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7/27/2021 (DOC) A Project Report at CELL PHONE DETECTOR Department of Electronics Engineering Session (2012-2013) ACKNOWLEDGEME…


A Project Report at CELL PHONE DETECTOR Department of

Electronics Engineering Session (2012-2013)
Pranay Ranjan

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capacitor C7.+eedback resistor */ makes the inverting input high when the output becomes
high. Capacitor C6 87<p+9 is connected across Fstrobe@ 8pin 19 and Fnull@ inputs 8pin 09 of (C0
for phase compensation and gain control to optimise the fre2uency response.

When the mobile phone signal is detected by C/ the output of (C0 becomes high and
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low alternately according to the fre2uency of the signal as indicated by !E,0. This triggers
mono stable timer (C% through capacitor C<. Capacitor C: maintains the base bias of
transistor T0 for fast switching action. The low&value timing components *: and CB produce
very short time delay to avoid audio nuisance.

-ssemble the circuit on C) and enclose in a small box like junk mobile case. -s
mentioned earlier capacitor C/ should have a lead length of 01 mm with lead spacing of 1
mm. Carefully solder the capacitor in standing position with e2ual spacing of the leads. The
response can be optimised by trimming the lead length of C/ for the desired fre2uency. 3ou
may use a short telescopic type antenna.

1.-.1 Mo2i&% B!'?

  ormally (C0 is off. $o (C% will be also off. When the power is switched on as
stated above (C0 will give a high output and T0 conducts to trigger !E, and )u''er .This
can be a good indication for the working of the circuit.


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*i'!r% 1.$? Cir"!it Dia'ra+ o0 C%&& Phon% D%t%"tor


-n ordinary *+ detector using tuned !C circuits is not suitable for detecting signals in
the "?' fre2uency band used in mobile phones. The transmission fre2uency of mobile


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 phones ranges from >.B to / "?' with a wavelength of /./ to 0> cm. $o a circuit detecting
gigahert' signals is re2uired for a cell phone detector. ?ere the circuit uses a >.%%p+ disk
capacitor 8C/9 to capture the *+ signals from the mobile phone. The lead length of the

capacitor is fixed as 01 mm with a spacing of 1 mm between the leads to get the desired
fre2uency. The disk capacitor along with the leads acts as a small gigahert' loop antenna to
collect the *+ signals from the mobile phone.

Op&amp (C C-/0/> 8(C09 is used in the circuit as a current&to&voltage converter with

capacitor C/ connected between its inverting and non&inverting inputs. (t is a C#O$ version
using gate&protected p&channel #O$+ET transistors in the input to provide very high input
impedance very low input current and very high speed of performance. The output C#O$
transistor is capable of swinging the output voltage to within 0> m5 of either supply voltage

Capacitor C/ in conjunction with the lead inductance acts as a transmission line that
intercepts the signals from the mobile phone. This capacitor creates a field stores energy and
transfers the stored energy in the form of minute current to the inputs of (C0. This will upset
the balanced input of (C0 and convert the current into the corresponding output voltage.

Capacitor C7 along with high&value resistor *0 keeps the non&inverting input stable
for easy swing of the output to high state. *esistor *% provides the discharge path for
capacitor C7. +eedback resistor */ makes the inverting input high when the output becomes

high. Capacitor C6 87<p+9 is connected across Fstrobe@ 8pin > and Fnull@ inputs 8pin 09 of (C0
for phase compensation and gain control to optimise the fre2uency response.

When the mobile phone signal is detected by C/ the output of (C0 becomes high and
low alternately according to the fre2uency of the signal as indicated by !E,0. This triggers
monostable timer (C% through capacitor C<. Capacitor C: maintains the base bias of
transistor T0 for fast switching action. The low&value timing components *: and CB produce
very short time delay to avoid audio nuisance.




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(n this chapter we will discuss about the block diagram of the cell phone detector and
also the description of it C) layout and C) fabrication also included in this chapter to
explain the description of cell detector thoroughly in a suitable manner. )ut before this we
have to see the main aspects about this which performs an important role.

4sing a down converter voltage controlled oscillator 85CO9 and a bandpass filter in
the second techni2ue explored for cellular phone detection. Two signals inputted in the down
converter. The first signal is from the antenna and is between 1%B&1/6 #?' depending on the
cellular phone 81/% #?' for this experiment9. The signal is from the 5CO which is tuned to

1>> #?' band. The down converter multiplies the two signals together producing the sum
and the difference. This is then filtered by a bandpass filter with the passband lower and
upper edges respectively at %1 #?' and /: #?' band. +iltering eliminates the sum of the
signals and any environmental noise. ow all the remains is the difference a %B&/6 #?'
signal that indicates an active cellular phone is in the area. This can easily be converted using
analog to digital converters and output to an alarm or a computer. !et us see the C) layout
introduction it will help us in this chapter.

$chematic driven layout is the concept in (C !ayout or C) layout where the E,-
software links the schematic and layout databases. (t was one of the first big steps forward in
layout software from the days when editing tools were simply handling drawn polygons.
$chematic driven layout allows for several features that make the layout designerGs job easier
and faster. One of the most important is that changes to the circuit schematic are easily
translated to the layout. -nother is that the connections between components in the schematic
are graphically displayed in the layout ensuring work is correct by construction.

- printed circuit board or C) is used to mechanically support and electrically

connect electronic components using components pathways. When the board has only copper
tracks and features and no circuit elements such as capacitors resistors or active devices

have been manufactured into the actual substrate of the board it is more correctly referred to
as printed wiring board 8W)9 or etched wiring board. 4se of the term W) or printed
wiring board although more accurate and distinct from what would be known as a
true printed circuit board has generally fallen by the wayside for many people as the
distinction between circuit and wiring has become blurred. Today printed wiring 8circuit9
 boards are used in virtually all but the simplest commercially produced electronic devices

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and allow fully automated assembly processes that were not possible or practical in earlier era
tag type circuit assembly processes.

- C) populated with electronic components is called a printed circuit

assembly 8C-9 printed circuit  board assembly or C) -ssembly 8C)-9. (n informal use
the term HC)H is used both for bare and assembled boards the context clarifying the

-lternatives to C)s include wire wrap and point&to&point construction. C)s must
initially be designed and laid out but become cheaper faster to make and potentially more
reliable for high&volume production since production and soldering of C)s can be
automated. #uch of the electronics industryGs C) design assembly and 2uality control
needs are set by standards published by the (C organi'ation.

Excluding exotic products using special materials or processes all printed circuit

 boards manufactured today can be built using the following four items which are usually
 purchased from manufacturersA
8i9 !aminates
8ii9 Copper&clad !aminates
8iii9 *esin impregnated )&stage cloth 8pre&preg9
8iv9 Copper foil

!aminates are manufactured by curing under pressure and temperature layers of cloth
or paper with thermo set resin to form an integral final piece of uniform thickness. The si'e
can be up to 7 by 1 feet 80.% by %.7 m9 in width and length. 5arying cloth weaves 8threads per
inch or cm9 cloth thickness and resin percentage are used to achieve the desired final
thickness and dielectric characteristics.

Each trace consists of a flat narrow part of the copper foil that remains after etching.
The resistance determined by width and thickness of the traces must be sufficiently low for
the current the conductor will carry. ower and ground traces may need to be wider than
signal traces. (n a multi&layer board one entire layer may be mostly solid copper to act as
a ground plane for shielding and power return. +or microwave circuits transmission lines can

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