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__ENVS 1301 Discussion Forum Unit 2 Solution 13

1. Which biodiversity hotspot did you choose to write about?


2. Where is it located?
Madagascar is in the Indian Ocean

3. What are two important species (give common and scientific names) that live there? Why are they
Most of the plant and animal life in this region is not found anywhere else in the world. They are unique
to this environment. The most interesting mammals in this region are the lemurs. Within lemurs, there
are a couple of diverse varieties. There is the Endangered Berthe's mouse lemur (Microcebus berthae),
which weighs just 30 grams and another variety is the Endangered aye-aye (Daubentonia

madagascariensis), which has huge ears and steadily growing incisors.

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The other species are the bats found in this hotspot. There is the Critically Endangered Livingstone flying

fox (Pteropus livingstonii), whose wingspan reach around for 1 meter.

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I think they are important as the earth has a specific purpose for its existence for that particular

environment. Whenever there are any ecological changes, it affects the environment and the existing
ecosystem. rs e
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4. What is one endangered species (give common and scientific name) that lives there? Why is it

I don’t think there is one specific thing that is endangered. There is one amazing species of fish that is
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Critically Endangered coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae). The beauty of this fish is its morphology has
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changed very little over the past 350 million years which has earned the nickname "living fossil." It is
endangered because of the changing climatic and environmental conditions.
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5. List three other interesting facts that you have learned about this place.
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Madagascar, due to its location in the Indian Ocean, has remarkable biodiversity and high rates of
endemic species. It has more than 200,000 known species out which around more than 80 percent do
not exist anywhere else.
The country is known for its rich native flora, with around 90 percent of vascular plants found only on
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the island. There are over 11,200 species of vascular plants known to occur in Madagascar and at least

2,500 species is yet to be discovered or described.

The region is home to 457 species of reptiles, of which 96 percent are endemic. Some groups have
already experienced a high extinction rate, including the giant tortoise, of which only the Aldabra
tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea), listed as Vulnerable exists today.

6. List one thing you feel could be done to help save it.
I believe the most important thing is education. The younger generation should be taught about
preserving the environment in terms of recycling and less wastage in order to save it for the future
generation. I also think the rich countries and the foundations should help to find alternate means of
preserving the forest and along with it the rich diverse plant and animal life.

Butler, R. (2014, July 9). Madagascar. Retrieved from

Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands - Species. Retrieved from


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