Contributions of Islamic Civilization To The Mathematics Development

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Contributions of Islamic Civilization to The Mathematics Development

Article  in  Wawasan Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya · December 2017

DOI: 10.15575/jw.v2i2.1450


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2 authors, including:

Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)


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Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December): 199-208
ISSN 2502-3489 (online) ISSN 2527-3213 (print)



Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa’ Hussain

Pusat Pengajian Sains Matematik, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli

Departement of Social Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Nilai University, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

The development of Islamic civilization goes hand in hand with physical and spiritual development. This
development can be highlighted since the beginning of the golden age of Islam that witnessed the development of
knowledge by Muslims scholars in various disciplines, including mathematics. The discourse in mathematical
science only involves numbers, letters, and formulas. Muslims scholars took them as instruments to manifest the
greatest of God. This paper investigates the contributions of Muslim scholars in Mathematics. The method of this
study is qualitative through literature review. The resulting study found that the Quran became a source of
inspiration to Muslim scholars in mathematics that form the branch of knowledge such as number theory, arithmetic,
algebra, and geometry. This paper also promotes Islamization of Knowledge and its necessity to solve current
Muslim world‘s educational problems.

Islamic civilization; mathematic; history of mathematic
Perkembangan peradan Islam berjalan seiring dengan pembangunan fisik dan spiritual. Hal ini dapat diamati sejak
awal zaman keemasan Islam yang sedang mengalami perkembangan pengetahuan yang dikembangkan oleh para
cendekiawan muslim dalam berbagai disiplin keilmuan, termasuk matematika. Wacana para cendekiawan muslim
dalam ilmu matematika melibatkan berbagai nomor, huruf, dan formula, yang digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk
manifestasi pendekatan diri kepada Tuhan.Artikel ini berusaha membahas sumbangan para cendekiawan muslim
terhadap perkembangan ilmu Matematik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah bersifat kualitatif melalui
kajian literatur dan pendekatan sejarah. Hasil kajian ini menemukan bahwa Alquran menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi
para sarjana muslim dalam bidang matematik yang kemudian membentuk rumusan dalamdisiplin ilmu pengetahuan
ini seperti teori bilangan, aritmatika, aljabar, dan geometri. Artikel ini juga berusaha mempromosikan proses
Islamisasi pengetahuan dan pentingnya Islamisasi pengetahuan dalam menyelesaikan masalah pendidikan umat
Islam dewasa ini.

Kata Kunci:
Peradaban Islam; matematika; sejarah matematika

DOI: 10.15575/jw.v2i2.1450
Received: August 2017; Accepted: December 2017; Published: December 2017
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Contributions of Islamic Civilization to the Mathematics

A. INTRODUCTION simply take 100 percent the work from other

civilization. They did not stop with
Islam has its own golden history almost in
assimilation, but innovated and criticized
every sector of knowledge. The main theo-
those materials.5 Islamic mathematicians did
logical resource of Islam, al-Quran, also gives
far more than just copy Greek and Indian
the utmost emphasize on pursuing knowledge.
techniques – their additional researchers
Muslim scholars from the past were very
developed and systematized several fields of
much aware of this instruction given by Allah
mathematics.6 They absorbed Babylonian and
s.w.t and they were very much captivated onto
Greek astronomy and constructed large-scale
that. They developed many ideas and theories
astronomical observatories and made
in the field of knowledge. The glorious of
measurements against which predictions of
Islamic civilization era indicates the emergen-
Ptolemy could be checked. In the course of
ce of many Muslim scholars in various fields
their studies, they made several in-depth
particularly mathematics led by al-Khwarizmi
investigations in Geometry, Diophantine Ana-
(780-850), Thabit bin Qurrah (826–901), Abu
lysis, and Combinatory. Numbers, particularly
al-Karaji (953-1029), al-Hazen (965–1040),
numbers as used in algebra fascinated the
and Omar Khayyam (1048–1131).1 The deve-
Islamic mathematicians. Surely, if one mea-
lopment of Mathematical science is significant
sures Islamic mathematics against the anci-
in the reign of the Abbasid empire. In this
ents, it would be in algebra where their ori-
period, Islamic civilization forges a golden
ginality and depth is most clearly evident.7
age, particularly after the establishment of the
Rifaat Y.Ebied in his article entitled Arab
Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom) by caliph
and Islamic Contributions to European
Ma‘mun who ruled during 813-833, was
Civilization explains the field of Astronomy
destined to play a pivotal role in the develop-
and Chemistry is an early field of Science
ment of Mathematics.2
dominated by Muslims, so Muslims are keen
The Bayt al-Hikmah, which would last
to explore those fields from more Greek
more than 200 years, contained large-scale
civilization yet it is closely related to the skills
translation project of many ancient works from
and practical knowledge of life.8
Greek manuscripts which were obtained
Significantly, the study of astronomy is
through treaties. By the end of the 9th century,
necessary for the mastery of mathematical
the major works of the Greeks had been
knowledge that contributes to the commercial,
translated. In addition, they learned the mathe-
for example in measuring the time, rates and
matics of the Babylonians and the Hindus. 3
certain distance in determining the time of
Therefore, Morris Kline a Western scholar
denies the contribution of Muslims scholar in
mathematics and claimed the works were
taken from Hindus and Greek mathematics Ali Akbar Velayati, Ensiklopedia Islam & Iran:
before expending it to Europe.4 Criticizing Dinamika Budaya Dan Peradaban Islam Yang Hidup
(Bandung: Mizan, 2010), 121.
Kline‘s argument, the Muslims scholar not 6
Julian A. Smith, ―Arithmetic in Islamic
Mathematics,‖ in Encyclopaedia of the History of
Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western
Cultures (Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2008), 240,
M Wodzicki, ―Early History of Algebra: A doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4425-0_8445.
Sketch,‖ Math 160, 2005, 1-2. G. Donald Allen, ―The History of Mathematics,‖
M Wodzicki, ―Early History of Algebra.‖, 1. Texas A&M University Mathematics, accessed
Judith V Grabiner, ―The Centrality of Mathematics November 11, 2017,
in the History of Western Thought,‖ Mathematics len/masters/hist_frame.htm.
Magazine 61, no. 4 (October 1988): p.222, Rifaat Ebied, ―Arab and Islamic Contributions to
doi:10.2307/2689357. See also Wodzicki, ―Early European Civilization,‖ in Technology Tradition and
History of Algebra: A Sketch‖, 1. Survival: Aspects of Material Culture in the Middle
Morris Kline, Mathematics in Western Culture East and Central Asia, ed. Richard Tapper and Keith
(London: Oxford Press, 1953), 93. Mclachlan (London: Frank Cass, 2005), 15.

200 Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 199-208
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Perkembangan Ilmu Matematik dalam Sorotan Tamadun Islam

prayer and the date of the calendar. The com- explored, as could the place of instrument
bination of theoretical knowledge and the makers in the scientific and medical
proficiency of mastering astronomy in later communities.10
astronomical sciences developed in Spain fur- In addition, the foundations of mathema-
ther affects Europe. This is evidenced by the tical knowledge can be observed through the
use of certain phrases in English which are construction of Baghdad City on the order of
derived from Arabic, such as the Scorpion Caliph al-Mansur in 762 AD and completed in
(Scorpion) constellation is derived from the 766-767 AD. This round city has four entran-
word Acrab (from Arabic Aqrab); the flyer of ces through two layers of walls. From each
the phrase Altair (Arabic al-ta'ir), the tail (tail) entrance, there is an arcade path leading to the
of Deneb (Arabic dhanab), and the word city centre where the caliph's palace and the
zenith and nadir used until today is the mosque are located. Building materials are
contribution of Islamic scholars in Andalus, from burned bricks, gypsum plaster, mud-
Spain 9. brick, and wood. Some people are involved as
The Qur‘an, the sacred book of Islam, advisers to urban construction that are not
praised mathematic as an art close to God, necessarily led by an architect. For example,
while Astronomy and astrology were believed al-Hajjaj bin Artat was responsible for mana-
to be a pathway to discover God‘s will. The ging the city's structural and mosque cons-
word āḥād in the Qur'an is the first number, truction, while an engineer named Rabah was
one (1) as a symbol of the recitation of the responsible for building the city wall. On the
knowledge associated with the existence of plan of a compilation of the city, on the inside
God. Mathematics is a part of the essential of the wall is divided into four parts which
Islamic sciences in life. The tendency of each part is managed by a team consisting of
practising Islamic culture as a way of life an agent, vicar of vicar and architects 11.
affects the development of mathematical From the above-mentioned background, it
science in Islamic civilization. For example, in is important to highlight the contribution of
determining of Qibla direction, the faraid several Muslim scholars to knowledge produc-
knowledge (inheritance), Islamic art and cal- tions, especially in Mathematics. Until recent-
culating charity (zakat). ly, there is a few review has been made to
The history of astronomy and mathematics expose Muslim scholars influence in science.
in medieval Islamic society is in particular This article explores Muslim scholars invol-
need of a broader historical interpretation of ment in the development of Mathematics.
its development, for historians of Islamic
astronomy and mathematics have tended, even B. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
more than medical historians, to restrict them- 1. Muslim Scholars Involvement in The
selves to analysing the theoretical contents of Development in Mathematics
the extant texts. Further consideration must be a. Al-Khawarizmi>
given to the interaction of scientific intellec- Muh}ammad bin Mu>sa al-Khawarizmi> (780
tual traditions with technical problems, indus- – 850) as his name suggests, he or his family,
trial concerns and constraints, military require- came from Khorezm, a Persian town, today
ments, timekeeping needs, shifting imperatives
of public policy, and educational and religious
institutions. The role in society of astrono- 10
Emilie Savage-Smith, ―Gleanings from an
mers, astrologers, mathematicians, physicians, Arabist‘s Workshop: Current Trends in the Study of
and others learned in scientific matters, both Medieval Islamic Science and Medicine,‖ ISIS 79, no. 2
(June 1988), 248, doi:10.1086/354701.
within and outside the courts, could well be 11
Donald R Hill, ―Science and Technology in
Islamic Building Construction,‖ in Technology
Tradition and Survival: Aspects of Material Culture in
Ebied, ―Arab and Islamic Contributions to the Middle East and Central Asia, ed. Richard Tapper
European Civilization.‖, 15. and Keith Mclachlan (London: Frank Cass, 2005), 47.

Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 199-208 201
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Contributions of Islamic Civilization to the Mathematics

located in northern Uzbekistan. Latin trans- sense that it uses the two essential steps of
lation of his work al-Kitāb Limukhtaṣar fī mathematical induction. Nevertheless, this
Ḥisāb li Jabri wa al- Muqābalah (A com- is the first known proof. Al-Karaji‘s mathe-
pendium of Calculus of gebr and muqabala) matics, differ from other Arab mathema-
introduced into Mathematics the term algebra. tics, pointed to the direction of Renaissance
The first part of al-jabr is manual for solving mathematics.14
linear and quadratic equations. Therefore, he is
recognized as one of the greatest mathema- d. Ibn al-H}ayt}am
ticians ever lived. His name has been Abū Ja’far Muh}ammad ibn al-H}usay al-
immortalized in another term, algorithm, Khāzin (Latin Alhazen, 965–1040) was a
which attests to the influence of his lost work mathematician and astronomer who lived in
on the decimal representation of numbers and the early tenth century AD in Khorasān
arithmetic operations. The title of this work (Helaine Selin 2008). He was author of nume-
was Ḥisāb Li Hindi Calculus of the Hindus).12 rous works on optics, spherical geometry,
b. T}ābit bin Qurrah number theory (he is credited with discovering
T}ābit bin Qurrah (826–901) a native of Wilson‘s Theorem: ―for any prime p,
Harran, a town in Northern Syria is an author 1+(p−1)! is divisible by p” long before
of A Treatise On the Justification of the Wilson), and several other contributions 15.
Algebraic Problems by Geometric Proofs. He
studied number theory (he proved a theorem e. ’Umar al-Khayyam
providing a method for finding pairs of amica- ’Umar al-Khayyam (1048–1131) is a fa-
ble numbers); corrected an earlier translation mous Persian poet from Nishapur (born and
of the Elements 13. died there). He was equally celebrated as a
mathematician, particularly renowned for his
c. Abu> al-Karaji> study of cubic equation. During his stay in
Al-Karaji> (953–1029) a commentator of Samarkand (today Uzbekistan), he composed
Diophantus formulated the rules of multi- his most famous mathematical work: Treatise
plication of polynomials, important for later on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra 16.
Arabic ‗algebraists‘ (Wodzicki 2005). He gave He worked on the issues surrounding the
numerical solution to equations of the form parallel postulate.
ax2n +bxn = c (only positive roots were Using the quadrilateral, he discovered an
considered). He proved: approach to the investigation that became
standard. He discovered exactly what must be
13 +23 + ··· +103 = (1+2 + ··· +10)2 showed to prove the parallel postulate, and it
was upon these type of ideas that non-Eucli- such a way that it was extendable to dean geometry was discovered. Khayyam also
every integer. The proof is interesting in the argued that rational numbers should be
encompassed as numbers, departing from the
Greek tradition, whose influence was then and
12 was to remain a powerful force in mathe-
Khalid Al-Khateeb, "Science and Technology in
Islam." (Kuala Lumpur: University Malaysia, 2001), 12. matics and philosophy until the 19th century.
See Tahir Abdurrahman, Abubakar Abdul, and Auwal He also discovered methods of root extraction
Halabi, ―The Historical Contributions of Islamic to an arbitrarily high degree. He discovered
Civilization in Medical and Applied Sciences : A (in Algebra) a geometrical method to solve
Survey From the Muslims Product,‖ E-Journal of
Arabic Studies & Islamic Civilization 2, no. March
(2015), 43. See Also Raghib As-Sirjani, Sumbangan
Peradaban Islam Pada Dunia (Jakarta: Pustaka al- Allen, ―The History of Mathematics.‖
Kaustar, 2009), 347. Wodzicki, ―Early History of Algebra: A Sketch.‖,
Wodzicki, ―Early History of Algebra: A Sketch.‖ , 3.
2. Wodzicki, ―Early History of Algebra.‖, 3.

202 Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 199-208
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Perkembangan Ilmu Matematik dalam Sorotan Tamadun Islam

cubic equations by intersecting a parabola with Sharf al-Dīn al-Ṭu>sī, (1135–1213) is a

a circle but, at least in part, these methods had native of Tus, a town in north-eastern Persia.
been described by earlier authors such as Abu He left us a treatise on cubic equations which
al-Jud. To see the construction, consider the goes beyond what had been achieved by
circle and parabola Khayyam. He used a method of finding
approximate solutions which is essentially the
(x−a)2 +y2 = a2 +c2 Ruffini–Horner method.18 Let us consider his
analysis of the equation x3 + d = bx2. He began
Substitute and simplify to get by putting the equation into the form x2 (b – x)
= d. He then noted that the question of
y = x2 +bx+c; x(x3 −2bx2 −x−2cx−xb2 +2a−2cb),
whether the equation has a solution depends
which factored gives on whether the "function" on the left side
reaches the value d or not. To determine this,
x(x3 +2bx2 +(1+2c +b2)x +2cb−2a)=0. he needed to find a maximum value for the
So, the intersection x is the solution of the Although he did not tell us how he did so,
cubic: he claimed and then proved that the maximum
value occurs when x = 2b/3, which in fact gave
x3 +2bx2 +(1 +2c+b2)x+2cb−2a. the functional value 4b3/27. Thus Sharaf al-Din
could now claim that if this value is less than
Khayyam was an outstanding mathemati-
d, there are no (positive) solutions; if it is
cian and astronomer. His work on algebra was
equal to d, there is one solution at x = 2b/3,
known throughout Europe in the Middle Ages,
and if it is greater than d, there are two
and he also contributed to a calendar reform.
solutions, one between 0 and 2b/3 and one
Khayyam refers in his al-jabr book to another
between 2b/3 and b. Sharaf al-Din still could
work of his which is now lost. In that lost
not figure out an algorithm to determine these
work, Khayyam discusses Pascal‘s triangle but
solutions, but at least he knew the basic
the Chinese may have discussed triangle
conditions on whether the solutions existed.
slightly before this date. The algebra of
Unfortunately, his work was not developed
Khayyam is geometrical, solving linear and
further, either in Islam or later in Europe. So
quadratic equations by methods appearing in
an attempt in Islam to formulate "functions"
Euclid‘s Elements.
ultimately got nowhere. One of the reasons,
Khayyam also gave important results on
perhaps, is that Sharaf used no symbols – and
ratios giving a new definition and extending
dealing with functions without symbols is
Euclid‘s work to include the multiplication of
very difficult 19.
ratios. He poses the question of whether a ratio
There are many new theory found and
can be regarded as a number but leaves the
developed by Islamic scholars in mathematics,
question unanswered. Khayyam‘s fame as a
such as number theory, arithmetic, algebra and
poet has caused some to forget his scientific
achievements which were much more
substantial. Versions of the forms and verses
used in the Rubaiyat existed in Persian
literature before Khayyam, and few of its
verses can be attributed to him with
f. Sharf al-Dīn al-Ṭu>sī 18
Wodzicki, ―Early History of Algebra.‖, 4.
Victor J. Katz and Bill Barton, ―Stages in the
History of Algebra with Implications for Teaching,‖
Educational Studies in Mathematics 66, no. 2
(September 2007), p.192, doi:10.1007/s10649-006-
Allen, ―The History of Mathematics.‖ 9023-7.

Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 199-208 203
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Contributions of Islamic Civilization to the Mathematics

2. Contributions Muslim Scholars Invol- indicates some use of the geometric back-
vement in The Development in ground.21
Mathematics Other differences with his Babylonian
a. Number theory predecessors, al-Khwarizmi> virtually always
The nine Sanskrit characters found in the presents abstract problems, rather than pro-
Indian astronomical book Sindhinda (Sindh- blems dealing with lengths and widths. Most
nata) have had a lot of impact on the develop- of the problems, in fact, are similar to this one:
ment of the number system used today around I have divided ten into two parts, and
the world. In the 9th century, al-Khwarizmi having multiplied each part by itself, I have
used it as a place value in a system of 10, also put them together, and have added to them
known as the Indian system, as well as altering the difference of the two parts previously to
the symbols of sunya as sifr (zero) meaning their multiplication, and the amount of all
empty. This number system was later modified this is fifty-four.
by the Islamic mathematical scholar in Spain The equation translating this problem is (10
by creating the second version of the symbols – x)2 + x2 + (10 – x) – x = 54. Al-Khawarizmi>
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0, also known as the reduces this to x2 + 28 = 11x and then solves
Arabic-Spanish system, also known as the al according to his algorithm. Al-Khawarizmi>
system al-ghubar. Then it was brought to does, however, have one or two other types of
Europe by the name of the gobar system or problems:
Ghuber Numerals and spread throughout You divide one dirham among a certain
through the Spanish Islamic study centre, number of men, which number is ‗thing.‘
while the eastern part of the Islamic region Now you add one man more to them, and
remained in its original symbols until now.20 divide again one dirham among them; the
quota of each is then one-sixth of a dirham
b. Quadratic Equations less than at the first time.
Al-Khawarizmi> classifies equations into six Al-Khawarizmi> describes how to translate
types, three of which are mixed quadratic this problem into the equation x2 + x = 6; he
equations. For each type, he presents an can then use one of his algorithms to find that
algorithm for its solution. For example, to x = 2.
solve the quadratic equation of the type Algebra has now moved decisively from
―squares and numbers equal to roots‖ (x2 + x = the original geometric stage to the static
bx), al-Khawarizmi> tells his readers to take equation-solving stage. Al-Khawarizmi> want-
half the number of ‗things‘, square it, subtract ed to solve equations. And an equation has
the constant, find the square root and then add one or two numerical answers. His successors
it to or subtract it from the half the roots in the Islamic world do much the same thing.
already found. As in Babylonian times 28 They set up quadratic equations to solve and
centuries earlier, the algorithm is entirely then solve them by an algorithm to get one or
verbal. There are no symbols. Having written two answers. You may notice that I am only
down an algorithm, al-Khawarizmi> justifies it talking here about quadratic equations. Surely,
using a ―cut-and-paste‖ geometry, very much Islamic mathematicians solved linear equa-
like the Babylonians. But once the justifi- tions.22
cations are dispensed with, al-Khwarizmi only
expects the reader to use the appropriate
algorithm. This is different from the Babylo- 21
nian procedure, in which each problem Victor J. Katz and Bill Barton, ―Stages in the
History of Algebra with Implications for Teaching,‖
Educational Studies in Mathematics 66, no. 2
(September 2007), 191, doi:10.1007/s10649-006-9023-
Victor J. Katz and Bill Barton, ―Stages in the
Smith, ―Arithmetic in Islamic Mathematics.‖, 241. History of Algebra with Implications for Teaching.‖

204 Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 199-208
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Perkembangan Ilmu Matematik dalam Sorotan Tamadun Islam

In his al-jabr, al-Khawarizmi> has nume- ¼ z 3 did not have a solution in positive
rous problems solvable by linear equations, integers, but he was unable to give a correct
mostly in his section on inheritance problems. proof. He also worked on the isoperimetric
But to a large extent, solved linear equations problem, and he wrote a commentary to Book
was part of what we would call arithmetic, not X of Euclid‘s Elements.23
algebra. That is, the basic ideas were part of According to Galileo Galilei in his work
proportion theory, an arithmetical concept. Saggiatore states that "the universe is written
Over the next few centuries, Islamic mathe- in mathematical language and the letters are
maticians worked out various ideas in algebra. triangles, circles and other geometrical
They developed all the procedures of shapes".24
polynomial algebra, including the rules of Geometry from a language angle is taken
exponents, both positive and negative, and the from the Greek word, geo, which means the
procedures for dividing as well as multiplying earth and metric, which means measure. In
polynomials. Yet the goal of these mani- terms of science, geometry is the science that
pulations was to solve equations, and since the studies things in relation to magnitude and
Islamic mathematicians could not solve equa- space properties.25 The application of geo-
tions of degree higher than two by an algo- metric concepts can be seen through intimate
rithm, they developed two alternative interaction with art in the production of the
methods. First, there was a return to geometry, Egyptian pyramids, Parthenon and Colosseum
but a more sophisticated geometry than monuments in ancient Egypt and ancient
Euclid's. ’Umar Khayyam found a way to Greece. The result of geometric forms is able
solve cubic equations by determining the to produce complex and compelling forms and
intersection of particular conic sections. A complex patterns.26
second alternative, and one that was certainly This era also includes numerous career and
more useful, was to determine numerical ways trade professions including architects, engi-
of approximating the solution, ways closely neers, surveyors, development experts, en-
related to what has become known as the trants, carpenters, masons, archaeologists and
Horner method. Still, of course, the idea was labourers. Thousands of workers are given and
to find a single answer (or maybe two or three) managed by organizations that oversee
(Katz & Barton 2007). modern development projects. One of the
phrases used for modern Arabic engineers is
c. Geometry muḥandis. It is derived from the root word
In mathematics, Abū Ja’far al-Khāzin is ḥandasa which refers to the meaning of
mainly known because he was the first to engineering or geometry. This shows that the
realize that a cubic equation could be solved most important science used by Islamic
geometrically by means of conic sections. Al- architects is the science of geometry which is
Māhānī (ca. AD 850) had shown that an
auxiliary problem in Archimedes‘ On the
Sphere and Cylinder, which Archimedes had 23
left unsolved. Abū Ja‘far knew the Jan P. Hogendijk, ―Abū Ja‘far Al-Khāzin,‖ in
Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology,
commentary to Archimedes‘ work by Eutocius and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (Dordrecht:
of Ascalon (fifth century AD), in which Springer Netherlands, 2016), 241, doi:10.1007/978-94-
Eutocius discusses a solution of the same 007-7747-7_9197.
auxiliary problem by means of conic sections. Ahmad Ashraf Ahmad Shaharudin, ―Matematik
Abū Ja‘far drew the conclusion that the Dan Seni,‖ Menemui Matematik 33, no. 2 (2011), 31.
Frank J. Swetz, ―Geometry,‖ in Encyclopaedia of
equation x3 þ c ¼ ax 2 could also be solved by the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in
means of conic sections. Abū Ja‘far also Non-Western Cultures (Springer, Dordrecht, 2016),
studied a number of other mathematical 1000, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7747-7_8615.
problems. He stated that the equation x 3 þ y 3 Ahmad Ashraf Ahmad Shaharudin, ―Matematik
Dan Seni,‖ Menemui Matematik 33, no. 2 (2011), 31.

Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 199-208 205
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Contributions of Islamic Civilization to the Mathematics

a branch of mathematical science. The compo- on verses of the Qur'an which indicate the
nents of the medieval stone building consist of greatness of Allah. Among them is the
3 main elements: gates, poles and walls. While calculation of the day and year as in the
the roof is made of wood or stone. All building Quran:
elements cannot be linked to mathematical
analysis until the 19th century. An analysis of        
the gates involved complex mathematics, but
medieval architects succeeded in establishing       
it. This is because they have empirical know-
ledge of the materials and forms that exist so
they are able to translate the idea of the         
The 10th century witnessed the excellence
   
of Ghyas al-di>n Abu al-Fa>tih Ibn Ibrahi>m al-
Khayyam or better known as ‗Umar Khayyam
who succeeded in attracting the attention of He will say: How many years did you tarry
Sultan Malik Syah and was given great in the earth? They will say: We tarried a
funding for deep research in mathematics and day or part of a day, but ask those who
astronomy. He proved that a geometric keep account. He will say: You did tarry
problem can be solved by some algebraic but a little-- had you but known (it). (Quran
functions by introducing a partial equation. In 23: 112-114)
addition, he also defines and co-ordinates
coordinate geometry in the plane when making While fractions and decimal numbers are
an analytic on cone cuttings, including ellip- the result of Muslim scholars who take the
ses, circles, parabolic and hyperbole for idea of the Quran verses:
solving cubic equations.28 Subsequently, geo-
metric knowledge continues to evolve with a        
deeper study in the construction of polygons
that have n boundaries in the 12th century.
Among the geometrics involved in the study        
are al-Maha>ni, Abu al-Ju>d and Ibn al-Hayt}am.
Meanwhile, al-Kindi> develops a geometric          
sphere that touches on the concept of modern
topology, which is how the sphere can be as
horizontal loops in homeomorphism. 29         

3. The Quran as The Inspiration of Muslim        
Scholars in Mathematics
The discovery of al-Khwarizmi on arith-
metic is a result of the outcome of his analyses         

    
Donald R Hill, ―Science and Technology in
Islamic Building Construction,‖ in Technology
They ask you for a decision of the law. Say:
Tradition and Survival: Aspects of Material Culture in
the Middle East and Central Asia, ed. Richard Tapper Allah gives you a decision concerning the
and Keith Mclachlan (London: Frank Cass, 2005), 47. person who has neither parents nor
J.L. Berggren, Episodes in the Mathematics of offspring; if a man dies (and) he has no son
Medieval Islam (New York: Springer, 2003), 12. and he has a sister, she shall have half of
Randy K Schwartz, ―Islam & Mathematics: A
what he leaves, and he shall be her heir she
Hidden History,‖ 2014, 10.

206 Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya 2, 2 (December 2017): 199-208
Liya Khaulah Asy-Syaimaa‘ Hussain, Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Perkembangan Ilmu Matematik dalam Sorotan Tamadun Islam

has no son; but if there be two (sisters), C. CONCLUSION

they shall have two-thirds of what he The development of mathematical know-
leaves; and if there are brethren, men and ledge in the highlights of Islamic civilization
women, then the male shall have the like of as early as the 9th century through the 12th
the portion of two females; Allah makes century saw the emergence of various scholars
clear to you, lest you err; and Allah knows and new knowledge that became the
all things. (Quran 4: 176) cornerstone of modern mathematical science
Thus Quranic rules for distribution of today. There are certain names to be
estates of a deceased Muslim to various rela- considered as giving significant contributions
tives, are complicated and their application to science, especially Mathematics. They are
calls for some skills in arithmetic and al-Khawarizmi>, T{ābit bin Qurrah, Al-Karaji,
algebraic equations.30 Ibn H{ayt}am, ‘Umar Khayyam, and Sharf al-
Al-H{asan Abu> Kamal has used fractions Dīn al-Ṭu>sī to name a few of them. Undoub-
and decimal numbers to write and its tedly the process of integration of knowledge
discovery was popularized in the West by with other civilizations such as Greece and
Abraham Ben Reza and Fibonacci through the India, is significant. However, Islam teaches
17th century gold ratio. In its emphasis on its followers that wisdom is the property of the
learning, Islam began to fill a chasm that had believer. Hence wherever they find it, they are
been widening in the world of the 7th century. more entitled to take it. In addition, the
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intellectual and cultural fervor. The Qur‘an scholars in developing it, in accordance with
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