Madison Gray - Blog of A New Woman: Unit 9 - Reading

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ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 1

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Unit 9 | Reading

Read the text. Select True or False.

Madison Gray – Blog of a New Woman

It's New Year's again, time to make new plans! This year I am going to make a lot of changes in my
life. Most people say they are going to exercise more and go to the gym. I am not going to go to the
gym ever again, because I have a plan! Most of my friends say they are going to look for a job when
they graduate from college. I am not going to look for a job. In fact, I'm going to quit school because I
don't want to be a dentist – I hate teeth!
I want to be an explorer and see the world. I'm going to travel for 12 months. In February I'm going to
move out of my apartment and leave my things with my mom. Then I'm going to take a plane to Quito,
and then another plane to the Galapagos Islands. After that, I don't know. Chile, Argentina ...
Antarctica! I'm having lunch with my friend Eduardo today. He's from Chile. He's going to tell me
about South America. I'm also taking Spanish classes with my roommate Matilde. But the hard part is
going to be tonight: I'm having dinner with Mom. I'm going to tell her that I'm leaving town! She's not
going to be happy, but I'm going, anyway!
    T F

1. Madison is going to go to the gym more.    


2. She is studying dentistry.    


3. Chile is Madison's first destination.    


4. Matilde lives in an apartment with Madison.    


5. Eduardo is from Ecuador.    

1 English ID 2nd edition Level 1 Richmond, 2018

ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 1

Unit 9 | Listening
Listen to the dialogues. Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).


1. Danny isn't a ___________________. He's a journalist.

2. Danny goes to work by ___________________.

3. Bobby-Jo is a ___________________. She works on Main Avenue.

4. Jonathan is a ___________________. He works near Wall Street.

5. Becky goes to work by ___________________.

Unit 9 | Grammar – going to for future (1)

Read the questions. Select True if the words are correct and False if incorrect.

    T F

1. I'm going to buy a new car.    


2. They're going work in the USA.    


3. What you going to do this weekend?    


4. Is he going to get married this year?    


5. They not going to start a family this year.    

2 English ID Level 1 Richmond, 2018

ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 1

Unit 9 | Grammar – going to for future (2)

Choose the correct option to describe the sentence.

1. They're not going to play well. But who knows?

a. Prediction  

b. Intention  

c. A fixed plan  

2. I'm going to buy a new home some day.

a. Prediction  

b. Intention  

c. A fixed plan  

3. Look at the sky! This afternoon is going to be bright and sunny.

a. Prediction  

b. Intention  

c. A fixed plan  

4. We're going to spend our vacations at the beach.

a. Prediction  

b. Intention  

c. A fixed plan  

5. Some people think we're going to live on the moon in the future.

a. Prediction  
b. Intention  

3 English ID Level 1 Richmond, 2018

ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 1

c. A fixed plan  

Unit 9 | Grammar – Present continuous

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct and False if incorrect.

    T F

1. They have so much work that they working till 8 p.m. tonight.    


2. Are you playing soccer this afternoon?    


3. I'm going not to Canada again. I didn't like it!    


4. When we leaving? On the midnight train?    


5. Jane's visiting her family on Saturday afternoon.    

Unit 9 | Grammar – going to vs. present continuous

Match the parts of the sentence.

1. What are a. to move into a new house?

2. My friends b. are leaving at 9 p.m. by train.

3. Are you c. not leaving before 5 p.m.

4. I'm d. playing soccer after work today?

5. Is she going e. you going to do after college?

4 English ID Level 1 Richmond, 2018

ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 1

Unit 9 | Vocabulary – Jobs

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. He treats people's teeth. He's a ...

a. nurse.  

b. dentist.  

c. taxi driver.  

2. You fly to a lot of countries and meet new people on the plane if you are a ...

a. hairdresser.  

b. flight attendant.  

c. software developer.  

3. You have a uniform and your job can be dangerous if you are a ...

a. sales assistant.  

b. civil engineer.  

c. police officer.  

4. He writes for many different newspapers. He's a ...

a. journalist.  

b. personal secretary.  

c. sports teacher.  

5. He has a uniform and his job is very dangerous. He needs a lot of water to do his
job. He's a ...

a. doctor.  

b. cook.  

c. firefighter.  

5 English ID Level 1 Richmond, 2018

ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 1

Unit 9 | Vocabulary – Transportation (1)

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct and False if incorrect.

    T F

1. He drove to school by subway.    


2. She took a train to work.    


3. The rock star flew to the music festival by helicopter.    


4. Your sister rode to school by foot.    


5. They went to work by bus.    


Unit 9 | Vocabulary – Transportation (2)

Match the definitions and the verbs.

1. A person who went by plane a. flew

2. A person who went by car b. commuted

3. A person who went on foot c. rode

4. A person who went by bike d. drove

A person who went by car and e. walked

then took the subway to work

6 English ID Level 1 Richmond, 2018

ENGLISH ID 2nd edition ◉ LEVEL 1

Unit 9 | Vocabulary – Life changes

Complete the sentences with the correct word. The first letter is given in parentheses.

1. I'm leaving (c)___________________ this year. I need to find a good job.

2. My friend is going to leave (h)___________________ when she finds a nice place.

3. I want to get (m)___________________ when I have a good job and before I'm thirty.

4. My parents started a (f)___________________ very young when they finished college.

5. Peter's company has a lot of problems at the moment. He thinks he will

(l)___________________ his job.

Score __________________

Teacher’s comments ________________________________________________________________________


Teacher’s signature _______________________________________________________________________

7 English ID Level 1 Richmond, 2018

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