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The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

Fate Accelerated Edition

This adventure was originally written by Dave J Browne and Don Turnbull for TSR UK in 1981. You
can get the original on pdf from
Secret-of-Saltmarsh-%281e%29?term=u1+&it=1 for a couple of quid. You’ll need it to really be able
to play this conversion. Have a read through of this first, see what you think.

Game aspects
The legend, twenty years ago a sinister
alchemist disappeared from the house, long
Plot since shunned as haunted
“A gang of smugglers are running contraband
Sinister secrets
(brandy, silk and such) on the ship Sea Ghost More than meets the eye
to a sleepy coastal area from where it can be Bigger mysteries exist
distributed to a wider market. They have
chosen an old house, locally reputed to be
Involving the characters
haunted, on the cliff near the small fishing
The characters need to head to the Haunted
town of Saltmarsh as their landing-point for
House, to explore, and to unearth the
they can obtain easy and secret access to the
mysteries. Look to their aspects if you really
cellars without attracting local attention via a
need to compel them.
sea cave. To further cover their activities, they
have taken steps to encourage the sinister The best hook is that there is a legend about a
reputation of the house and the leader of the Mad Alchemist who has disappeared and left
shore-based part of the gang, being an a fortune for those brave enough to enter his
illusionist, has used his spell powers to make abandoned mansion. There is an old poacher
the house a frightening place to visit, so the who is always present in the town’s inn who
locals shun it completely. One of the will regale any that listen about the time he
'receivers' of the contraband is a prominent went to the house and was forced to run,
merchant in Saltmarsh. scared near witless, swearing never to return.
The smugglers are, additionally, running arms
to a colony of lizard men for reasons which Saltmarsh
are explained in module U2, DANGER AT A small respectable fishing town
DUNWATER. The frequent visits of the ship This will be the party’s base during the
have gone unnoticed by the people of adventure. Feel free to flesh out the
Saltmarsh but they have aroused the curiosity personages, locations and environs, or go with
of a tribe of Aquatic Elves nearby and a the player’s use of Create an Advantage
member of the tribe has been sent to actions.
Town Council
Though they are too frightened to do anything Reluctant to invest. Fine upstanding
themselves about the Haunted House, the pillars of the community
people of Saltmarsh would be very grateful if Merchants
its menace were removed!” Show me the gp. Bad apple in the
Townsfolk Back door entrance
Sober, hard-working and amiable. Broken well in the grounds
Pay their taxes. SNAKE
The Temple Mildly poisonous. Well hidden.
Refuge for the pious. Austere Skilled (+2) at: Coiling, hissing
The Inn Bad (-2) at: Juggling
Stress: 
Rumour laden. Hearty fare. The
poacher’s seat by the fire
The poacher Inside the House
Unreliable witness. Teller of tall
The house has two floors above the ground
tales. A raging thirst
and a cellar below, with all the usual rooms,
bedrooms, kitchen scullery etc. Most are
The Haunted House empty, barring the occasional wandering
monster. The whole place is in disrepair.
The smugglers have used illusion magic to fill
the place with strange lights and noises in
order to frighten away the credulous. These
include ghostly shouts and threats.

Decrepit, decaying, dilapidated. Cobwebbed

and gloomy. Shrieks and strange lights.
Rotten floorboards. Human footprints in the
Adventure Aspects
Wandering monsters
Hidden monsters and treasures
Independent treasure hunters. Spears and slings. Enfeebling venom. Sticky web. Under beds.
Mob handed Skilled (+2) at: Scuttling, squirting webs, climbing
Skilled (+2) at: Being sneaky, ganging up Bad (-2) at: Making friends
Bad (-2) at: Being brave Stress:
Stress:  (four goblins)
Enfeebling venom. Swarm. Kitchen dwellers.
GIANT RATS Skilled (+2) at: Wriggling, biting, ganging up
Filthy disease carriers Bad (-2) at: Intellectual discourse
Skilled (+2) at: Skittering, gnawing Stress: (four centipedes)
Bad (-2) at: Complex logic
Stress:  (two rats) YELLOW MOULD
Choking spores. You’ll need to bleach that. On
cloak in bedroom.
GIANT WEASEL Skilled (+2) at: Camouflage, being still, erupting
Vicious blood sucker. Valuable pelt Bad (-2) at: Perambulation
Skilled (+2) at: Squirming around, biting, latching Stress:
Bad (-2) at: Unicycling STIRGES
Stress: Cloud of parasites. Blood suckers. Nest in the
SWARM of GIANT ANTS Skilled (+2) at: Finding weak spot, being attached,
Foragers flapping
Skilled (+2) at: Teamwork, being tenacious Bad (-2) at: Letting go
Bad (-2) at: Going with the flow Stress: (six stirges)
Stress:  (six ants)
ROT GRUBS Secret smugglers base
Infestation. Save or die. Flammable. Infest corpse
Accessed through secret door in the cellar
in wine cellar.
Skilled (+2) at: Being tiny, burrowing, eating brains
Bad (-2) at: Being on fire EIGHT SMUGGLERS
Stress: (six grubs) Ruthless. Intelligent. Well organised. Armed and
Skilled (+2) at: Fighting in close quarters. Being
piratical and swarthy
SKELETONS Bad (-2) at: Morale under stress
Evil undead. Unflinching and remorseless. Brittle. Stress: 
Behind barred doors.
Skilled (+2) at: Guarding, fighting
Bad (-2) at: Being reasonable, holding themselves The Caverns
Stress: Torch lit. Wet and slimy.
The Mad Alchemists laboratory is past the Death from above. Corrosive. Tough to shift.
skeletal guardians. Skilled (+2) at: Stealth, oozing
Ye Secret of Ye Philosopher’s Stone, golden Bad (-2) at: Stand up comedy
treasures, skeletal remains, accursed pebble Stress: 

The ‘captive’ Captain of smugglers. Unreliable allies. Master
Ned has been planted in one of the bedrooms Illusionist. Skilled hypnotist. Chaotic Evil.
by the evil merchant. His cover is that he was
taken captive by the smugglers and tied and
Careful: Mediocre (+0)
gagged here. His secret orders are to Clever: Good (+3)
ingratiate himself, join the party, and then Flashy: Fair (+2)
sow discord. His last resort is to strike at an Forceful: Average (+1)
opportune moment, and then make his Quick: Average (+1)
escape. Sneaky: Fair (+2)
Deadly assassin. Playing the innocent. Lump on STUNTS
head. Hidden poison dagger. Seize the Colour Spray: I have the ability to blind and
opportunity confuse my foes, gaining +2 to Flashy attacks at
Careful: Fair (+2) Invisibility: I can turn Invisible in the blink of an
Clever: Average (+1) eye, giving me +2 to sneaky actions when I’m
Flashy: Average (+1) silent.
Forceful: Mediocre (+0) Wall of Fog: Once per session I can summon a
Quick: Fair (+2) rolling Wall of Fog with my magic
Sneaky: Good (+3)
Backstab: I get +2 to attack sneakily from a
position of surprise or hiding CONSEQUENCES
Convincing Liar: I get +2 when I’m fabricating a Mild (2):
story in a clever manner Moderate (4):
Severe (6):
Hyena-men. Demon worshippers. Pack mentality.
CONSEQUENCES Hypnotised puppets of Sanbalet
Mild (2): Skilled (+2) at: Ganging up, snarling, marking their
Moderate (4): territory, obeying master’s commands
Severe (6): Bad (-2) at: Being civilised
Stress: 

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