHA), the weight of the
concrete reduces, thus making the concrete lighter which can be used as
light weight construction material.

 By using this Rice husk ash in concrete as replacement the emission of

green house gases can be decreased to a greater extent.

 As the rice husk ash (RHA) is waste material, it reduces the cost of
 Gambhir M.L., 2013. ConcreteTechnology.5th ed. New Delhi: Mc Graw
Hill Education (India) Private Limited.

 Mehta P.K, “Reducing the Environmental Impact of Concrete,” Concrete

International, October 2001.

 Mehta, P.K., "Mineral admixtures for concrete an overview of recent

developments”. Advances in cement and concrete, Proceedings of an
Engineering Foundation Conference, University of New Hampshire,
ASCE, pp.243-256, 1994.

 K. Ganesan, K. Rajagopal and K. Thangavel, “Rice husk ash blended

cement: Assessment of optimal level of replacement for strength and
permeability properties of concrete”, Construction and Building
Materials, Article in Press, Available online 20August 2007.

 Moayad N Al-Khalaf and Hana A Yousif, “Use of Rice husk ash in

concrete”The International Journal of Cement Composites and
Lightweight Concrete,Vol.6,November 4, 1984.

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