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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2004, 18(3), 480–485

q 2004 National Strength & Conditioning Association


Hacettepe University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Ankara, Turkey.

ABSTRACT. Can, F., I. Yilmaz, and Z. Erden. Morphological char- 36), although fat and lean body composition is most ac-
acteristics and performance variables of women soccer players. curately estimated with laboratory methods such as bone
J. Strength Cond. Res. 18(3):480–485. 2004.—The purpose of this density, total body potassium, total body water, and hy-
study was to describe certain morphological characteristics of drostatic weighing (6, 15, 32, 33, 40).
women soccer players and to examine aspects of training and
performance. Twenty-two anthropometric sites were used in
A great variability in physique and body composition
measurements of somatotype and body composition; flexibility, has been reported among different categories of athletes
agility, anaerobic power, leg muscle power, and dynamic pul- (3, 5, 23, 28, 31, 32). Because of the large number of sports
monary functions were used as performance variables. Mea- and the recent development of the subject of human mor-
surements were made on 17 professional athletes and 17 age- phology, there has not been enough scientific information
matched sedentary women who acted as controls. The women about the morphological variables of players from differ-
soccer players showed less fat content and less lean body mass ent athletic activity (14, 30, 37). Only a few studies ad-
than did the sedentary women. The mean somatotype for the dress body fat and somatotype for soccer players in the
soccer players was 3.07–3.55–2.43 and for the nonathletes was literature (28, 29), although many studies address other
3.57–3.35–2.90. Anaerobic power, leg muscle power, and agility
sports activities such as swimming, gymnastic, basket-
in the athletes were higher than in the nonathletes, whereas no
differences were found in flexibility and pulmonary functions ball, volleyball, tennis, skiing, weightlifting, judo, run-
(p . 0.05). The women soccer players showed more significantly ning, hockey, and football (1, 3, 7, 9, 15, 23, 24, 26, 31,
mesomorphic, less endomorphic, least ectomorphic components 32, 35, 37, 38).
and higher performance level than did the sedentary women. Some sports such as soccer are still new and uncom-
mon for women, although large numbers of women ath-
KEY WORDS. women soccer players, morphology, somatotype, letes have begun to train more strenuously and have com-
body composition, anthropometry, performance variables
peted more vigorously than in the past (19, 26, 37). The
morphological characteristics of women soccer players
INTRODUCTION and their performance level have not been clearly defined
in the literature. The degree to which fundamental per-
omatotype, or morphological characteristics of formance characteristics contribute to a player’s ability to

S the body, has become a major field of interest

for many exercise and sports scientists as well
as physiotherapists. Recent advances in
sports physiology have led to an interest in
the development of physiological profiles to describe the
be selected for team play in soccer has also not been de-
termined. The studies about women soccer players were
mostly based on bone mass, sport-related injuries, and
menstrual cycles, whereas very few studies have been de-
signed for analyzing their somatotypes. Some authors
qualities and characteristics of athletes in their respec- measured somatotype and body composition but did not
tive sports. With respect to body composition, these pro- describe performance level or other determinants of train-
files reflect both the levels of training necessary for the ing with a control group in their studies (10, 18, 19, 25,
sport and the genetic endowment of the athlete who finds 33). If there is a relationship between somatotype and
success in that sport. Some researchers have studied the performance, more information is required about the so-
relationship between somatotype and physical perfor- matotypes of women soccer players enhancing their per-
mance in sport to evaluate both the effect of physical pre- formance level. Therefore, identifying the physiological
disposition on the choice of sport and the influence of requirement of women soccer players might provide a
training for that particular sport on the somatotype (2, 9, more objective basis on which coaches could evaluate pro-
11, 21, 38). spective talent, formulate training programs, and plan
According to the studies, most successful athletes team strategy.
have the appropriate structures with their performance The purpose of this study was to describe morpholog-
task; therefore, assessment of the variability between ical characteristics of women soccer players and to deter-
these structures and tasks will increase our understand- mine the effect of soccer training on their performance
ing of the aspects of human physique (4, 8, 20, 21, 24, 37). variables in comparison with sedantary women.
Anthropometric somatotyping is one method for de-
scribing human body characteristics as a whole and is a METHODS
system of classifying body structure into 3 basic catego-
Experimental Approach to the Problem
ries: endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy (2, 11,
34, 36). The somatotype entails measuring of body girth, The subjects for this study were 17 professional women
percent body fat, and bone diameters (1, 3, 6, 22, 32, 34, athletes who play soccer in one of the top-class Turkish


soccer team and 17 sedentary women who were students Table 1. Physical characteristics of the athletes and nonath-
in Hacettepe University School of Physical Therapy. All letes.
the subjects in the study group were 18–24 years old with Student’s
a mean age of 20.73 6 2.09 and had at least 3 years of Athletes Nonathletes t-test
active participation in professional soccer. In the control Mean SD Mean SD t p
group, nonathletes of similar ages (18–23 years old) with
a mean age of 21.47 6 1.06 had never actively partici- Variables
pated in regular sports or such a sportive training. Sub- Age (y) 20.73 2.09 21.47 1.06 1.22 . 0.05
jects in both groups were assessed by the same tests and Weight (kg) 56.63 5.03 52.80 6.49 1.81 . 0.05
in the same environmental status. All the measurements Lengths (cm)
were taken by the same physical therapist. The athlete Height 162.40 5.79 160.93 5.18 0.73 . 0.05
who had been injured recently was not included in the Lower limb 83.77 4.00 81.37 4.02 1.64 . 0.05
study. Upper limb 70.47 3.71 69.30 3.98 0.83 . 0.05
The Ethics Committee approved the study, and all Circumferences (cm)
subjects gave informed content to participate. The sub- Chest 85.10 3.43 82.10 3.95 2.22 , 0.05
jects’ heights and weights were measured without clothes Abdomen 74.57 3.14 72.23 6.38 1.27 . 0.05
and shoes. Circumferences measurements were taken
Relaxed arm
around the flexed biceps, relaxed arm, forearm, thigh,
Right 25.20 2.53 24.60 2.42 0.66 . 0.05
calf, chest, and abdomen with a constant-tension steel Left 24.80 2.45 24.70 2.33 0.11 . 0.05
tape. Diameters were taken of the biacromial, biiliac, bi-
trochanteric, wrist, elbow, knee, and ankle sites. Skinfold Flexed arm
sites that were measured included biceps, triceps, sub- Right 27.27 2.24 25.67 2.50 1.85 . 0.05
scapular, chest, midaxillar, abdominal, suprailiac, ante- Left 27.00 2.43 25.20 2.55 1.98 . 0.05
Forearm 22.47 1.48 21.93 1.52 0.99 . 0.05
rior thigh, and medial calf. These measurements were
Thigh 51.07 2.87 48.60 3.12 2.26 , 0.05
taken on the right side of the body with the Lange Calf 34.80 1.81 33.60 2.49 0.51 . 0.05
skinfold caliper (Body Trends, Carpinteria, CA) and were
used in the assessment of body composition from the Diameter (cm)
nomogram proposed by Jackson and Pollock (2, 11, Biacromial 35.27 1.95 34.97 2.91 2.54 , 0.05
21, 22). From these measurements, the ponderal index Biiliac 27.93 1.97 28.77 1.75 1.23 . 0.05
Bitrochanteric 31.83 1.88 32.27 1.43 0.72 . 0.05
(height / Ïweight)
was calculated. Somatotype was deter- Knee 8.91 0.77 8.17 0.65 2.84 , 0.05
mined by the Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype Ankle 6.42 0.51 6.03 0.42 2.29 , 0.05
method (11, 36). Elbow 5.87 0.30 5.81 0.45 0.43 . 0.05
Lower-back and hamstring flexibility was evaluated Wrist 4.96 0.33 4.88 0.28 0.72 . 0.05
with the Sit-and-Reach Test. Trunk flexion, extension,
and lateral flexion to both sides were used for trunk flex-
ibility (2, 9).
Agility was measured by 4-Level Squat Thrust Agility letes had also significantly larger biacromial, knee, and
Test in 10 seconds (36). Anaerobic power was determined ankle diameter than did the nonathletes.
by Sargent Vertical Jump and Standing Broad Jump. As shown in Table 2, there was a difference in body
Vertical jump height was measured and, by using body composition between the groups. Statistically significant
weight, was converted by the Lewis nomogram to anaer- differences occurred in percent body fat and lean body
obic power. Standing broad jump was also used to eval- weight between the groups, although the difference in ab-
uate leg muscle power (11, 36). solute body fat was not significant. Ponderal index (a
Dynamic pulmonary functions were measured at rest measure of linearity) was 42.36 6 1.38 for the women
by a vitalograph spirometer (compact) to obtain the forced athletes and 42.99 6 1.4 for the nonathletes (p . 0.05).
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and the forced vital Means and SDs of somatotype values for the women
capacity (FVC). FEV1 and FVC were expressed as a per- athletes were 3.07 6 0.80 (endomorphy), 3.55 6 1.33 (me-
centage of predicted normal values based on age, sex, and somorphy), and 2.43 6 0.96 (ectomorphy) for the women
height (13). athletes, whereas those for the women nonathletes were
Data obtained were analyzed to provide statistical 3.57 6 0.95 (endomorphy), 3.35 6 0.89 (mesomorphy),
evaluation. Initially, means and SDs were calculated for and 2.90 6 0.97 (ectomorphy) (Figure 1). The women soc-
the both groups. Student’s t-test was used to compare the cer players showed more mesomorphic, less endomorphic,
groups for variables and to calculate the level of signifi- and least ectomorphic components than did the nonath-
cance. The level of significance was set up p # 0.05, and letes, who had predominantly endomorphs. A statistically
a 95% confidence internal was calculated (17). significant difference was found in endomorphy when the
groups were compared with each other (Table 2 and Fig-
RESULTS ure 2).
The athletes had more flexibility than did the nonath-
Table 1 summarizes the physical characteristics of the letes according to the flexibility tests, but differences be-
soccer players and the nonathletes. The analysis of age, tween the groups were not significant. Trunk extension
weight, and lengths showed that the physical character- flexibility, however, was statistically significant in favor
istics of the groups were similar. In the women athletes, of the women soccer players (Table 3).
the results of the circumferential measurements for mus- Table 4 indicates the results of some performance
cle girths in their chest and thigh were significant com- measurements included in agility, leg muscle power, and
pared with those in the nonathletes (p , 0.05). The ath- anaerobic power. The score for the agility, measured by

Table 2. Body composition and somatotype characteristics of the athletes and nonathletes.
Athletes Nonathletes t-test
Mean SD Mean SD t p
Body composition
Percent body fat 19.75 0.69 22.63 0.50 3.39 , 0.05
Absolute body fat (kg) 10.87 2.62 12.17 2.68 1.34 . 0.05
Lean body weight (kg) 45.66 3.86 40.63 3.91 3.55 , 0.05
Ponderal index 42.36 1.38 42.99 1.41 1.24 . 0.05
Endomorphy 3.07 0.80 3.57 0.95 2.22 , 0.05
Mesomorphy 3.55 0.89 3.35 1.33 0.48 . 0.05
Ectomorphy 2.43 0.96 2.90 0.97 1.33 . 0.05

Table 3. Flexibility for the athletes and nonathletes.

Athletes Nonathletes t-test
Flexibility (cm) Mean SD Mean SD t p
Trunk flexion 8.93 6.17 7.97 8.31 0.36 . 0.05
Trunk extension 28.33 7.24 20.57 7.32 2.92 , 0.05
Lateral flexion
Right 21.03 4.67 22.13 3.00 0.77 . 0.05
Left 21.00 5.13 22.47 2.64 0.99 . 0.05
Sit-and-Reach Test 12.23 8.94 9.00 7.63 1.06 . 0.05

Squat Thrust Test for the athletes, was 2.20 number per
10 seconds higher in the athletes than that for the non-
athletes; this difference between the 2 groups was statis-
FIGURE 1. Somatotype distribution of the women soccer play- tically significant (Table 4). In the athletes, the leg mus-
ers (n 5 17) and sedentary women (n 5 17) according to cle power and anaerobic power indicated by vertical jump
Heath-Carter somatotype method.
and standing broad jump tests were also higher than in
the nonathletes (p , 0.05). Anaerobic power for the ath-
letes was 73.08 6 10.93 kg·s21 and 59.05 6 11.22 kg·s21
for the nonathletes. As shown in Table 4, a difference be-
tween the 2 groups favored the athletes (p , 0.05).
In lung function measured at rest with a vitalograph
spirometer, FEV1 and FVC were expressed as a percent-
age of predicted normal values based on age, sex, and
height. As shown in Table 5, no significant differences
were found between the groups in dynamic pulmonary
measurements (p . 0.05).
Morphological factors are fundamental to successful
FIGURE 2. Histograms of somatotype of the athletes and the sports performance. Somatotype is one the factors which
nonathletes. predisposes an individual to potential high achievement.
Body composition is most accurately estimated by sophis-

Table 4. Agility, leg muscle power, and anaerobic power measurements for performance of the athletes and nonathletes.
Athletes Nonathletes t-test
Mean SD Mean SD t p
Squat thrust (number per 10 s) 6.28 0.66 4.48 0.52 8.30 , 0.05
Vertical jump (cm) 34.48 7.11 25.77 6.51 3.50 , 0.05
Standing broad jump (cm) 192.48 15.60 152.20 21.55 5.86 , 0.05
Anaerobic power (kg·s21) 73.08 10.93 59.05 11.22 3.47 , 0.05

Table 5. Dynamic pulmonary measurements for the groups.*

Athletes Nonathletes t-test
Lung functions
(vitalograph spirometer) Mean SD Mean SD t p
FEV 1 (%) 90.53 9.52 95.75 6.80 1.73 . 0.05
FVC (%) 90.93 8.02 94.25 5.44 1.33 . 0.05
FEV 1/FVC (%) 88.07 3.84 87.50 8.29 0.24 . 0.05
PEF (%) 104.33 12.71 107.67 13.85 0.69 . 0.05
* FEV 1 5 forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC 5 forced vital capacity; PEF 5 peak expiratory flow.

ticated laboratory methods such as radiography, total that trained subjects had significantly higher maximum
body potassium, and total body and hydrostatic weighing. oxygen uptake and pulmonary ventilation compared with
However, the procedure is time consuming, requires mon- the untrained subjects. Another study showed a signifi-
itorily prohibitive laboratory equipment, and demands cant increase in vital capacity with training of sedentary
extensive subject cooperation (6, 11, 26, 32, 37, 39, 40). and active women (16). Fuso et al. (12) found that inspi-
We measured body girths, skinfolds, percent body fat, and ratory muscle strength is increased in soccer players. The
bone diameter to estimate somatotype calculated by the majority of these changes can be attributed to training,
Heath-Carter method. which produces improved pulmonary functions and there-
Raven et al. (29) stated that the height and weight for fore larger lung volumes. However, we did not find sig-
men soccer players was about 176 cm and 75.5 kg, which nificant difference in dynamic pulmonary function be-
was lower than for other sportsmen. The physique of soc- tween athletes and nonathletes in our study. Our unex-
cer players has been characterized as small and rather pected findings might be attributed to a lack of strenuous
stout with significantly lesser skeletal width and length activity or sport-specific exercises in the women’s soccer
measurements than in rowers and water-polo players (14, training program, for women’ soccer is still a recently de-
28, 29, 37). Our soccer players were shorter compared veloping sport in Turkey. Another reason might be that
with other sports participants, although their heights the body sizes of the groups were similar to each other.
were similar to field-hockey players (4, 26, 31). If any differences in body size or mesomorphic component
Mayhew et al. (26) found significant differences in were to show beneficial effects of training or increased
some diameters between trained and untrained women level of performance, it would be the differences between
in accordance with our results, although their results the groups in pulmonary functions. Besides, the athletes
showed no differences in biocromial and ankle diameters. were measured at preseason when duration might be less
Our results support the other studies, which found some active for training.
differences in diameters between athletes and nonath- Comparative studies generally have shown that wom-
letes (20, 29). As we expected, the knee and ankle diam- en athletes have 5–10% greater relative fat content than
eters of soccer players were higher than for the nonath- do men athletes. Because women’s lean body mass is sub-
letes, because soccer demands a great stabilization in low- stantially smaller, excess weight in the form of fat may
er-limb articulation and requires large bone diameter. We impose more severe penalties on their performance than
also found significantly larger chest- and thigh-circum- would excess weight on the performance of men (6, 25).
ference measurements (p , 0.05) in the athletes com- Athletes involved in events more demanding of endur-
pared with the nonathletes. ance have been shown to be leaner, whereas athletes in
Scott (31) found that Sit-and-Reach flexibility in hock- sports that demand anaerobic power tend to be fatter (24,
ey players was about 9 cm, which was concluded as an 28). Mayhew et al. (26) found that fat percentage in wom-
unsatisfactory result, whereas the flexibility was about 13 en athletes was 19.3%, which is the same percentage in
cm in the same sport in another study (1). Our flexibility the athletes in our study, although no soccer players were
average with the Sit-and-Reach Test was 12.23 6 8.94 in their study group. The percentages of body fat of non-
cm, which was concluded as a satisfactory result for the athletes in their and our study groups were also the same.
soccer players. Our results showed that the women soccer Indian university players were lean with 9.8% body fat
players were more flexible than the sedentary women, (23), and U.S. proffessional soccer players had 9.6% body
but those values were not significant except for trunk ex- fat (37). Body-fat percentages of men soccer players have
tension. Because other studies have not had sedentary been reported to range between 6.2 and 15.7% (28, 29).
groups as controls, we could not compare our results. In Those values support our results of the body-fat percent-
a sport such as soccer, which needs running, stopping, age for the athletes; this could be attributed to training
starting, changing direction, and dodging, it is very im- characteristics of the sports. A low relative body-fat per-
portant to have good flexibility to improve performance centage is desirable for successful competition in almost
level and also to prevent sports injuries. any sport. A high negative correlation exists between per-
The various pulmonary volumes and capacities are af- centage of body fat and performance in those activities
fected by body size, body build, and body position. Body where the body mass must be moved through space, ei-
size has been shown to be especially directly proportional ther vertically as in jumping or horizontally as in run-
to total lung capacity and vital capacity, and athletes as ning.
a group are generally taller and heavier than are their Ramadan and Byrd (28) found that somatotypes of
nonathletic counterparts. The lung volumes measured elite men soccer players were 2.06 6 0.51 (endomorphy),
under resting conditions are typically larger in trained 4.50 6 0.69 (mesomorphy), and 2.08 6 0.75 (ectomorphy).
men than in untrained men. Miyamura et al. (27) stated They concluded that these values fall in about the center

of the distribution of elite athletes from a wide variety of tageous for competetion, and the conditioning training of
sports. Some studies (20, 21) indicated that the athletes professional women soccer players, we may be able to en-
were more mesomorphic and less ectomorphic than were hance ability of selection of the best possible soccer play-
the nonathletes. These studies found no significant dif- ers for the athletic team or to determine the physiological
ferences between the athletes and the nonathletes in en- demands of soccer. Ideally, this would lead to enhanced
domorphic components, whereas our results showed sta- conditioning and training strategies and improved per-
tistically significant difference in this component. The formance. Also, the somatotype of the soccer players can
nonathletes in our study showed more slightly endomor- be studied according to their positions played on the team
phy than mesomorphy. Gualdi-Russo and Graziani (14) to plan individualized training regimens. Furthermore,
found that the average somatotype for the Italian women selecting the best sport and the best training program
athletes was 3.6–3.7–2.8, which was very near to our val- according to an athlete’s somatotype and determining the
ues. Our results showed that the nonathletes were less physiological demands of the sport might be key for pre-
mesomorphic and more endomorphic than were the ath- venting sports-related injuries.
letes. Thus, the mesomorphic component may be predom-
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