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September 21, 2008

Josiah Craig
4222 Cantrell Rd.
Acworth, GA 30101
March 28, 2011

Dear Whoever,
The fifteen power words have helped me tremendously during this class and many others. The power words relate
to a lot of things. For example, doing projects and homework .Like for summarizing, you have to get facts and write it
down so you won’t forget. It also requires a lot of reading and acknowledging. You may not have enough time to read
every word, so you can just skim. The reading and skimming pays off in the end when you receive you’re A. These
processes are called Analyze and Summarize. Analyze means to break the main facts down and write them. Summarize
means to get a short version of it , so facts that relate to each other.

Evaluate means to judge and give your opinion. I used that to finish my book review and it helped me go
through the steps. It also helps you get your point of view across. Next, you have Trace which means list the steps. It
helped me go back and helped me create a timeline. It also helps me organize my information. Infer helped me out
tremendously, by helping me create a great cartoon. Infer will help you with different timelines. Furthermore, Describe
and Visualize means to tell me about the topic of main idea. They also mean to give a mental picture of what you are
writing. I used this for my graffiti project and it got me a good grade. Another great one is Predict, and it means to guess
or say what you think is going to happen. This helped me think about what we were reading.

After that, I had to use the program called read write and think compare contrast map, to compare and contrast
our too latest projects. I had to think really hard to finish this map. This one had more tabs in my website than last one.
These steps were called Compare and contrast. Contrast means the difference between the objects, and compare is the
similarities of the objects. Then I wrote a letter for the students that might be in Ms. Watts’s class next year. These steps
were called Advice and Elaborate. Advice means to recommend, and elaborate means to tell more about the topic. I had
to create a website about assignments of how to do the fifteen power words correctly. This step was called Formulate,
and it means to create something. Finally, I had to tell how the fifteen power words helped me, and tell how the
assignments helped me understand it. These steps were called Explain and Support . Explain means to tell how, and
support means to back it up with more information.

Sincerely, Josiah Craig

Etiam lacus ante, aliquam vitae, tristique vitae, sodales ac, ligula. Aenean sed nunc. Maecenas leo. Praesent laoreet
quam eget dolor. Donec non lacus id elit auctor feugiat. Aliquam imperdiet eros sed eros. Nullam mi massa,
consequat a, eleifend sit amet, luctus vel, turpis. Proin rhoncus. Duis euismod, augue in adipiscing dictum, enim quam
blandit lorem, eget tristique sapien magna eu nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent purus orci, pharetra ac,
pretium et, hendrerit posuere, nibh. In lobortis, dui sit amet mattis mattis, dui enim euismod tellus, sed bibendum
tellus ligula quis magna. Quisque sagittis.

Yours sincerely as always,


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