Recount Text M. Dafa Fadhlurrahman

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Nama : M.

Dafa Fadhlurrahman

Kelas : X MS 3

- Orientation
Muhammad Darwisy, commonly known as Ahmad Dahlan, was born in the
muslim quarter of Yogyakarta. His father is Abu Bakar and was the leader of
communal prayer in the mosque. Ahmad Dahlan’s life was not easy like reverse
our palms. Although, he was the son of nobleman, his life was not depend on
the others. Dahlan was sent to an Islamic Boarding School. And at 15 years old,
as one of his five obligations as a muslim, he went on pilgrimage to Mecca,
where he studied with Ahmad Khatib, the renowned religious teacher. During
in Mecca, he interacted with the thought of reformers on the Islamic world,
such as Muhammad Abduh and Jamaluddin al-Afghani. Then, Dahlan changed
his name from Muhammad Darwis to Ahmad Dahlan. This latter name was
given by the syaikh of Shafi’i school of law, Sayyid Bakhri Shatta.

- Events
After returning to Java around 1888, he got marriage with Siti Walidah
and joined Budi Utomo in 1909. Budi Utomo is the organization which sparked
many nationalists. Hoping to preach reform to its members, but his supporters
urged him to create his own organization. We know well about
Muhammadiyah Organization, and Ahmad Dahlan created this
Muhammadiyah in 1912. Muhammadiyah is a major islamic non-governmental
organization in Indonesia. He didn’t create this organization easily, he created
Muhammadiyah with any big struggles, especially for Islamic Mission in Java
Island. He shared it with many problems, abuses, and obstacles. But, he could
face all struggles strongly. Muhammadiyah is very important for education of
Indonesia at the first time until now.
Ahmad Dahlan was pioneering The Muslim Awakening too. He tought Islamic
Education for Indonesian. He is legendary man in Java. And he was the fighter
who contributed to unite the Unitary State of the Indonesia Republic. Besides,
Dahlan was a founder pf the largest social organization in Indonesia, Nahdatul
And after thousand education missions Ahmad Dahlan did for Indonesia, he
passed away at the age of 55 years old and was burried in Yogyakarta. Now, all
peoples commemorate him always as the hero of muslim in Indonesia.

- Re-Orientation
From Ahmad Dahlan story. We have the value for our life now, that is
anythings don’t work unless we do and as the good muslim we have to face all
struggles come.

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