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Effectiveness and efficiency of

Computerized Inventory

Monitoring System for E.S Argao

Aluminum and Glass Services.

Aspan, Jason Henrique

Galang, John Kenneth

Mondia, Joash

A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
Department of Information Technology
of the
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.1

The researchers would like to thank our colleagues who provided insight and expertise
that greatly assisted, although they may not agree with all the interpretations and
conclusions of this paper. The researchers would also like to show our gratitude to our
friends and families for sharing their pearls of wisdom with us during this research. The
researcher would like to thank Mr. Rodolfo De Guzman, for correcting us in our honest
mistakes in our papers. And most especially the researchers would like to thank God, for
giving us enough knowledge.
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.2
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.3


We certify that this Research Thesis entitled Effectiveness and efficiency of

Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao Aluminum and
Glass Services presented to the Faculty of the Department of computer
studies of San Pedro College of Business Administration in the Second
Semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021 is our own and is our original work
except as specified in the acknowledgments and the reference.

We certify that this Thesis has never been published before, nor presented to
the SPCBA or any ither institution for the completion of an academic degree.

Aspan, Jason

Galang, John Kenneth

Mondia, Joash

San Pedro City, Laguna

May 2021
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.4

Table of Contents
Chapter 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY………………………………………………………………………………………….2

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM………………………………………………………………………………………..3

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY……………………………………………………………………………………………..4

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………………………………………………………5

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………………………………………………………6


SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………………………………………7

SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………...8

DEFINITIONS OF TERMS…………………………………………………………………………………………………9

CHAPTER 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

FOREIGN LITERATURE……………………………………………………………………………………………………11

LOCAL LITERATURE……………………………………………………………………………………………………….12

FOREIGN STUDIES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………14

LOCAL STUDIES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16


CHAPTER 3…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………………………………….19

REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION ………………………………………………………………….………………20



DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE………………………………………………………………………………….25

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………….25

STATISTICAL TREATMENT……………………………………………………………………………………………26
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.5

CHAPTER 4……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….27

Question number 1………………………………………………………………………………………………….28

Question number 2……………………………………………………………………............................29

Question number 3………………………………………………………………………………………………….30

Question number 4………………………………………………………………………………………………….31

Question number 5………………………………………………………………………………………………….32

CHAPTER 5……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….33



Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.6



Monitoring and managing inventory can be nuisance and time-consuming. Especially if the

company are still relying on a manual procedures on tracking and analyzing products from

stocks to sales. Manual inventory system might be cost efficient but still can be resulting in a

room for more errors such as miscalculating stocks, inconsistency in date entry, miss-keying

informations and etc. Companies that mass produces products and stores a massive amount

of stocks might find it very difficult to maintain and organize their inventory.

More than likely there is a chance of losing, misplaced or accidentally thrown away the hard

copied records and receipts by the employees at the end of day. Another concern is having

some miscalculations using manual calculations regarding the number of item bought and

item price. This action is prone to human error. The proponents proposed an Automated

System to fix the problems.

Most businesses nowadays, uses computers in transacting with their customers. Businesses

are now making their systems computerized because using a computerized system will help

minimize the time and efforts consumed by using manual system. Nowadays, the industrial

materials manufacturing business are equipped with the latest Information Technology

Systems that allows them to operate effectively in the efficient sales of their products. On the
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.7

inventory control section, it helps them tracked and monitored incoming and outgoing

materials. It gave them, up to date status and detailed information on each item on their

inventory. Clearly automated system is very competitive and will have a big advantage on

others employing a manual system.


The Inventory Monitoring System is a web-based Application to be used by ES. Argao Glass

and Aluminum services employees.

The Inventory Monitoring System is a web-based software written on PHP, JavaScript, CSS and

HTML with a MySQL datebase. The system will run on a workstation (desktop or laptop) with

at least Windows XP or higher windows operating system.

Background of study:

In our study, we chose E.S Argao Glass and Aluminum Services as our client for the proposed

system. (former Glass and Aluminum Works) was established in 1995 by Mr. Elpidio S. Argao,

currently located at Putatan Muntinlupa City. Our client is operating under a form of manual

system. By doing interview with our client and employees, we easily found out some of the

problems. The problems are the way of recording and tracking and monitoring their Inventory

written on a hard copied files. The records of their products were just written on a notebook

and receipts are not properly filed. Because of this, the proponents decided on helping the
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.8

company by innovating their way of managing and monitoring their inventory, the proponents

will be developing an automated inventory monitoring system. By this they can store and track

their inventory’s data and manage it in an accurate and convenient way.

Statement of the problem

The general problem of the company is struggling to maintain and monitor their inventory.

Because they’re still relying on a manual process which is prone for more errors and in-

accurate at the same time.

Before conducting an interview with the client, the proponents listed the questions pertaining

to the inventory monitoring system. Stated below are the three problems:

1. Manual inventory system follows a decentralized approach; this means the data isn’t

updated in real-time, and inventory levels are updated periodically.

2. The company find it very inconvenient in relying on manual tracking and recording of

their inventory

3. Keeping tabs on inventory in warehouse not only time consuming, but also increases

labor cost. Manual inventory systems fail to sort and label inventory in a systematic

manner. This can result in misplaced, unused and outdated inventory.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.9

Objectives of the study:

To be able to develop and implement an inventory monitoring system that will manage and

keep track of the company’s inventory. Designing and creating an inventory monitoring

system that will benefit a company that will consistently monitor and accurately process the

inventory records.

The researchers proposed to create a web-based inventory monitoring system for E.S Argao

Glass and Aluminum Services. This would adhere to the following specific objectives:

1. To develop a web-based system to maintain a systematic record of inventory.

2. To develop a web-based system to facilitate furnishing of data for short and long-term

planning with a controlled inventory.

3. To develop a web-based system to ensure everlasting inventory control so that materials

shown in stock records should be physically present in the warehouse..

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.10

Theoretical frame work:

Inventory management refers to the process by which you track the amount of products you

have on your warehouse shelf, in store or sitting with other retailers and distributors. This

enables you to succeed in having the right number of units in the right place, at the right

time and for the right price.

When effectively tracking and controlling your physical inventory, you’ll know how many of

each item you have, when you might be running low on products and whether you should

replenish that item in order to keep selling it.

The concept on inventory keeping, importance of inventory keeping and its fundamental

role in the process of efficient information production and collection is used as basic by the

proponents in the formulation of general objectives and important factors to be considered

in developing the features that should be included in the proposed inventory monitoring


Hence, there are systems that tend to manage the given data of the inventory whether in

the way of manipulating or just monitoring that specific data. However, there are always

better systems that are more efficient and effective but this does not mean that the system

should just stay in its current limitations; it should improve and surpass its limitations. This

also requires a good managing and operating skills of the employees that are using it.
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.11

A computerized inventory monitoring system manages to simplify inventory tasks, whether

it is tracking the flow of the product or just checking stocks availability. It tends to lessen the

manpower or human efforts in terms of management making it convenient to the user.

Conceptual frame work:


information upon Designing and Inventory
analysis monitoring system
determining the
features and with CMS (content
functionality management
Review of related system) for E.S
needed for the
systems Argao Aluminum
and Glass Services


Input – The proponents gather data and necessary information needed to develop the


Process – the proponents conducted the system according to the information gathered

from the inputs.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.12

Output – This is the product of the information from inputs and the process.

Feedback – This is the response of the client about the system on what to improve or


Significance of study:

The system provides access to the inventory with an ease. Enabling the user to track the flow

of stocks from inbound to out-bound. The system can help the user to identify what stage

each of your products occupies. Users can oversee production levels and figure out where

any potential problems start. With a additional proper training to best store

your inventory is a great way to remain efficient and save time throughout your entire

process. The system can predict stock-outs, manage multiple locations, and ensure accurate

recordkeeping. An inventory solution makes these processes easier than trying to do them

all manually. The results of this system are beneficial to the following recipients:

Admin: It will have an access in one platform system which can have the overall access of

the other following beneficiaries.

I.A Inventory Assistant/ Record Keeper: it can help inventory personnel to manage and

monitor inventory conveniently.

Accounting: it will help accounting officers when it comes to finances, which will help them

on tracking products sales.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.13

Marketing: Can easily make overall directions and objectives regarding on product

distributions, budgeting and sales.

Customer: having an inventory monitoring system helps the company prevent stock-out’s.

which enables their business to provide products and services needed resulting to increase

customer satisfaction.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


The system covers the E.S Argao Glass and Aluminum Services company which are

the inventory officers and employees. The system will be used by admins from the

managers themselves and inventory assistants which are employed and manages the

company itself. The system has 2 types of entry. First which are the admins access

and the authorized personnel access. The Admins, as before mentioned will become

the managers and Inventory authorized personnel because they monitor the

constant changes of the inventory throughout each activity. They also have the

access to manipulate data within the system. They can change the products price,

add products and products details, the availability of the product itself. archive certain

information, and much more. The Accounting department can also log-in into the admin

page so that they can input data to the admin page such as updated price that varies
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.14

depending on which type of products. The second are the customers. Customers who wants

to know more about the company’s products and offerings, they also have the ability to

send their concerns directly through the system or via contact details that are provided only

by the company.


A limitations of this system is that customers can only have a restricted access to the system

to view the latest available products and services that the company is promoting and

offering, also the company’s contact details such as active email, social media sites and

contact numbers. As per the inventory it is only accessible by an authorized personnel such

as inventory assistant and inventory manager can only have the ability to access, monitor

and manipulate the system.

Definition of Terms:

Nuisance: an entity, thing, scenario or circumstance that is causing inconvenience or


I.A (inventory Assistant): are responsible for keeping inventory operations smooth and

efficient in the inventory room, receiving department, and the front-end sales floor in retail

environments. They are supervised by managers and primarily work in warehouses.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.15

FIFO (First in First out): Inventory management seeks to sell older products first so that the

business is less likely to lose money when the products expire or become obsolete.

LIFO (last in, first out): inventory management applies to nonperishable goods and uses

current prices to calculate the cost of goods sold.

CMS – Content Management System

CRUD – Create, Read, Update, Del

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.16


This chapter presents some foreign and local literature and studies relevant to the

subject of this research.


This discusses the foreign and local literature. The information’s indicated were gathered in

internet sites, journals and various books relating to the researcher’s topic These literatures

will help in familiarizing the information about the relevant and similar to the present study.

We use different sources to gather information that we need for our research such as

internet sites, books and other related research

Foreign Literature

Computer-based system is a complex system wherein information technology plays a major

role. It makes the work easier, faster and more accurate. Due to that fact the automated

scheme has become essential to small and big companies for they are expected to give the

best services possible. Nevertheless, some businesses still prefer sticking with the system

that is not integrated with technology. Probable causes are computer illiterate staff and lack

of funds. Companies, especially the big ones are recommended to switch from manual to
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.17

automated systems because this will improve the efficiency and productivity of the business

which will uplift the industry’s reputation of the most sought after automated systems of

different companies is a purchasing and inventory system which comes hand in hand. $

purchasing and inventory system is very important in every organization because a good

purchase and inventory management can create excellent productivity. Primarily, inventory

work consists of input, output and restock. Input is a process of buying new products into

the inventory and replacing the old products with the new ones. meanwhile, output is a

procedure of taking out the products from the inventory for sales or usage and refill is a

process of increasing the number of existing products in the inventory in order to fulfill the

insufficient products or escalating demands Most of the retailing market is using traditional

way in the inventory management system where a person is assigned to check and record

the stock by hand using pen and paper. It is where operations with regards to all the stock

will be archived.

Local Literature

Clinic Management System

Also the transaction of the pharmacy is somewhat part of the technician responsibilities,

he/she must provide valuable data to help and make more knowledgeable in purchasing and

inventory control decisions. The literature Pharmacy and Inventory Management System

says that PMIS is a synergetic combination of four distinct functions that are vital to a
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.18

hospital pharmacy Dispensing, Billing, Purchasing and Inventory. With emphasis on a

decentralized workflow for front counter operations and a centralized back-office, it can be

readily integrated with outpatient clinic information system Modern healthcare

establishments demand speed and accuracy from their front-end or counter operations.

PIMS provides these advantages in the form of improved and efficient workflow for the

pharmacy department. The deployment of the system results in an efficient workflow with

quick patient turnaround. The Patient Registration module allows the user to retrieve

existing patient information from the designated patient master database. It also allows new

patient information to be created which would then get updated into the same database.

The patient master database holds all relevant patient information, which can be retrieved

by all the integrated systems in the hospital. Local Literature Pharmacy System; it is part of

the Hospital Information System designed for the Doctor’s Clinic and Hospital. This system

application was created using Visual Basic. NET and MS SQL. The System is designed to work

with any platforms (Windows or Linux). The project’s scope is principally comprised of

developing a Point of Sales (POS) and Inventory System that is fully integrated with the

hospital-wide system intended to be deployed in the hospital.

The system, being just one of the components of the hospital-wide system, is limited in

handling those Pharmacy-related activities only including sales, inventory and report
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.19

generation. According to the group Wallen Mae Arancillo, the system works as follows: • The

Automated Inventory System starts from storing the coding numbers of each product into a

database file. • It will automate the inventory system as displaying the number of products

purchased and it automatically save the number of products sold. The Automated Inventory

System that we are to develop helps to make the process management become more

efficient and easier. • It is designed with an optimized and systematic Automated Inventory

System that has a user – friendly interface as well as a systematic and automated approach

for easier handling and this improved the Data Management System. Silver Net Inventory

System is a complete web based inventory management system that performs the functions

of Purchases, Sales and payments

Foreign Studies

Korean Red Ginseng Enterprise - Sales and Inventory System

under the Korean Red Ginseng Enterprise Sales and Inventory System, the researchers came

up with a computerized sales and inventory system. The proponents used database to easy

access of files and for easier and faster processing of the selling and inventory transaction.

the program was designated to generate reports such as monthly reports, inventory reports,
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.20

sales invoice and list of items. In connection with the proposed system, the proponents

proposed a new and faster way of processing business

Monitoring and Inventory for discovery Averion, Gaela, and Libo (2009)

In the study from Averion, Gaela, and Libo 2009 entitled (Monitoring and Inventory for

discovery it stated that It will minimize the difficulty of the manager in processing

inventory because physical counting products, stocks and computing inventory summary will

be the system job. It will monitor the availability of products, items to prevent under

stocking, over stocking and running out of stock. +he system will also simplify the transaction

between dealer and supplier relationship because of the updated supplier information and

price list of items will correspond to collaboration with other supplier

Osaka Sales and Inventory System Laranang, Maaño and Nañola (2009)

The study entitled Osaka Sales and Inventory System Laranang, Maaño, and Nañola 2009

states that business nowadays takes the advantage of using modern technology to improve

their status and ensuring an efficient and newer way to make their work easier. +hey state

that the main problem of the Osaka Iridology is what modern effective tool must be use in

creating and developing a sales and inventory system that will manage efficiently their
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.21

transaction. So they develop a system that inclusively for the transaction of Osaka Iridology,

such as monitoring of their medicine and their daily sales

Local Studies

Sale Inventory System

It is without a doubt that one of the major roles played by today in almost every area in the

society particularly in business and marketing is the computerized system. this system

enables us to make every detailed work and follows accurate directives without error. This

study is prepared for the implementation of the Sales Inventory System in Borderless Hub

Philippines, Inc. located in Rm.306-307 Pink Walters Building Quimpo Boulevard, Davao City.

In order to know the problem, we conducted an interview with the managing team for sales,

billing, and inventory. +his led us to problems like the manual time-consuming record of

documents, billing errors and difficulty in data retrieval. The basic advantages of the

proposed system are to make the process fast and well-organized which means that they

can process much more 4uickly than humans. Data retrieval has to be searched in lots of

registers slowly and it wastes a lot of time. The current system that the company uses is

manual receipt recording. It makes the data not reliable enough as it is handwritten and

there is a high probability of errors to occur. Data recording consumes a lot of space since it

is stored in cabinets and folders. It is also prone to data loss where it could be missing

because of improper file management. Inventory is a company’s merchandise, goods and

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.22

materials that are contained in the store factory at any given time. The employees need to

know how many units of their products are available for reservation and sales and the items

that are sold. All of these rely on the inventory system to present solutions. +he sales

inventory system would provide service to the user, input information to the database,

summarize the inquiry of bills, and manage the product releases and storage. This would

generate a faster improvisation of work given less time and effort

Computerized inventory management systems

According to Thomas M. Mc Hugh (2011) computerized inventory management systems

provide many benefits that are hard to obtain using paper methods or an in-house

spreadsheet. Systems that are specific to the lab can be used relatively 4uickly without a

significant learning curve or system customization. The ability to analyze the inventory, item

usage, purchasing history, and other areas (e.g., lot numbers, equipment2 are important

improvements to spreadsheets and paper systems. If the system includes equipment

tracking, it can be used to determine the capital asset as well as track the service history and

lifespan of e4uipment. +he ability to streamline and automate many of the inventory control

tasks will be increasingly important to reduce hands-on time while improving the analysis of

trends, reducing stock-outs, and avoiding expiring reagents. the ability to ensure that the

right reagent in the right 4uantity is present at the right time is critical to laboratory

operations. 7iven that reagents are approximately one-half of most labs operating budgets,
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.23

a continued focus on this expense will assist the laboratory in continuing to provide accurate

and timely laboratory testing at the lowest cost

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literatures and Studies

The proponents believe that every literature and every studies stated in this research is

similar on the present study The proponents relate and differentiate the research based on

the flow of their transaction from the proposed study. The transaction and process and also

the design specialization will easy help to acquire and accommodate and communicate with

the user. The proponents get and use other research in this chapter, in which it helps to

them, because they get knowledge during creating the systems


inventory whether manual or computerized, both of that having advantages and

disadvantages for the business, this chapter gives an idea also for the reader to review

what’s use of Inventory to the business

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.24

CHAPTER 3 – Research Methodology

This chapter presents the method of research utilized in this study. This also includes
the research design, respondents of the study, data gathering instrument,
procedure, and statistical treatment used in the study.

Analysis and Design



Initial planning
Deployment and Maintenance

Evaluation Testing

Figure 2: Iterative Development Approach

1. System Planning - The proponents start the development by planning and analyzing what

will be the system is all about. What are the requirements to be gathered in order to fulfill

this project.

2. System Analysis - The proponents studied the existing process of inventory of the client to

create better features for the system. The proponents learned that the existing process of
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.25

the client has no computerized method and are only relying on manual recording of


3. Requirements – The proponents were able to determine and acquire all the necessary

information and requirements needed to complete the whole system. The information

needed were gathered through the research, interview, observation and other possible ways

to gather information.

4. System Design - The fourth phase is design. The proponents determined the process and

features that are required and essential to the system.

5. System Implementation - The fifth phase is the implementation. In this phase, the system

is created and tested for the management and employees of E.S Argao Aluminum and Glass

services. The system will undergo in a test and it will be given to the client to be used.

6. System Operation and Support - The last phase of the cycle is operation and support. The

proponents ensure that the system will be able to provide what the clients requested. The

system will also have maintenance for the update of the contents of the website.

Requirements Specification

The system has different features made for the required features of the client. It must have

the ability to make the system desired by the client in order for them to have convenience,

faster and less-hassle inventory process, viewable products and easy-access user interface.
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.26

The system will allow the admin to make account for the employees, by using their account

that was assigned to their designated employees, they have the ability to monitor and

navigate through their inventory with an ease. They can also manipulate data by adding and

removing specific products. Customers also have limited access to the system. The

customers can view available products that the company is selling also they can

communicate to the company by sending an email or contacting them using the given

contact details given. The following are the features recommended by the researchers:

• Update content and design of the system

• View and manipulate inventory (User and Administrator)

• View and change inventory details (Administrator)

Method of Research

The researchers create a computerized inventory system to assist ES Argao in the

development process as it gives control over the system project. In this chapter will discuss

the detail about the method or instrument to conduct the research on the inventory control

system practice in ES Argao transaction processing. This chapter will discuss the method and

step on how to develop the inventory control using PHP Framework.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.27

Cost and Benefits Analysis

A computerized inventory system makes everything from inputting information to

taking inventory easier. Doing a hand count inventory can take days, but with a computerized

inventory management, the same process can be done in a matter of hours. With this,

manager can use much their time on serious problems rather than that inventory counting.

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The target population of this research is 50 employees of ES Argao. The number of

respondent of this research should be within reasonable range for it statistically significant.

The sample size for the client should be 50 individuals.


It will use this technique to collect information about how the current system operates and

its processes. This involves systematically watching and recording the behavior and

characteristics of operations and processes.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.28

Researchers will prepare a number of questionnaires whereby Researchers will submit them

to the company managers to get a deeper insight of how the system is going to work.

Researchers prefer this method because it gives more information from various individuals

and offers greater flexibility as the opportunity to restructure questions.


Part 1: Background information of the respondents.

Fill in the questions below by ticking where appropriate

1. Gender: MALE FEMALE

2. Job Description:

3. Name:

Kindly please check your desired answer.

4 3 2 1

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.29

Inventory system
effectively helps track
what's in stock and
what's on backorder, so
you don't oversell
Computerized Systems
help reduced the risk of
human error

Effective inventory
management software
can provide invaluable
sales data, allowing for
more data-driven
business decisions.

Accurate inventory
monitoring helps you
know whats in stock and
order only the amount
of inventory you need to
meet demand

Computerized inventory
helps in keeping
perpetual inventory and
other records to facilitate
the preparation of
accurate material
reports management.


Employees of ES Argao Glass and Aluminum Services were chosen as respondent for

the said proposal because they can test and verify the method to ensure that all of the

required data is obtained. They will be also evaluating the system for us to gather required

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.30

System Testing

This phase requires organization to complete various tests to ensure the accuracy of

the programmed code, the inclusion of expected functionality and interoperability of

application. Erroneous codes are rewritten and tested again until desired outputs is achieved.


In order to get the goal in this study the researchers will take the availability and reliability of

the data or in the formation. The researchers gathered data through surveys and interviews.

The survey is comprised of questions which will be rated depending on the respondents if they

strongly aggreed or disagreed. It consists of questions related to the system that the

researchers are trying to create. Their experiences will greatly help the improvement of the

system. The researchers will hand out survey questionnaire to the respondents within the

company conducted via online survey.

Research Instrument

For the instruments to be used, the researchers organized a series of questions concerning

the opinions and perceptions of the managers and employees of the company regarding the

use of computerized inventory monitoring system. The questions are specifically devised to

obtain a clear vision of the managers and employees of the company preference in using a

computerized system to monitor and manipulate their inventory. The Structured Interview is

used to measure the relevant data provided by respondent’s specific feedback regarding to
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.31

the inventory monitoring system. This instrument will allow the researches to determine the

exact degree in which their participants answer

Statistical treatment

For the data processing, the researchers will be using the Population Standard Deviation as it

processes all the value of the population that they needed for the study
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.32



This chapter presents the summary of data gathered, the analysis and interpretation of

data according to the statement of the problems presented.

Presentation and analysis

Frequency table

4 3 2 1

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

The researchers surveyed the respondents based on their own insights regarding to the
effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed system.

Frequency table showed the rate of respondents collected by the researcher based on the
participants perceptions on the proposed system. The researchers used the 4 -point Likert
Scale, (1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree)
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.33

Question number 1: Inventory monitory system effectively helps track what's in stock and

what's on backorder, so you don't oversell products.

value respondents frequency score

4 32 64.00% 128

3 10 02.00% 30

2 5 01.00% 10

1 3 06.00% 3

total 50 100% 171

Total Score: 171 /200

Table number 1 clealy indicates that the majority among all of the respondents (64.00%)

Strongly agrees to the effectiveness of having an inventory monitoring system effectively

helps to prevent oversell products. Those who disagreed (01.00%) and strongly disagreed

(06.00%) are still embeded in the traditional manual tracking of the inventory. But they are

still out numbered by the individuals who strongly agreed.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.34

Question number 2: Computerized Systems help reduced the risk of human error.

value respondents frequency score

4 30 06.00% 120

3 15 03.00% 45

2 5 01.00% 10

1 0 0 0

total 50 100% 175

Total score: 175/ 200

Out of 50 respondents (06.00%) = 30 respondents strongly agreed and (03.00%) = 15

respondents agreed that Coputeried System helps reduced the risk of human error. But still

we have (01.00%) total of 5 respondents that disagreed.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.35

Question number 3: Effective inventory management software can provide invaluable sales

data, allowing for more data-driven business decisions

value respondents frequency score

4 32 64.00% 128

3 17 34.00% 51

2 1 02.00% 2

1 0 0 0

total 50 100% 181

Total Score: 181/200

This table shows that 49 out of 50 respondents Strongly agreed (64.00%) , agreed (34.00%)

and only 1 of them disagreed that effective inventory management software can provide

invaluable sales data, allowing for more data-driven business decisions,

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.36

Question number 4: Accurate inventory monitoring helps you know whats in stock and

order only the amount of inventory you need to meet demand.

value respondents frequency score

4 39 78.00% 156

3 11 22.00% 33

2 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

total 50 100% 189

Total Score: 189/200

39 respondents = (78.00%) strongly agreed and 11 respondents = (22.00%) agreed. That

accurate inventory monitoring helps the company know whats in stock and order only the

amount of inventory they need to meet demand.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.37

Question number 5: Computerized inventory helps in keeping perpetual inventory and other

records to facilitate the preparation of accurate material reports management.

value respondents frequency score

4 35 7.00% 140

3 13 26.00% 39

2 2 04.00% 4

1 0 0 0

total 50 100% 183

Total score: 183/200

This tables shows that (7.00%) total of 35 respondents and (26.00%) total of 13 respondents

agreed and strongly agreed that computerized inventory helps in keeping perpetual

inventory and other records to facilitate the preparation of accurate material reports

managent. And only 2 respondents disagreed total of (04.00%).

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.38

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


This study’s goal is to design, generate and implement a computerized inventory monitoring

system for E.S Argao Aluminium and Glass Services. This system will provide a medium for

the administration to properly handle and ergonomically manage their inventory data,

stocks information needed for their company sales. This system stipulates online forms that

they must fill-in with their information (e.g. personal, products information).


This chapter presents the conclusion that aims to answer the questions raised from the start

and the recommendations wanted to share to the people concerned to solve the problems

discovered in this study.

Based on the data gathered after conducting the proposed system, the proponents came up

to the following findings:

The proposed system will help lessen the time and effort needed for the staffs to manipulate

their inventory. This also will cut down the demanded effort for staffs to manually

manipulate and monitor their inventory

• The proposed system will have user accounts that will be handle by the company manager

or owner and inventory assistant.

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.39

• The proposed system has user-friendly interfaces, straight-forward navigation and

unproblematic usage.

• The proposed system is reliable in terms of storage and management of inventory’s

information which includes reclamation and capacity to handle errors.


After thorough deliberation, study and evaluation of the results and conclusions presented,

the proponents firmly recommend the following:

1. Add another feature to the system which is company’s contact information showcasing

that includes contact details, social media accounts, email and more of their information.

2. Create company’s advertisements and announcements in the home page of the website.


Clinic Management System

Retrieve from:


Monitoring and Inventory for discovery Averion, Gaela, and Libo (2009)
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.40

Retrieve from:


Osaka Sales and Inventory System Laranang, Maaño and Nañola (2009)

Retrieve from:


Korean Red Ginseng Enterprise - Sales and Inventory System

Retrieve from:


Sale Inventory System

Retrieve from:


Computerized inventory management systems

Retrieve from:
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.41



Appendix A:

Hardware and Software Specification

Analysis, Design and Development of Computerized Inventory monitoring System

requirements Software and Hardware Specification of the following:


Operating System Windows XP and higher version

Database provider My SQL

Programming laguage HTML, CSS, PHP

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.42

Internet 2mbps or higher internet connection

Software Specifications

Hardware Specifications


PROCESSOR Intel i3 or higher

HARD DISK At least 100 gb or higher

Memory At least 2gb RAM or higher

System Type 32-64bit

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.43

Appendix B:

Hierarchical Input Process Output Chart

• Administrator – Can UPDATE, DELETE inventory informations, users, company details and

contact details,VIEW inventory status.

. • Customer– can view company and inventory informations. Cannot UPDATE, DELETE
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.44

Appendix B: Hierarchical Input process Output Chart

Appendix C:

Data flow diagram

If the user wants to log-in he/she must ask a permission to the admin to create an account

that they will use to login as an admin or a web-admin to gain access to inventory or to

manage home page.

Appendix C: Data Flow Diagram

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.45

Appendix D:

Context flow diagram:

Appendix D: Context Flow Diagram

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.46

Appendix E:

Database Normalization

Appendix E: Database Normalization

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.47

Appendix F:

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Appendix F: Entity-Relationship Diagram

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.48

Program Codes

public function hrHome()

$theme = Theme::uses('administrator')->layout('default');

return $theme->of('hr/home')->render();

public function adminAjax()

$type = Input::get('type');

switch ($type) {

case 'getHomeSlider':

$dtResult = $this->setDatatable(DB::table('tbl_inventory')-
>orderBy('inventory_id','DESC'), array('title','inventory_type'),'inventory_id');

foreach ($dtResult['objResult'] as $aRow) {

$btn = "<div class='btn-container'>";

$btn .= "<button style='margin-left:8px' data-toggle='modal' data-

target='#myModal' data-id='".$aRow->inventory_id."' class='btn btn-update btn-

$btn .= "<button style='margin-left:8px' data-id='".$aRow->inventory_id."'

class='btn btn-delete btn-danger'>Delete</button>";

$btn .="</div>";
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.49

$switch = '';

if($aRow->status == 0){

$switch = '<label class="switch"><input data-id="'.$aRow->inventory_id.'"

class="jobswitch" type="checkbox" /> <div></div> </label>';

} else {

$switch = '<label class="switch"><input data-id="'.$aRow->inventory_id.'"

class="jobswitch" type="checkbox" checked /> <div></div> </label>';

$data = array(

"<img class='homesliderimage' src='".URL::to('/images/'.$aRow->image)."' />" ,








$dtResult['aaData'][] = $data;


echo json_encode($dtResult);

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.50

case 'addHomeSlider':

$title = Input::get('title');

$description = Input::get('description');

$action = Input::get('actionId');

$intype = Input::get('intype');

$file = Input::file('image');


$imageName = Input::file( 'image' ) -> getClientOriginalName();

$destinationPath = 'images/';


if($action == 0 || $action == '0')

$userID = DB::table('tbl_inventory')->insertGetId(


'title' => $title,

'description' => $description,

'inventory_type' => $intype,

'image' => $imageName

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.51



$imageValue = Input::get('imageValue');

$imageNameValue = Input::get('imageName');


$imageNameValue = Input::file( 'image' ) -> getClientOriginalName();

$userID = DB::table('tbl_inventory')->where('inventory_id', $action)->update(


'title' => $title,

'description' => $description,

'inventory_type' => $intype,

'image' => $imageNameValue



case 'deleteHomeSlider':

$homesliderId = Input::get('id');


Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.52

case 'getSingleHomeSlider':

$singleRow=DB::table('tbl_inventory')->where('inventory_id', Input::get('id'))-

return array(

'1' => $singleRow->title,

'2' => $singleRow->description,

'3' => $singleRow->image,

'5' => $singleRow->inventory_type,

'4' => $singleRow->inventory_id,




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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.71

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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.72

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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.76

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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.88


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placeholder="Username" />


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placeholder="Password" />




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Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.89

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var addEditForm = $("#frmAddEditOutlets");

var optionsAddEditForm = {

beforeSubmit: function () {


success: function (response) {

if(response == 'error'){

swal('Error','Username Already Taken!','error');

} else{



Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.90




$('#myModal').on('', function (e) {




$('body').delegate('.btn-update','click', function(){

var id = $(this).data('id');



url : BASE_URL+'/adminAjax?type=getSingleUser',

type : 'POST',

data : { id: id},

success : function(data){



Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.91



$('body').delegate('.btn-delete','click', function(){

var id = $(this).data('id');


url : BASE_URL+'/adminAjax?type=deleteUser',

type : 'POST',

data : { id: id},

success : function(data){

swal('Success','Data Deleted!','success');




$('body').delegate('.jobswitch','click', function(){

var id = $(this).data('id');

var check = $(this);

var status = 0;

if(check.prop('checked') == true){
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.92

status = 1;


status = 0;


url : BASE_URL+'/adminAjax?type=updateUser',

type : 'POST',

data : { id: id, status,status},

success : function(data){







function loadDatatable()

var BASE_URL = $("#hiddenUrl").val();



"scrollCollapse": true,
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.93

"sDom": '<"top">t<"bottom"<"col-md-6"i><"col-md-6"p>><"clear">',

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"pagingType": "full_numbers",

"autoWidth": false,

"iDisplayLength": 8,

"sSearch": true,

"sAjaxSource": BASE_URL + "/adminAjax?type=getUsers",

"aoColumnDefs": [

{ "width": "20%", "aTargets": [ 0 ], "bSortable": false },

{ "width": "20%", "aTargets": [ 1 ], "bSortable": false },

{ "width": "35%", "aTargets": [ 2 ], "bSortable": false },

{ "width": "25%", "aTargets": [ 2 ], "bSortable": false },




"sNext": 'Next',

"sPrevious": 'Previous'


Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.94

Grammarian’s Certificate

This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through all the pages of the
proposed project entitled, "Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory
Monitoring System for E.S Argao Aluminum and Glass Services," by Aspan Jason, Galang
John Kenneth, Mondia Joash. The paper is aligned with all the sets of structural rules that
govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in the English Language

Ma. Jane Porter

Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.95

Certification from the Statistician

This certifies that the undersigned has been consulted in the statistical treatment of the
thesis entitled, "Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring
System for E.S Argao Aluminum and Glass Services," by Aspan Jason, Galang Jhay,
Mondia Joash. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Sofia Martinez

students of San Pedro College of Business Administration School Year 2020-2021 San
Pedro City, Laguna, and is now recommended for final oral defense.
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.96

Address: CAMELLA 2 Block 12 Lot 9 Pelican street Munt CITY
Contact Number: 09452533735
- -
Email Address:

To become a member of a competitive institution that will utilize my skills and knowledge in both operation and marketing


Date of Birth: February 22, 1999 Place of Birth: MUNTINLUPA

Civil Status: Single Citizenship:
: Filipino
Religious Beliefs: Apostolic


Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

San Pedro College of Business Administration
San Pedro City, Laguna
2016 – Present
2011 - 2015


Proficient in Microsoft Office such as:

o Word

o Excel
Proficient in programming languages such as:

o Java

o Microsoft Visual Studio


Kassandra elena apaga Laurence E. Parto

Marketing Supervisor District Mobile Teacher
Makati City, Philippines ALS San Vicente, Laguna
0956 -567 -3365 0917 -588 -3295
I hereby certify that the above mentioned particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief particulars are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief

Joash Z. Mondia
Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.97


Blk 6 Lot5 Phase4 Love Ave. Olivarez Homes,
San Pedro Laguna 09213508256 |

Birthday: 05/27/1995
Place of Birth: Manila
Age: 26 yrs. old
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic

• Excellent English communication skills
• Proactive and able to work independently
• Innovative and self-sufficient
• Languages: HTML
• Applications: MS Office (Word, PowerPoint and Excel)

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
San Pedro College of Business Administration, Laguna

College Professor
San Pedro College of Business Administration,
Laguna 09453233532

I hereby certify that the above mentioned particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief particulars are
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Effectiveness and efficiency of Computerized Inventory Monitoring System for E.S Argao
Aluminum and Glass Services.98

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