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Strahd von Zarovich

+21 initiative

AC 28 PD 26 MD 28 In Strahd's Red Armor AC 34 PD 26 MD 28

Vulnerability: holy (when not wearing Strahd's Red Armor)

Resist 18+ negative. Resist 12+ from nonmagical weapons. Immune to non-silvered mundane weapons.

HP: 570 + 150 (Heart of Sorrow) + 200 (In Strahd's Red Armor)

Deathly touch: +18 vs PD (2 attacks) 55 negative damage

natural 11+: The target is weakened until the end of Strahd's next turn. In addition target spends one
daily or once-per-battle feature

Kiss of the Tyrant (only against targets with conditions): +18 vs PD 130 negative damage.

The target is weakened (save ends) and must choose to either spend a recovery and roll it healing
Strahd the amount rolled or become confused (hard save ends). If target is killed by this attack, it
becomes a vampire spawn under Strahd's control the next night

Kinslayer blade (only available if the Kinslayer blade is recovered): +18 vs PD (3 attacks) 70 negative

Natural 11+: The target ages 1d10 years per attack then rolls and spends a recovery. Strahd heals half
the amount rolled.

R: Random access spell: +15 vs. PD (1d3+1 nearby or far away enemies in a group)

—Roll a d8 against each hit target to determine the type of spell and effect

1. Firewhip: 75 fire damage; Miss: 40 fire damage.

2. Puppet Strings: 50 damage, and the target is confused (save ends).

3. Envenom: 40 ongoing poison damage.

4. Vampyric Syphon: The target loses a recovery, and Strahd heals 70 hp.

5. Fork Lightning: 60 lightning damage, and make a secondary attack:

+15 vs. PD (one enemy near the target)—20 lightning damage.

6. Stun ray: The target is stunned (save ends).

7. Ghostly Shackles: Target is Weakened and Stuck (save ends both). Target suffers 30 negative damage
for every save it fails.

8. Banish: The target is transported into the future. Remove that creature from play, returning it to the
battle in (or near) its previous location at the end of its next turn. No time seems to pass for the target
while it is gone.

C: Lightning bolt (Only when wearing Strahd's Red Armor): +10 vs PD - 20 lightning damage

Natural even: Make another free lightning bolt attack against a creature that was not a target of
Lightning Bolt attack this round

Limited use: once per round as quick action

C: Vampiric Compulsion: +15 vs MD target becomes confused and vulnurable (save ends both)

Limited use: as a free action when enemy attacks Strahd and misses with a natural 1-5

Mist form: If reduced to 0 hp, is not in direct sunlight, running water or with a wooden stake through
heart at the resting place, Strahd turns into invulnurable mist and returns to his resting place.

Regeneration: Strahd regenerates 50 hp at the start of his turn if he is not in direct sunlight or running

Shapeshifter: Can turn into invulnurable mist (can be made to reform by sunlight), a tiny bat or a normal
wolf as an action.

Vampire weaknesses: Direct sunlight and running water prevent Strahd from regenerating and regaining
hp from actions while under the influence of one, the other or both. Sunlight deals 30 holy damage per
turn or half as much while Strahd is in armor. Running water deals 30 acid damage per turn or half as
much while Strahd is in armor.

Spider climb: Can stick to and climb any surface.

Ravenloft actions (one free action per turn):

1) Go through walls - until Strahd's next turn he can go through any solid object in Ravenloft as if was
not there.

2) Close and magically lock or open any number of doors, windows and portals anywhere in the castle.
Opening such door is a DC 30 check

3) Summon a spectre to hit any target once and disppear.

4) Animate target's shadow: +15 vs MD - when hit Wraith appears near target, with initiative right
before the former shadow's host.

shadow can only be reattached by a complex ritual or a major blessing.

Children of the Night: Roll 1d6 at the start of the battle. When escalation die reaches the number rolled,
rats, bats and wolves come to Strahd's aid.

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