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Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84

DOI 10.1007/s00163-006-0020-8


Practical design optimization of truss structures

using the genetic algorithms
A. Dominguez Æ I. Stiharu Æ R. Sedaghati

Received: 28 September 2005 / Accepted: 18 May 2006 / Published online: 10 August 2006
 Springer-Verlag London Limited 2006

Abstract Truss structures are widely employed in the slenderness ratio. Three illustrative examples of real-
industrialized world. They appear as bridges, towers, istic planar and space truss structures have been opti-
pylons, roof supports, building exoskeletons or high mized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
technology light space structures. This paper investi- methodology. However, other criteria such as cost and/
gates the simultaneous size, geometry and topology or manufacturability could be quantified and included
optimization of real life large truss structures using in the optimization formulation.
genetic algorithms (GAs) as optimizer and finite ele-
ment method as analyzer. In general, the large truss
structures are constructed for practical reasons from
the duplication of some basic structures called bays.
Thus, the final optimum design may be reached by 1 Introduction
optimizing the characteristics of the basic bays instead
of optimizing the whole structure. Both single and The objective of this work is to present an efficient and
multiobjective functions based on the mass of the practical approach based on the genetic algorithms
structure and the maximum nodal displacement have (GAs) capable of design optimization of realistic truss
been considered as the cost functions. In order to ob- structures. Generally, the design optimization of truss
tain realistic optimal designs, the cross-sectional areas structures generates the design parameters with limited
have been extracted from the standard profiles practical application (Galante 1996; Deb and Gulati
according to AISC codes and practical conditions are 2001; Prendes et al. 2005; Erbatur et al. 2000). For in-
imposed on the bays. The design optimization problem stance, the optimum cross-sectional areas of the truss
is also constrained by the maximum stress, maximum members may not be found on the market, thus
slenderness ratio and the maximum and minimum imposing high manufacturing cost. Even if the opti-
cross-sectional area of the truss members. To accom- mization process considers only profiles from the
modate all these constraints, two different penalty market, the applicability of the final designs is limited
functions are considered. The first penalty function due to involvement of numerous types of profiles and
considers the normalization of violated constraints the challenge associated with the assembly of such a
with respect to the allowable stress or slenderness structure. Also, generally the optimum design implies
ratio. The second penalty function is a constant func- many changes of cross-sectional areas at the location of
tion which is used to penalize the violations of the joints, which is not practically recommended. In addi-
tion, when simultaneous optimization of the size and
topology of the structure is considered, the optimum
A. Dominguez Æ I. Stiharu Æ R. Sedaghati (&) structure may include numerous types of elements
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
from different material and with geometrical charac-
Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd.,
West Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8 teristics, which is not feasible from the manufacturing
e-mail: point of view. A comprehensive review of the literature

74 Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84

in the area of discrete structural optimization is pro- for the optimum shape (cross-sectional area) of the
vided in Shea et al. (1997) and Arora (2002). elements. Topology optimization addresses the issues
Although the term ‘real life truss structures’ implies that size optimization ignores; it is concerned with the
a broad kind of structures, here the term is adopted to number and connectivity of the truss members and
describe those very common structures with similar joints. On the other side, the geometry optimization
bays and the relative members between bays with same looks for the optimum shape of the whole structure. In
profile. In this study, it has been considered that the the present work, the size, topology and geometry
realistic large truss structures are fabricated from the optimization of the single bays with which the real life
arrangement of the single bays. Thus, the objective is engineering truss structures are constructed has been
the optimization of the parameters of the bay. Based addressed.
on this realistic consideration, the solution space is The application of the optimization techniques in
drastically reduced and the optimum result can be the field of structural engineering optimization dates
found efficiently and accurately. Furthermore due to back to at least 1904, when Michell (1904) presented
this arrangement, the final optimum design will require the optimal discrete truss structures now called Mic-
few different standard elements, which can be easily hell structures. Heyman (1956) optimized frame
sourced and managed. Thus, a final optimum design structures using the linear programming technique.
could be fabricated with low manufacturing cost. Al- Since then, extensive research has been conducted in
though different softwares such as SOL2000, GAOS the structural optimization field with limited industrial
and MOSES have been developed to optimize discrete applications. GAs was first applied by Goldberg and
section sizes, they do not include the modularity Samtani (1986) to optimize structures for the mini-
property of structures. mum weight under maximum stress constraints. Ga-
The optimum design of practical structures may in- lante (1996) then applied the same technique to
clude many aspects such as manufacturing cost, energy, optimize real-life truss structures. The ‘rebirth tech-
cost of the material, assembling, mass, stress and dis- nique’ was then proposed to improve the results of
placement which may be the objective of a very the traditional GA. A two-phase method based on the
extensive cost analysis. In practical applications, the GAs is proposed by Rajeev and Krishnamoorthy
general design will decide upon the criteria of optimi- (1997) to perform size and topology optimization of
zation as well on the weighting factors. These criteria truss structures. The result of the optimization process
are usually based on the destination of the product. In is highly influenced by the penalty functions applied
this paper, a methodology that takes advantage of the to accommodate the constraints. Yang and Soh (2002)
condition of real structures which are built from basic applied genetic programming to optimize truss struc-
modules is proposed. Further, the final optimum de- tures using commercial profiles. The squared of the
signs involve few different profiles and all the elements normalized values with respect to the maximum per-
in same position of the bay are fabricated from the missible was used as a penalty function. Sandgren and
same profile as it can be observed in many real life Cameron (2002) used a hybrid method to solve the
structures. It is clear that the optimum selection of the multicriteria optimization and applied the standard
profile for each element of the structure can produce deviation as a penalty function. An adaptive penalty
lighter structures than the proposed methodology; function is proposed by Nanakorn and Meesomklim
however, the implementation of such final designs is (2001). Coello (2000) has also carried out a compre-
not practical in many cases. hensive survey of multicriteria optimization tech-
Truss structures consist of flexible truss members niques.
under axial forces only and are pin-connected at joints. The structural optimization problem has generally
Due to the light weight and easy assembling, these been recognized as a constrained nonconvex problem
structures play an important role in the economy and (Anthony et al. 2000). Additionally, the discrete vari-
have numerous applications such as bridges, towers, ables to define the possible profiles to construct the
cranes, roof supports, building skeletons, space structures convert it to nonsmooth problem. Therefore,
deployable structures, etc. it is necessary to employ a robust optimization method
Structural design optimization can be realized in capable of handling these types of problems while
three broad categories (Kirsh 1989; Hafka and Grandhi providing global optimum solution. GAs have been
1986) namely as size, topology and geometry optimi- used as the optimizer due to its capability to catch
zation. The cross sectional optimization, also known as solutions close to the global optimum and operating
size optimization, assumes that the elements, nodes, with discrete variables. Also, GAs can easily be applied
connectivity and locations are fixed while it searches to multiobjective functions.

Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84 75

In this paper first the optimization problem has been k6kallow ð7Þ
discussed in detail. Further, the GA methodology is
briefly explained. Finally, three illustrative examples Amin >A>Amax ð8Þ
have been investigated under different conditions in
where q ¼ ½q1 ; q2 ; . . . ; qk  is the mass density vector;
order to demonstrate the capability of the proposed
L ¼ ½L1 ; L2 ; . . . ; Lk  is the length vector;
A ¼ ½A1 ; A2 ; . . . Ak  is the vector of cross-sectional
areas; Amin and Amax are the vector of lower and upper
bound of cross-sectional areas and k is the number of
2 Optimization problem
elements. Another constraint regarding the geometry
characteristics of the bays or the number of bays will
The optimization can be defined (Osyczka 1985) as the
also be specified for each particular problem. The
problem of finding a vector of decision variables, which
vectors r and k contents the stress and the slenderness
satisfies the constraints and optimizes a vector function
ratio of each element and their respective allowable
whose elements represent the objective functions.
values are defined in the vectors rallow and kallow ;
These functions form a mathematical description of
respectively. U mag ¼ ½Umag1 ; Umag2 ; . . . ; Umagj  is the
performance criteria, which are usually in conflict with
vector of nodal displacement of the j nodes. It is noted
each other. Hence, the term ‘optimize’ means finding
that nodal displacement vector can be calculated from
such a solution, which would give the values of the
the equilibrium equation as:
entire set of objective functions acceptable to the de-
Formally, the optimization problem is stated as: find U ¼ K 1 f ð9Þ
the vector x ¼ ½x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn  which will satisfy the m
inequality constraints: where K and f are the system stiffness matrix and the
nodal force vector and can be obtained by the finite
gi ðxÞ>0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . m; ð1Þ element method formulation and analysis.
To guard against buckling, the stability constraint is
the p equality constraints: considered as part of the design optimization problem.
In this study in order to have a sense of real-life design
hi ðxÞ ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . p; ð2Þ practice, the American Institute of Steel Construction
(AISC) codes (AISC 1989) have been adopted for the
and optimize the vector function:
relative design specifications. Thus, the allowable ten-
sion stress is considered to be 0.6r y; the allowable
f ðxÞ ¼ ½f1 ðxÞ; f2 ðxÞ; . . . ; fn ðxÞT ð3Þ member slenderness ratio is specified to be 300 for
tension members and 200 for compression members; to
where x ¼ ½x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn  is the vector of decision guard against buckling the allowable compression
variables and the optimal solution is denoted by the stress rbi of member i may be determined from the
vector x : In the case of n = 1, the problem is called following equations according to AISC formulation:
single-objective optimization, otherwise it is known as
multicriteria or multiobjective optimization. 12p2 E
In this work both single and multicriteria objective rbi ¼ for ki[C ð10Þ
functions are investigated. For the latter, the objective
is to minimize both the mass and the maximum nodal  
1  2Ci 2 ry
displacement and for the former the goal is just mini- rbi ¼ for ki\C ð11Þ
mization of the mass. Thus, the objective functions may k3
3 þ 3k
8C  8C3
i i

be defined as:
k i = Li /ri is the slenderness ratio,
f 1 ðxÞ ¼ qLA ð4Þ
C ¼ p 2E=ry ; and r y, Li, and ri are the yield stress,
f 2 ðxÞ ¼ maxðU mag Þ ð5Þ the length and the radius of gyration of the cross-sec-
tion of the member i, respectively, and the superscript
subject to: b is related with buckling.
To convert the constrained problem to uncon-
r6rallow ð6Þ strained problem, a penalty function is introduced to
the objective function. Penalty functions penalize

76 Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84

unfeasible solutions by reducing their objective func- to modify the number of bays. The coefficients cp1,
tion values in proportion to the violation. In other cp2 and cp3 are used to control the magnitude of the
words, the penalty function is applied whenever the penalty values. For the case of discrete design vari-
constraints are violated. ables, the penalty functions required to be rounded
Different types of penalty functions have been since the possible cross-sectional areas of the com-
proposed to handle the constraints. In deterministic mercial profiles are sized in an arranged order and
methods such as the sequential unconstrained mini- each cross-sectional area is defined by an integer
mization technique (SUMT), the quadratic penalty which is represented in binary form.
function is frequently used in order to keep the conti- In this work, the proposed methodology considers
nuity of the gradients (Pardalos and Rosen 1987). that the whole truss structures are fabricated from
Similar functions in combination with GAs have been the multiplication of some fundamental bays, which
applied by Galante (1996) and Goldberg and Samtani is mainly the case in many real-life truss structures.
(1986). In these functions the constraint violation is Thus, the design optimization of entire structures is
squared and penalized by a scalar. Simple constants or reduced to the design optimization of the bays. This
normalized stresses are used by Deb and Gulati (2001) will enable us to perform size, topology and geo-
to penalize the cost function. Sandgren and Cameron metric optimization of large real-life truss structures
(2002) employed the difference and standard deviation with relatively few design variables and reduced
between the allowable and the nominal stress and computational effort. From the optimization point of
displacement. Nanakorn and Meesomklin (2001) used view, this practical arrangement will cause the space
an adaptive penalty function, which is able to adjust solution to be reduced drastically and also cause the
itself during the evolution. convergence to the optimum solution to be faster
In this work two different types of penalty functions and more accurate. Since the optimized bays are
are considered. The first type of penalty function made of truss elements with commercially available
considers the normalization of violated constraints profiles, the fabrication cost would be significantly
with respect to the allowable stress or slenderness ra- reduced. Moreover, the optimized bays can be
tio. The second type of penalty function is a constant practically used to assemble the whole structures
function, which is used to penalize the violations of the easily, thus reducing the assembling cost drastically
slenderness ratio. Considering the above, the penalty and avoiding joint connection problems.
functions may be defined as:

cp1  ððrðxi Þ  rmax ðxÞÞ=rmax ðxi Þ for jrðxÞj[jrmax ðxi Þj
p1 ðxi Þ ¼ ð12Þ
0 otherwise
cp2  ððkðxi Þ  kmax ðxi ÞÞ=kmax ðxi Þ for kðxi Þ > kmax ðxÞ
p2 ðxi Þ ¼ ð13Þ
0 otherwise

  3 Genetic algorithms
cp3 for kðxi Þ > kmax ðxi Þ
p3 ðxi Þ ¼ ð14Þ
0 otherwise Due to efficiency of GAs in capturing the global
optimization solution, structural optimization problem
where cp1, cp2 and cp3 are constants. The normali- studied in this research mainly utilizes the GAs as
zation of the violations allows having large penalty optimizer. The form of direction is based on Darwin’s
values at the initial stage when the solution is far ‘survival of the fittest’ theories (Goldberg 1989; Hol-
from the optimum point and small values when the land 1975). In GAs an initial population is created
solution is close to the optimum point. The penalty randomly or heuristically. Each element of the initial
functions in Eqs. 12 and 13 will be used to penalize population represents a design and is called chromo-
the size of the members and Eq. 14 will be applied some that are typically strings of binary bits. Each bit is

Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84 77

called genes. Genes occur at different locations or loci f ðiÞ

of the chromosomes, and take on certain values which Pr ðiÞ ¼ ð15Þ
are called alleles. These sets of chromosomes evolve f ði Þ
over generations to get new and hopefully better de-
signs. In biological science, the term genotype refers to where i represents the chromosome, Pr the probability
the overall genetic makeup of an individual and is of being reproduced and f is the objective function or
analogous to a structure in structural design. Also, the fitness and the size of the population n. However, the
external characteristics are referred with the phenoype drawback of this technique is that when a very good
that is analogous to an actual parameter set such as element emerges in the population, this element will be
design parameters. The design variables are codified in reproduced many times. This would lead to have clones
binary form and arranged in only one chromosome or significantly far from the global optimum. On the other
string. Thus, length of the chromosome is sum of the side when the fitness of the population is too uniform
bits need to represent each design variable and each and the convergence is slow because the search may
chromosome represents the whole structure. become a random walk.
Four differences separate GAs from more conven- To address these shortcomings, fitness scaling is of-
tional optimization techniques (Goldberg and Samtani ten used. The simplest way to scale fitness is linear
1986): (1) direct manipulation of a coding, (2) search scaling (Goldberg and Deb 1991):
from a population, not a single point, (3) search via
sampling, a blind search, (4) search using stochastic f 0 ¼ af þ b ð16Þ
operators, nondeterministic rules.
The implementation of the GAs usually involves the here, the scaled fitness f¢ is weighted by using two
following cycle: (1) evaluate the fitness of all of the coefficients a and b such that the average scaled fitness
individuals in the population; (2) create a new popu- f¢avg equals to the average of raw fitness favg and the
lation by performing operations such as reproduction, best individual fmax is scaled down to around 2f¢avg.
crossover and mutation on the individuals whose fit- However, fitness scaling does not work for all popula-
ness has just been measured; (3) discard the old pop- tions.
ulation and iterate using the new population. The Another approach is to use a selection with good
operations of the second step, which represents the selection pressure. Selection pressure is the degree to
heart of GA, are briefly described. which the better individuals are favored. For instance,
Reproduction is a process in which individual strings Goldberg and Deb (1991) proposed a scheme that
are copied according to their objective values, f (biol- randomly chooses a set of individuals from the popu-
ogist call this function the fitness function). Intuitively, lation and picks the best for reproduction. However,
one can think of the function f as some measure of the important genetic information of a good chromo-
profit, utility or fitness that we want to maximize. some can be ignored if it is in competition with better
Copying string according to their fitness values means elements.
that strings with a higher value have a higher proba- In this study a new approach is employed (Domin-
bility of contributing one or more offspring in the next guez et al. 2003), which considers the Table 1 to
generation. This operator, of course, is an artificial determine the number of times that one chromosome
version of natural selection, a Darwinian survival of the is reproduced. For example, if the size of the popula-
fittest among string creatures. In natural populations, tion n is 200 and the probability of reproduction Pr is
fitness is determined by a creature’s ability to survive 0.2; then the number of chromosomes to be copied (nr
predators, pestilence and the other obstacles to adult- = nPr) is 40 elements of the best elements. Thus, the
hood and subsequent reproduction. In our unabashedly 1st best element is copied six times, the 2nd and 3rd are
artificial setting, the objective function is the final copied five times, and so on until it is completed 40.
arbiter of the string-creature’s life or death. Therefore, the probability of reproduction can control
Many reasonable algorithms exist to enable the the speed of convergence.
individuals with the higher fitness values have the After reproduction operation, simple crossover may
higher chance to be selected into the mating pool. proceed in two steps. First, members of the newly
The most widely used technique is the proportional reproduced strings in the mating pool are randomly
fitness selection or roulette-wheel selection (Goldberg mated. Second, each pair of strings undergoes crossing
1989) that can be represented by the following over as follows: an integer position k along the string is
equation selected uniformly at random between 1 and the string

78 Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84

Table 1 Number of times to copy the chromosome the probabilistic rules. It is important to mention that
nr Times of copying there are other techniques such as the simulate
annealing (SA), evolutionary programming (EP),
2 2 evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) and Tabu
7 3,2,2
16 4,3,3,2,2,2
search that do not rely on gradient information and
30 5,4,4,3,3,3,2,2,2,2 have been used in the structural optimization area.
50 6,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2
77 7,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2
... ...
4 Illustrative examples

length minus one [1,n – 1]. Two new strings are created To demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the
by swapping all characters between positions k + 1 and proposed methodology, three practical 2D and 3D
n inclusively. truss structures have been optimized using the above-
Mutation is a low probability random operation, described GA method. The practical structures have
which may slightly perturb the design represented by been selected given the fact that the literature provides
the prodigy. The operator works on a bit-by-bit basis global optimum for the problems. The objective func-
and is governed by the probability of mutation. The tion is to minimize the weight or minimize both the
mutation operation allows each bit to change from 0 to weight and maximum nodal displacement. The selected
1 or vice versa. This operator also allows new zones to examples look at a limited number of aspects related to
be explored in the search space. performance than cost. Besides the constraints in
In optimization problem investigated in this study, Eqs. 6–8, structures are also guarded against the local
the design variables are the discrete cross-sectional buckling by Eqs. 10 and 11. In the problems discussed
area, the dimensions of the bay and the number of in this section the material is steel with modulus of
bays. Thus, the cost function may be continuous and elasticity E = 201 · 103 MPa, yield stress r y =
subsequently nondifferentiable function; thus, the 248.8 MPa and density q = 7,851.03 kg/m3.
gradient-based optimization routines imply some dif- In order to ensure practical designs the possible
ficulties because of the calculation of the gradients. cross-sectional areas will be selected from the profiles
Considering this, the optimization method should be available on the market. Two different groups of se-
chosen from the stochastic methods that have the lected steel profiles are presented in Table 2. The first
capacity of solving discrete and continuous problems group comprises only pipes. The second group contains
and are able to find the global optimum. W, S, HP and L profiles. In both groups the sections are
As was mentioned before, GAs have been selected arranged in an ascending order. All the specific prop-
due to its capacity to handle discrete design variables erties such as the cross-sectional area, the radius of
and also catch the global optimum point. Also, the gyration, the density (mass per unit length) and the
penalty functions can be easily incorporated in GAs moment of inertia of the cross-sections could be ob-
which is not the case for deterministic methods. In tained from the AISC standards (AISC 1989).
deterministic approaches the penalty methods have In the GAs process a single point crossover with a
often been criticized due to steep ridges that they im- probability of pc = 0.6 has been used. Consequently,
pose on otherwise smooth problems (Goldberg and the reproduction operation is conducted (Dominguez
Samtani 1986). These ridges can cause difficulty among et al. 2003) which requires to define a probability of
search techniques, which depend upon a particular reproduction, pr, which is assumed to be pr = 0.15.
shape of local search surface. However, this objection Moreover, the probability of mutation, pm, and the
is not relevant to GAs method since they do not de- initial population are assumed to be 0.005 and 150,
pend on continuity or derivative existence for their respectively. Since the GAs operations are performed
operation. independently, the sum of the probabilities of each
The GAs are significantly different from the most operation is not conditioned to be one.
deterministic design optimization techniques. The GAs
work with a coding of the design variables, as opposed 4.1 Example 1: optimization of a 22-bar planar
to working with the design variables directly. The truss structure
search is over a set of designs, unlike the traditional
algorithms, which start from a single point. Finally, the The 22-bar planar truss structure is shown in Fig. 1.
GAs require only the objective function information The structure is fixed at nodes 1 and 2 and a downward
(gradient information is not required) and is based on force of 49,050 N has been applied at the last node.

Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84 79

Table 2 Selected standard steel profiles from the manual AISC sectional area of the members. A minimum mass of
(AISC 1989) 243.1 kg has been obtained for this case. The optimum
Group I Group II results for cross-sectional areas are shown in Table 3. It
is noted that all constraints have been satisfied in the
SP1/2 L 1X1X1/8, L 1-1/2X1-1/2X1/4
EP1/2 L 2X2X1/4, L 2-1/2X2-1/2X5/16
optimum point. This problem has also been investi-
SP3/4 L 3X2X1/2, L 3X2-1/2X3/8 gated by Erbatur et al. (2000) and the mass of 248.8 kg
EP 3/4 L 3X3X1/2, L 3-1/2X3-1/2X3/8 has been reported using GAs. The true optimum mass
SP 1/2 L 3-1/2X2-1/2X1/2, W 8X10 is recorded as 238.1 kg which is obtained by evaluating
EP 1 L 4X3X1/2, L 6X3-1/2X3/8
SP 11/4 L 5X3X1/2, L 5X3-1/2X1/2
all the possible combination and the optimum profiles
SP 11/2 L 4X4X5/8, L 5X5X1/2 are provided in fifth column of Table 3. It can be
EP 11/4 W 12X19, L 6X6X1/2 realized that a slightly better optimum solution has
SP 2 L 6X4X5/8, L 7X4X5/8 been obtained in this study. It is also interesting to note
EP 11/2 L 9X4X9/16, W 14X26
EP 2 W 10X30, W 16X31
that in this case only six optimum profiles are matched
SP 21/2 W 14X34, HP 8X36 with the true optimum profiles; while 17 optimum
SP 3 L 8X4X1, W 10X39 profiles recorded by Erbatur et al. are matched with
EP 21/2 S 12X40.8, HP 10X42 true optimum result. However, the optimum mass in
SP 31/2 L 8X6X1, W 18X46
EP 3 W 12X50, L 8X8X1
this study turns out to be lower than that of Erbatur
SP 4 W 14X53, S 18X54.7 et al. (2000). This may be due to the fact that structural
EP 31/2 W 21X57, W 16X57 optimization problems are highly nonunimodal.
SP 5 HP 13X60, W 24X62 In the case II, the number of bays and the height of
EP 4 W 8X67, W 18X71
SP 6 S 20X75, W 12X79
the structure are also introduced as design parameters.
EP 5 W 14X82, S 20X86 Increased number of bays reduces the stresses and the
SP 8 W 16X89, W 21X93 buckling effect, however it increases the weight of the
EP 6 W 10X100, W 24X103 structure. It is interesting to note that the minimum
SP 10 W 14X109, W 18X119
EP 8 W 27X129, W 21X132
mass of 236.7 kg has been obtained in this case, which
SP 12 W 14X145, W 30X146 is about 1.4 kg lower than the true optimum result for
DEP 6 W 18X158, W 27X161 the original problem. This is due to the fact that in this
EP 10 W 33X169, W 24X176 study the topology was modified since the number of
EP 12 W 30X191, W 33X201
DEP 8 W 36X210, W 36X230
bays was included as design variable. Also the maxi-
mum nodal displacement was found to be 16% lower
SP, ES and DEP are standard pipe, extra strong and double extra than that of case I. The optimum height and the
strong, respectively
number of bays of the structure have found to be
2.095 m and 3, respectively. Knowing the total length
The objective function is to minimize the mass of the of structure and the number of bays, the length of the
structure under stress and slenderness ratio constraints. individual bay is automatically determined. It is noted
The allowable compressive stress has been determined that no constraint violation exists at the optimum
using Eqs. 10 and 11 according to the AISC standards. point.
The possible cross-sectional profiles are selected from The iteration history of the evolutionary process for
the elements of Group I in Table 2. cases I– III is shown in Fig. 2. Improvement of the
Three different cases have been investigated in this chromosomes through the process can be realized from
problem. Case I is a size optimization in which the this figure.
geometry and topology of the structure are assumed to In the trial III, a single bay has been optimized in
be fixed and the design variables are only the cross- order to find the optimum solution of the whole

Fig. 1 a Basic bay of a

statically determinate 22-bar
truss; b complete structure

a) b)

80 Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84

Table 3 Optimum results for 22-bar planar truss structure

Member Stress, r Case I rallow Case I k Case I True optimum Using GAs Case I Case II
( · 108 Pa) ( · 108 Pa) (Erbatur et al. 2000) (Erbatur et al. 2000)

1 –1.1558 –1.2576 51.8027 SP 3 1/2 SP 3 1/2 EP 3 SP 4

2 1.4827 1.4928 182.2689 EP 1 EP 1 SP 1 1/4 SP 2
3 –0.7372 –0.8977 100.0510 SP 3 SP 3 SP 2 SP 2
4 1.2984 1.4928 50.9096 SP 2 SP 2 SP 3 EP 2
5 –1.0804 –1.3037 44.0710 SP 3 1/2 SP 3 1/2 SP 3 1/2 EP 3
6 1.4669 1.4928 182.2689 EP 1 EP1 1/2 SP 1 1/4 SP 2
7 –0.7297 –0.8977 100.0510 SP 2 1/2 SP 2 1/2 SP 2 SP 2
8 1.3568 1.4928 62.3602 SP 2 SP 2 SP 2 1/2 SP 1 1/2
9 –1.0344 –1.2631 50.9096 SP 3 SP 3 SP 3 SP 2 1/2
10 1.4526 1.4928 182.2689 EP 1 EP 1 SP 1 1/4 SP 2
11 –0.7231 –0.8977 100.0510 EP 2 SP 2 1/2 SP 2
12 1.1645 1.4928 77.0955 SP 2 SP 2 EP 2
13 –1.0138 –1.1894 62.3602 SP 2 1/2 SP 2 1/2 SP 2 1/2
14 1.4405 1.4928 182.2689 EP 1 EP1 1/4 SP 1 1/4
15 –0.7176 –0.8977 100.0510 SP 1 1/2 SP 1 1/2 SP 2
16 1.4334 1.4928 94.7915 SP 2 SP 2 SP 1 1/2
17 –1.0704 –1.0995 75.0383 SP 2 SP 2 SO 2
18 1.4307 1.4928 182.2689 EP 1 SP 1 SP 1 1/4
19 –0.7132 –0.8977 100.0510 EP 3/4 SP 1 1/4 SP 2
20 1.3188 1.4928 183.9723 SP 2 SP 2 EP 3/4
21 –0.6482 –0.7828 112.7006 SP1 1/2 SP 1 1/2 EP 1 1/4
22 1.4894 1.4928 241.8310 EP 1 EP 1 1/2 EP 1
Mass (kg) 238.1 248.8 243.1 236.7

structure. The objective is to minimize the mass of total 293 kg has been obtained for this case. The optimum
structure through the optimization of the parameters of height and length of the bay was found to be 1.69 m
an individual bay. The total structure will then be and 3 m, respectively. The optimum cross-sectional
assembled through the multiplication of this single bay. profiles for elements 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the individual bay
The design variables are the member’s cross-sectional shown in Fig. 1a have been found to be SP-3-1/2, SP-1/
areas, the height and the number of bays. Knowing the 2, SP-1/2, EP-1-1/4, respectively, and none of the con-
length of the total structure, the length of each bay straints have been violated. It is noted that although
could be automatically determined. These design the optimum mass for this case is slightly higher than
variables are sufficient to define the size, topology and those in cases I and II, the less number of profiles re-
geometry of the whole structure. The minimum mass of quired to assemble the structure and thus enable an
easy fabrication, makes this approach extremely cost
effective and practical. The comparison between these
three cases is summarized in Table 4. It is clear that
case III is computationally significantly more efficient
than the other two cases.
Typical optimization of truss structures that find the
optimum cross sectional area or profile for each ele-
ment allows a more uniform distribution of the forces.
One of the intuitive optimality criteria methods is the
fully stressed design (FSD) which considers that ‘‘the
optimum design of each member of the structure that is
not at its minimum gage is fully stressed under at least
one of the design load conditions’’ (Haftka and Gürdal
1992). However, under this concept the final design
leads to have many different profiles for optimum
structure which is not practical in most of the cases. For
the case of proposed methodology it was observed that
Fig. 2 Genetic history of the objective function for size,
topology and geometry optimization of 22-bar plane truss for the distribution of forces is not as uniform as case I;
cases I–III however, the final design implies few profiles as it

Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84 81

Table 4 Comparison between different optimization cases and Y forces could stand for the inertia forces of the
Case I Case II Case III load and wind loads, respectively.
The direction of the diagonal member E1 is condi-
Objective function (kg) 243.1 236.7 293.0 tioned to change alternatively from one bay to the
Time (s) 345 451 91
Analyzed structures 13,554 16,937 3564
adjacent bay. Two different cases have been investi-
Space solution 1.298e33 6.646e35 5.368e8 gated. In case I, the objective is to minimize the mass
Bits of chromosome 110 119 29 of the whole structure through optimization of an
Number of bays 5 3 3 individual bay. However in case II, the objective is to
Number of elements 22 10 10
Iterations 100 100 29
simultaneously minimize the mass and maximum nodal
Dispmax (m) 0.0409 0.0343 0.0297 displacement. The weighing factor of 20,000 has been
Height (m) 2.0 2.065 1.69 considered for the displacement component in order to
provide the same preference for both displacement and
mass. The possible profiles are extracted from the
happens in many real truss structures which is our group II of Table 2. The iteration history for the
objective. average and optimum solution of the evolutionary
process in both cases I and II is shown in Fig. 5.
4.2 Example 2: optimization of a single lacing space A minimum mass of 1,677 and 2,724 kg have been
truss structure obtained for cases I and II, respectively. The maximum
nodal displacement for cases I and II are 56 and
In this section, the proposed methodology has been 49 mm, respectively. The final optimum design for
applied to optimize a single-lacing truss structure as both cases recommends five bays. The final design for
shown in Fig. 3. These kinds of structures are usually the cross-sectional areas (type of profiles), the height of
used to construct various types of cranes (Fig. 4). structure and the number of bays for both cases is gi-
Practically, the whole structure shown in Fig. 3b can ven in Table 5.
easily be fabricated by using a basic bay shown in From Fig. 5 it is observed that when two objective
Fig. 3a. The basic bay has nine elements. Taking criteria are in conflict, as is the case of the displacement
advantage of the symmetry in the structure, it has been and mass, the curve of the objective function zigzags
assume that the elements 2 and 3, 4 and 5 and 7 and 8 due to the penalizations. Furthermore, it is noted that a
are similar. Thus, six design variables can define the small reduction for the maximum displacement re-
size (cross-sectional area) of the profiles used for these quires larger profiles. Examination of Table 5 reveals a
elements. Geometry and topology of the structure can violation of the allowable stress for each case. This
also be defined by using the width, the height and the problem can be solved by imposed higher stress pen-
number of bays as design variables. As illustrated in alty coefficient cp1 in Eq. 12 which can lead to heavier
Fig. 3b, the structure is fixed from one side and the structures. A more practical solution is reinforcing just
forces of 78,480 N in Z-direction, 7,848 N in Y-direc- that member with a stronger profile. It should be noted
tion and 3,924 N in X-direction are applied at the last that although with proper weighting coefficient, the
two nodes on the other side of structure. The lateral X same importance for maximum displacement and mass

Fig. 3 a Description of the (a) (b)

basic bay of a single lacing
space truss structure; b
cantilever truss structure with
five bays

82 Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84

Table 5 Results for different cases of optimization of a single-

lacing space truss structure
Case I Case II

Objective Mass Mass + disp.

Mass (kg) 1,677 2,724
Max. disp (m) 0.056 0.049
Stress violations E3 of 14.9% E2 of 51%
k violations 0 0
Time (s) 1,015 1,052
Analyzed 31,417 31,670
E1 L 3X2-1/2-3/8 L 3X2-1/2X3/8
E2, E3 W 10X30 W 10X30
E4, E5 4 L 2-1/2X2-1/2X5/16 L 3X2-1/2X3/8
E6 L 1-1/2X1-1/2X1/4 L 1-1/2X1-1/2X1/4
E7, E8 L 3X3X1/2 L 3-1/2X3-1/2X3/8
E9 4 L 2-1/2X2-1/2X5/16 W 14X26
Final design 5 bays, 5 bays,
width = 1.1984 m width = 1.706 m
Fig. 4 A tower crane constructed with the single lacing space height = 2.668 m height = 2.888 m
truss structures

is considered, the output optimum mass and maximum The structure is assumed to have a length of 9 m in
displacement are not necessarily varying with the same both X and Y directions with equal number of bays on
proportion. In other words increase of 62.4% in mass both sides. The objective is to minimize the mass of the
of structure does not produce 62.4% reduction in whole structure through the optimization of the
deflection because the optimized structure in this case parameters of the individual bay. The design variables
(case II) has different configuration and profile with are the cross-sectional areas of the members in a basic
respect to case I. bay as shown in Fig. 6a, which are selected from Group
I in Table 2. The height of the structure and the
4.3 Example 3: optimization of a double-layer grid number of bays in X or Y directions are evaluated after
space truss structure the optimization is completed. The optimum results
have been provided in Table 6. A minimum mass of
A double-layer grid structure has been shown in Fig. 6. 1,767 kg has been obtained. The optimum structure
This type of structure is commonly used as roof sup- consists of six bays in each X and Y directions with
ports as illustrated in Fig. 7. The basic unit shown in total of 409 elements and 98 nodes (287 DOF).
Fig. 6a has been used to construct the whole structure It is noted that the final design is a practical struc-
shown in Fig. 6b. ture with only ten types of elements, which are com-
mercially available. This will naturally cause drastic
reduction in assembly and fabrication cost of the whole
structure. It should be noted that stress constraints
have been violated in some members in final design.
Although this violation is not significant, it can be
easily remedied using stronger elements for those
members. This is possible since the violations and the
number of elements violating the stress constraint are
Although it is desirable to have more supports to
prevent buckling of the members at the supports, in
this example it was considered a critical condition with
only four supports as it can be observed in Fig. 6.
However, this is not a limitation for the proposed
methodology. Also, it should be noted that the meth-
Fig. 5 Genetic history of the objective function for size, odology could be applied when there is an offset grid
topology and geometry optimization of examples 2 and 3 between the lower and the respective upper nodes

Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84 83

Fig. 6 a A single bay is (a) (b)

considered to construct the
double-layer grid 3D truss
structure; b schematic
representation of the
structure with 4 · 6 bays

which is the case of Fig. 7. For this case the basic bay 5 Conclusions
should be modified to include that offset grid. Fur-
thermore, since the analysis of the structures is made Structural problems are most of the time solved as
using FEM and considering the whole structure, any direct problems. The designer who is facing a problem
support and load can be applied at any position. as any of the above presented in this paper is tempted
It is convenient to mention that the optimization of to produce a configurational structure and work to-
truss structures using the proposed methodology could wards accurate evaluating of the cross-section of each
yield larger mass values compared with the case when member of the structure. Such an approach signifi-
each element is optimized; but these optimized designs cantly limits the capability of producing a topology
have limited practical application because they could optimized design. The proposed method based on GAs
imply many different profiles. Furthermore, when the optimization techniques enables the designer to find
optimum design of the structure requires changes in the optimal solution from a large map of possible de-
the parameters between the bays such as tapered signs to achieve an optimal solution for the inverse
structures, the modularity concept will not be effective. problem.

Table 6 Result for the optimum design of the double-layer grid

Optimization process
Variables 12: high, number of bays
and ten for profiles
Chromosome (bits) 59
Load 50 kg/m2
Penalty functions The same as the trial II
Penalty coefficients Cp1 = 6.5, cp2 = 8, cp3 = 1
Mass (kg) 1,767
Profiles E1 = SP 3/4, E2 = SP 3/4,
E3 = SP 3/4 E4 = EP 1,
E5 = SP 3/4, E6 = SP 3/4,
E7 = SP 1/2, E8 = SP 1-1/4,
E9 = SP 1-1/4, E10 = SP 1-1/4
Stress violations 7 bay (1,1) = 11%
(element and 2 bay (2,1) = 2%
associated bay) 2 bay (2,1) = 1.7%
6 bay (6,1) = 4.6%
k violations 0
Max. disp. (m) 0.0469
Bay Six per side and high
Fig. 7 Typical application of the structure in roof supports of 1.079 m
(Courtesy of Luis Palomé, Constructor)

84 Res Eng Design (2006) 17:73–84

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