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Table 2

Themes and Core Ideas on Feelings when Experiencing Culture Lag

Major Themes of Core Ideas
I felt the feeling of being shocked.
Surprise General
You'll be shocked like "Oh, wow!"
I was shock then.
It's like we're one hundred years away from Davao City or General Santos.
Left Behind Typical
It's like we're very far from the present.
It was really embarrassing.
I felt like it was new to me.
You'll also get excited at the same time.
I was like "So this is how it is?
When your colleagues notice you.
I felt so discouraged.
It felt like. I didn't understand what were they doing.
Embarrass and Anxiety Variance
Later on I was amazed as to how fast... as to how... yes, technology.
And also, the buildings. It's more on building and technology.
I got me wondered especially to the gadget that I haven't seen before.
Because "Ah, this is new again"
I was so worried if what I was riding.
I felt pressured because that was my first time.
I was so nervous that time.

Table 3
Themes and Core Ideas on Overcoming Culture Lag

Major Themes of Core Ideas
I just accept it
I accepted it in myself that "ohh okay so this is how the present works"
I had no other choice but to accept it
Personal Adjustments General I also adopted to new environment
I am slowly adopting to the new environment
You just have to adjust in your environment
Go with the flow in order to not get left behind
And learn it
Learning Typical So that I’ll be able to learn more
Ahh...I... in the end I learned how should I use this
It is also the society who helped me
Socialization Typical The influence of others I cope
I also socialize with other people
I just observe how they use
Observant I just observe
We don’t have WIFI there
Because I’ve been here for a year already
That it’s like I’m already used to the new sites and to the new technologies
I guess that’s it yeah their practices

Personal Experince Variant  What I did that time is I decided to take a taxi for a ride
Then right after it I memorize those roads ways
I also find some friend
I just observe how they use
Since I got hired in a job I trained myself
I studied about it on how to use it

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