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Discharge Care Plan


 Ensure that the patient can follow the medication instructions

Rationale: To achieve the therapeutic effect of the medication prevent further
complications and risks.
 Instruct the patient to take all the prescribed medicine at the right time as directed by
the physician
Rationale: Medications should be taken regularly to make sure that it has an effective
amount of drug in the body.
 Instruct the significant other not to give any other medicine to her child without first
asking the healthcare provider.
Rationale: To prevent any complications air exchange


 Advice significant other to position her child in an upright position

Rationale: To reduce difficulty of breathing
 Advice significant other to teach her child to do deep breathing exercise
Rationale: Promotes lung expansion and enhance aiway

 Emphasized the importance of regular follow up check-up and as instructed by the

Rationale: To make sure that the client has full awareness and knowledge about the
condition. This will also promote recovering well
 Advise significant others to seek medical advice if complication arises
Rationale: To prevent further complications and have the client monitored until full
recovery is attained
 Encourage patient to mobilize own secretions with successful coughing
Rationale: To facilitate adequate clearance of secretions

 Advise the mother to let her child wash hands often to prevent infection
Rationale: Hand washing lessens the contamination to microorganism that may cause


 Encourage significant other to follow scheduled check-ups for her child.

Rationale:   To see how the patient is doing and to ensure the occurrence of
complications is being avoided
 Advise the family members to seek medical advice if any complication arises
Rationale: To prevent further complications and have the client monitored until full
recovery is attained


 Instruct the significant other to keep the child well hydrated

Rationale: To make the mucus thin
 Instruct the significant other to follow a well-balanced soft diet rich in carbohydrates,
and protein.
Rationale: This will make the child’s immune system stronger.
 Advice the significant others to avoid foods and snacks that are hard and crunchy such
as chips, nuts, and hard breads
Rationale: To avoid irritation of throat.

 Encourage the client to continue to seek God’s guidance and enlightenment

 Discuss the use of relaxation/ meditative activities (prayer)
Rationale: It promotes general well-being and sense of connectedness with self,
nature, and spiritual power.
 Share spiritual thoughts that can encourage the patient

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