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Literature Study Questions:

Through to the end of Chapter 21

You will need to read through to the end of Chapter 21 to answer these questions.
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Rebecca Chapter 1-21 Study Questions – Last Name

Answer in complete sentences and provide evidence for your answers, either in the form of
quotations or in by referencing a specific incident (provide page numbers)

1. What are the reasons that Maxim avoids the cove and the cottage?

2. How does Maxim characterize Rebecca? How is this vision of Rebecca different from the
one Mrs. de Winter previously held of her predecessor, and what evidence does she have
that Maxim’s portrayal is accurate?

3. What were Rebecca’s terms in the bargain she proposed to Maxim after the wedding?

4. Why did Maxim agree to the terms proposed by Rebecca?

5. Give at least 2 specific ways in which she broke the bargain

6. Why does Maxim think that Beatrice knew about his unhappiness in his marriage?

7. What do we learn about Jack Favell?

8. What was the unbearable threat that Rebecca used to taunt Maxim?

9. What was his one mistake in disposing of Rebecca’s body?

10. Why did he go alone to identify the body at Edgecoombe?

11. List at least 3 ways that Mrs. de Winter changes in both her attitude and actions after
hearing the circumstances of Rebecca’s death?

12. What does Mrs. De Winter suddenly realize about Frank?

13. What problem does Colonel Julyan have to try to reconcile which explains why he spends
so long talking about the ‘elementary mistake’ that took Rebecca’s life?

14. How do you interpret the last paragraph of chapter 21, where Maxim notes the change in his
wife? Does he really want a companion or someone to make him forget Rebecca?

15. Putting all the pieces together in the story so far, do you think that Maxim is a coldblooded
killer, or a wronged husband who reached breaking point?

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