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3, JULY 2014 1003

Hardware-in-the-Loop Wind Turbine Simulation

Platform for a Laboratory Feeder Model
Trevor Hardy, Student Member, IEEE, and Ward Jewell, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—As part of a larger project to build a laboratory-based II. RELATED WORKS

smart grid feeder, there was a need to incorporate renewable energy
sources into the feeder model. The goal in this project was to create a The current work is a continuation of the author’s previous
hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) wind turbine simulation platform. effort in creating a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) wind turbine
Software is used to calculate a dynamic optimal power point from simulation platform for a utility-scale turbine. In [1], an
time-series wind speed data and to generate control signals for the optimal power point curve was derived for a particular wind
platform’s hardware. The hardware consists of a dc motor provid-
ing mechanical power to a coupled generator. To validate the HIL
turbine and using time-series wind speed data allowing an
simulation platform, time-series wind speed and output power data optimal power point to be dynamically calculated. This power
were used from an installed and operating utility-scale turbine. The point was fed through a simple one-mass mechanical model of
steady-state performance of the HIL simulator correlates well with the wind turbine and into proportional-integral differential
the provided manufacturer’s curve, but the dynamic performance (PID) controllers that were used to control a dc motor and
of the system is more varied with periods of excellent correlation as
well as poor. A richer data set from the utility containing more than
dynamometer (which was acting as a generator). Due to
wind speed and power output (such as wind direction and turbine hardware limitations, this system performed all simulation
yaw position) could provide substantial improvements to the dy- calculations in the time domain which prevented easy devel-
namic performance. opment of more complex system models and controllers.
Index Terms—Control systems, dc motors, real-time systems, There have been several publications outlining similar efforts
wind power generation, wind energy, simulation. of using hardware to simulate a wind turbine, most with a dc
motor. In many papers, the simulator is used as verification of a
particular aspect of a wind turbine system: several papers
I. INTRODUCTION examine speed, torque, or maximum power point tracking
[2]–[10], and [11] compares the response of two generator types
A S interest continues to grow in smart grids, there is a need to
explore their operation and control. Rather than relying
solely on software simulation, a laboratory-scale model feeder is
to changes in wind speed; [12] and [13] examine the complete
system response (including the back-to-back converter) to a step
being developed to allow direct experimentation and measure- change in wind speed. Although these papers are using hardware
ment of how such a feeder might operate. A key feature of the in their simulations, they are only verifying mathematical models
smart grid is distributed generation and to adequately equip the with hardware, not seeking to align the performance of the
laboratory feeder, a system needed to be developed that adequate- laboratory HIL wind turbine simulator with any specific existing
ly replicated the performance of a wind turbine. As in many such turbine.
lab experiments, it is much more feasible to define and conduct There are a few papers that come close to the specific goals of
experiments using meaningful models of renewable energy this project. Reference [14] uses data from a 660-kW wind
sources rather than the actual sources themselves. These modeled turbine to demonstrate active and reactive power control with
sources can be explicitly controlled and are not the whims of the a stator-flux-oriented vector control scheme. Results from a
weather and also provide flexibility to change the characteristics simulation are compared with measured results from this large
of the sources as needed. By using such sources, the goal of this wind turbine, the experiment is performed using steady-state
system is to use recorded time-series data of wind speed along wind and only demonstrates the response to a step change in real
with a software simulation of the turbine dynamics and related and reactive power output. The response of the wind turbine
controllers to produce control signals that drive an appropriately driven by nonconstant wind speed is not examined.
sized dc motor and generator. Once connected to the feeder, the Relatedly, [15] seeks to simulate the power output of a wind
varying power source will allow for a broader set of experiments turbine using a dc motor and demonstrates output power changes
dealing with the dynamic behavior of the smart grid. related to changes in wind speed. There is no comparison of these
results, though, to an existing wind turbine. Reference [16] also
simulates a full wind turbine system including tower shadow
Manuscript received September 04, 2013; revised March 31, 2014; accepted
April 19, 2014. Date of publication May 16, 2014; date of current version
effects but, again, these laboratory results are not compared to the
June 17, 2014. performance of an actual wind turbine. The most interesting
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer work is [17], who compares simulator performance to data taken
Science, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260 USA (e-mail: trevor.;
on an installed 1 kW wind turbine. Specifically, the steady-state
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at power coefficient ( ) curves and step load changes were compared in the evaluation.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2014.2320600

1949-3029 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. HIL simulator block diagram.

III. WIND TURBINE MODEL DEVELOPMENT Constants were provided for , , , and [18], the latter
involving an assumption about air density. Since the HIL
The turbine chosen for simulation was selected because of the
simulator is to be provided with the wind speed from a recorded
wide variety of information available. In particular, [18] provided
data file, the only unknown value in (1) is . The function for
many details regarding the specifics of how to model this particu-
is also turbine specific and a numerical approximation in [18] was
lar turbine (including details such as model architecture and
defined as
parameter values) and is the primary reference for the model
construction; Fig. 1 shows the entire turbine model used with
applicable controllers. All values presented in the model, unless
otherwise stated, have been converted to per-unit values. where is defined in a provided table of constants. Large
negative values of are not allowed in this model and so the
A. Aerodynamic and Inertia Model output of this function was limited in software to a minimum
The aerodynamic model for this turbine is used to calculate the of .
amount of mechanical power that the turbine is able to Using these equations and the provided constants, it is possible
extract from the wind; it is given by to calculate the mechanical power produced by the wind turbine
for a given wind speed . The mechanical power signal is fed
to the rotor model; a one-mass model was recommended in [18]
and was used in this project. This model lumps all the mass of the
where , the tip-speed ratio is defined as wind turbine, gearbox, and generator into a single mass for the
purpose of calculating the effects of inertia.
The difference between the mechanical power produced by the
wind (ignoring losses, see Section III-B) and the electrical
where power produced by the generator results in an accelerating
torque on the lumped mass of the system. The output speed
turbine specific constant; of the single-mass model, is a per-unit value and can be
rotational speed of the turbine; converted to the low-speed (turbine-side) or high-speed (gener-
wind speed. ator-side) of the gearbox as needed.

is calculated using , which is similar to but The other controller to use the signal is the torque
not identical. is the simulated speed of the turbine , the controller. The output of this controller is a torque signal that
actual speed of the hardware running in the simulation. Physical is multiplied with the rotational speed of the generator , to create
factors, such as inertia, generally cause some degree of difference the power signal . runs through a low-pass filter
between these two speeds (when is expressed as the low-speed ( ). The filter also contains a saturation function to
side of the gearbox). (The other necessary signal to calculate prevent the power signal from exceeding reasonable limits (low
, takes a much longer feedback path through several and high) as well as a rate limiter to prevent the signal from
controllers, see Section III-C.) Note that this is a single-mass changing too quickly.
model where all dynamic effects of the gearbox are neglected. The filtered is used to drive two separate functions, the
pitch compensation controller and the power output signal
B. Loss Model . To find , is used to limit the filtered
There has been much research into the losses in wind turbine to a level defined by , which is then subtracted from
generation systems looking at the specific causes of said losses the original filtered . The resulting difference is then run
[19], [20]. Some of the research has focused on minimizing through a washout filter and then added back into the limited
losses in certain areas of the system such as the copper losses in signal. This sum defines .
the windings of the generator [21] and in the power converters In addition to , the filtered power signal is used to
[22]. Although a complex model for the losses of the system may generate the power error signal , which is achieved by
have been possible to construct, as a matter of simplicity, a comparing to the power setpoint . There is optional
constant loss factor was used. This constant loss factor is functionality provided by the manufacturer of this particular
particular to the hardware used in the simulation and chosen turbine to limit the power output of the turbine by moving
experimentally. The from the aerodynamic model is to a lower value during normal operation. By using a
multiplied by this loss factor before being compared with setpoint less than one during normal operation, the turbine
to calculate the accelerating torque . maintains a margin of power that can be easily accessed in
abnormal conditions. If, e.g., the turbine detects a low system
C. Turbine Controllers frequency, the power setpoint can be adjusted upward to allow
There are three controllers used in simulating the behavior of the turbine to produce more power and assist in the support and
the wind turbine (not counting five filters). Two of the controllers recovery of the system frequency. If the turbine had already been
act on the error signal . The signal is derived from the operating at its rated power when such an event occurred, it
generator power . Using this signal, an algebraic function would have no margin to use and would not be able to assist in
provided in [18] (4) is used to calculate the turbine speed setpoint stabilizing the system. By allowing a more dynamic power
and produce the signal setpoint, wind turbines can operate in a manner more akin to
traditional thermal plant at the cost of forgoing some measure of
power production during normal system operation. Such require-
ments for the operation of wind turbines is more common under
To prevent rapid changes in this reference speed, a low-pass European grid codes (see [18]). Given the increased complexity
filter ( s) is also applied to before it is used in the rest of a dynamic setpoint, this HIL simulator used a constant value of
of the controller. As [18] makes clear, though, this is a model one, indicating a desire for full-rated power whenever possible.
simplification technique; the actual control system does not have The power error signal is used to drive the third and final
a reference to the generator power or a function to create . controller in the turbine model, the pitch compensation control-
is then found as the difference between the actual rotational ler. This controller seeks to adjust the blade pitch , such that the
speed and this reference speed . power output from the turbine matches that of . If the
One of the controllers that use is the pitch controller, blades are pitched such that more power is being generated than
which modulates the pitch of the turbine blades . If the the setpoint dictates, then the pitch compensation controller
signal is positive, it is an indication that the actual speed is output pushes the turbine blades to a less efficient position,
greater than the reference speed and that mechanical power lowering the power produced by the turbine. It is important to
being captured from the wind by the turbine is greater than it note that at lower wind speeds, where it is not possible for the
should be. In this situation, the blade pitch controller adjusts the wind turbine to produce rated power, will be negative and
pitch of the blades to make the turbine less aerodynamically the pitch compensation controller will try to command the
efficient and thereby convert less of the energy in the wind into turbine blades to a position for more efficient energy capture.
rotational mechanical energy. Conversely, if is negative, it In the case where the blades are already in their most efficient
is an indication that the electrical power from the generator is position ( ), the pitch compensation controller seeks to hold
greater than the mechanical power from the wind turbine and that them there. This controller also has anti-windup functionality
the blades need to be adjusted to capture more of the energy in the exactly like the pitch controller and thus this negative
wind bringing the turbine up to the desired speed. Thus, the pitch signal can be limited in cases such as these.
controller’s primary purpose is to regulate the speed by Both the pitch controller and pitch compensation controller act
adjusting the blade pitch . This controller contains anti-windup to influence the pitch of the turbine blades . The pitch controller
functionality that activates once the turbine blades reach their adjusts the pitch based on the error in the turbine speed ( ) and
maximum or minimum mechanical limits. the pitch compensation controller attempts to adjust the pitch

based on the error in the power output ( ). It is the sum of calculate , three input signals are needed: 1) the wind speed
these two controller outputs that is actually used to , 2) the blade pitch , and 3) system rotational speed . is an
control the pitch. It is entirely possible that the turbine system is entirely internal signal and is generated by the simulation itself.
in such a state that one controller tries to increase the blade pitch is provided in the form of a text file created from sampled data
and the other is trying to decrease the blade pitch. The “winning” for a particular wind turbine during its operation. The signal is
controller is simply the one that produces a larger output signal. used in many locations throughout the simulation and it was not
is run through a final filter before being fed back into obvious at which point the signal should exit the simulation to
the calculation of the mechanical power from the wind . drive the hardware ( ) or at what point the speed signal
This is another low-pass filter that contains limits on both the from the hardware ( ) should reenter the simulation. That
maximum value of (the mechanical limits) and the rate at which is, where in the loop does the hardware get inserted, exactly?
can change (related to how quickly the actuators can rotate the Several configurations were tested, and the one shown in Fig. 1 is
blades). the one that was most successful.
Similarly, there are two power signals that need to be ac-
IV. HIL SIMULATOR IMPLEMENTATION counted for: 1) the power from the generator used as in input
in the mechanical model; and 2) the output power from the
The HIL wind turbine simulation platform constructed for this simulation . was calculated using the torque and
work can be divided into two parts: the software simulation of the speed signals from the hardware ( and ). The
wind turbine behavior and the hardware acting an the generated power actually produced by the motor/generator (dynamometer)
control signals and providing feedback to the simulation. Fig. 1 pair (see Section IV-B for further details) most closely matches
shows where the values from hardware were inserted into the the source of this signal as outlined by [18]. must be
simulation and which values from the simulation were fed to decomposed into its two constituent signals before being sent out
hardware. to the hardware; was divided into to find and
Although the goal of this simulator is to produce mechanical was used directly as .
power related to a given wind speed; mechanical power is a
function of the torque and speed of the system and they must be B. HIL Simulation Hardware
controlled independently. Based on [1], it was decided to have
the generator (implemented as a dynamometer during develop- The physical setup for the simulator consists of a dc motor
ment of this project) regulate the speed and the dc motor regulate used to replicate the mechanical power output of the turbine, an
the torque. The product of these two outputs is the mechanical insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) chopper/inverter (and its
power of the simulator which was treated as the electrical power controller) which drives the dc motor, a dynamometer to emu-
that would have been produced if the dc motor had been driving a lating the mechanical loading that a generator would provide to
generator. That is, ignoring losses, the mechanical power of the the turbine, and a high voltage ( ) dc power supply. Both
system is equal to the electrical power of the system. the dc motor and the dynamometer received a control signal
from the analog input/output hardware that interfaced with the
A. HIL Simulator Software software simulation (see Section IV-A). Sensors built into the
dynamometer allowed for torque and speed measurements to be
The software used to simulate the wind turbine’s behavior and
sent back as inputs into the software simulation. The control
power output provided a real-time environment, allowing the
signal for the dynamometer came from this I/O hardware and was
system to be developed in the frequency domain. Working in the
directly applied to a control input on the dynamometer allowing it
frequency domain afforded the use of conventional simulation
to produce a load that was proportional to that signal.
block diagram functions (such as classic transfer functions). This
The electronics to control the dc motor were more complex. A
greatly simplified the implementation of the model outlined in
voltage from the I/O hardware (generated by the software simula-
Section III in software with very little in the way of software
tion) was fed to a separate IGBT controller. This controller accepts
work-arounds. This direct and simple implementation allowed
for ease of verification and monitoring of the simulation while it
on the three-phase IGBT chopper/inverter. The controller has a
was running.
variety of modes that determine the waveform of those output
Since this software simulation controlled and received input
voltages but for this purpose, we needed only a single-phase pulse-
from hardware (thus the name, “hardware in-the-loop”), the
width modulated (PWM) signal. By applying a high input voltage
software included a few functions not explicitly shown in Fig. 1.
( ) on the input of the IGBT chopper/inverter, the
Both the hardware speed and torque signals ( and
signals from the controller modulate this fixed higher voltage
) had to be converted into per-unit values through a
down to a lower voltage of an arbitrary value. This modulated dc
simple scaling function before being fed into the software
voltage is then fed to the dc motor. The dc motor and the
simulation. Additionally, it was observed that noise in these
dynamometer were mechanically attached by a belt.
signals was nontrivial and so a third-order low-pass filter with a
A block diagram of the mechanical system is shown in Fig. 2.
cut-off frequency of 1 Hz was also added to each signal. The
output control signals had to go through a similar conversion
process from per-unit values to relevant control voltages.
Aside from these conversions, there are a few other important The validation of the HIL wind turbine simulation platform
details not explicitly covered in the model block diagram. To was done in two stages: a comparison during steady-state

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the HIL simulator mechanical system.

conditions and a comparison of operation using data from an

existing installation of an equivalent wind turbine. An electrical
utility was approached and they graciously provided wind speed
Fig. 3. Steady-state results power output of the HIL simulator.
and power output data from one of their existing turbine
wind turbine is made. The test conditions were simple: after
initializing the HIL simulator, the wind speed data from the
A. Steady-State Operation
utility were used as input into the HIL simulator and a compari-
The steady-state output of both the software-only simulation son was made between the power output from the HIL simulator
and the full HIL simulation (software and hardware) can be seen and the power output recorded by the utility. Ideally, the power
in Fig. 3. As compared to the manufacturer specified curve output of the HIL simulator would be very similar to that of the
provided by the utility, the software-only simulation result has utility, both in terms of trend and absolute value. The utility
an excellent ability to track the steady-state operating point of the provided continuous data for two 24-h periods (sampled at 5 s
actual turbine at wind speeds below 10 m/s. This is especially intervals); the results shown in Fig. 4 are a representative sample
interesting in light of the fact that a simple linear loss model was of the utility recorded data as compared to the HIL simulator
used (see Section III-B). It is clear that at the higher power levels output. The wind speed recorded by the utility and used by the
(wind speed > ), the software-only model fails to capture HIL simulator was also plotted to aid in analysis of the perfor-
the complexity of the wind turbine operation and reverts to the mance and behavior of the system.
theoretically idealized power curve commonly seen in the liter- Generally, the HIL simulator follows the trend of the wind
ature (see [1], [11], [23, p. 35], [24]). speed signal quite well. Fig. 4 shows that during all four
When looking at the output of the full HIL simulator as representative time periods, the power output of the HIL simu-
compared to the manufacturer’s curve, the advantage of includ- lator is clearly driven by the wind speed signal. The higher
ing hardware in-the-loop becomes immediately apparent. Many frequency more rapid changes in the wind speed are not tracked
of the loss-factors not explicitly included in the software simu- closely due to the inertia of the system as would be expect for a
lation have been captured by using physical hardware where relatively massive system. To a large extent, the wind speed
those losses can naturally manifest themselves. The correlation signal provides a very good indication of the general direction of
between the manufacturer’s curve and the HIL simulation output the HIL simulator power output.
is very good over the entire range of wind speeds. Including the In comparison, we can see that wind speed is not very well
HIL provides a good approximation of the actual steady-state correlated with the power output recorded by the utility. There
wind-turbine power output. are times when the wind speed signal seems to be having a large
The disadvantage of accounting for losses with hardware impact on power output of the turbine, e.g., 3500–3900 s,
rather than software models is in the inflexibility of the hardware. 11 300–11 600 s, and 21 600–2200 s. There are also times when
The nature of the losses in the hardware are fixed and cannot be utility’s wind turbine power output is unrelated or even inverse
easily altered. The more closely the hardware of the simulator related to the wind speed 3900–4000 s, 6000–6600 s, and
matches that of the wind turbine being simulated, the closer the 11 800–12 000 s.
HIL simulator output will match that of the target wind turbine.
If there is a significant mismatch between the two, there is no easy VI. CONCLUSION
way to modify the hardware so as to bring them into alignment.
As demonstrated in Section V-A, when provided with a
If the system losses were modeled explicitly in software, there is
constant wind speed, the emulator output power curve corre-
greater flexibility in choosing the loss model. These flexible
sponds very well to the provided manufacturer’s power curve.
software loss models come at a price: the appropriate model to
The extensive use of hardware in the emulator allowed for a
use must be researched prior to being implemented.
simple linear loss to be used in the software while still producing
excellent results. This highlights the benefits of HIL simulations:
B. Dynamic Operation
much of the difficulties of creating good models can be skipped
Full validation of an HIL simulator can only be performed as the natural characteristics and behavior of the hardware
when a comparison to the dynamic performance of the target capture those subtleties with no extra effort required.

and the utility’s wind turbine have in common, this behavior is

understandable. Examples of this correlation can be seen in Fig. 4
during the time periods 3500–3900 s, 1100–11 300 s, and
21 800–22 000 s. During time periods when the wind speed has
less influence on the utility’s wind turbine power output, the
correlation between it and the HIL simulator is reasonable:
3000–3500 s, 11300–11 800 s, and 21 000–21 800 s. Finally, there
are times when the power output from the utility turbine is highly
uncorrelated with the wind speed and the HIL simulator performs
poorly: 3900–4000 s, 6000–7000 s, and 11 800–12 800 s.
The periods of noncorrelation between the power output of
the utility wind turbine and the wind speed highlights the
limitations of this HIL simulator. It is clear that there are times
when other factors are more significant than the wind speed and
the noninclusion of these prevents the system from providing
robust performance. Of the missing signals that seem most
promising, wind direction and turbine yaw position are likely
candidates. The wind speed data provided were simple scalar,
and this experiment assumed the wind direction was always
perpendicular to the face of the turbine blade plane. Though
this may be generally true, particularly during low wind speed
conditions, at higher wind speeds turbulence and gusting
becomes much more significant and can lead to changes in
wind direction. Though modern wind turbines do have yaw
control to allow them to adjust to changes in wind direction, it
is possible that the rate of change of the wind turbine’s yaw is
not able to match that of the wind direction itself. This can lead
to situations where wind speed has a high magnitude but the
direction of that wind is no longer perpendicular to the plane of
the turbines blades.


As can most clearly be seen in the results for nominal operation
testing (see Section V-B), there is still work to be done to produce
a fully validated HIL wind turbine simulator. The most important
next step is a thorough investigation into the specific causes of
noncorrelation to the recorded utility data. The noncorrelation
between utility power output and wind speed seems to be a
particularly important starting point in the investigation. Addi-
tional data regarding the state of the turbine such as blade pitch
and rotor speed would be revealing as they could be compared to
the emulator’s own signals. In addition, using full 3-D vectors for
the wind data would remove any uncertainty about the role wind
direction is playing in the simulation.
More fundamentally, there is a question of whether more
general grid conditions such as frequency and system load
would be important in understanding the role of the generator
Fig. 4. Comparison of recorded HIL simulator power output, utility power in an HIL simulator. If a generator were installed what load
output, and the wind speed that produced this power. The wind speed has been should be placed on it? How would this load correlate with the
normalized to a speed of 13.5 m/s. load from the utility data? Would the load on the generator need
to be a scaled version of the recorded power output from the
utility data? If so, how would validation of the HIL simulator
When looking at the dynamic response of the HIL simulator, it is take place? Would correlation between turbine speed and/or
clear that the HIL simulator is quite good when the utility’s blade pitch be sufficient? Again, building up an HIL simulator
recorded power output is strongly related to the current wind with a full DFIG seems to be a critical element in producing a
speed. As the wind speed is the only signal that both the emulator validated system.

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