Task 1 Course Her

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1. Create a list of six strategies for an organization of your choice, which aim to minimize
resource use, reduce the use of toxic material and hazardous chemical use, and employ
life cycle management approaches. Next to each strategy, indicate whether it represents
a positive or negative screening approach.

Six Strategies of an organization for sustainable use of resources and reduction in the use of
hazardous material and chemical use and employment of life cycle management approaches

 Toxic Reduction Strategy –Negative Screening Approach

Recycling Strategy - Positive Screening Approach


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 Chemical Substitution Strategy – Negative Screening Approach

 Communication Strategy - Positive Screening Approach

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 Product and logistic Support Strategy – Negative Screening Approach

 Waste Management Strategy – Positive Screening Approach
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2. There are constant changes in every workplace. These changes can be met with varying

responses. Consider how you would react in the following situation:

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Your manager assumes you know how to perform a new task without providing you
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with an explanation, and then tells you that you have not delivered what is required.
What would be your response?

Every Employee at their workplace is responsible and accountable for the work that they do. Just
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saying “It was not my fault” is not the solution for any problem. In this case, even if the manager
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hasn’t provided you with any explanation, it was responsibility of the employee to go and ask the
manager for further explanation or to understand and research about the topic and deliver the
correct task. The manager was showing confidence in the abilities of the employee and gave him

an opportunity to prove his confidence right. It is true that nobody is perfect and it would be

wrong to expect from the employee to get the task right while he was still trying to learn. But the
employee would apologies for he wasn’t able to do the task properly but at the same time explain
the manager calmly about what went wrong and how he didn’t get the proper explanation,

without being offensive, and assure the manager that he will try to do his tasks perfectly from
now on in future.

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3. Create a basic spreadsheet to track continuous improvement in an environmental
sustainability policy. Alternatively, download the ‘Energy Smart Tracker’ software
from http://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au and familiarize yourself with it by entering
some sample data.

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4. Who would you involve in your internal audit team?

Why would you involve those people? What expertise would they bring to an audit
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team? If you were auditing an area and noticed a leaking drum of chemicals, what type
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of questions would you ask the staff responsible for that area?
What written evidence would you ask for in relation to the leaking drum?
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An evaluation of current position of an organization in respect to its environmental performance

is known as internal audit. Environmental audit is not a legal requirement of a company but it is
a proactive management tool to evaluate environmental performance standards according to

company policy and to identify environmental problems so that preventive measures can be

taken. The team of internal audit for environmental performance of an organization will include
Independent people and employees of the organization but not from the department, operating
unit or area which is being audited such as independent audit team, Employees, board members,

trustees, accounting officer, environmental specialist etc.

Employee of the organization from different department can also be taken as members of the
Internal auditing team as they are well aware about the organization and its different
departments, also the employees from different department or different operating unit will
remain unbiased and report it directly to the senior management of the organization.

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Board Members and Trustees

Board members and trustees are an integral and unbiased part of an organization. They are
supposed to be reporting directly to the board of director about the whole result of internal audit
and making policies and draw out quick solutions for the problems.

Environmental Specialist brings about the skills related to legal requirements and complex
methods of environmental performance indicators to the internal audit of environmental
performance of an organization. He would have the required expertise about the matter related to
audit the environmental performance of an organization and skills to interpret the data and make
an auditing report on it.

Questions I would ask if I am auditing an area and noticed a leaking drum of chemicals:

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 Who is the incharge of handling drums?

 Who is the manager of this department?

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 Why was the drum of chemical leaking?

 How harmful is the chemical?
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How can the chemical affect the process, machinery and environment of the
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 What steps could be taken to prevent this situation to ever happen again?
What necessary actions are to be taken in storing chemical drums?

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The written evidences that I would ask for in relation with the leaking drums would be:
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 Invoice of the chemical drums purchased.

 Written record of the incharge of chemical drums.
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 Storekeeper’s record of drums

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 Manager’s and supervisor’s check list and approvals


5. List three Measures you could take to address performance variances in your
environmental sustainability policy.

For each measure, indicate when this type of approach might be appropriate.

Modification or revision

If the targets are not met or the level of variance in performance is not acceptable within the
limits of the target, then there is a need to revise or modification in the targets.

 Make no changes

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If in the performance analysis it is found that the targets of environmental sustainability
policy is met or if there is a slight variance, which is within the acceptable limits, then there
is no need to make any changes.

 Identify and correct the cause of performance variance

If the variance in the performance of our environmental sustainability policy exists with the
limit of acceptability then the cause of variance should be identified and corrected.

6. Where can you gather information from to plan and develop your policy?

There are various sources from which we can gather information while drawing out
workplace sustainability plan and development of environmental policy. Some of these
sources are:

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 First and foremost, the vision and mission statement of the business organization is to

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be considered and the plans and policies regarding environmental sustainability are
developed on the basis of them.


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Other policies of the organization such as Workplace Health and Safety Policies,
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Waste Management Policies, Integrated Marketing Communication Policies Human
Resource management Policies of the business are used to gather information and
develop a plan according to them.

 Another source of Information gathering regarding the plan and development of

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policies are the legal aspect of the commonwealth, state and local level such as
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environmental laws, regulations, treaties and policies like National environment

protection council (Victoria) Act 1995, Environment Protection Act 1970, Hazardous
Waste Act 1989, Health Act 1958 etc.
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 Calculate payback and analysis of budget items is also helpful in gathering

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information for the same.


7. What continuous improvement strategies can you use to ensure your policy remains a

living document?

 Communication of policies:

One of the most important improvement strategies that can ensure that our policy remains
living document is communication of policies at the workplace by displaying it on notice
boards, publically advertising the policy, making it available to public on request etc

 Annual Sustainability events:

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In order to keep our policy a living document, annual sustainability events and seminars can
be organized in the organization.

 Setting Targets:

To keep the policies alive in documents we should set up some achievable targets for the
organization on the basis of our plans and policies related to environmental performance of
the business and evaluate that target by the end of a pre determined time frame.

 Setting up Accountability and Responsibility:

Setting up responsibility to keep the policies related to environment sustainability and

determining accountability for the same in an organization will keep the policies alive in

8. Why should you review your policy on a regular basis?

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It is very important to keep reviewing our plans and policies on regular basis because if we

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do not review and evaluate them from time to time we will not be able to track the actual
result of these changes made in the organization. While having a plan and policy in an

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organization is important, but it is equally important to know when to let go an unproductive
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plan or when to implement changes to a plan. Reviewing our policies and plan provides
insight for the same. Reviewing a policy also ensures that the details in the document are
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9. When would you need to modify a policy?

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In an organization, modification of a policy is important in order to achieve continuous

improvement in the result of policies and plans of the organization. When there are variations
in the desired objectives of the policies and actual result, we need to make necessary
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modifications in our policies to bridge that gap between the results.

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10. How should you develop Workplace Sustainability policy? List steps involved.

Steps involved in the development of Workplace Sustainability Policy are:

I. Define scope of environmental sustainability policy.

II. Gather information from various sources to plan and develop your policy

III. Identify best practice models and initiatives

IV. Internal Audit
V. Identify and consult stakeholders as a key component of the policy development

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VI. Including appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimizing
resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use, and employing
life cycle management approaches
VII. Developing policy that reflects the organization’s commitment to sustainability as
an integral part of the business planning and as a business opportunity.
VIII. Agreeing to appropriate methods of implementation

11. What should you do when trying to communicate the workplace sustainability policy to

When we are trying to communicate the workplace sustainability policies to others we must
make sure that the policies are clearly and precisely explained to others. Some of the ways
which can be used to communicate workplace sustainability policies to other are by making

use of public advertisements, notice boards, flyers, emails and meetings. Bringing

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stakeholders in confidence and listen to the policies and later asking for their feedback so that

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the policy can reach its full potential.

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12. What steps should you take to implement a workplace sustainability policy?

Steps involved in the implementation of workplace sustainability policy:

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I. Research
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II. Develop policy option to put in front of stakeholders

III. Deciding which stakeholder to involve in the process of consultation
IV. Organize policy document stakeholder workshop
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V. Develop a meeting agenda and run a stakeholder meeting

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VI. Develop and implement promotional strategy

13. What is the process involved when reviewing a workplace sustainability policy

The processes involved in reviewing Workplace Sustainability Policy implementation are as



I. Collection of appropriate data

II. Monitor the changes and development that occur in the company due to their

III. Analysis of interaction between policies and procedures
IV. Feedback for the policy
V. Non compliance and corrective actions
VI. Records

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VII. Management review

14. What is the purpose of the Victorian Environment Protection Act 1970?

The Victorian Environment Protection Act 1970 is framed to create a legal framework in order to
protect all the environmental factors in Victoria on the basis of principles related to
environmental framework.

The purpose of Victorian Environment Protection Act 1970 is:

 To decrease or reduce the harmful effects caused by pollution and waste materials on the
environment and human beings of Victoria.
 To respond and take actions on pollution incidences which include industrial spills,
floods, forest fire, and other natural disasters.

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 To provide a legislative framework in order to protect the environment in compliance

with the Environmental Protection Act 1970

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