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The Ultimate in Transgenre Gaming Created by Raven c.s. MeCracken. NCR ecm tei Table of Contents Chapter td: The Psychic Plane, Pryce Borhes anna Prychie Powers... Dream Warriors. Pyychie Advancement per Lcval Rigtianes andé Mouser Dream Poiet Values roc nanna (Chapter 15: Adventuring... neo Tips Sor Survival. ‘The Referee (Fate) (Creation ofa Campaign... ‘Gaming Points {Chapter 16 Random Encoutes, Amplifiations Pooling Bower oon Cancelaions abd Nal Spall Effeet Descriptions... renin of Enchanted Hes ‘Chapter Mt; Abilities & Spells Alchemy uti... Ca Abie ae Eanhpawer Sp Intelligent Creatures or Characters (CC)... ‘Mage Wamiot ‘Drakesand By Mulaiions. Inte! pet Cease ce Caries Caver af the Wold Stadow Ga 8 Sree ior Abies t cao ee Chapter 17: Monsie Chapter I: Enpncering Chaptce 18: The Gods ecoming a Engine. ‘Gener Hols fr Enel Chapter 12: Gaming Situations 456 Cort Sinton. Provision Index ... asi SIL Index . 460 Ability and Spell Lndex. a ME Character Sheet e ar Time. Movement Calculating Movernent Within & Tur Move Rate... Time to Move Rardoes Cover. Maving Silenly. ‘Travel in Space ‘Suevival in Spas. [Avienilon computer uscrst Ifyou have acoeis 10 he Iniemet, snd us mail et syria request@ieskime coma) List of Tables 1 3 GUARACTIN AILITY SCOR BONUSES AND MIN Giaacten CASES (GUARACTER GENERATION OUTLINE Fa 3 B a 2 2 3 7 Py Be Bs ° 2 i a“ Bs é 2 as Ea at 3 © Me a EES BE 8 BSS! BESEEREES. Page Table ie 0 EARTHPOWER SPELLS THIRTIETH LEME. EARnOWDA SPHLLS TWENTE LEVEL —— EATIEROL LIMITATIONS FIRSTALLVIL, RAVASHEM SPELLS FLIGHT CLASSES FORRIDDEN CONTINENT JUNGLE OR LIONS ON INCOUNTIRE. TORN CONDE SHIRNA ENRGRLA SD HYPIRFLIGHET SPEEDS. TLLUSION success. Bikiontal To MORTAL LEVELS: [BEPERIAL GUARD ARMOR £0 USAGE INFITRATOR LOcKRUSTING STATS. INALTRATOR STUDIES—FiRST LEVEL. INFITRATOR STUDIES—TENTH LEVEL INTELLIGENCE — INTELLIGENT CREATURE OR CHARACTER ENCOUNTERS. ETELLAGENE CREATURES OR CRACTER ENCOUNTERS MAGE WaRKION SPeLisFTERSH LEVEL. MAGE WARKIOR SeELLS-—FIFTI LEVEL. E MAGE WARIIOR SPELLS RST LEVEL ae MAGE WARKIOR SPELLS —PORTIETH LEVEL MAGE WARMOR SPELLS —POURTH LEVEL. MAGE WARUOR SPELLS—SECOND LEVEL. MAGE WARIUOR SPELLS —TENTH LEVEL ‘MAGE WAROR SPe11.5—thnaD LEVEL. Mae WARIO SPELIS—TIMRTIETM LEV MAGE WARRIOR SPELLS TWENTIETH LEVEL SESRRRRE ERE RS Sy! MISCELLANEOUS ENGINES REFRAENGE MISCELLANEOUS LIMITATIONS i sRe Foreword Foreword ‘Overthe last 12 years, during the creation ofthis game, the gaming ‘industry as changed greatly. When I began writing Tae World of Sywnibarr, there were relatively few games on the market; today there are my, the miajority of them quite good as far as: ther orig inality and production are concerned. However, the idea of high- powered and multigente gaming systems is just beginning to emerge. People are showing a greater interest in gamer where players’ characters can become as entertaining es their favorite Comic book characters or adventurers in their favorite novels, ut until now, na games bare been published that responded to those interests yo sll maintained balance and playability, ‘Over the last decade, the Synnibarr gaming system has been tested by thousands of players and hundreds of referees, So after five revisions, from 1980 until now, I think we have finally eot it right. Thope you will agree. Editor's Rote When I was First introduced to Raven McCracken, 1 was faily sot in:my ways as faras what kind of role-playing games I wanted to play. Being a player and a referee for scveral different types of games for move than 10 years, I Ukought I knew pretty much what I wanted and what to expect from a gaming session experience. al lally Bwvas bit awed by the wide variety of satezies and techniques involved and the amazing number of characters and abilities, by my second time of playing the game, | war hooked! I have been playing Symibarr atleast once a week since then. The rules are such that any type of campaign setting can be played, ftom swords and spells to lasers and starship to swords, spell, lasers, snd sarships, Nothing is rapossble, Inti book, we have tried to caver all the bases of ole playing, fom allowing players the freedom to build their own characters 19 ‘The tent is referenced in detail to simplify using this book, also, Five indenes have been adéed. ‘The idea I wart to convey is that Synnibarr is old but almost completely unexplored. A devastating plagus erased most of civie lation, and the world fs just beginning to crawl out of the Dark ‘Age, A more advanced civilization has arisen again only within be last $00 years, The greatest secrets of science were preserved, but selene has now acquired the satus of a religia, giving mankind a supertechnology that many consider occult in nature. This su- periechnalogy coexists with a medieval world in which some of is Population can manifest all kinds of supematural powers. When Combined with the mysteries and dangers of the lost civilizations of the past, these elements make Synnibarr more than just a gaming system; they create a place of constant word filled with 2 un verse of enertainment — Raven ss, MeCracken, shoe explaining as many different elements and sitations as is practical ‘oreliminate as much guessing on the part of the player as possible, I's all there in front of you. Even with a book as detailed as this, ‘you still have plenty of freedoms to improvise, Using your imagins tion can only spur furter creativity itself an unlimited asset ‘This second edition of The World of Synnibarr is substantially revised and improved over the previous publications. It has been ‘completely reorganized so that you may easily find the relevant in formation needed during Une course of the game. Playing Syanibarr will open avenues in your imagination for which you probably did not even lenow you had an address, —Bryce Thelin, eter | & WELCOME! | Inte imagination's fury | plunge thee. Ride the storm band ge shall be enriched. Jn the Beginning . GET the be} inning, 800 million years apo; on onal pane, 2 tape “ws bom, Ths nce B como ton poet al ‘et known peste pew gre Godbood His tame was Arius, The God ‘tliope and Command. Darla ls pets toe Gis utente verse tad th 100 dimensions, came tort sol word ias aves eed Earth ‘He venrched Bart for arace of people who tnd oe dey aed Bs might ke emt sviboe! engi flow Geter Geddes, Hie camertedinese people lo the Way of (Gas iTp opsvniin hie pov: be reed {avr ons mort leno nd nbc it wid the sapabity of sacing «wordy erinere od waliasumct is Tisae Sood bock br eontineed to observe Be tau wee Thi sviar appeared 10 al who wor. tipped Aide ad ah ers ped teat I bealed wounds and leas ead fave advice to those in need, but it would fot appear unless it was truly necessary, D0 matter how hard someone prayed, ‘The avalar drew on the energy of the worship- erst perform acts of power, ‘A Few years passed by and the avaiat’s worshippers prew in number, AICO at this time, Aridius himself was summoned by the Father of Al! and learmed that the Gods had entered into wae! “The powers of darkness had won the aid ‘of the God of Time, This unholy alliance threatened to destroy the universe from the dread dimension of Shadarkeem.! However, the Gods of Light were not to be rundong, Ina desperis allenipt to survive the onslaught, they pooled their powers, teapping the God of Fim, themselves, and their enemies in a temporal suspension that spanned the entire dimension of Shadarkeem. So quick and unexpected was "SSuadarkcem is the bist dimension ofthe Gods Only Venderast Nalaborong power works there ‘The Godt become morals whence they art ‘his realm, and po-normal mortal can survive there Because the dimension drains all forces, force, except for God Power of Evil, a forever. Because of this disastrous event, the Demigods and Demigoddesses were forced to keep the universe running until, ever, their elders retumed to resume this task. This was an enormous undertaking for them, so much so that at fist they could not ‘contain and focus the proper energies. This resulted in a stellar storm that began to rav- age the Cenilverse, causing suns to 20 nova, destroying all the planets around them, Within the vast core of the universe, the ‘arcalest sciemtsts had discovered the stellar storm and wore plotting its future course, and vainly atiempting to define its origin, When they had determined the sorm’s path, they made a list of the inhabited planets and sent urgent messages to warn the Earth received the message 5 years after avatar of Aridius had been found deep inthe Amazon jungle. The avatar, because of its capabilities, was soon acknowledged asa God. Because their Gods had no mani fested themselves on account of the war,

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