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THBT Feminism is just about women supremacy instead of gender equality.

a. What is Feminism?
At its core, feminism is the belief in full social, economic, and political equality for
b. What is Women Supremacy?
“Female supremacy” is the opposite of “feminism” because it's the opposite of gender
equality. Feminists don't want females to gain more than males. Feminists don't want
the patriarchy to be turned around. Feminists simply wish that females have the same
rights and gains as males for doing the same things.
c. What is Gender Equality?
Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities
and opportunities.

Opposition Essay :
I oppose the point that said “Feminism is just about woman supremacy” instead of
gender equality. 2Feminism stands for equality gender in politics, economics and social.
But 3some people misinterpret how feminism works like they said that 4feminism stands for
equality so woman can be beaten by man or something stuff like that’s deviate from what
feminism is and if someone have an opinion like 5“men are suck, they’re useless or woman
better than man.” That’s not how feminism work. 6Feminism stands for gender equality not
women supremacy.
1. Good that you mention the motion AND at the very least, stance.
2. Good definition, incomplete though.
3. Some people, who?
4. Why do they make that notion? What is the truth, what is the status quo?
5. Why does this notion hurt the feminist agenda? So how does it work truly?
6. Good because you linked back.
Government Essay :
To what extent does feminism reflect gender equality? 2Feminism by definition means the
advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. In early 20th century
feminist activity in the English speaking world that sought to win 3Women’s Suffrage, female
education rights, better working conditions and abolition of gender double standards is known
as first-wave feminism. (…) 4Feminist nowadays are putting women above men thinking that
they are the better sex 5thus destroying the meaning and image of the feminist.
1. Where is the motion and stances?
2. Good definition, incomplete though.
3. Is this good? Is this bad? Where are you going with this?
4. Why is this bad? How are they doing it? Examples?
5. Betraying stance.
6. No linkback.
What does a good debate essay look like?
Ladies and gentlemen our motion today is “This House Believe That National Examination Should be

The definition of the Motion is:

National examination : a standard evaluation system of primary and secondary education in a country.

Abolished : to get away, to erase element/particle from system.

Our Stance : We on affirmative team, strongly support that the national examination to be exchanged
with something better or to be erased from education system in Indonesia for goodness all elements.

In today’s parameter we may think that UN is a good way to subject student to real life situation where
things is unexpected and difficult. The only correct thing about that statement is life being unexpected and
difficult, but what I think we are missing out on here is that we don’t have to expose these students to
unnecessary stresses. We don’t know what life circumstances they may already be dealing with in day to
day basis and we shouldn’t put more weights on top of that. What I am getting at is, student will learn
through their life experiences how unexpected and difficult life can be, we don’t need a test to showcase

Then our parameter today is that we just talk about the national examination in Indonesia.

Next ladies and gentlemen, we have 2 points:

First point is National Examination give negative impacts for student’s health, because national
examination forces students to cram study unhealthily, and only for short-term memorization. So far, by
statistics and data by (…) nationals exam does not reflect a student’s capability and potentials.
Understandably so, knowing that a lot of student cheat on this test anyway.

Monday, 16 April 2012, Hendry Kusria a student in SMK BNKP Sirambu Nias was found dead while
he was doing the national examination. Secretariat of minister of education in north Sumatra
province say that he passed away because of bronchitis complications. Due to the tireless of
hours of studying for the national exam, his parents added.

This evidence clearly says that national exam adds unnecessary stresses for students, since it forces
them to cram 3 years worth of knowledge in one month worth of studying, on top of that they already have
practical tests and school exam. At the very least we can agree that it is pointless, we say it should be a
abolished and that we should find a better way to display student’s potentials.

Second Point is the government team propose the idea of students submitting an essay or proposal
of one or two things that they learned in school that them and their homeroom teacher finds fit best. That
way student can explore their creativity and the subjects that they adore. Other than that, they’ll have one
month to finish the project.

To linkback, our team strongly support the motion that “This House Believe That National Examination
Should be Abolished”. We used Indonesia as the parameter, and we have made two points. First point is
the fact that national exams affect students physical and emotional health negatively, and how it is
inefficient in showing student’s capabilities. Second point being our proposal to abolish the national exam
and exchange it with a proposal or essay submittion instead or for it to be removed completely. Though
the idea of national exam is normalized, as affirmation team we oppose this inefficient and unnecessary
test’s continuation. Thank you, ladies & gentlemen.

What aspects are we judging on?

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