1993 Alho Et Al (1993)

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418 Electroencephalography and clinicalNeurophysiology, 86 (1993) 418-427

© 1993 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd. 0013-4649/93/$06.00

EEG 92578

Auditory processing in visual brain areas of the early

blind: evidence from event-related potentials *
K. Alho, T. Kujala, P. Paavilainen, H. Summala and R. N i it inen
Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, SF-O0014 Helsinki (Finland)

(Accepted for publication: 11 January 1993)

Summary Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in early blind subjects and sighted controls when they attended to
stimuli delivered to a designated ear under dichotic conditions. The scalp distribution of the processing negativity (PN), the endogenous
negativity elicited by attended stimuli, was in the blind posterior to that in the sighted. This suggests that posterior brain areas normally involved
in vision participate in auditory selective attention in the early blind. Furthermore, occasional higher-frequency tones in the to-be-ignored ear
elicited a negativity (presumably the mismatch negativity; MMN) that had a posterior scalp distribution in the blind as compared to controls. This
suggests that the posterior brain areas of the blind also participate in processing of auditory stimulus changes occurring outside the focus of

Key words: Blind; Visual deprivation; Audition; Attention; Event-related potentials

Blindness beginning at an early developmental stage dynamically maintained and altered throughout life.
modifies processing in the non-deprived sensory This plasticity is necessary because of changes in bin-
modalities. Early binocular deprivation increases the aural localization cues which occur as a result of fac-
proportion of neurons responsive to tactile stimuli dur- tors such as the growth of the head and external ears
ing a somatosensory task in the occipital (Brodmann's during development and with hearing loss related to
area 19) and parietal (area 7) cortices of the monkey aging.
(Hyv~irinen et al. 1981a,b; Carlson et al. 1987). Consis- Intracranial recording of evoked potentials in the
tent with this, Uhl et al. (1991) found that negative DC cat has shown that early auditory deprivation leads to
potential shifts associated with a tactile task were larger enhanced responsiveness of primary auditory cortex to
over the occipital scalp in early blind humans than in visual stimuli (Rebillard et al. 1977). Furthermore,
sighted controls. Neville et al. (1983) found larger visual event-related
Early blindness also affects auditory processing. The potentials (ERPs) over temporal and frontal scalp ar-
blind may develop an ability to use echoes in order to eas in congenitally deaf human adults than in hearing
perceive spatial positions of objects (e.g., Strelow and controls. This suggests that congenital deafness causes
Brabyn 1982). Development of such auditory abilities enhanced visual processing in brain areas normally
in the blind might be related to changes in the auditory participating in audition (see also Neville and Lawson
system. For example, Ryugo et al. (1975) found that 1987).
early visual or somatosensory deafferentation increases In early blind humans, the negative N1 deflection
the density of dendritic spines in the auditory cortex of (peak at about 100 msec from stimulus onset) and the
the rat. Furthermore, Merzenich et al. (1984) suggested subsequent positive P2 and P3 deflections of auditory
that even in normal development of the auditory sys- ERPs show shortened latencies and enhanced ampli-
tem, the cortical mechanisms for sound localization are tudes (Niemeyer and Starlinger 1981; Woods et al.
1985). However, there has been no indication that
cortical areas normally involved in vision participate in
Correspondence to: Kimmo Alho, Department of Psychology, P.O. auditory processing in the blind. Although Wanet-De-
Box 11, University of Helsinki, SF-00014 Helsinki (Finland). falque et al. (1988) found higher occipital glucose
Tel.: (3580) 191 3407; Fax: (3580) 191 3443. metabolism (measured with positron emission tomogra-
* This research was supported by the University of Helsinki and the
phy; PET) in early blind subjects than in blindfolded
Academy of Finland. The authors wish to thank the anonymous controls during auditory and tactile discrimination
referees for their constructive comments and criticism. tasks, a similar difference was also found in a resting

condition. Therefore, the differences in occipital unattended auditory input is probably associated with
metabolism observed during the discrimination tasks such involuntary orienting of attention (e.g., Naat~inen
between the blind and sighted appear to have been et al. 1982; N~i~it~inen and Gaillard 1983; Sams et al.
caused by a general enhancement of occipital glucose 1985). When a deviant stimulus occurs in an attended
metabolism associated with blindness. input, MMN is partially overlapped by a negative N2b
The present purpose was to determine whether scalp component and by the early phase of a parietal P3b
distributions of auditory ERPs suggest participation of component (N~i~it~inen et al. 1982, 1986).
visual cortex in auditory attention in early blind sub- In sum, while PN is generated by brain mechanisms
jects. To this end, the processing negativity (PN), the of selective attention, ERP components elicited by
principal ERP index of auditory selective attention stimulus change in an unattended auditory input, espe-
(N~i~it~inen 1982, 1990, 1992), was studied in early blind cially MMN and P3a, may reflect mechanisms of auto-
subjects and in sighted controls. Subjects attended to matic auditory processing and involuntary attention.
tone pips delivered to a designated ear, in order to The purpose of the present study was to examine
detect occasional deviant (higher) tones occurring whether in the early blind these ERP components
among these tones, and ignored tones delivered to the differ from those in the sighted. Possible group differ-
opposite ear. PN causes a negative displacement of the ences might result from differential development of
ERP to attended stimuli in relation to that elicited by brain mechanisms of auditory processing.
unattended stimuli. PN consists of at least two consec-
utive, partially overlapping, components. The earlier
PN component commences at the time zone of the N1 Methods
deflection and reaches its maximum amplitude at
fronto-central scalp sites. This PN component is gener- Subjects
ated in the auditory cortex (see also Hari et al. 1989), There were 9 blind (aged 20-29 years) and 9 nor-
presumably by a neural matching process selecting mally sighted (aged 19-25 years) subjects, 3 males and
attended stimuli for further processing on the basis of 6 females in each group. All subjects were students and
their physical features (N~i~it~inen 1982, 1990, 1992; participated voluntarily to the experiment. None of
Alho et al. 1986b, 1987a,b, 1989). The later PN compo- them had previously served as subjects in similar exper-
nent peaks at around 300-400 msec from stimulus iments. All blind subjects had a diagnosed peripheral
onset and might be generated by a frontal source deficit which caused early blindness beginning within
(Giard et al. 1988) presumably associated with control the first two years of life. Four of them had a retinopa-
of attention (N~i~it~inen 1982, 1990, 1992; N~i~it~inen and thy of prematurity, one had an inherited retinal degen-
Picton 1987). eration, one's peripheral blindness was caused by the
ERPs to the higher tones infrequently occurring mother's rubella during pregnancy, one's eyes had been
among attended and unattended tones were also exam- ablated because of retinal cancer, and one had suf-
ined. Such deviant stimuli elicit the mismatch negativ- fered congenital atrophy of the optic tracts. For one
ity (MMN; N~i~it~inen et al. 1978; for reviews, see subject, the cause of blindness, diagnosed as periph-
N~iat~inen 1990, 1992), a change-specific ERP compo- eral, was unknown. Five blind subjects reported that
nent, which overlaps with the N1 and subsequent P2 they could still differentiate between dark and light. In
components. The change-detection process generating addition, one subject had been capable of doing so up
MMN appears to be automatic since MMN is elicited to the age of 5 years and another up to the age of 2
even by deviant stimuli occurring among unattended years. According to their own reports, none had any
stimuli (N~i~it~inen et al. 1978; Sams et al. 1985; Alho et contour or pattern vision, and none could discriminate
al. 1989, 1992; Woods et al. 1992; see, however, the direction of light. In addition, seven of the blind
Woldorff et al. 1991, and for a reply, Na~it~inen 1991). subjects were presented with flash stimuli in another
MMN consists of at least two temporally overlapping study (Kujala et al. 1993) and no visual ERPs were
components, one generated in the supratemporal audi- found, while in sighted controls the flashes elicited
tory cortex (e.g., Hari et al. 1984; Scherg et al. 1989; sizeable ERPs.
Javitt et al. 1991; Paavilainen et al. 1991) and the other
in the frontal cortex (Giard et al. 1990; Na~it~inen and Experimental procedure
Michie 1979). While the supratemporal MMN compo- The experiment was carried out in an electrically
nent is presumably generated by a neural change-de- and acoustically shielded, dimly lit room. Monaural
tection process, the process generating the frontal tone pips (sine-wave bursts, duration 60 msec including
MMN component might underlie involuntary orienting 10 msec rise and fall times, intensity 75 dB SPL) were
of attention towards this change (N~i~it~inen 1990, 1992; presented through headphones in random order to the
Alho 1992). The fronto-centrally maximal positive P3a left and right ears at a constant rate of 1 tone/610
component often following MMN to deviant stimuli of msec in blocks of 500 stimuli. There were two types of
420 K. ALHO ET AL.

tone in each ear: 600 Hz standard tones (probability Results, the reported significance levels for the F val-
for each ear 0.45) and 650 Hz deviant tones (probabil- ues are corrected with a Greenhouse-Geisser correc-
ity for each ear 0.05). Subjects were instructed to tion where appropriate.
attend to the tones presented to the designated ear (2
blocks in each condition) and to count silently the
deviant tones occurring in that ear. The order of the Results
conditions was counterbalanced within each group.
Subjects were instructed to avoid eye movements and
blinking during the attention tasks. Performance
The reported number of deviant target tones dif-
EEG recording and analysis fered from the correct number on average by 10.0%
The E E G (0.1-100 Hz, - 3 dB points)was recorded and 12.6% in the blind and sighted groups, respec-
with Ag/AgC1 electrodes at 19 scalp sites. In addition, tively. According to an analysis of variance, the differ-
two E O G electrodes were attached laterally to the ence between the two groups was insignificant.
outer canthi of the left and right eyes in order to
monitor voltage changes caused by horizontal eye ERPs to standard tones
movements. Activity caused by vertical eye movements At the top of Fig. 1, grand-average ERPs to at-
or blinks was recorded with a frontopolar E E G elec- tended and unattended standard tones are superim-
trode (Fpz). All E E G and E O G electrodes were re- posed separately for the two groups. The N1 deflection
ferred to an electrode attached to the nose. to the unattended standard tones tended to be larger
The E E G analysis epochs of 420 msec (sampling and somewhat later in the sighted (mean peak ampli-
rate 250 Hz) began 50 msec before each stimulus onset. tude at Cz - 3 . 9 / ~ V ; mean peak latency 94 msec) than
The first 10 epochs of each block, as well as epochs in the blind ( - 2 . 4 / z V , 90 msec), but these differences
contaminated by blinks, eye movements, muscle activ- were statistically insignificant. Moreover, an analysis of
ity, or other extracerebral artifacts (voltage variation variance (factors: Group, Ear, Electrode) for normal-
during an epoch exceeding 150 /xV at any electrode) ized (see Methods) unattended-tone N1 amplitudes
were automatically rejected from averaging. Frequen- (measured at the N1 peak latency determined at Cz)
cies higher than 30 Hz were digitally filtered out (FFT showed no differences between the two groups in the
filter) from the ERPs. N1 midline distribution (electrodes Fpz, Fz, Cz, Pz,
To study PN, attended-unattended difference waves Oz) or in the N1 distribution on a tilted coronal line
were formed for each subject by subtracting, separately crossing the approximate locations of left and right
for each ear, ERPs to standard tones when they were auditory cortices (electrodes Mc, Tc, FCc, Fz, FCi, Ti,
unattended from ERPs to the same tones when at- Mi; see Fig. 1, top).
tended. In addition, to study E R P components elicited In both groups, ERPs to attended standard tones
by deviant tones, deviant-standard difference waves were negatively displaced in relation to those to unat-
were formed, separately for the attended and unat- tended standard tones. These displacements, presum-
tended tones, by subtracting ERPs to standard tones ably caused by PN, are shown by attended-unattended
from ERPs to deviant tones. difference waves at the bottom of Fig. 1. In both
For statistical comparisons, E R P and difference groups, these displacements were largest at fronto-
wave amplitudes were measured for each subject, in central scalp sites. Analyses of variance (factors: Group,
reference to the 50 msec prestimulus baseline, as mean Attention, Ear) for the standard-tone E R P amplitudes
voltages over consecutive 50 msec periods within 350 at Fz indicated significant effects of attention over
msec from stimulus onset. In addition, N1 peak laten- consecutive 50 msec periods between 100 and 350 msec
cies were determined at Cz and N1 amplitudes at each ( F (1, 16) varied between 23.67 and 48.10, P < 0.001 in
electrode were measured at these peak latencies. all cases).
To compare scalp distributions of E R P and differ- At Fz no significant differences in the PN amplitude
ence wave amplitudes between the two groups, these (measured from attended-unattended difference waves)
amplitudes were normalized. This was done separately between the two groups were found, whereas at the
for each subject and each measurement period by posterior scalp sites, this amplitude was larger for the
dividing the amplitude at each electrode by the square blind than for the sighted (Fig. 1, bottom). In the blind,
root of the sum of the squared amplitudes at the prominent PNs were observed even at occipital elec-
electrodes included in the analysis (McCarthy and trodes (at Oz, mean PN amplitudes measured over the
Wood 1985). consecutive 50 msec periods between 100 and 350 msec
In the statistical analysis of E R P and performance varied from - 0.5/zV to - 1.3 tzV), while in the sighted,
data, analyses of variance included in the BMDP Sta- the occipital PN amplitudes approximated 0 /zV. A
tistical Software (Dixon et al. 1988) were used. In comparison of PN amplitudes at occipital electrodes

(TOc, Oc, Oz, Oi, T O i ; see Fig. 1, b o t t o m ) i n d i c a t e d v a r i a n c e (factors: G r o u p , Ear, E l e c t r o d e ) for n o r m a l -

significant differences b e t w e e n the two groups at 2 5 0 - ized P N a m p l i t u d e s at the m i d l i n e (Fpz, Fz, Cz, Pz,
300 msec ( F (1, 1 6 ) = 4.53, P < 0.05) a n d 3 0 0 - 3 5 0 Oz). T h e s e analyses i n d i c a t e d significant G r o u p x
msec F (1, 1 6 ) = 4.83, P < 0.05) a n d n e a r l y significant E l e c t r o d e i n t e r a c t i o n s over all consecutive 50 msec
differences at 1 5 0 - 2 0 0 msec ( F (1, 16) = 3.11, P < 0.10) periods b e t w e e n 100 a n d 350 msec from stimulus o n s e t
a n d 2 0 0 - 2 5 0 msec ( F (1, 16) = 3.89, P < 0.07). ( F (4, 64) varying from 4.20 to 5.66, P < 0.05 in all
Thus, in the blind, P N was d i s t r i b u t e d posteriorly to cases). I n contrast, n o significant G r o u p × Electrode
that in the sighted. This was c o n f i r m e d by analyses of i n t e r a c t i o n s were f o u n d in analogous analyses of vari-

........ U N A T T E N D E D

FCi~ _ -~

•..... .... .....". ~

' ..."....~ . .:.,..,......

Mi c~A ~ Mo .......... ,....

~....- ..,

\ / \ /
p• Pz
P c ~
" ............
~ .
POi ~ ~.............
' " - " - " P~O c ..............
. ~i Oi~ . - .,.... O z " " '-....- T O c
• .,... ......., • ..... ...

0 300ms
........ SIGHTED

\ /
. .. .. . . . . --.., . . . , ....

. . . . . .~ . . . . . .., . . , ... .....,. .. ....,.

Fig. 1. Top: grand-average ERPs at different scalp sites to attended (solid lines) and unattended (dashed lines) standard tones in the blind (left;
n = 9) and sighted (right; n = 9). The ERPs were averaged across the left and right ear standard tones. Before combining the data for the left and
right ear stimuli, the ERPs to the right ear stimuli over the lateral scalp sites were mirrored to the opposite hemisphere. Thus, the ERPs at scalp
sites contralateral to the stimulated ear are shown over the right hemisphere and the ERPs at scalp sites ipsilateral to the stimulated ear are
shown over the left hemisphere (stimulus onset at 0 msec; c = contralateral; i = ipsilateral; HEOGc and HEOGi electrodes located at the outer
canthi of the eyes, used for monitoring EOG changes caused by horizontal eye movements; Mc and Mi are electrodes at the mastoids; FCc/FCi
and Tc/Ti were equidistantly placed between Fz-Mc or Fz-Mi; Pc/Pi are the sites P3/P4; Oc/Oi are the sites O1/O2; OPc/OPi located
halfway between Oz and P3/P4; TOc/TOi located halfway between O1-T5 or O2-T6). Bottom: difference waves for the blind (solid lines) and
sighted (dashed lines) formed by subtracting the grand-average ERPs to standard tones when unattended from the ERPs to the same tones when

ance for normalized PN amplitudes.on a tilted coronal teractions were found in analyses of variance (factors:
line (electrodes Mc, Tc, FCc, Fz, FCi, Ti, Mi; see Fig. Group, Ear, Electrode) for normalized midline ampli-
1, bottom)• tudes of the unattended-standard ERPs at consecutive
At most scalp sites, the attended-tone ERPs, as well 50 msec periods between 50-350 msec, whereas analo-
as the unattended-tone ERPs, were more positive in gous analyses for attended-standard ERPs indicated a
the blind than in the sighted (Fig. 1, top). At the significant Group × Electrode interaction at 300-350
midline electrodes (Fpz, Fz, Cz, Pz, Oz), this group msec ( F (4, 64)= 3.19, P < 0.02) and a nearly signifi-
difference was significant for the attended standard cant Group × Electrode interaction at 200-250 msec
tones at 100-200 msec (100-150 msec: F (1, 16) = 7.01, (F (4, 64) = 2.23, P < 0.08). These interactions suggest
P < 0.02; 150-200 msec: F (1, 16) = 6.17, P < 0•025) that the posterior distribution of the attended-un-
and for the unattended standard tones at 50-200 msec attended difference waves in the blind was indeed due
(50-100 msec: F (], 16) = 7.08, P < 0.02; 100-150 msec: to an effect of blindness on ERPs to attended tones
F (1, 16) --- 7.72, P < 0.015; 150-200 msec: F (1, 16) = rather than on ERPs to unattended tones. Thus, these
4.75, P < 0.05). No significant Group × Electrode in- analyses also support the proposal that the PN elicited


........ STANDARD

• • ;:..... ....


\ /

o 360ms

........ SIGHTED


\ /

Fig. 2. Top: grand-average ERPs in the blind and sighted to standard (dashed lines) and deviant (solid lines) tones of unattended stimulus
sequence. (For further details, see Fig. 1.) Bottom: difference waves for the blind (solid lines) and sighted (dashed lines) groups formed by
subtracting the grand-average ERPs to standard tones of unattended stimulus sequence from the ERPs to deviant tones of the same sequence.

by the attended tones was posteriorly distributed in the 0.02; 150-200 msec: F (1, 16) = 16.72, P < 0.001; 200-
blind. 250 msec ( F (1, 16)= 17.82, P < 0.001) and, further,
that there were no significant group differences in its
ERPs to deviant tones amplitude. However, at posterior scalp sites, a promi-
For the unattended ear, deviant-tone ERPs were nent negativity was elicited by unattended-ear deviant
negatively displaced in relation to standard-tone ERPs tones in the blind but not in the sighted, as shown by
in both groups (Fig. 2, top). This negative displacement the difference waves in Fig. 2. Analyses of variance for
was largest at fronto-central scalp sites, as shown by difference-wave amplitudes at occipital electrodes
the deviant-standard difference waves at the bottom of (TOc, Oc, Oz, Oi, TOi; see Fig. 2, bottom) indicated a
Fig. 2. Analyses of variance (factors: Group, Ear, Stim- significant group difference at 200-250 msec (F (1,
ulus) for unattended-ear ERP amplitudes at Fz indi- 16) = 6.63, P < 0.025), where the mean amplitudes at
cated that this negative displacement was significant at Oz were - 1 . 3 / z V for the blind and + 0.6/xV for the
100-250 msec (100-150 msec: F (1, 16)= 14.09, P < sighted. The posterior scalp distribution of the


....... S T A N D A R D

Fz- "F
Ti " Tc .. _ ~

\ /

0 300ms

....... S I G H T E D

Fig. 3. Top: grand-average ERPs in the blind and sighted to standard tones (dashed lines) and deviant tones (targets; solid lines) of attended
stimulus sequence. (For further details, see Fig. 1.) Bottom: difference waves for the blind (solid lines) and sighted (dashed lines) groups formed
by subtracting the grand-average ERPs to standard tones of attended stimulus sequence from the ERPs to deviant tones of the same sequence.
424 K. ALHO ET AL.

deviant-tone negativity in the blind was confirmed by a The negativity preceding the P3 to deviant tones was
significant Group × Electrode interaction at 200-250 small (Fig. 3, bottom) and did not reach statistical
msec ( F (4, 6 4 ) = 3.66, P < 0.04) in an analysis of significance in either group at any electrode. Further-
variance (factors: Group, Ear, Electrode) for normal- more, no significant group difference in the amplitude
ized difference-wave amplitudes at the midline (Fpz, of this negativity was found, although it tended to be
Fz, Cz, Pz, Oz). larger in the blind than sighted (Cz, 150-200 msec:
Furthermore, the negativity to unattended-ear de- blind - 1 . 6 pN; sighted +0.9 ~V; F (1, 16)=2.53,
viant tones tended to be larger in the blind than P < 0.14). As revealed by Fig. 3, the small amplitude of
sighted at lateral scalp sites over the auditory cortex this negativity may have been caused in both groups by
(Fig. 2, bottom), although this effect, tested at elec- an overlap of an early P3 onset.
trodes FCc, TCc, Mc, FCi, Ti, and Mi, did not quite
reach statistical significance (200-250 msec: F (1, 16)
= 3.95, P < 0.065). This group difference was larger
over the hemisphere contralateral (electrodes FCc, Tc, Discussion
Mc) than ipsilateral (FCi, Ti, Mi) to the stimulated ear,
as indicated by a significant Group x Hemisphere in- The present results show that in the early blind
teraction (200-250 msec: F (1, 16) = 5.05, P < 0.04; subjects, the processing negativity (PN) elicited by at-
250-300 msec: F (1, 16) = 7.08, P < 0.02). However, tended tones had a scalp distribution posterior to that
the hemispheric asymmetry may have been caused by in the sighted controls. In the blind subjects, a large
small, unrejected (see Methods) eye movement arti- PN was even observed at occipital scalp sites (Fig. 1,
facts in the blind seen in Fig. 2 especially in H E O G bottom), suggesting that their PN might get a contribu-
channels used for monitoring horizontal eye move- tion, in addition to auditory and possibly frontal cor-
ments. tices (N~i~it~inen and Michie 1979; N~it~inen t982, 1990;
Interestingly, at latencies shorter than 200 msec the Giard et al. 1988), from occipital or parietal cortices
negativity to unattended-ear deviant tones tended to which normally participate in visual processing. Fur-
reverse its polarity at the mastoid electrodes (Mc and thermore, this group difference in the PN scalp distri-
Mi), as indicated by a positivity in deviant-standard bution was observed over a wide latency range (100-350
difference waves at these electrode sites (Fig. 2, bot- msec from stimulus). Thus, in the blind, both the
tom). At longer latencies, a negativity was observed at earlier and later auditory PN components may be in
the mastoids in the blind but not in the sighted. part generated in the posterior brain areas. Also a
As seen in Fig. 2, the negativity to unattended-ear recent dichotic selective-attention study by Simpson
deviant tones was followed by the onset of a P3 positiv- and his colleagues (G.V. Simpson, Albert Einstein Col-
ity. This P3 was larger in the blind than in the sighted lege of Medicine, personal communication, March
over frontal and central, but not over posterior, scalp 1992) suggests that in congenitally blind subjects, PN
sites. This difference in the P3 scalp distribution was has a scalp distribution posterior to that in sighted
confirmed by an analysis of variance for normalized controls.
difference-wave amplitudes at the midline (Fpz, Fz, Cz, In the present study, blindness had also other ef-
Pz, Oz) at 300-350 msec ( F (4, 6 4 ) = 3.11, P < 0.05). fects on the ERPs to standard tones. Both for the
Unfortunately, a more detailed examination of P3 am- attended and unattended standard tones, the ERPs in
plitude and peak latency was not possible because in the blind were significantly more positive than those in
many subjects, P3 did not peak during the post-stimu- the sighted (Fig. 1, top) at 100-200 msec from stimulus
lus analysis period of 370 msec. onset (for unattended standard tones, this effect was
Fig. 3 presents ERPs to standard and deviant (target) seen even at 50-100 msec). An enhancement of the
tones and deviant-standard difference waves for the exogenous P2 component in the blind might contribute
attended ear. These difference waves show a small to this positivity, especially at 150-200 msec (cf.,
deviant-tone negativity followed by a large P3 deflec- Niemeyer and Starlinger 1981; Woods et al. 1985), but
tion. In the sighted, P3 was largest at posterior scalp cannot solely account for it because it was significant
sites, whereas in the blind, P3 was widely distributed also at shorter latencies. Because this positivity was
and had large amplitudes even at anterior scalp sites. elicited both by the attended and unattended standard
This group difference in the P3 distribution was con- tones and because no significant effects of blindness on
firmed by an analysis of variance for normalized differ- the midline distributions of attended-standard or unat-
ence wave amplitudes at the midline (Fpz, Fz, Cz, Pz, tended-standard ERPs were observed at the latencies
Oz) at 300-350 msec ( F (4, 64) = 3.09, P < 0.05). Again, where this positivity was significant (50-200 msec from
P3 could not be studied in more detail, because of the stimulus onset), this positivity cannot explain the poste-
370 msec analysis period which was too short for this rior distribution of the attended-unattended difference
purpose. waves in the blind (Fig. 1, bottom). However, at longer

latencies there was a significant effect of blindness on Paavilainen et al. (1991). Judging from its large ampli-
the midline distribution of ERPs to the attended stan- tudes at posterior scalp sites, parietal or occipital brain
dard tones but not on the distribution of ERPs to the areas might also contribute to this MMN subcompo-
unattended standard tones. Also, these findings sup- nent in the blind.
port the present proposal that, in the blind, the poste- Another possibility is that the posterior distribution
rior distribution of the negativity indicated by the at- of the deviant-tone negativity in the blind was caused
tended-unattended difference waves was indeed caused by a posteriorly distributed N2b component overlap-
by a posteriorly distributed PN elicited by the attended ping with the MMN. In normal subjects, MMN is
stimuli. usually followed and partly overlapped by the N2b
Deviant tones occurring in the unattended stimulus component in ERPs to deviant stimuli occurring in an
sequence elicited negatively displaced ERPs in relation attended stimulus sequence (NS~it~nen et al. 1982; Sams
to standard-tone ERPs (Fig. 2). In the sighted, this et al. 1985, 1990; Alho et al. 1990; N~i~itSnen 1990;
effect was largest at frontal scalp sites and was presum- Novak et al. 1990). In a parallel experiment (Kujala et
ably caused by the mismatch negativity (MMN) elicited al. 1992), the N2b component elicited in early blind
by deviant tones (N~i~it~inen et al. 1978). In the blind, subjects by deviant stimuli in an auditory discrimina-
the negativity to unattended-ear deviant tones was of tion task appeared to be distributed posteriorly to that
considerable size also over posterior scalp sites (Fig. 2, of sighted controls. Simpson and his colleagues (G.V.
bottom). This suggests that in them, posterior brain Simpson, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, per-
areas normally involved in vision might participate in sonal communication, March 1992) have recently ob-
detecting changes occurring in an unattended auditory tained similar results. If the present posterior distribu-
input. tion of the negativity elicited by unattended-ear de-
In the blind, the negativity to unattended-ear de- viant tones in the blind was indeed caused by a posteri-
viant tones tended to be enhanced also at lateral scalp orly distributed N2b component overlapping with the
sites (Fig. 2, bottom). This suggests that early blindness MMN, this might indicate that changes in unattended
might enhance processing of auditory stimulus changes auditory stimuli cause an attention shift, and therefore
also in auditory cortex. Although artifacts caused by elicit the N2b more easily in the blind than in the
small (unrejected; see Methods) horizontal eye move- sighted. Low thresholds for involuntary orienting of
ments in the blind may have contributed to this group attention may have developed in the blind because of
difference they cannot account for the whole differ- their increased dependence on auditory stimuli.
ence, because the group difference was present even Unfortunately, in the present study, the effects of
over the hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulated ear, early blindness on MMN and N2b to target stimuli in
where the eye movement artifact of the blind caused a the attended input were difficult to estimate because
positivity (Fig. 2, bottom). Furthermore, potentials P3 components apparently overlapped with these nega-
caused by eye movements are strongly attenuated at tive components in the target ERPs (Fig. 3). Interest-
long distances from the eyes (e.g., Hillyard and Galam- ingly, in these ERPs, as well as in the ERPs to unat-
bos 1970) and cannot therefore explain the enhanced tended-ear deviant tones (Fig. 2), P3 was more frontally
negativity to unattended-ear deviant tones in the poste- distributed in the blind than in the sighted. This sug-
rior scalp areas of the blind. gests a larger fronto-centrally dominant P3a compo-
In the blind, the posterior negativity to the unat- nent (Squires et al. 1975; N~i~it~inenet al. 1982; Sams et
tended-ear deviant tones peaked later than the frontally al. 1985) in the blind. Also this finding might be related
recorded MMN to these tones (Fig. 2, bottom). This to enhanced orienting to auditory stimulus changes in
posterior negativity coincided with a negativity which the blind.
was observed in the blind at the temporal scalp sites Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron
and which did not invert in polarity at the mastoids. emission tomography (PET) have indicated no
The polarity reversal of MMN observed in both groups macroanatomical or functional degeneration of occipi-
at shorter latencies is consistent with the previous tal cortex in the early blind (Phelps et al. 1981; Wanet-
findings suggesting that the MMN partly originates Defalque et al. 1988). These findings contradict the
from supratemporal auditory cortex (e.g., Hari et al. possibility that degeneration of occipital cortex in the
1984; Alho et al. 1986a; Scherg et al. 1989; Javitt et al. blind had changed the orientation of ERP sources in
1991; Paavilainen et al. 1991). However, MMN proba- auditory cortex so that this would have resulted in
bly also has a frontal subcomponent (Giard et al. 1990) large PN and MMN (or N2b) amplitudes at posterior
and might even have a subcomponent generated in the scalp areas. This possibility is also contradicted by the
auditory association areas on the lateral surface of the present result that the N1 deflection (mainly originat-
temporal lobe (Paavilainen et al. 1991). The deviant- ing from auditory cortex at a high stimulation rate;
tone negativity observed in the blind over the temporal N~i~it~inen and Picton 1987) was similarly distributed
scalp might be the temporal MMN subcomponent of over the scalp in the blind and sighted.
426 K. ALHO ET AL.

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