Applied Electrical Technology Manual - Joe

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Applied Electrical Technology


Philippine Copyright, 2021


Caraga State University Cabadbaran Campus


No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information
storage without prior written permission from the author or publisher.

Recommended for Implementation


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[Applied Electrical Technology Laboratory Manual] JOE2021

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This manual is intended for the use of applied electrical technology courses and
is appropriate for the first year learners taking basic Electrical Technology cut across
programs of Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLed) majoring
Industrial Arts (IA) and Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIndT) majoring
Electrical Technology (ELT). The manual revolved to the topics of Basic electrical
theory, Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Ohm's Law, “Kirchhoff’s Current Law for
Parallel Circuits”, Electrical Tools and Equipment, and Electrical Power Transmission
and Distribution Lines
This manual provides a valuable window of information assurance and covers
the necessary components during the laboratory activity of the learners it also provide
safety of all the learners during the conduct of experiments.

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Table of Contents

Copyright Declaration 1
Foreword 2
Table Of Contents 3
Rules In Borrowing And Returning Of Laboratory Equipment 4
Laboratory Policies 5
Written Laboratory Narrative 6
General Laboratory Procedures 8
Laboratory Safety 9
Lecture: Understanding Basic Electrical Theory 10
Activity No. 1Basic Electrical Theory 19
V Lecture: Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Ohm's Law 22
Activity No. 2 Voltage, Current, Resistance, Ohms Law 31
Lecture: Kirchhoff’s Current Law For Parallel Circuits 34
Activity No. 3 Kirchhoff’s Current Law For Parallel Circuits 37
Lecture: Electrical Tools and Equipment 39
Activity No. 4 Electrical Tools and Equipment 41
Lecture: Electrical Supplies and Materials 43
Activity No. 5 Electrical Tools and Equipment 46
Lecture: CONDUCTORS 48
Lecture: Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Lines Type of Pylon.. 55
Glossary Of Terms 57
References 59

Rules in Borrowing and Returning Of Laboratory Equipment

When Borrowing:

 Please fall in line at all times and wait for your turn.
 Have your borrower’s slip signed by your instructor before going to the counter.
 Check all the materials given.
 Be sure that all the materials are already complete before leaving the counter.
 Deposit your I.D. at the counter. (No I.D., No borrowing of equipment).

When Returning:
 Arrange the apparatus, tools, and equipment properly after use.
 Report to the instructor/laboratory in charge if malfunction of equipment,
apparatus and tools occur during the activity for possible repair.
 Don’t leave the apparatus at the counter when there is no one to accept it.
 Return the tools and equipment in good condition in case of permanent mal-
due to the negligence of borrower appropriate charges may apply.

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 Strictly no substitutions of borrowed equipment, tools and apparatus. Note:

Unique identification of tools is in place.

Please Observe Courtesy

Note: These rules have to be observed to avoid losses inside the laboratory.

 Always keep the laboratory room clean.

 Absolutely NO SMOKING and NO EATING inside the laboratory room.
 UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS are not allowed in the dispensing area unless on
official business.
 Panels should always be in their permanent place.
 Students are not allowed to borrow materials for personal use.
 NO I.D. means NO MATERIALS will be released at the counter.
 The borrower’s slip must be filled up completely and signed by all members of
the group and the instructor.
 Care should be maintained in handling the borrowed materials. Damages and
losses of materials will be automatically charged to the borrower’s account.
 No student is allowed to stay inside the laboratory room except when having a
 The make-up class should be scheduled by the instructor.

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 Tools or equipment borrowed by the students for design projects or makeup

should be returned within 3 hours so that other students can use them.
 .Avoid playing with the equipment and especially with the outlets.

Written Laboratory Narrative

Applied Electricity Laboratory narrative must follow the standard format

specified in this manual unless otherwise revised by the instructor in-charge depending
to the environment and situation thereof. The laboratory reports should adhere the
 Title Page and Identification
The preliminary pages of written laboratory narratives must contain the
 Heading
 Title of the topic
 Name of student
 Name of partner or Members
 Course Description
 Date
 Table of contents
 Introductory Principle

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Provide the necessary intended learning outcomes of the laboratory
 Discuss the topic principles briefly to give an overview of what the topic is
all about.
 Procedure
 The steps by steps processes and or procedure should reflect and must
be shown in any forms. The used of images and infographics are highly
 Discussions in every steps or procedures must be clearly stated.
 Proper used of materials and tools during the laboratory experiments
must be follow.
 Data
 The data must be tabulated with descriptive headings and footnotes to
provide necessary details.
 Data tables must be able to stand alone providing enough information
that the reader could carry out necessary calculations without having to
go hunting for additional information.
 Appropriate colors and table themes must be friendly to the reader.
 Calculations and Results
 The step by step calculations must be presented in an orderly manner.
 The final results must be highlighted or place in a box or in any form the
separate the final answer from the step by step calculations.

 Discussion
 To provide a wrap up of the narratives discussions of the topic must be
summarize in this part.
 Conclusion paragraph should clearly report the final results for activities.
 Discuss the factual knowledge gained.
 Personal Notes
 The personal notes consist of personal experiences and or learning
experiences during the conduct of laboratory.
 References
 All references cited in the report should be listed as numbered endnotes
in the style of APA format and or other format desired by the instructor.

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General Laboratory Procedures

1. Preparation for the experiment

 Before the experiment kickoff the students is required to read and

comprehend completely the given procedures and background of the
 Related concepts and theory of the topic must be fully understood before
the hand on performance.
 The instructor may throw questions to the students before and during the
experiment to guide properly the learners while performing the laboratory
 To avoid accidents, tardy or late students and or arrived in the middle of
teachers instruction of laboratory activity must not be allowed to perform
the activity unless otherwise the instructor or authorize personnel discuss
the necessary instructions.

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2. Laboratory Teams/Groups

 During the experiments the class will be divided in teams of four or five
 Group compositions must be identified by the instructor and or with the
student’s preference.
 Each group must submit a written or narrative reports it could be printed
or electronics copy.
 Submission of narrative reports must be followed in 5 school days.
 Late reports are penalized by subtracting 5 points each day after the
given 5 days of submissions.
 The grade acquired form the activity must be given to all the members of
the team for example if the team received 95% automatically all members
of the group receive the same score of 95%.

Laboratory Safety
Personal Safety
 Before the laboratory activity begins proper used of Personal Protective
Equipment must be followed.
 Identified Individuals or group space allocation during the activity must
observe to avoid and minimized human traffic flow.
 Proper used of the tools must observe during the activity at all times.
Strictly no horse playing while performing the activity.
 No smoking, drinking, eating inside the laboratory
 Wearing of face mask and face shields inside the campus must be
 Perform the 5S plus 1 standard before and after the laboratory begin.
o Seiri/Sort: Separating of the essential from the nonessential items
o Seiton/Straighten: Organizing the essential materials where
everything has its place
o Seiso/Shine: Cleaning the work area

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o Seiketsu/Standardize: Establishing a system to maintain and make

5S a habit
o Shitsuke/Sustain: Establishing a safe and sanitary work
environment (Safety)
 In case of fire accidents inside the laboratory rooms look for the fire
distinguishers and directly apply to the base of burning fire.
 If uncontrolled fire occurs look for an exit and call the proper authorities.
 Apply first aide if burns occur visit the clinic as soon as possible.

Spillages and Fumes

 All breakages and minor spills of chemicals should be reported
immediately to the supervisor or technician without delay.
 Motors, wire cuts and any other electrical troubles observe during the
laboratory activity should be reported immediately.

Understanding Basic Electrical Theory

Lecture: John O. Estillore

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Applied Electricity
Laboratory Activity No. 1
Basic Electrical Theory
Name of student:
Name of Members:

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

 Explain how a simple circuit works.

 Describe the functions of a switch and light bulb as resistors in a circuit.
 List several products that have been engineered to use electrical energy.

Materials List 
For the entire class to share:
 Colored construction paper
 Markers (optional) candy
For a class demonstration of how a circuit works:
 2 D-size batteries
 Small light bulb in a light bulb holder; available at hardware stores
 Wire to connect the batteries to the light bulb holder

Electrical energy is all about charge. Who knows what charge is? Charge is the
positive or negative force of an atom or how much electrical energy is in an atom. This
gets us back to three main vocabulary words when talking about electrical energy and
charge: voltage, current and resistance. Voltage is the amount of energy that can be
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produced by a charge, current is the flow of charge (electrons), and resistance is

anything that keeps the current from flowing. Today, we are going to talk about simple
circuits and how engineers get electrical energy to flow in a current.


Before the Activity.

Gather materials and make copies of the Using markers, prepare several pieces of
paper. Make four pieces with the following words: switch on (closed), switch off (open),
battery and light bulb. Prepare enough remaining pieces of paper that say E or electron,
for all the students. An fun alternative: Use candy as the electrons (E papers).

With the Students

 This demonstration involves the entire class. Students stand in a circle to show
how a circuit works (see Figure 1). They form a "human circuit."
 At one end of the circle, identify one student as the battery by giving him/her the
piece of paper with the word "battery" on it.
 At the middle of one side of the circle, identify another student as the "switch."
Give this person two papers (switch on and switch off). Have this person begin by
holding up the "switch on" paper.
 At the opposite end of the circle, identify another student as the "light bulb."
 The rest of the students in the circle are conductors (wire). They each have a piece
of paper with a big E marked on it, representing an electron. (Or, alternatively, a
piece of candy. No eating yet!)
 Students start passing the E pieces of paper (or candy) around the circle to the
student next to him/her as if they were playing "hot potato." All the students, even
the students being the "battery" and the "light bulb," help to move the electrons.
Once the exercise is in process, point out how the current of electrons flows
around and around the circuit as long as the switch is on (and there is a closed
 Next, have the student who is the switch occasionally switch their paper to the
"switch off" or open circuit. This action makes a circuit break and the electron
papers (or candy) must freeze, or stop moving around the circle.
 When the switch goes off, the flow of electrons stops, so the current stops. When
this happens, the "light bulb" person stops glowing by lowering or "melting down"
to the floor.
 When the student "switch" changes his/her paper to "switch on," the flow begins
again and the electrons start moving like "hot potato" around the circle. Because it
is turned "on," the student "light bulb" can jump up from the floor and "glow" again.
 Keep playing the game for a few minutes or until all the students understand how
the current (or flow of electrons) moves through a closed circuit (closed circle or
when the switch is on). Once they understand, students should know to stop the
flow of electrons when the switch is turned off, or the circuit is open.
 Actively engage all students by re-assigning the roles of the switch, battery and
light bulb several times during the activity. See if the students have ideas of other
items that could use the flow of energy just like the light bulb.
 Assign students to complete the worksheet, either working individually or in pairs.
After students finish the worksheet, have them compare answers with a peer or
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another pair, giving all students time to finish.

Adopted by: © 2005 by Regents of the University of Colorado

What Is a Circuit? Worksheet

1. Vocabulary Words
Using complete sentences, write a definition for the following words:

Charge the electrical energy of an atom

Current the flow of charge or electrical energy


Voltage the amount of charge or electrical energy that is able to flow


Resistance something that keeps the charge electrical energy from flowing


2. Drawing the Path of Electrons

Draw a picture of the circuit created in class. Label the light bulb, switch and
battery. Use arrows to show the direction the electrons flowed.

light bulb


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Adopted by: © 2005 by Regents of the University of Colorado

Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Ohm's Law

Lecture Note: John O. Estillore

Electricity Basics
When beginning to explore the world of electricity
and relate to each other. electronics, it is vital to start by
understanding the basics of voltage, current, and
resistance. These are the three basic building blocks
required to manipulate and utilize electricity.
At first, these concepts can be difficult to understand
because we cannot "see" them. One cannot see with
the naked eye the energy flowing through a wire or the
voltage of a battery sitting on a table. Even the lightning
in the sky, while visible, is not truly the energy exchange
happening from the clouds to the earth, but a reaction in
the air to the energy passing through it. In order to
detect this energy transfer, we must use measurement
tools such as mustimeters, spectrum analyzers, and
oscilloscopes to visualize what is happening with the
charge in a system. Fear not, however, this tutorial will
give you the basic understanding of voltage, current,
and resistance and how the three

Electrical Charge
Electricity is the movement of electrons. Electrons create charge, which we can
harness to do work. Your lightbulb, your stereo, your phone, etc., are all harnessing the
movement of the electrons in order to do work. They all operate using the same basic
power source: the movement of electrons. The three basic principles for this tutorial can
be explained using electrons, or more specifically, the charge they create:

• Voltage is the difference in charge between two points.

• Current is the rate at which charge is flowing.
• Resistance is a material's tendency to resist the flow of charge (current).

So, when we talk about these values, we're really describing the movement of charge,
and thus, the behavior of electrons. A circuit is a closed loop that allows charge to move
from one place to another. Components in the circuit allow us to control this charge and
use it to do work.
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Georg Ohm was a Bavarian scientist who studied electricity. Ohm starts by describing
a unit of resistance that is defined by current and voltage. So, let's start with voltage and
go from there.

We define voltage as the amount of potential energy between two points on a
circuit. One point has more charge than another. This difference in charge between the
two points is called voltage. It is measured in volts, which, technically, is the potential
energy difference between two points that will impart one joule of energy per coulomb
of charge that passes through it (don't panic if this makes no sense, all will be
explained). The unit "volt" is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta who
invented what is considered the first chemical battery. Voltage is represented in
equations and schematics by the letter "V".
Video Link:
When describing voltage, current, and resistance, a common analogy is a water
tank. In this analogy, charge is represented by the water amount, voltage is
represented by the water pressure, and current is represented by the water flow. So for
this analogy, remember:

•Water = Charge
•Pressure = Voltage
•Flow = Current
Consider a water tank at a certain height above the ground. At the bottom of this tank
there is a hose.

The pressure at the end of the hose can represent voltage. The water in the tank

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represents charge. The more water in the tank, the higher the charge, the more pressure
is measured at the end of the hose.

We can think of this tank as a battery, a place where we store a certain amount of
energy and then release it. If we drain our tank a certain amount, the pressure created at
the end of the hose goes down. We can think of this as decreasing voltage, like when a
flashlight gets dimmer as the batteries run down. There is also a decrease in the amount
of water that will flow through the hose. Less pressure means less water is flowing, which
brings us to current.

How to Solve for Voltage?

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How to Solve For Voltage?

Example: A motor with an operating resistance of 32ohms is connected to a
voltage source. The current in the circuit is 1.5 A. What is the voltage of the source?
Step 1: list the values that are known, and the value that is unknown and asked for in
the question.

 resistance: R = 32 Ω;
 current: I = 1.5 A
 voltage: V = ?

Step 2: Since V is unknown, cover V and you see I x R.

 V=IxR

Step 3: place numbers in for I and R and multiply to find V.

 V = 1.5 x 32
 V = 48 V

Note: You can also draw the circuit diagram for easier understanding of the circuit.

The son of Prof. Herda asking is task to solve for the voltage assigned by his
Teacher. Prof. Herda found out in the circuit given are the following 3.5ohms
connected to the voltage source with current of 1.0A.
Show Your Solution!

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We can think of the amount of water flowing through the hose from the tank as
current. The higher the pressure, the higher the flow, and vice-versa. With water, we
would measure the volume of the water flowing through the hose over a certain
period of time. With electricity, we measure the amount of charge flowing through the
circuit over a period of time. Current is measured in Amperes (usually just referred to
as "Amps"). An ampere is defined as 6.241*10^18 electrons (1 Coulomb) per second
passing through a point in a circuit. Amps are represented in equations by the letter
Let's say now that we have two tanks, each with a hose coming from the
bottom. Each tank has the exact same amount of water, but the hose on one tank is
narrower than the hose on the other.

We measure the same amount of pressure at the

end of either hose, but when the water begins to flow,
the flow rate of the water in the tank with the narrower
hose will be less than the flow rate of the water in the
tank with the wider hose. In electrical terms, the
current through the narrower hose is less than the
current through the wider hose. If we want the flow to
be the same through both hoses, we have to increase
the amount of water (charge) in the tank with the
narrower hose.

This increases the pressure (voltage) at the end of

the narrower hose, pushing more water through the
tank. This is analogous to an increase in voltage that
causes an increase in current.
Now we're starting to see the relationship between
voltage and current. But there is a third factor to be
considered here: the width of the hose. In this
analogy, the width of the hose is the resistance. This
means we need to add another term to our model:

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 Water = Charge (measured in Coulombs)

 Pressure = Voltage (measured in Volts)
 Flow = Current (measured in Amperes, or
"Amps" for short)
 Hose Width = Resistance

How to Solve for Current?


Determine the amount of current going through a

50 Ω; resistor with a voltage of 120 V.

Step 1: list the values that are known, and the value
that is unknown and asked for in the question.

 resistance: R = 50 Ω
 voltage: V = 120 V
 current: I = ?

Step 2: Since I is unknown, cover I and you see


 I = V/R
Step 3: place numbers in for V and R and divide to find I.

 I = 120/50
 I = 2.4 A


On the next day the son of Prof. Herda asking again for help to solve his circuit
diagrams. Prof. Herda smile as he glances at the circuit he found out that the same
concept was being used a 3.5ohms connected to the voltage source of 220V. He
notices that he needs to find the current. What do you think is the best thing for Prof.
Herda to do?

Show your Solution

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Consider again our two water tanks, one with a narrow pipe and one with a wide

I t s t a n d s t o r e
wider one at the same pressure. This is resistance. The
narrow pipe "resists" the flow of water through it even
though the water is at the same pressure as the tank
with the wider pipe.

I n e l e c t r i c a
resistances. The circuit with the higher resistance will
allow less charge to flow, meaning the circuit with
higher resistance has less current flowing through it.
T h i s b r i n g s u s
the resistance between two points in a conductor where
the application of 1 volt will push 1 ampere, or
6.241×10^18 electrons. This value is usually
represented in schematics with the Greek letter "Ω",
which is called omega, and pronounced "ohm".

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How To Solve For Current?

A small light bulb is connected to a 6 V battery and draws 2 A of current. What
is the net resistance of the bulb?
Step 1: list the values that are known, and the value that is unknown and asked for
in the question.

 voltage: V = 6 V
 current: I = 2 A
 resistance: R = ?

Step 2: Since R is unknown, cover R and you see V/I.

 R = V/I

Step 3: place numbers in for V and I and divide to find R.

 R = 6/2
 R=3Ω

Practice! The son of Prof. Herda fully understand the concept of voltage, and
current, for the last time he is assigned to answer the given problem on the board
3.5A is connected to the voltage source of 220V. solve for resistance.

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Combining the elements of voltage, current, and resistance, Ohm developed the

 V = Voltage in volts
 I = Current in amps
 R = Resistance in ohms

This is called Ohm's law. Let's say, for example, that we have a circuit with the
potential of 1 volt, a current of 1 amp, and resistance of 1 ohm. Using Ohm's Law
we can say:

Let's say this represents our tank with a wide hose. The amount of water in the
tank is defined as 1 volt and the "narrowness" (resistance to flow) of the hose is
defined as 1 ohm. Using Ohms Law, this gives us a flow (current) of 1 amp.
Using this analogy, let's now look at the tank with the narrow hose. Because
the hose is narrower, its resistance to flow is higher. Let's define this resistance as 2
ohms. The amount of water in the tank is the same as the other tank, so, using
Ohm's Law, our equation for the tank with the narrow hose is

But what is the current? Because the resistance is greater, and the voltage is
the same, this gives us a current value of 0.5 amps:

So, the current is lower in the tank with higher

resistance. Now we can see that if we know
two of the values for Ohm's law, we can solve
for the third. Let's demonstrate this with an

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Applied Electricity
Laboratory Activity No. 2
Voltage, Current, Resistance, Ohms Law
Name of student:
Name of Members:

Learning Objectives
Application of the following:

 Ohm's law
 series/parallel circuits (ways to connect them and have an effect on V and I)
 circuit components
 power
 devices that can be used to measure voltage and current

Materials List 
We suggest the following materials be bought in bulk and used yearly:

 4 AAA general purpose (C-Zn) batteries

 2.47 V, 300 mA light bulbs
 10-12 alligator clips and wires
 stopwatch

 4 single battery holders

 2 double battery holders
 6 lamp holders

We have three light bulbs arranged in a parallel circuit. If the batteries used to
power them are also arranged in parallel, will they last longer than batteries arranged
in a series?

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A battery company wants to know how long its batteries will last for consumers.
Voltage is very easy to measure, however finding the current is much harder. So, let's
set up an experiment to time the battery life according to series and parallel circuits.
The batteries in a series give off a brighter light; however they last about half the
time of batteries in parallel.
Batteries set up in a parallel circuit give a less intense light, but last twice the
length of batteries in series.


1. Build a circuit with 3 bulbs wired in parallel to 2 batteries wired in parallel as

shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1

2. Build a circuit with 3 bulbs wired in parallel to 2 batteries wired in series as

shown in Figure

Figure 2

3. Have students guess how long each circuit will last.

4. Measure the total current flowing through each circuit.
5. Time how long it takes for the bulbs to stop giving off light.
Results in Testing

 Time for series: ~20 minutes

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 Time for parallel: ~ 40 minutes

Homework or Quiz: Assign students to answer the seven questions in
the Questions for Students Handout. Review their answers to gauge their depth of

Ohm’s Law II Questions

1. How long did it take to drain the batteries in the series circuit?

2. How long did it take to drain the batteries in the parallel circuit?

3. Did you observe any other differences between the 2 circuits?


4. How do you calculate the amount of time the bulbs will stay lit if each battery has
approx. 540 mA (reference: (assuming the batteries will run
out before the bulbs)?

5. What are the possible reasons that you did not achieve the above theoretical

6. Discuss the tradeoffs between time and intensity of the light bulb for each circuit.

7. What would be an appropriate use of each of these circuits?

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Activity Adopted by: © 2013 by Regents of the University of Colorado; original © 2005 Worcester
Polytechnic Institut



Lecture Notes

by: John Estillore

Authors Note: Before engaging with the topic the author is assuming that you
are well knowledgeable with the concepts of Ohms Law. Although this topic is
already introduced to our previous modules and video presentations.

Kirchhoff’s current law for parallel circuits states that at any junction of
conductors, the algebraic sum of the currents is zero. This is just another way of
saying that just as much electricity must leave a junction as there is electricity
entering the junction. We assume that the current flowing toward junction (a)
are positive., and that the currents flowing away from junction a are negative.
We consider that (It) is positive, and that I1, I2, and I3 are negative. In turn, we
write Kirchhoff’s current law:
Voltage = (Current)(Resistance) or E=IR or V=IR
To solve for the current (I) of the given circuit it is very important to understand
simple Math. We need to manipulate the formula for us to come up with the
suitable formula.

Figure 1. Resistor in Parallel

For us not to be confused we need to re arrange the given circuit diagram into
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the most understandable form. Like this;

Find the Current (I) total, I1, I2, and I3. Find the Voltage, (V) total, V1, V2, and V3. Find
the Power(P)total, P1, P2, and P3.

Find the Current (I) total, I1, I2, and I3. Find the Voltage, (V) total, V1, V2,
and V3.
[ I = V ÷ R] [ V = I x R]

I1= 30V/5 Ω [ V1 = 6A x 5 Ω]

I1=6A VI=30V

I2=30V/10 Ω [ V2 = 3A x 10Ω]
To justify the statement of
I2=3A Kirchhoff law that +It-I1-I2-I3=0 V2=30V Must Remember: Being a
parallel circuit, the voltage across
13=30V/30 Ω 10A-6A -3A-1A= 0 [ V3 = 1A x 30Ω] every resistor is the same as the
supply voltage
I3=1A V3=30V

I total = I1+I2+I3

I total =6A+3A+1A

It =10A Vt =30Volts

The importance of Kirchhoff’s law will be shown later by means of practical

examples. We will find that, just as in series circuit, the total power consumed in a
parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the power values in each resistor.

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Find the Power(P)total, P1,

P2, and P3. Solution:
[ P = V x I]P (watts) = V (volts) x I (amps)
P1 = 30V x 6A
P1= 180watts

P2=30V x 3A

P3=30V x 1A
P3= 30watts

Ptotal = P1+P2+P3

Ptotal = 180watts+90watts+30watts

Pt = 300 watts
The total power consumed by the parallel circuit simply the sum of the power
values in each branch.

We can check this answer by using the total current value in the power formula:

Pt=V x It
x 10A

Pt=300 watts

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Applied Electricity
Laboratory Activity No. 3
Name of student:
Name of Members:

Learning Objectives:
 Identify the amount of each branch of the circuit.
 Measure actual amount of the circuit using
 Discuss the flow of electricity inside the circuit.
 Battery
 Wires
 Bulb
 Multitester

Step 1.

Solve for the following data.

 Find the current in each lamp

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 Find the resistance of each lamp

 Find the current in branch a.
 Find the current in branch b.
 Find the total circuit current.
 Find the total circuit resistance.
 Find the total power in the circuit.

Step 2.

Assemble the circuit diagram using the required materials refer to the schematic
diagram of the circuit.

Step 3.

Measure each circuit branch base on the given diagram and provide your actual


1. Actual current in each lamp?

2. Actual resistance of each lam
3. Actual current in branch a.
4. Actual current in branch b.
5. Actual total circuit current.
6. Actual total circuit resistance.
___ 7. Actual total power in the circuit.

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Electrical Tools and Equipment

Lecture Notes by: John Estillore

Prepare electrical supplies, material and tools

LO1:  identify electrical supplies, materials, and tools;
LO2:  request appropriate supplies, materials, and tools for a specific job
LO3:  receive and inspect electrical supplies, materials and tools. 
Performance Standards
 Tools and materials are identified as per job requirement. 
 Tools are classified according to its function as per job requirement.
 Materials are classified according to its uses on a specific project.
 Tools and materials are selected.
Materials/ Resources

Utility box                   Receptacles Square boxes

ElectricalWires Fuse    PVC conduit
Switch Plates Square boxes Switches 
Connectors Junction Box             Fuse
Corrugated Plastic Conduit Conduits    
Cut-out boxes Circuit Breaker        
Male Plug                   Panel/ Safety switch


Long Nose Pliers                                   Half-round file

Hacksaw Portable Electric Drill                        
Stubby Screw Driver                         Round file
Wire Stripper                                         Philips Screw Driver                            
Diagonal cutting pliers Spirit level
Combination Pliers Hammer
Electrician’s Knife 

                 Electrical Tools and Equipment Electrical task can be accomplished systematically

to save time, effort, and resources. Most of the work cannot be done using bare hands. To do
the task, electrical tools or equipment are needed to perform the job. This lesson will discuss

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the function/use of each tool or equipment used in electrical wiring installations.

The following are common electrical tools and equipment needed in the installation of electrical

Screw Drivers

 These tools are made of steel hardened and tempered at the tip used to loosen or
tighten screws with slotted heads. They come in various sizes and shapes.
 Standard/Flat Screw Driver - blade tip is wedge-shaped and resembles a negative
(-) sign. This is used to drive screws with a single slot ahead
 Philips Screw Driver- has a cross tip resembling a positive (+) sign. This is used to
drive screws with cross slot heads.
 Stubby Screw Driver - comes in either Standard or Philips screw driver with short
shank or blade and a shorted handle used to turn screws in tight space where
standard screw driver cannot be used.
 Allen Screw Driver/Wrench - could be in the shape of a screw driver or a wrench.
Its function is to drive screw with hexagonal slot head.
 HAMMERS-These are tools used in driving or pounding and pulling out nails. They
are made of hard steel, wood, plastic or rubber. The following are types of hammer:
 Claw Hammer- a hammer with one side of the head split and curved, used for
extracting nails.
 Mallet(rubber head) - a kind of hammer, often made of rubber or sometimes wood,
that is smaller than a maul or beetle, and usually has a relatively large head.
 Ballpen Hammer -a hammer with a rounded end opposite the face, a type of
peening hammer used in metalworking.
 Pliers made from metal with insulators in the handle and are used for cutting,
twisting, bending, holding, and gripping wires and cables.
 Combination Pliers (Lineman’s Pliers). This is used for gripping, holding, and cutting
electrical wires and cables and even small nails. They are usually used by linemen
in doing heavy tasks.
 Side Cutting Pliers - type of pliers is used for cutting fine, medium and big wires
and cables.
 Long Nose Pliers - used for cutting and holding fine wires. This can reach tight
space or small opening where other pliers cannot reach and also used in making
terminal loops of copper wires.
 Wire Stripper - A tool used for removing insulation of medium sized wires ranging
from gauge #10 to gauge #16.
 Electrician’s Knife - used by linemen to remove insulation of wire and cables in low
and high voltage transmission lines.
 Portable Electric drill - A small drilling machine with a chuck capacity of ¼‖ to 3/8‖.
It is used in making holes on metal sheets and concrete walls.
 Hacksaw - tool is used to cut metal conduit and armored cable.

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Applied Electricity
Laboratory Activity No. 4
Electrical Tools and Equipment
Name of student:
Name of Members:

Learning Objectives;

 Identify electrical supplies, materials, and tools;

 Request appropriate supplies, materials, and tools for a specific job
 Receive and inspect electrical supplies, materials and tools. 


Long Nose Pliers                                   Half-round file

Hacksaw Portable Electric Drill                        
Stubby Screw Driver                         Round file
Wire Stripper                                         Philips Screw Driver                            
Diagonal cutting pliers Spirit level
Combination Pliers Hammer
Electrician’s Knife 

From the given electrical tools provided. Using the checklist below inspect for the
possible defects.

Tools Observations
Long Nose Pliers                                  


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Stubby Screw Driver        

Wire Stripper                

Diagonal cutting pliers

Combination Pliers

Electrician’s Knife 

Half-round file

Portable Electric Drill    

Round file

Philips Screw Driver  

Spirit level


Provide your personal Observation during the Activity







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Electrical Supplies and Materials

Lecture notes: John O. Estillore

Electrical materials are developed and constructed for a special purpose such as to:

1. control the flow of current in an electrical circuit;

2. carry electrical current from the source to the load or current consuming
3. hold and secure wires to its fixtures inside and outside houses and buildings;
4. protect the houses, buildings, appliances’ and instruments from any
destruction and damage.

The following are the most commonly used electrical materials

Convenience outlet- a device that acts as a convenient

source of electrical energy for current consuming appliances.
It is where the male plug of an appliance is inserted and
usually fastened on the wall or connected in an extension
cord. It maybe single, duplex, triplex or multiplex and could be
surface type or flush type

Male plug- a device inserted to a convenience outlet to

conduct electric current. A flat cord is attached to it on one end
and the other end is connected to a current consuming
instrument or appliance.

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Lamp holders- devices that hold and protect the lamp and are also called as ―Lamp
Sockets/Receptacles‖. These come in many designs and sizes. They are classified as
flush, hanging (weather proof/chain) and surface types.

Switch - a device that connects and disconnects the flow of electric current in a circuit.
There are many shapes, designs, and types and they are classified as hanging, flush,
and surface types.

Fuse - a circuit protective device that

automatically blows and cut the current when
and over load or short circuit happens.

Junction Box - an octagonal shaped electrical material

where the connections or joints of wires are being
done. It is also where the flush type lamp holder is
attached. This could be made of metal or plastic (PVC)

Utility Box - a rectangular shaped metallic or plastic

(PVC) material in which flush type convenience outlet
and switch are attached.

Flat Cord- Is a duplex stranded wire used for

temporary wiring installation and commonly
used in extension cord assembly. It comes in
a roll of 150 meters and with sizes of gauge
# 18 and gauge # 16 awg (American wire

Electrical Wire/Conductor- electrical material

that could be:
a. Stranded wire which is made of multiple
strands joined together to make a single
b. Solid wire is made of a single strand of
copper or aluminum wire. These are used in
wiring installation inside and outside the

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Conduits/Pipes- electrical materials used as the passage of wires for protection and
insulation. These could be rigid metallic, flexible metallic conduit (FMC), rigid
nonmetallic (PVC), and flexible non-metallic or corrugated plastic conduit (CPC).

Clamps- electrical materials used to hold and anchor

electrical conduits in its proper position.

Connectors- used to attach metallic or non-metallic

conduit to the junction or utility boxes.

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Applied Electricity
Laboratory Activity No. 5
Electrical Tools and Equipment
Name of student:
Name of Members:

Learning Objectives;

 Identify electrical supplies, materials, and tools;

 Request appropriate supplies, materials, and tools for a specific job
 Receive and inspect electrical supplies, materials and tools. 


Utility box                   Receptacles Square boxes

ElectricalWires Fuse    PVC conduit
Switch Plates Square boxes Switches 
Connectors Junction Box             Fuse
Corrugated Plastic Conduit Conduits    
Cut-out boxes Circuit Breaker        
Male Plug                   Panel/ Safety switch

From the given electrical tools provided. Using the checklist below inspect for the
possible defects.

Tools Observations
Utility box                  

Electrical Wires

Switch Plates


Corrugated Plastic Conduit

Cut-out boxes

Male Plug                  


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Square boxes

Junction Box            

Circuit Breaker        

Panel/ Safety switch

Square boxes

PVC conduit



Provide your personal Observation during the Activity







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Lecture notes: John O. Estillore

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Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Lines

Type of Pylon By Function
Lecture: John O.Estillore

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Lecture notes: John O. Estillore

To get a good understanding of
the subject it is needed to know
the surrounding and the context of
the T&D lines.
First of all, the lines are operating
as an element of transmission of
power, that is meaning that
without a global network with
production and consumer the T&D
line does not exist anymore. Saying that fact, we shall introduce the grid notion. The
line is a transfer item to carry the power from one point to another point. To avoid
black out of the power, lines are interconnected, it is a grid.
The basic grid is, one power plant, one T&D line and then one consumer, the
most sophisticated are the international grids with simultaneously loops, and tree
configurations. The grid notion allows to understand a great part of the T&D lines
problem, locations, nominal power of the line, design, and construction and operating

Historical / future development:

The first transmission of electrical impulses over an extended distance was

demonstrated on July 14, 1729 by the physicist Stephen Gray, in order to show that
one can transfer electricity by that method. The demonstration used damp hemp
cords suspended by silk threads (the significance of metallic conductors not being
appreciated at the time).
The first practical use of overhead lines was in the context of telegraphy. By
1837experimental commercial telegraph systems ran as far as 13 miles (20 km).
Electric power transmission was accomplished in 1882, one year after the first
international electricity exhibition in Paris, the founder of the “Deutsches Museum”,
Oskar von Miller, organized a trade fair in Munich which was intended to be coequal
with the show in Paris. For this reason, he commissioned together with the
Frenchman Marcel Depréz the erection of a direct current high voltage transmission
line over a distance of 35 miles from the town Miesbach to Munich, an outstanding
world record at that time. A steam engine rated 1.5 hp in Miesbach produced
electricity which was transmitted at a voltage of 2 kV to the exhibition in Munich where
an artificial waterfall was driven. Although the efficiency of the line was only 25%, the
visitors were euphoric about this proof that electrical energy can be transmitted over
long distances.

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In the first half of the 20th century, the pioneering technical inventions regarding
insulation and transformation allowed these island grids to expand appreciably and
merge into larger "interconnections" permitting the exchange of electrical power
between different grids. This development was driven by the following advantages in
relation to island grids:
 The impact of activation and deactivation by individual producers and
consumers is mitigated
by their large number. Unforeseen load fluctuations caused by a sudden loss of
generating capacity or by a high temporary demand can be handled more
 Power plant capacity can be utilized more uniformly; different types of power
plant can be optimally operated as base load, mid-load or peak load plants in
accordance with their power generation cost structure.
 Power can be transported over large distances from the producers to the
consumer centers. Power stations can be erected where production conditions
are best and not where their power is consumed.

Technical description:

An overhead power line is an electric power transmission line suspended by

towers or poles. Since most of the insulation is provided by air, overhead power lines
are generally the lowestcost method of transmission for large quantities of electric
power. Towers for support of the lines are made of wood (as-grown or laminated),
steel (either lattice structures or tubular poles), concrete, aluminum, and occasionally
reinforced plastics. The bare wire conductors on the line are generally made of
aluminum (either plain or reinforced with steel or sometimes composite materials),
though some copper wires are used in medium-voltage distribution and low-voltage
connections to customer premises.

The invention of the strain insulator was a critical factor in allowing higher
voltages to be used. At the end of the 19th century, the limited electrical strength of
telegraph-style pin insulators limited the voltage to no more than 69,000 volts. Today
overhead lines are routinely operated at voltages exceeding 765,000 volts between
conductors, with even higher voltages possible in some cases. Overhead power
transmission lines are classified in the electrical power industry by the range of

 Low voltage – less than 1000 volts, used for connection between a residential
or small commercial customer and the utility.
 Medium Voltage (Distribution) – between 1000 volts (1 kV) and to about 33
kV, used for distribution in urban and rural areas.
 High Voltage (Sub-transmission if 33-115kV and transmission if 115kV+) –
between 33 kV and about 230 kV, used for sub-transmission and
transmission of bulk quantities of electric power and connection to very large
 Extra High Voltage (Transmission) – over 230 kV, up to about 800 kV, used
for long distance, very high power transmission.
 Ultra High Voltage – higher than 800 kV.

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 Network operation is more reliable. Redundancies and reserves can be

minimized without loss of reliability.

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Glossary Of Terms

Ampere - a unit of measure of electric current

Circuit - the path of electric current from the source to the components and goes back to the
Kilowatt - a unit of power which is equivalent to 1000w
Conductor - a wire or a cord which provides path for current flow
Resistance - the quality of electric current measured in ohms that resist the flow of current
Hot wire - a wire through which current flows
Insulator – material used to cover electric wires which may be made from plastic, rubber, or
Tools - are implements used to modify raw materials for human use
Corrugated plastic conduit (CPC) - commonly known as flexible non-metallic conduit or the
Metallic Conduits- metal raceways that was classified into four; rigid steel conduit (RSC),
intermediate metallic conduit or tubing (IMC or IMT), electrical metallic conduit or tubing (EMC
or EMT) and the flexible metallic conduit (FMC)
Non-metallic conduits- plastic conduits or raceways designed to be a channel of wire that are
classified as; rigid non-metallic conduit or the PVC, the flexible nonmetallic or CPC, and the
surface plastic molding
 Connectors and Adapters - accessories that are used to connect from boxes to conduits or
raceways to the other boxes in the electrical system 

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Arante, R.B, (2019).Logic Gates State Analyzer Trainer Digital Electronics laboratory
manual. Caraga State University Cabadbaran Campus, Philippine Copyright
2019. Accessed September 28, 2005. (Source of some vocabulary

definitions, with some adaptation) Lexico Publishing
Group, LLC.

Herman, H.R, (2009). The Complete Laboratory Manual for Electricity Third Edition.
Delmar Cengage Learning, United States of America.

Weebly.Com. Accessed August 13, 2021.(Electrical installation and maintenance

exploratory course)

[Applied Electrical Technology Laboratory Manual] JOE2021


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