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Iteration 2021 i02

2nd February - 1st March

One Stop Shop
FA/TA: Hub Landing Page (functional analysis) (technical analysis)
Hub Overview Panel
Related Tab
Services Panel
Useful Simplify Tool
Subscription Advantages Panel
FA/TA: Hub Advice Page (functional analysis) (technical analysis)
Hub Description
Cross Linking Banner General
Cross Linking Banner Publication
FA/TA: Hub Useful Tools Page (functional analysis) (technical analysis)
Creation of the new page
Add to Hub Navigation
Hub Description
Useful Tool Cards
Tile Panel
FA: Hub Usage Tips Page (functional analysis)
FE DEV: Hub Pages: new components and adaptations (FE prototype: alternate components) (FE prototype: without segments)
DEV: Hub Pages: Tracking (business guidelines) (technical guidelines)
Hub Landing Page: Hub Navigation, Services Panel, Services Related, Hub Latest Highlights, Subscription Advantages Panel
Hub Advice Page: Hub Navigation, Cross Linking Banner PS, Cross Linking Banner Publication
Hub Usage Tips Page: Hub Navigation, Content Card, Browse Page Links
DEV: Hub Pages: Pagetype automatically filled with requested values
DEV: Hub Pages: Added SEO to Usage Tips Page

BAU - Team Garden

FA/TA: Community Alert (functional & technical analysis)

BAU - Team Delta

DEV: Image Sitemaps - Phase I
Considering only the thumbnail image and sitemap changes required to allow PSEL Team to work

CRO MDO 2021

DEV: Campaign Tracking on CommonBeanTrigger
Bookmark and Subscribe callouts (business guidelines for bookmark callout) (business guidelines for subscribe callout)
CTA Register Button in publications (business guidelines)
Block Content and Block Content Tooltip for FUS publications (business guidelines)

Support and Bug fixes

[VIDEO] <Click here>

Hub Pages: Tracking

Hub Landing Page: Hub Navigation, Services Panel, Services Related, Hub Latest Highlights, Subscription Advantages Panel
Hub Advice Page: Hub Navigation, Cross Linking Banner PS, Cross Linking Banner Publication
Hub Usage Tips Page: Hub Navigation, Content Card, Browse Page Links

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