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FORE School of Management, New Delhi

Quiz on Consumer Behaviour

PGPX 2 (2021-2022)
Date: 14-06-2021

Time: 15 minutes Max Marks: 10

i. You can answer on this word doc file. Bold and underline the
answer or write below the question.
ii. If using a plain paper, no need to write the complete question.
iii. Write the question number and the selected option. No
iv. Take a picture (or scan) of answer sheet (plain paper) and send
immediately after completion.
v. If answering on word doc file, save it as pdf and send.
vi. All question contains equal marks.

1. Which of the following is true?

a. consuming refers to decisions about buying products.

b. consuming is about how people identify innate needs.
c. consuming refers to the ways in which people use products.

2. The study of human behaviour in groups is called ______.

a. anthropology
b. sociology
c. psychology

3. Which of the following is NOT true?

a. purchasing behaviour relates strongly to environmental situation.

b. purchasing behaviour occurs independently of segmentation issues.
c. purchasing behaviour is basic to meeting our needs.
4. When Sushmita chose to buy herself a brand-new red sports car for her
40th birthday, as opposed to the 4-door sedan that her friend suggested, she
was making a __________about the type of person she is or wants to be.

a. nostalgic decision
b. impulsive decision
c. lifestyle decision

5. High-involvement products are those that ______.

a. have a lengthy and complex user manual

b. have secondary importance to product attributes
c. figure strongly in the individual’s lifestyle

6. Which of the following is true?

a. brand switchers generally have low involvement.

b. routine brand buyers generally have low involvement.
c. brand explorers generally have low involvement.

7. Decision rules’ for purchasing are also called ______.

a. rationality condition
b. heuristic condition
c. purchase condition

8. Preethi always like exploring different and latest technologies for her
various consumption need. She can be one of these: ______.

a. technophiles
b. technophobes
c. technocrats

9. Cognitive dissonance is described as ______.

a. a disagreement between the company and the customer

b. confusion about what the customer wants
c. the tension caused by holding two conflicting pieces of information at
10. The ability of consumers to recognize mythical creatures and movie
celebrities more often than past prime ministers or local business leaders is
an example of the impact of ____________ on our society.

a. advertisements
b. popular culture
c. childhood memory

********************** All The Best************************

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