Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 92 / Thursday, May 13, 2010 / Notices

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27028 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No.

92 / Thursday, May 13, 2010 / Notices

Approved By: llllllllllll other.shtml). Comments will also be regulatory harmonization, and to
Date Submitted: lllllllllll available for Web site viewing and recommend processes and procedures
[FR Doc. 2010–11435 Filed 5–12–10; 8:45 am] printing in the SEC’s Public Reference for achieving and reporting on those
BILLING CODE 8011–01–P Room, 100 F St., NE., Washington, DC goals.
20549, on official business days To achieve the Committee’s goals, the
between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Chairmen of the SEC and CFTC will
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE All comments received will be posted appoint approximately 10–15 members.
COMMISSION without change; we do not edit personal There will be two co-designated Federal
identifying information from your officers of the committee. The Chairman
[Release No. 33–9123; File No. 265–26]
submissions. You should submit only of the CFTC will appoint a CFTC
COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING information that you wish to make employee to serve as one co-designated
COMMISSION available publicly. federal officer of the committee and the
Commodity Futures Trading Chairman of the SEC will appoint an
Joint CFTC–SEC Advisory Committee Commission: SEC employee to serve as the other co-
on Emerging Regulatory Issues • Written comments may be mailed to designated Federal officer of the
the Commodity Futures Trading committee. The co-designated federal
AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, officers jointly call all of the advisory
Commission (‘‘SEC’’) and Commodity 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC committee’s and subcommittees’
Futures Trading Commission (‘‘CFTC’’) 20581, attention Office of the Secretary; meetings, prepare and jointly approve
(each, an ‘‘Agency,’’ and collectively, transmitted by facsimile to the CFTC at all meeting agendas, adjourn any
‘‘Agencies’’). (202) 418–5521; or transmitted meeting when they jointly determine
ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory electronically to adjournment to be in the public interest,
Committee Establishment. Jointcommittee@cftc.gov. Reference and chair meetings when directed to do
should be made to ‘‘Joint CFTC–SEC so. The co-designated Federal officers
SUMMARY: The Chairmen of the SEC and also will attend all committee and
Advisory Committee.’’
CFTC, with the concurrence of the other subcommittee meetings. The Chairmen
SEC and CFTC Commissioners, of the CFTC and of the SEC shall serve
respectively, intend to establish the Ronesha Butler, Special Counsel, at
(202) 551–5629, Division of Trading and as Co-Chairmen of the Committee. The
Joint CFTC–SEC Advisory Committee Committee’s membership will be fairly
on Emerging Regulatory Issues (the Markets, or Elizabeth M. Murphy,
Committee Management Officer, at (202) balanced in terms of points of view
‘‘Committee’’). represented and the functions to be
551–5400, Securities and Exchange
Comments Commission, 100 F St., NE., performed.
The Committee’s charter will be filed
Because the Agencies will jointly Washington, DC 20549, or Martin
with the Senate Committee on
review all comments submitted, White, Committee Management Officer,
Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; the
interested parties may send comments at (202) 418–5129, Commodity Futures
House of Representatives Committee on
to either Agency and need not submit Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Agriculture; the Senate Committee on
responses to both Agencies. Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs;
Respondents are encouraged to use the Washington, DC 20581. the House Committee on Financial
title ‘‘Joint CFTC–SEC Advisory SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In Services, and U.S. General Services
Committee’’ to facilitate the organization accordance with the requirements of the Administration Committee Management
and distribution of comments between Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 Secretariat (‘‘Secretariat’’). A copy of the
the Agencies. Interested parties are U.S.C. App. 2, the Agencies are charter also will be filed with the SEC,
invited to submit responses to: publishing this notice that the Chairmen CFTC and the Library of Congress. The
Securities and Exchange Commission: of the SEC and CFTC, with the charter will be available for Web site
Written comments may be submitted by concurrence of the other SEC and CFTC viewing and printing in the Public
the following methods: Commissioners, intend to establish the Reference Room at the SEC’s
Committee. The Committee’s objectives headquarters and posted on the SEC’s
Electronic Comments and scope of activities are to conduct Web site at http://www.sec.gov and the
• Use the SEC’s Internet submission public meetings, submit reports and CFTC’s Web site at http://www.cftc.gov.
form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/ recommendations to the CFTC and the The Committee will operate for two
other.shtml); or SEC and otherwise to serve as a vehicle years from the date it is established
• Send an email to rule- for discussion and communication on unless, before the expiration of that time
comments@sec.gov. regulatory issues of mutual concern and period, its charter is re-established or
Please include File No. 265–26 on the their effect on the CFTC’s and SEC’s renewed in accordance with the Federal
subject line. statutory responsibilities. Subjects to be Advisory Committee Act or unless
Paper Comments addressed by the Committee will either the Chairman of the SEC or the
include, but will not be limited to, Chairman of the CFTC determines that
• Send paper comments in triplicate identification of emerging regulatory the Committee’s continuance is no
to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary, risks, assessment and quantification of longer in the public interest.
Securities and Exchange Commission, the impact of such risks and their The Committee will meet at such
100 F St., NE., Washington, DC 20549. implications for investors and market intervals as are necessary to carry out its
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES

All submissions should refer to File No. participants, and to further the functions. It is estimated that the
265–26. Agencies’ efforts on regulatory meetings will occur six times per year.
To help the SEC process and review harmonization. The committee will Meetings of subgroups or
your comments more efficiently, please work to develop clear and specific goals subcommittees of the full Committee
use only one method. The SEC staff will toward identifying and addressing may occur more frequently.
post all comments on the SEC’s Internet emerging regulatory risks, protecting The charter will provide that the
Web site (http://www.sec.gov/rules/ investors and customers, and furthering duties of the Committee are to be solely

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 92 / Thursday, May 13, 2010 / Notices 27029

advisory. Each Agency alone will make solicit comments on the proposed rule both on EDGA and EDGX). As a result
any determinations of action to be taken change from interested persons. of a decrease in fees by Nasdaq OMX
and policy to be expressed with respect when removing liquidity in securities
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
to matters within their respective priced less than $1.00,5 the Exchange
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
authority as to which the Committee proposes to amend its fee schedule in
the Proposed Rule Change
provides advice or makes order to charge 0.10% of the total dollar
recommendations. The Exchange proposes to amend value of the transaction (instead of
The Chairmen of the Agencies affirm Direct Edge ECN’s (‘‘DECN’’) fee 0.30%) when orders are routed to
that the establishment of the Committee schedule for ISE Members 3 to (i) change Nasdaq BX in Tapes A & C securities
is necessary and in the public interest. the rates for routing in securities priced and remove liquidity. This is proposed
Pursuant to 41 CFR 102–3.65(b), the less than $1.00 to certain away market to be indicated by footnote number 3 on
Secretariat has found good cause for centers; (ii) reintroduce the rebate on the existing ‘‘C’’ flag. A conforming
approving the establishment of this securities priced less than $1.00 that amendment has also been made to the
advisory committee prior to the fifteenth add liquidity to EDGX; (iii) pass through fee schedule to append footnote number
day after publication of notice of rebates/fees from other market centers; 3 to indicate an exception to the
establishment in the Federal Register so and (iv) increase the rebate for Members standard rate (0.30% of dollar value) for
that the Committee members can meeting the Ultra Tier. All of the routing liquidity in securities priced
quickly begin to identify emerging changes described herein are applicable less than $1.00.
regulatory issues and their potential to ISE Members. Additionally, the Exchange proposes
The text of the proposed rule change to charge 0.20% of the total dollar value
impact on investors and the securities
is available on the Exchange’s Internet of the transaction when orders are
markets. The Committee will lend the
Web site at http://www.ise.com. routed to Nasdaq and remove liquidity
CFTC and SEC expertise that ranges
across the securities and futures II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s in securities on all Tapes or orders are
markets. Statement of the Purpose of, and routed to Nasdaq using the INET 6 order
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule type and remove liquidity in securities
By the Securities and Exchange
Change on all Tapes. This is proposed to be
indicated by footnote number 3
Dated: May 10, 2010. In its filing with the Commission, the appended to the existing ‘‘J,’’ ‘‘L,’’ and ‘‘2’’
Elizabeth M. Murphy, self-regulatory organization included flags. A conforming amendment has also
Committee Management Officer. statements concerning the purpose of, been made to the fee schedule to
By the Commodity Futures Trading
and basis for, the proposed rule change append footnote number 3 to indicate
Commission. and discussed any comments it received an exception to the standard rate (0.30%
on the proposed rule change. The text of dollar value) for routing liquidity in
Martin White, of these statements may be examined at
Committee Management Officer. securities priced less than $1.00.
the places specified in Item IV below. The Exchange believes that this rate
[FR Doc. 2010–11507 Filed 5–12–10; 8:45 am] The self-regulatory organization has change will seek to incentivize the
BILLING CODE 8010–01–P; 6351–01–P prepared summaries, set forth in removal of liquidity from EDGA and
sections A, B and C below, of the most EDGX in securities priced less than
significant aspects of such statements. $1.00 that are routed to certain away
COMMISSION A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s market centers.
Statement of the Purpose of, and Re-Introduction of Rebate
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
[Release No. 34–62050; File No. SR–ISE– Currently, there is no rebate for
adding liquidity on EDGX in securities
1. Purpose priced less than $1.00. The Exchange is
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
DECN, a facility of ISE, operates two proposing to re-introduce a rebate of
International Securities Exchange,
trading platforms, EDGX and EDGA.4 $0.00003 per share for orders that add
LLC; Notice of Filing and Immediate
The Exchange is proposing to amend liquidity to EDGX in securities priced
Effectiveness of Proposed Rule
the routing rates to certain away market less than $1.00. The Exchange believes
Change Relating to Amending the
centers associated with the removal of that this rebate is appropriate as it
Direct Edge ECN Fee Schedule
liquidity from EDGA and EDGX in represents 30% of the minimum price
May 6, 2010. securities priced less than $1.00. increment for securities priced less than
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Currently, for orders in securities priced $1.00 ($0.0001) and effectively aligns
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the less than $1.00 that are routed to Nasdaq the rebate with access fee caps under
‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 BX in Tapes A & C securities and that Regulation NMS.7
notice is hereby given that on April 30, remove liquidity, orders are charged the
5 See Nasdaq OMX Equity Trader Alert, #2010–
2010, the International Securities Exchange’s standard routing charge for
27 (April 19, 2010) (‘‘Firms will be charged 0.10%
Exchange, LLC (the ‘‘Exchange’’ or the securities less than $1.00 (0.30% of the (i.e., 10 basis points) of the total dollar value of the
‘‘ISE’’) filed with the Securities and total dollar value of the transaction, transaction when removing liquidity in stocks with
Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) prices below $1.00’’).
3 References to ISE Members in this filing refer to 6 The INET order type sweeps the EDGA or EDGX
the proposed rule change as described
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES

DECN Subscribers who are ISE Members. book and removes liquidity from Nasdaq, if the
in Items I, II, and III below, which items 4 This fee filing relates to the trading facility order is marketable, or posts on Nasdaq, if the order
have been prepared by the self- operated by ISE and not EDGA Exchange, Inc. and is non-marketable.
regulatory organization. The EDGX Exchange, Inc. Direct Edge ECN LLC (EDGA 7 The Access Rule of Regulation NMS limits the

Commission is publishing this notice to and EDGX) will cease to operate in its capacity as fees any trading center can charge, or allow to be
an electronic communications network following charged, for accessing its protected quotations, both
the commencement of operations of EDGA displayed and reserve size, to no more than $0.003
1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). Exchange, Inc. and EDGX Exchange, Inc. as national per share. See Rule 610(c) of Regulation NMS,
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4. securities exchanges. Continued

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