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Department: Course / Code: Start Time: Exam Time: Lecturer name: Student Name: Registration Number: Graduate School of Business ANSWER BOOK SATS ¢_L~ houriness. ea BIS. 961 Attexprral te, Lila El Szclalary Lilanr fratley. A-abamedl BalehNakeep: Ye A fate Data for lecturer only Question Marks. Actual Available jun | [taro Joe | aly 9 10 Total: Lecturer Name: Date: [ Sign: Number of Answer papers attached with the cover page: -~ EDQMS 2/5 955) Fofeemntoon igstem ¢ ~) set of rtrjelaled Components | Clecl, rrartppn lao ee AS emma cats Po fermalln Gs apt COLD tation 1 Grliat * feele w0le analy a Mine lieehron e proctatl (resbin =« C77 Porprmecten telmobog « Wn barelunrte omel He Loffiance wre bq busters G atheine rf objec. - 115 ¢ Basie fone bien Sytem): axe fer f nahr-seloted fieeaiee cting tyfermocton technology (LT) Pogben Sfrachare ta a heainen eretippride & _pertiat im elitrenpante tlabtick foferma ton ~ E-C Ekechenit Crmmete; We preter dua ia fel-g or exchargieg pred: SevlGn or jngfemacia vim Cmgonte neler ty - -©- CRMm—1 (Customer relabrotbiprranagemeel ): nifeco 6 the Prope, fPohe & guilelheu fat coguritatin pole wikia mmnelig will it Cuflerars phy a technale ee ame tngell orgenite frm Abort liz) Cm hooting wrth Codhraty r Che spor” | om. 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Ae (H Xe he a eo ( Ke half tv) Krew loge workers frst WY Kir1w [ret Gupte e CD Exper th syste £S > VLA tie Jnlelli gta C(AL—_p widens - Ww Ab pitt MWige 0 : sft angul) Senior (Tep2 inka) : tc i tyre a ee clecrarens i / witelon tachenl / ee tomragemon ter ee Le BO ion \ sapprt tins [fos Hownkeye [eo tis Tiferombbong opendonal [ TPS Dale Dutawerlon Ope Min cketinn Gs Trantaclen Protendg sybberry . Oe operationedk - feveligttom at the boltom f the pupae Ahag are eeaucly opecrteed obrectly 4 Spook bre Log | - Functions (1) Antiwar ren bhe quesbems b- back The flew of Fransachens Mhrwragh She erg antion . (2) Pt0nr'Tor States of inane operation & far nedetinthp e ixtwnr Lonibememind AL pAgjerprochate) of afro jf ar re 41 High 4 Cohel 6 husren gpiraton wnehn Cop Regarvtng Zupulh a4 at Trouanthon event, — | : e Peer vabrlaton ,Srbrq , C19 / KA) pepeatrgir Cobeslebon « Orbe)» Fats, clits Iraperhs, ac bem sapoh (691 Seb, rbph, Caghcpetits, pol, Phos of mrbrir Lucy) (2) Aamogemtnl aypenallen igftem: a ee Poe eat level Sytem for rrielelle moregent a i : ae hefo fpreedh rue The oropanttobion » plant a fri - th Beir Preebic’ the Pots poecfermant: . Semmernite by papel on bane peer Pe “neg clot fom Fre - Provrele weeelly , (Went arma sem lob og erub obitog oun Hh otirly or Aart cla - by rot veg Plrete setter itt He tnaifte Cpphillhy : (BD) Deciston Siogper C Sper (Oss); = Sign non- tent olet/fhon priory er abel Aampgtinmd = Ole ep honset iad TPS, NM k& oofernrl four lea - - Use Pteele! G omobgge clots A Pre oe eetncbicg sanebtting ooferndon fou loge ormoul af otal tr Cm —yola yy, Crewp ove citen sagan typton (COS) C2) Cmyonter Sepperthl " G -eprndovencer Escw) (7 Pogithe pyfteras o fice Howry dyplomt ae Doporlesl Reles —p w Sypper M-Shutlhirct er Servs trclhyreA chiro, A) Have Prody hich &for (Vredkelling Copatify Wid Conlernectt will preeticleg le falore: Exe Cale Sapper Sy Me wa (E55) - Serve fontror CAtaneems. 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