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Beautiful is a very versatile word, has many different meanings but someone who is

truly beautiful must be beautiful internally and externally. To me beautiful people are
made up of many people. Physical beauty is a contribution but it is not the main thing.
A beautiful person must be someone who is beautiful mostly from within. The way
you think, the character and what you like is what makes you beautiful. There are
many ways to define beauty, but I think society plays a big role in how beauty is
portrayed to a person.
Furthermore, a beautiful person is one who knows what they are worth. In fact,
qualities that beautiful people have are kindness, honesty, respect, confidence,
generosity, positivity, and willingness to help others when they are in need. What
make a person beautiful is how they treat people, their poise, and how they give back
to the community. This is someone who views himself or herself as a worthy person
without looking down on others or comparing themselves with others.
Subsequently, what makes a person beautiful is someone who have genuinely good
character . I value virtues more than vices. This traits include integrity, generosity,
compassion, empathy, sympathy, kindness and loving. Such a kind of person is easy
to live with and makes every tough situation and problems seem lighter.
In addition, a beautiful person is also a smart person. I'm not only talking book
smart here! It is every form of intelligence you can think of. Wanting to learn
something new everyday is invaluable. There is nothing more natural than having a
good, quality conversation with people around you.
Next, what makes a person beautiful is if he or she is someone who speaks honestly.
This is a quality that only you can attain on your own. Being honest is one of the most
important qualities in every relationship. People get confused on when to be honest
and when to lie. The best answer is naturally to always be honest. Don't just say what
you think people want to hear. Be your own person, say what you want to say when
you want to say it.
Finally, a person will be more beautiful when he or she is a self -confident person.
Confidence is something that can't be taught. Only you, yourself, can feel it. When
you are confident you are not constantly looking for the approval of others. You are
proud of who you are and what you do. This can be both physically and mentally! If
you want to tell your friend that you have a different opinion about something then
you say it.
In conclusion, everyone is really beautiful if you just be yourself. Don't try to be
like everyone else. Being different is a good thing! It was an exhilarating thing. Being
a leader is always better than being a follower.

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